Destroy President Elect Trump @ All Cost


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Coulter: How the Establishment Will Try to Destroy Trump
There's a long and tragic history of Republicans who won the war but lost the peace by trading results for respectability.
Ann Coulter

Shortly before Thanksgiving, New York Times columnist Frank Bruni wrote a column that should chill you to the bone.

Titled "Donald Trump's Demand for Love," Bruni said: "I had just shaken the president-elect's normal-size hand and he was moving on to the next person when he wheeled around, took a half step back, touched my arm and looked me in the eye anew. 'I'm going to get you to write some good stuff about me,' Donald Trump said.”

Bruni is a fabulous writer, but if he ever writes good stuff about you, Mr. President-elect, YOU WILL HAVE FAILED.

I assume this was just our president-elect doing something he gets the least credit for, which is being nice. But you can never be too careful.

The Times is in total opposition to Trump's stated goal to make America great again. Trump has got to know -- not next year, but by 5 p.m. today -- that anyone pursuing his agenda will incite rage, insanity and spitting blood from that newspaper.


Trump has just annihilated 16 far more experienced Republican rivals, the Clinton machine and the entire media/Hollywood/Wall Street complex by raising the one issue no other politician would touch: putting America's interests first on immigration

What promise do you think they want Trump to break?

Luckily for the country, Trump doesn't seem obsessed with what the elites think of him
. But his advisers include just the type of Republicans whose second-tier law schools make them particularly susceptible to the cheap respectability of establishment media approval.


Trump is down to his last wish from Aladdin. He can impress The New York Times, or he can make America great again. But he can't do both.

Coulter: How the Establishment Will Try to Destroy Trump

Michael Moore: 'Disrupt the Inauguration'

"Let it happen behind closed doors"
Paul Bois

Left-wing propagandist Michael Moore has called on his followers to "disrupt the inauguration" of President-elect Donald Trump.

"Disrupt the Inauguration. The Majority have spoken – by nearly 2.7 million votes & counting! Silence is not an option," Moore tweeted Wednesday morning to his three million Twitter followers.


The Fahrenheit 9/11 director's tweet linked to a webpage for DisruptJ20, which calls for a "a bold mobilization against the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017."

"We call on all people of good conscience to join in disrupting the ceremonies," the website reads. "If Trump is to be inaugurated at all, let it happen behind closed doors, showing the true face of the security state Trump will preside over. It must be made clear to the whole world that the vast majority of people in the United States do not support his presidency or consent to his rule."

If people should somehow be unable to make it to D.C. to protest alongside their comrades on inauguration day, DisruptJ20 advises they "take to the streets wherever you are."


Michael Moore: 'Disrupt the Inauguration'

Sponsored by George Soros

TIME Names Donald Trump 2016 Person of the Year ... With Disparaging Feature Story
It's a far cry from the fawning feature the same author did on Obama.
Tiffany Gabbay

Well, well. A Republican made it to the top of TIME Magazine's iconic "Person of the Year" ranking. President-Elect Trump adorns the outlet's latest cover with a photo that projects strength... and his back turned to the reader. Oh, and it's juxtaposed with an undermining sub-caption that reads: "President of the Divided States of America."


A far cry from the two TIME covers featuring President Obama when he was ranked the outlet's Person of the Year:



Author Nancy Gibbs laments "what our generation has wrought by putting a supercomputer" into everyone's hands, including President-Elect Trump's.

"Perhaps the President-elect will stop tweeting," she hopes, "but only because he will have found some other means to tell the story he wants to tell directly to the audience that wants to hear it."

Gibbs continued to get her digs in, touting Hillary Clinton's love of "policy solutions" and "she believes in them." Likewise, Gibbs couldn't let go of the idea that Clinton's "popular-vote victory ... affirmed the prospect of a female Commander in Chief."

If only Clinton's popular vote numbers weren't made so by intelligible voters.

"In fact, she [Clinton] crushed Trump among voters who cared most about experience and judgment and temperament, qualities that have typically mattered when choosing the leader of the free world," Gibbs pines on.

