Did Obama Steal The Election In 08'?

Did Obama Steal The 08' Election

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No. He didn't steal the election.

He just bamboozled loads of voters into thinking he was a moderate and if they voted for him DC would be changed, all our enemies would love us and oh yes, he could part the Red Sea. LOL

They actually bought into his Hope and Change message.

Some folks are so gullible. Jeeze.

Yea, we should have stuck with killing, torture and destruction...
Osama bin bama was "sElected" like all pResidents the last 30 or so years.
He doesn't run the show. He's just someone for murkins to listen to once in a while.
No. He didn't steal the election.

He just bamboozled loads of voters into thinking he was a moderate and if they voted for him DC would be changed, all our enemies would love us and oh yes, he could part the Red Sea. LOL

They actually bought into his Hope and Change message.

Some folks are so gullible. Jeeze.

Yea, we should have stuck with killing, torture and destruction...

Seems like we did.
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No. He didn't steal the election.

He just bamboozled loads of voters into thinking he was a moderate and if they voted for him DC would be changed, all our enemies would love us and oh yes, he could part the Red Sea. LOL

They actually bought into his Hope and Change message.

Some folks are so gullible. Jeeze.

Yea, we should have stuck with killing, torture and destruction...


Not much has changed since Bush left. LOL
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no on election

primaries, i don't know, way too many allegations, however, nothing has ever come of it and really that is a democratic issue
The Clintons seem to feel he did during the primaries and ACORN which now calls itself something else is now in the White House. Andy Stern leader of the SEIU reports directly to Obama now as part of his staff.

All of those reports of voter registration fraud and of course the voter intimidation charges being dropped by the DOJ pretty much tells us where this Administration's priorities are.

Yes he did. The superdelegates on the left voted against their constituents and gave Obama the Democratic Primary when Hillary won the popular vote. It was stolen then and there, and the Hillary supporters who got treated like they were Republicans by the Obama supporters fell right in line to vote for the (D).

He stole the election THEN. McCain was a boob no one but neocons would support and he would have lost regardless. That's why the MSM chose him. You don't make a name bucking your own party then expect it to support you.
Yes he did. The superdelegates on the left voted against their constituents and gave Obama the Democratic Primary when Hillary won the popular vote. It was stolen then and there, and the Hillary supporters who got treated like they were Republicans by the Obama supporters fell right in line to vote for the (D).

He stole the election THEN. McCain was a boob no one but neocons would support and he would have lost regardless. That's why the MSM chose him. You don't make a name bucking your own party then expect it to support you.

Not that I agree with you, but using your example, he stole the primary and not the election. :eusa_whistle:
The Clintons seem to feel he did during the primaries and ACORN which now calls itself something else is now in the White House. Andy Stern leader of the SEIU reports directly to Obama now as part of his staff.

All of those reports of voter registration fraud and of course the voter intimidation charges being dropped by the DOJ pretty much tells us where this Administration's priorities are.

Yes he did. The superdelegates on the left voted against their constituents and gave Obama the Democratic Primary when Hillary won the popular vote. It was stolen then and there, and the Hillary supporters who got treated like they were Republicans by the Obama supporters fell right in line to vote for the (D).

He stole the election THEN. McCain was a boob no one but neocons would support and he would have lost regardless. That's why the MSM chose him. You don't make a name bucking your own party then expect it to support you.

It's not "stealing" if no laws were broken. Superdelegates are allowed to vote for whoever they like - they're not the slightest bit bound to how their states vote.

Hence the "super" part of "superdelegate".
Obama didn't have to steal anything. McCain gave away that election when he took on Miss Wasilla as his running mate.
It was horrible when he took our guns away like the Right predicted he would.

Well he did sign some gun legislation since taking office.

Obama Signs Credit Card Bill - CBS News

Obama did not, however, celebrate a gun amendment included in the legislation. The measure by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., allows people to bring loaded guns into national parks and wildlife refuges.

The addition of the amendment to the bill and Obama's acceptance of it was viewed as a bitter disappointment for gun-control advocates.

They watched gun-rights supporters gain a victory from a Democratic-controlled Congress and a Democratic president that they couldn't achieve under a Republican Congress and president. Many blamed the National Rifle Association, which pushed hard for the gun law.

Such a Anti-Gun President.
No. If it had been an election decided by just one state, like 2000 or 2004, you might have some grounds to complain. Stealing the 2008 election requires a conspiracy the size of the illuminati... which is completely unnecessary when Mr. Bush was willing to hand it over to Obama with a bow on top.
The Clintons seem to feel he did during the primaries and ACORN which now calls itself something else is now in the White House. Andy Stern leader of the SEIU reports directly to Obama now as part of his staff.

All of those reports of voter registration fraud and of course the voter intimidation charges being dropped by the DOJ pretty much tells us where this Administration's priorities are.

You sound like beck. NO proof, just questions. I love it.
You have to admit Dems that the Media was heavily behind Obama for President.

You guys say it over and over...how fox is beating everyone in the ratings...

Uh, fox was for obama? YOu do ralize Hannity's show started with the words, "the stop obama express" dont you? ARe you serious. I havent seen this crap in a while..hey man, its the liberal media man....

You have to admit Dems that the Media was heavily behind Obama for President.

You guys say it over and over...how fox is beating everyone in the ratings...

Uh, fox was for obama? YOu do ralize Hannity's show started with the words, "the stop obama express" dont you? ARe you serious. I havent seen this crap in a while..hey man, its the liberal media man....


keep burying your head

McCain found to get more bad press
CAMPAIGN '08: THE MEDIAOctober 23, 2008|James Rainey, Rainey is a Times staff writer.Media coverage of the presidential race has not always been glowing for Barack Obama, but it has clearly been negative for John McCain, according to a survey of newspaper, Internet and television news since the political conventions.

Slightly fewer than a third of the stories about Obama were negative, whereas more than a third were positive and about the same number were neutral or mixed. More than half of the stories about McCain cast him in a negative light, whereas fewer than 2 in 10 were positive, according to Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism.

McCain found to get more bad press - Los Angeles Times
No. He didn't steal the election.

He just bamboozled loads of voters into thinking he was a moderate and if they voted for him DC would be changed, all our enemies would love us and oh yes, he could part the Red Sea. LOL

They actually bought into his Hope and Change message.

Some folks are so gullible. Jeeze.

Yea, we should have stuck with killing, torture and destruction...


Not much has changed since Bush left. LOL

We were losing 700 thousand jobs a month...700 hundred thousand....

WE were almost in another depression....

Are you serious?

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