Deplorable.......Go back to Puerto Rico


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
House floor erupts after lawmaker shouts ‘Go back to Puerto Rico’

The House floor erupted Thursday after Congress adjourned for the week when an unidentified Republican congressman yelled a controversial and potentially racially charged remark across the aisle as Democratic Rep. Tony Cárdenas was at the podium.

“Go back to Puerto Rico!” the lawmaker shouted, punctuating a stream of Republican whooping and hollering at the Democratic majority for holding a voice vote — instead of the normal roll call vote
yes--it was a mistake to make it a territory
cut if off
it's a leech SUCKING on the US
tRumpkins shouting racist remarks on the floor of the House of Representatives.

It's a sad day for the USA.
tRumpkins shouting racist remarks on the floor of the House of Representatives. It's a sad day for the USA.

Please explain how that is racist.
If a dem yelled at at Ted Cruz to "go back to Texas" would that be racist? If not, than neither is go back to PR.
House floor erupts after lawmaker shouts ‘Go back to Puerto Rico’

The House floor erupted Thursday after Congress adjourned for the week when an unidentified Republican congressman yelled a controversial and potentially racially charged remark across the aisle as Democratic Rep. Tony Cárdenas was at the podium.

“Go back to Puerto Rico!” the lawmaker shouted, punctuating a stream of Republican whooping and hollering at the Democratic majority for holding a voice vote — instead of the normal roll call vote
Such behavior is uncalled for...period.
Republican whooping and hollering at the Democratic majority


"Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and other Democrats in the chamber shot out of their seats demanding to know who shouted the comment."

At which point someone else yelled, "Go back to the zoo with the other hippos...sir".

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