"Even at his moment of victory, 6 in 10 voters had an unfavorable view of Trump and didn’t think he was qualified to be President"


Yes, the end is nigh, Gibbs. The internment camps are being built and the crosses poised to be burned, as I type this.

To Gibbs, Trump reminded America "that demagoguery feeds on despair and that truth is only as powerful as the trust in those who speak it." For this reason, she states, "for empowering a hidden electorate by mainstreaming its furies and live-streaming its fears, and for framing tomorrow’s political culture by demolishing yesterday’s, Donald Trump is TIME’s 2016 Person of the Year."

TIME Names Donald Trump 2016 Person of the Year ... With Disparaging Feature Story
Russian Hacking Hysteria
The Left can't stop blaming the vast Russian conspiracy.
December 13, 2016
Matthew Vadum

All this talk of a vast Russian conspiracy to hack U.S. computer networks to put Donald Trump in the White House is difficult to believe.

It may turn out to be true that somebody either hacked the Democratic National Committee or leaked emails from inside the DNC to expose Democrats’ dirty tricks against the Trump campaign. Among those illicit operations were the effort to foment violence at Trump campaign rallies, rigging the Democrat primaries against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and the leaking of debate questions by then-CNN pundit and now acting DNC chairman Donna Brazile.

The Left’s immediate goal, as it was during and after the bitter 36-day-long Bush versus Gore recent in Florida in 2000, is working toward a broader narrative. Left-wingers are laboring to delegitimize the incoming president because he is a Republican. Democracy isn’t working properly if it puts non-leftists in power, left-wingers reason, so all GOP chief executives must be vigorously opposed.

Commie agitprop director Michael Moore is encouraging angry left-wing mobs to come to Washington, D.C., and riot in the streets of the nation’s capital on Inauguration Day in an effort to prevent or at least cast a shadow over Trump’s assumption of the powers of the presidency. The idea is to do as much damage as possible to Trump before he even gets sworn in.

Selective recounts in states Trump won aren’t yielding election-changing results so now Electoral College members pledged to vote for Trump are being besieged by angry radicals who are threatening them with death if they vote for Trump on the appointed day Dec. 19. Corrupt partisan shills like Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, former head of the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress, are demanding that presidential electors be burdened with unprecedented, utterly inappropriate intelligence briefings before they vote.

Left-wing Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) openly embraces an Electoral College coup against Trump, calling him a “potentially dangerous president” who is “not only unqualified to be president, he’s a danger to the republic.”

After recounts and threatening electors, paranoid fear-mongering about Russia is the Left’s fallback position.


Russian Hacking Hysteria
Stupid libtart "C"

'House' Actress: Alan Thicke Died to Avoid Trump
"You should be ashamed of yourself.”
Mark Tapson

The left cannot stop themselves from politicizing everything. There is no moment so inappropriate -- a death, for example -- that a progressive still will not happily twist it for political ends.

Enter former House star Lisa Edelstein, who decided that the recent sudden death of beloved Growing Pains entertainer Alan Thicke was the perfect time to sideswipe President-elect Donald Trump, of whom she is clearly not a fan.

“RIP Alan Thicke,” she wrote on Twitter. "Seems like everyone is checking out before the Trumpacolypse."


'House' Actress: Alan Thicke Died to Avoid Trump

If true I hope it catches on...:party:
TIME Names Donald Trump 2016 Person of the Year ... With Disparaging Feature Story
It's a far cry from the fawning feature the same author did on Obama.
Tiffany Gabbay

Well, well. A Republican made it to the top of TIME Magazine's iconic "Person of the Year" ranking. President-Elect Trump adorns the outlet's latest cover with a photo that projects strength... and his back turned to the reader. Oh, and it's juxtaposed with an undermining sub-caption that reads: "President of the Divided States of America."


A far cry from the two TIME covers featuring President Obama when he was ranked the outlet's Person of the Year:



Author Nancy Gibbs laments "what our generation has wrought by putting a supercomputer" into everyone's hands, including President-Elect Trump's.

