DeSantis Publicly Takes President To The Woodshed: 'Until You Secure The Border & Stop Importing COVID-19 I Don't Want To Hear Anything From You!'

DeSantis did nothing but run his mouth. Biden is the President and he will tell De Santis to get his shit straight or else. So it's best DeSantis gets his shit straight before Biden shows him who the real boss is.
DeSantis should be careful - he kicked Biden's ass and torched him and his criminal handling of the border crisis so badly he could be charged with 'Elderly Abuse'.

Hell its not only Florida.

He's shipping them all over the country.

I live in Florida and my Governor doesn't take shit from Biden.

The Biden administration is literally engaging in HUMAN / CHILD TRAFFICKING!
DeSantis did nothing but run his mouth. Biden is the President and he will tell De Santis to get his shit straight or else. So it's best DeSantis gets his shit straight before Biden shows him who the real boss is.
oh go fuck off with this shit.

you bitch and whine about COVID and SCIENCE and don't give a damn the border lets thousands of cases in by the hour.

you don't even know what you want to do except bitch and contradict yourself with every post.
"Coronavirus cases among migrants have been surging at the southern border, and in one sector the number of infected migrants recently skyrocketed almost 900%."

In on sector. Sounds like cherrypicking to me.

How much have cases gone up in "one" Florida county?

I bet you could find an ever bigger spike in Florida if you looked.
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WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

- 'Every COVID variant on this planet' is coming through his open border

- 'Biden lectures Americans on COVID restrictions while letting largely unvetted migrants disperse across the country'

- 'Biden is off base demanding Americans follow his edicts while he allows illegal immigrants to flood in from any country they want via Mexico.'

- "This is a guy that ran for president saying he would shut down the virus. He was not going to shut down America or the economy. He would shut down the virus. Yet what is he doing? He is bringing in people from over 100 different countries across the southern border"

- "He is lecturing people about imposing COVID restrictions and lockdowns and not only doing nothing to stop the border surge but actually facilitating it on the on the other hand, he just loses all credibility when it comes to COVID."


Actually it's more like there is not one damn thing DeSantis said that was true. De Santis is spreading the virus in his state by not mandating vaccines and now masks.
No evidence whatsoever that immigrants are bringing COVID into Florida. Just another DeSantis deflection.
But don't worry, it's all catching up to him. Biden won't be the one to say boo to him. I believe his own party will
eventually force him out. This'll be fun.

And where is the evidence saying that no ILLEGAL (immigrant is a person who goes through the system properly to become a citizen, an illegal is a person that did not and these are not immigrants) has brought covid into the country? They dont test them and they set them free in the country. So what needs to happen here is you need to prove no ILLEGALS bring in covid. You cant talk of evidence but not provide any for your own argument.

Spits the governor with the highest number of new cases and the highest number of new deaths.

And his fans fall for his attempt to shift attention off of him and onto a Democrat.

Florida - +16,935 New Deaths
Florida - +140 new deaths
Actually it's more like there is not one damn thing DeSantis said that was true. De Santis is spreading the virus in his state by not mandating vaccines and now masks.

Masking doesn't work.

We've had it for more than a year, and the virus still continues.

The people recognize that, and that's why even Far Left governors like Tom Wolf here in Pennsylvania haven't mandated them.
oh go fuck off with this shit.

you bitch and whine about COVID and SCIENCE and don't give a damn the border lets thousands of cases in by the hour.

you don't even know what you want to do except bitch and contradict yourself with every post.

Go suck on a heavy dick. The border isn't letting in thousands of cases per hour, but DeSantis is increasing the cases of COVID in his state by his refusal to do whats right. He talks loud repeating some right wing spin and you idiots really think he did something.
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In on sector. Sounds like cherrypicking to me.

How much have cases gone up in "one" Florida county?

I bet you could find an ever bigger spike in Florida if you looked.
actual hospital beds taken is in fact higher than this time last year. now how serious those people are infected remains to be seen.

if covid is really a huge concern, then why the open border policy where we being in thousands by the day?

you can't tell me you really give a damn about covid and making sure everyone has a vaccine so we're safe when we don't guard borders. it's the same as demanding you reduce energy bills but don't care a wall is missing in your home.
Masking doesn't work.

We've had it for more than a year, and the virus still continues.

The people recognize that, and that's why even Far Left governors like Tom Wolf here in Pennsylvania haven't mandated them.
Masking has worked. The virus infected people who weren't wearing masks.
actual hospital beds taken is in fact higher than this time last year. now how serious those people are infected remains to be seen.

if covid is really a huge concern, then why the open border policy where we being in thousands by the day?

you can't tell me you really give a damn about covid and making sure everyone has a vaccine so we're safe. it's the same as demanding you reduce energy bills but don't care a wall is missing in your home.
There is no open border policy.
Biden is going to punish Desantis if things keep getting worse in florida.
And where is the evidence saying that no ILLEGAL (immigrant is a person who goes through the system properly to become a citizen, an illegal is a person that did not and these are not immigrants) has brought covid into the country? They dont test them and they set them free in the country. So what needs to happen here is you need to prove no ILLEGALS bring in covid. You cant talk of evidence but not provide any for your own argument.
I don't need to. I'm not the one making the accusations. Ronny is. And so far, he's provided nothing in the way of proof.....come to think of it...following in the footsteps of his mentor. :)
Again, no evidence whatsoever illegals are bringing COVID into Florida. Honestly, your allegiance to the alt-right is downright embarrassing.
Nobody said anything about illegals bringing covid into Florida but you. Give it up.

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