Did Obama Steal The Election In 08'?

Did Obama Steal The 08' Election

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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Clintons seem to feel he did during the primaries and ACORN which now calls itself something else is now in the White House. Andy Stern leader of the SEIU reports directly to Obama now as part of his staff.

All of those reports of voter registration fraud and of course the voter intimidation charges being dropped by the DOJ pretty much tells us where this Administration's priorities are.
This is be a big issue when Hillary challenges him in 2012. She's going to insist on Voter ID so people only vote once and will ask the US Marshalls to keep the Black Panthers from intimidating voters in minority polling places
You mean the electoral landslide? No.

Or the way he squeaked by in the primaries.

I think there is a definite fear that he's gonna try to steal another in 2012.

nah, i think it is pretty clear that obongo will declair marshall law as an october surprise. but if it will be oct.2010 or oct. 2012, i cannot tell.
You mean the electoral landslide? No.

Or the way he squeaked by in the primaries.

I think there is a definite fear that he's gonna try to steal another in 2012.

That was a squeaker in the primaries but his campaign stops were simply amazing. I went to one of Hillary's and it was about 5,000 strong. His were in the hundred thousand range.

It was a good race between the two of them, fantastic debates.
You mean the electoral landslide? No.

Or the way he squeaked by in the primaries.

I think there is a definite fear that he's gonna try to steal another in 2012.

That was a squeaker in the primaries but his campaign stops were simply amazing. I went to one of Hillary's and it was about 5,000 strong. His were in the hundred thousand range.

It was a good race between the two of them, fantastic debates.

Unfortunately whatever Obama had to say turned out to be BS.

Let me ask you this....has Obama actually brought the kind of change he promised?
yes, republiKlans were dumb enough to lose to a community organizing Kenyan. Get your act together neoconvicts.
Or the way he squeaked by in the primaries.

I think there is a definite fear that he's gonna try to steal another in 2012.

That was a squeaker in the primaries but his campaign stops were simply amazing. I went to one of Hillary's and it was about 5,000 strong. His were in the hundred thousand range.

It was a good race between the two of them, fantastic debates.

Unfortunately whatever Obama had to say turned out to be BS.

Let me ask you this....has Obama actually brought the kind of change he promised?

Yes, if he didn't, why are repubs talking about repealing Healthcare and financial reform. Republicans failed to have any policy at all.
That was a squeaker in the primaries but his campaign stops were simply amazing. I went to one of Hillary's and it was about 5,000 strong. His were in the hundred thousand range.

It was a good race between the two of them, fantastic debates.

Unfortunately whatever Obama had to say turned out to be BS.

Let me ask you this....has Obama actually brought the kind of change he promised?

Yes, if he didn't, why are repubs talking about repealing Healthcare and financial reform. Republicans failed to have any policy at all.

I see you voted in this thread, why not the others? You opinioned that Bush stole the elections but refused to vote.
That was a squeaker in the primaries but his campaign stops were simply amazing. I went to one of Hillary's and it was about 5,000 strong. His were in the hundred thousand range.

It was a good race between the two of them, fantastic debates.

Unfortunately whatever Obama had to say turned out to be BS.

Let me ask you this....has Obama actually brought the kind of change he promised?

Yes, if he didn't, why are repubs talking about repealing Healthcare and financial reform. Republicans failed to have any policy at all.

They have a policy...you just aren't looking for it. Health Care - GOP Solutions for America - GOP.gov
There is no way a mix bred black, muslim, marxist, Kenyan born, anti-white, American hating teleprompter reader could have been elected in this country.

It had to be fixed....Damned ACORN!
The Clintons seem to feel he did during the primaries and ACORN which now calls itself something else is now in the White House. Andy Stern leader of the SEIU reports directly to Obama now as part of his staff.

All of those reports of voter registration fraud and of course the voter intimidation charges being dropped by the DOJ pretty much tells us where this Administration's priorities are.

Other than the fact there were 0 cases of 'voter' fraud attributed to ACORN and the Bush DOJ dropped the voter intimidation charges?

Looks like the daily pea brain convention...
Mcain is old, I like to call him Mcfossil. But still, he couldn't be a kenyan community orgaizer. And the RepuliKlans think the best thing to do is roll out some retread who lost to Mcfossil. Ok this is setting up to be USC vs Ar-Kansas
No. He didn't steal the election.

He just bamboozled loads of voters into thinking he was a moderate and if they voted for him DC would be changed, all our enemies would love us and oh yes, he could part the Red Sea. LOL

They actually bought into his Hope and Change message.

Some folks are so gullible. Jeeze.
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