Did Jesus commit treason against the liberal state?

You're actually going to try to tell us that Rome invented Liberalism now?

dear, huge liberal central govt existed long before Rome. Jesus made the individual important and not merely a servant of central govt. You might say that is when civilization began.
Jesus healed the sick for free. Jesus fed the hungry multitudes for free. Jesus died for your sins - also for free. Sounds completely antithetical to the everything for a buck conservative capitalists.

too stupid by 1000%. dear, among humans nothing is for free. To a liberal for free means stealing the money from one guy and freely giving to the other guy and congratulating yourself that you are morally siperior for being a thief!
Would conservatives heal the sick for free? They say "let him die".
Would conservatives feed the hungry. No. That would encourage them to breed.
Would conservatives uplift the downtrodden? No. That would be a disincentive for them to better their own lives.

Jesus wasn't a conservative. Rome and Judea were not liberal.
Why does everyone think socialist means stealing from one to give to another? It should and does mean EVERYONE working together to help each other.
The Gospel writers were careful to explain that Jesus never broke any Roman or Judaic law. The Pharisees tried many times to trap Jesus into saying or doing something that would break the law, but he always figured a way out.

Jesus got an unfair trial before the Sanhedrin, where the witnesses had no real evidence, but he was convicted any way.

Jesus got an unfair trial before Pontius Pilate, where he was found completely innocent, but was condemned to death just the same.

If Jesus wasn't totally innocent of all wrongdoing, his sacrifice would not have been pure.

A man who deserved crucifixion could not have redeemed mankind, only an innocent man could do that.
Why does everyone think socialist means stealing from one to give to another? It should and does mean EVERYONE working together to help each other.
Looks good on paper.

Hardly ever works that way in the Real World, however.
Why is this in Politics?

Why does everyone think socialist means stealing from one to give to another? It should and does mean EVERYONE working together to help each other.

too stupid of course since if everyone is putting his output in a common pot no one has an incentive to work hard.

Now you know how Stalin and Mao slowly starved 120 million to death. Do you understand??
Why does everyone think socialist means stealing from one to give to another? It should and does mean EVERYONE working together to help each other.
Looks good on paper.

Hardly ever works that way in the Real World, however.

Actually, its the only thing that does work.

Or do you build and maintain your own roads?

too stupid no one claims that public roads make a country socialist.
. It's just conservative folks like you that put a price on everything.

so then can the liberal fool tell us health care can be free, with no price??

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?? Is any other conclusion possible??
. It's just conservative folks like you that put a price on everything.

so then can the liberal fool tell us health care can be free, with no price??

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?? Is any other conclusion possible??
Did Jesus charge anything for healing the sick? No, and that's treason against the capitalist, profit driven, conservative ideal.

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