Democrats try to ram through Puerto Rican Statehood bill before Jan 3rd

I love watching you get triggered, reduced to a quivering, blubbering, cursing mass with that vein in your forehead throbbing like its going to explode at any second.


The midshipman does that regularly. It's kind of amusing.

You didn't say "some", Moron. What percentage is that?

Learn English.

Never contradict the plebe. He KNOWS ALL!

Didn't you claim you were a teacher? I weep for the unfortunate kids who were in your class.


No kidding.

Y'know Rock, sometimes you can be a real dick.

Admission to the Union is provided by the Admissions Clause of the United States Constitution in Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1, which authorizes the United States Congress to admit new states into the Union beyond the thirteen states that already existed when the Constitution came into effect.

Puerto Rico's admission into the Union should not be as a result of a referendum. There's nothing wrong with holding that referendum, although I believe there should be a 'maintain the status quo' option. But even if the referendum indicates a desire to become a state, the Congress to be the ultimate arbiter. Presumably with the President's signature.

I don't need you to tell me to read the Constitution. If you've got a point to make then make it, otherwise STFU.

The plebe's only point is on his head.
All of which is why it'll never happen. Consumption tax, flat tax, VAT tax, whatever. And it appears not to be exclusively a democrat issue. I do not believe the repubs want to overspend as much as the democrats do, hence I vote for the GOP. But nevertheless, fiscal responsibility is gone and at some point future generations will be stuck with some very unpleasant choices to deal with debt, interest on the debt, and revenue+spending. Newsflash for Lefties: increasing revenue (taxes) will not come close to solving the problem.

You get right on that: step one would be the Constitutional amendment.

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