"Perhaps the President-elect will stop tweeting," she hopes, "but only because he will have found some other means to tell the story he wants to tell directly to the audience that wants to hear it."

Gibbs continued to get her digs in, touting Hillary Clinton's love of "policy solutions" and "she believes in them." Likewise, Gibbs couldn't let go of the idea that Clinton's "popular-vote victory ... affirmed the prospect of a female Commander in Chief."

If only Clinton's popular vote numbers weren't made so by intelligible voters.

"In fact, she [Clinton] crushed Trump among voters who cared most about experience and judgment and temperament, qualities that have typically mattered when choosing the leader of the free world," Gibbs pines on.

"Even at his moment of victory, 6 in 10 voters had an unfavorable view of Trump and didn’t think he was qualified to be President"


Yes, the end is nigh, Gibbs. The internment camps are being built and the crosses poised to be burned, as I type this.

To Gibbs, Trump reminded America "that demagoguery feeds on despair and that truth is only as powerful as the trust in those who speak it." For this reason, she states, "for empowering a hidden electorate by mainstreaming its furies and live-streaming its fears, and for framing tomorrow’s political culture by demolishing yesterday’s, Donald Trump is TIME’s 2016 Person of the Year."

TIME Names Donald Trump 2016 Person of the Year ... With Disparaging Feature Story
You cut off the devil horns above his Trump's head.
No doubt The Donald and his administration have to be extremely careful going forward. The racist, corrupt MSM/democrat establishment is going to try everything to undermine the democratically elected President Trump. It was nice to hear daily fake press conferences like Obama's douchebag administration had are not going to happen.
In last-shot bid, thousands urge electoral college to block Trump at Monday vote
1 / 19

The Washington Post
Robert Samuels 5 hrs ago

Pressure on members of the country’s electoral college to select someone other than Donald Trump has grown dramatically — and noisily — in recent weeks, causing some to waver, but yielding little evidence Trump will fall short when electors convene in most state capitals Monday to cast their votes.

Carole Joyce of Arizona expected her role as a GOP elector to be pretty simple: She would meet the others in Phoenix and carry out a vote for Trump, who won the most votes in her state and whom she personally supported.

But then came the mail and the emails and the phone calls — first hundreds, then thousands of voters worrying Trump’s impulsive nature would lead the country into another war.

“Honestly, it had an impact,” said Joyce, a 72-year-old Republican state committeewoman. “I’ve seen enough funerals. I’m tired of hearing bagpipes. . . . But I signed a loyalty pledge. And that matters.”

Such is the life these days for many of the 538 men and women who are scheduled to meet Monday across the country to carry out what has traditionally been a perfunctory vote after most every presidential election.


In last-shot bid, thousands urge electoral college to block Trump at Monday vote
TIME Names Donald Trump 2016 Person of the Year ... With Disparaging Feature Story
It's a far cry from the fawning feature the same author did on Obama.
Tiffany Gabbay

Well, well. A Republican made it to the top of TIME Magazine's iconic "Person of the Year" ranking. President-Elect Trump adorns the outlet's latest cover with a photo that projects strength... and his back turned to the reader. Oh, and it's juxtaposed with an undermining sub-caption that reads: "President of the Divided States of America."


A far cry from the two TIME covers featuring President Obama when he was ranked the outlet's Person of the Year:



Author Nancy Gibbs laments "what our generation has wrought by putting a supercomputer" into everyone's hands, including President-Elect Trump's.

"Perhaps the President-elect will stop tweeting," she hopes, "but only because he will have found some other means to tell the story he wants to tell directly to the audience that wants to hear it."

Gibbs continued to get her digs in, touting Hillary Clinton's love of "policy solutions" and "she believes in them." Likewise, Gibbs couldn't let go of the idea that Clinton's "popular-vote victory ... affirmed the prospect of a female Commander in Chief."

If only Clinton's popular vote numbers weren't made so by intelligible voters.

