DeSantis Tests the Antiwar Waters for Support.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

DeSantis desperately needs a big boost right about now, as Trump goes on a mission to destory him.

Has DeSantis grabbed the attention of Americans with this gambit that will put the bone in his teeth first?

Or will Trump turn to supporting America's war and roll over DeSantis in a hurry?
Any republican in favor of continuing to fund this war can not win...
we have our own problems and its way past the time that we fix them...
Then 'you' think that DeSantis will get the bone in his teeth over the war issue.

Do you think that Trump will tray to upstage him and own it first, or do you think Trump is better off going with the pro-war ideology?

Antiwar support is not a perfectly safe route to take! It wasn't a slamdunk during Vietnam.

DeSantis desperately needs a big boost right about now, as Trump goes on a mission to destory him.

Has DeSantis grabbed the attention of Americans with this gambit that will put the bone in his teeth first?

Or will Trump turn to supporting America's war and roll over DeSantis in a hurry?

Another Putin puppet.
Then 'you' think that DeSantis will get the bone in his teeth over the war issue.

Do you think that Trump will tray to upstage him and own it first, or do you think Trump is better off going with the pro-war ideology?

Antiwar support is not a perfectly safe route to take! It wasn't a slamdunk during Vietnam.
Trump has already taken a stand on Ukraine... he said it should have never started... remember Biden almost welcoming Putin to invade?... Trump will stop all payments and weapons sent to Ukraine and he will make a deal with Putin he can not refuse... we just today got the news that US weapons are turning up in Iran so the Iranians can copy and reverse engineer them... not very smart...
The American people's support for this war has declined quite a bit.
I don't think they ever did... the media sure loves war... but they are not us... I'm not sure what they are but they are not American first patriots....
False dichotomy. Not wanting to engage in the war between Russia and Ukraine does not translate into being a puppet for someone. That's lazy and childish logic at best.

If I were DeSantis I would go with the "Let the Europeans handle it". We provide funds, we remain in NATO to protect them if Russia gets frisky, but Germany, Poland, France and the others need to put up or shut up more on this.

I don't mind supporting Ukraine, I just want to see a endgame beyond "keep feeding the beast until one side's back is to the wall"

DeSantis desperately needs a big boost right about now, as Trump goes on a mission to destory him.

Has DeSantis grabbed the attention of Americans with this gambit that will put the bone in his teeth first?

Or will Trump turn to supporting America's war and roll over DeSantis in a hurry?
Start calling him "Chamberlain-lite"?
Trump has already taken a stand on Ukraine... he said it should have never started...
Trump has!
But he's left it to wilt on the vine and DeSantis has attempted to scramble in to take it for his own. Now the question is, will Trump own it for himself. He has the ability to do that but will he get support.

It's far from a sure thing!

I've said right from the beginning of the war that it's the game changer for Trump. He's waited patiently for the equation concerning the Ukraine's fortunes to change and now it appears that the time is ripe. And too, Trump can make the domestic situation on the economy his too now that fear is building.
Trump has!
But he's left it to wilt on the vine and DeSantis has attempted to scramble in to take it for his own. Now the question is, will Trump own it for himself. He has the ability to do that but will he get support.

It's far from a sure thing!

I've said right from the beginning of the war that it's the game changer for Trump. He's waited patiently for the equation concerning the Ukraine's fortunes to change and now it appears that the time is ripe. And too, Trump can make the domestic situation on the economy his too now that fear is building.
The war has started and is in full gear... now we need a strong leader to dig our way out without causing more innocent deaths...
It won't be easy to fix what Biden has fucked up but if anyone can do it it's Trump....
False dichotomy. Not wanting to engage in the war between Russia and Ukraine does not translate into being a puppet for someone. That's lazy and childish logic at best.
Of course I agree with you on that.

But it's an effective dichotomy that is exactly aligned with the propaganda efforts so far.

not to suggest that the propaganda won't be adapted to more suit the situation of America's war against Russia.
The war has started and is in full gear... now we need a strong leader to dig our way out without causing more innocent deaths...
It won't be easy to fix what Biden has fucked up but if anyone can do it it's Trump....
I'm either way on DeSantis coming out on top if both of them are sincere on the antiwar agenda.

But besides that, thank you for expressing an opinion that contains more than just grunting displeasure!
Wouldn't that be Obama for letting Russia take the Crimea and occupy the Donbas Region back in 2014?
You're displaying your ignorance, but at least you've stumbled your way to the question.

That is, who will own the antiwar movement?

Do you think neither is sincere?
You're displaying your ignorance, but at least you've stumbled your way to the question.

That is, who will own the antiwar movement?

Do you think neither is sincere?

What ignorance? All this started under Obama's watch, so if there is any Chamberlain reference, it should go to him.

it seems in general the traditional anti-war movement is more leftist than anti-war, and thus some wars are better than others.

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