Department of "Justice" sweeps important violations of the law under the rug (Bartiromo)


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

Maria was AWESOME this morning. Maybe I'm saying that because I learned some things about Congress... but also because she didn't let anyone get away with BS-ing her (us). Matt Gaetz was on and so was Mark Levin, but I guess Fox is not letting us have those videos... WAHHHHH... so here's this one.

I hope they release the Mark Levin segment at least because it was SO right on. He flat out calls the AG a serial liar!

"I don't recall the answer to that question"????


Did Garland mean he doesn't recall the correct answer the puppeteers suggested he give at the Congressional hearing?

LOL (or maybe not...) :(

God knows...

In any case, this segment is about the govt shut down

@ point 4.30 Maria asks the million $$ question RE Ukraine: Why is the US sending billions to secure some other country's border when our own.. (my words) has been obliterated?

Jim Jordan responds and says they are trying to cut spending on the process that releases illegals into the country (if I got that right..). Jordan says that until the Q is answered: What is the GOAL in Ukraine... no more taxpayer money should be sent there.
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The Democrat Party wants open borders because they need uneducated welfare moocher voters to sustain their power.
Yeh, I figured that out as soon as Potato got installed (that's when he opened the gates Trump had closed)

And I would not say that it takes a certifiable genius to figure that out.

No true American will vote for those pigs and they know it.

I hope our next R president DEPORTS all those illegals.

What part of ILLEGAL do the dimrat-demonrats not understand???????!!!!!!!

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