"In fact, she [Clinton] crushed Trump among voters who cared most about experience and judgment and temperament, qualities that have typically mattered when choosing the leader of the free world," Gibbs pines on.

"Even at his moment of victory, 6 in 10 voters had an unfavorable view of Trump and didn’t think he was qualified to be President"


Yes, the end is nigh, Gibbs. The internment camps are being built and the crosses poised to be burned, as I type this.

To Gibbs, Trump reminded America "that demagoguery feeds on despair and that truth is only as powerful as the trust in those who speak it." For this reason, she states, "for empowering a hidden electorate by mainstreaming its furies and live-streaming its fears, and for framing tomorrow’s political culture by demolishing yesterday’s, Donald Trump is TIME’s 2016 Person of the Year."

TIME Names Donald Trump 2016 Person of the Year ... With Disparaging Feature Story
You cut off the devil horns above his Trump's head.


IF the electors shirk their DUTY to vote as they were directed the liberals will get what they asked for but they will quickly find out they made a hell of a mistake. IF They actually think all of their crybaby shit that go and block streets and shit will win real fights they have misjudged their position as they usually do. Dead liberals will be pushed into mass graves and they will never rise again. The military hate liberals, the cops hate liberals the gun owners hate liberals and the working class hate liberals. Have a good death liberal you had better hope Trumps election and inauguration go off without a hitch, or get your plot and headstone ready.
IF the electors shirk their DUTY to vote as they were directed the liberals will get what they asked for but they will quickly find out they made a hell of a mistake. IF They actually think all of their crybaby shit that go and block streets and shit will win real fights they have misjudged their position as they usually do. Dead liberals will be pushed into mass graves and they will never rise again. The military hate liberals, the cops hate liberals the gun owners hate liberals and the working class hate liberals. Have a good death liberal you had better hope Trumps election and inauguration go off without a hitch, or get your plot and headstone ready.
Conservatives would crap their pants before they reach for their guns, just like Finicum & co. did in Oregon. The rule of law wins out.
Reality is that trump keeps acting like a man child instead of a leader. This what people are concerned with and this sour grapes smoking screen that is being used as the current justification for his behavior. His choices for cabinet --- Goldman Sachs gets their pay back for keeping him out of bankruptcy. Aren't they one of the companies that we bailed out for bad business? ANTI EPA person in charge of EPA? Oil executive looking for job ..... seriously trying to keep US fossil fuel dependent. This short sighted thought is why the auto industry needed help to become competitive in the past. Ugh! !!
IF the electors shirk their DUTY to vote as they were directed the liberals will get what they asked for but they will quickly find out they made a hell of a mistake. IF They actually think all of their crybaby shit that go and block streets and shit will win real fights they have misjudged their position as they usually do. Dead liberals will be pushed into mass graves and they will never rise again. The military hate liberals, the cops hate liberals the gun owners hate liberals and the working class hate liberals. Have a good death liberal you had better hope Trumps election and inauguration go off without a hitch, or get your plot and headstone ready.

Conservatives would crap their pants before they reach for their guns, just like Finicum & co. did in Oregon. The rule of law wins out.

Keep believing that igmo, it will make extermination much easier. Besides as you liberals always say, You have the really bad side IE the NON conservatives to deal with, the people you always attack that are on the fringe of humanity that think you are the devil incarnate instead of just stupid and shallow buffoons. They have wanted to exterminate everyone like you for years. Once you start some shit, they will be loosed too. Apparently you don't realize that you have no protectors, the cops hate liberal shit, the military hate liberal shit, the conservatives hate liberal shit, AND MOST of all the really bad people in the backwoods with the bears, the snakes, the wolves and the cougars hate liberal shit. You ruling class big government liberals and their pets wont last a month.

As for the murder of Finicum you fail to post that there were NO convictions in your liberal dogshit governments cases against those involved and some of your shit liberals did the same thing, destroyed property, injured people and your shit government did NOTHING. Just do like the song Talk shit, GET hit JUMP UP MF get SHOT. We are waiting for tomorrow, then >>>>>>
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