Dems pissed because Netanyahu didn't accept invite for private meeting


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The Dems have threatened to skip Netanyahu's address to congress. They invited him for a closed door private meeting with Dems only and he declined.

Why can't they just join the Repubs and allow Netanyahu to address all of congress at the same time? Looks like the Dems are the ones who won't play nice.

Netanyahu has legitimate concerns regarding the safety and survival of Israel, but the Dems would rather play games.

Netanyahu turns down invite to meet with Senate Democrats - Yahoo News
The Dems have threatened to skip Netanyahu's address to congress. They invited him for a closed door private meeting with Dems only and he declined.

Why can't they just join the Repubs and allow Netanyahu to address all of congress at the same time? Looks like the Dems are the ones who won't play nice.

Netanyahu has legitimate concerns regarding the safety and survival of Israel, but the Dems would rather play games.

Netanyahu turns down invite to meet with Senate Democrats - Yahoo News

The Democrats never ever play nice in the sandbox.

The only way to deal with them is to smack them with your Tonka truck every time they have a tantrum and start swinging around their pail and shovel.

And I do believe that Bibi just hit them with his Tonka truck.

The Dems have threatened to skip Netanyahu's address to congress. They invited him for a closed door private meeting with Dems only and he declined.

Why can't they just join the Repubs and allow Netanyahu to address all of congress at the same time? Looks like the Dems are the ones who won't play nice.

Netanyahu has legitimate concerns regarding the safety and survival of Israel, but the Dems would rather play games.

Netanyahu turns down invite to meet with Senate Democrats - Yahoo News

The Democrats never ever play nice in the sandbox.

The only way to deal with them is to smack them with your Tonka truck every time they have a tantrum and start swinging around their pail and shovel.

And I do believe that Bibi just hit them with his Tonka truck.
Actually he just showed what an asshole he is but since he is ruining relations with the US, carry on. Never delay your enemy when he is making a mistake.
I wonder what Jewish voters are thinking of all this disrespect towards Israel? Will they take it lying down?
On the day Netanyahu speaks, the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House should anounce to both Houses that there will be a roll call. Get all of them into the House chamber and call the roll 10 minutes after Bibi speaks. That'll fix the liberal pukes.
The Dems have threatened to skip Netanyahu's address to congress.
And they should. Let the little Jewish Nazi talk to himself.
Jewish Nazi? Did you get dropped on your head as a baby......nine times?
Israeli Zionists are the Nazis of the Middle East. Now you know.
I don't need to labor hard to convince people what a wing nut you are. You do most of the work for me, especially with that little gem.
The Dems have threatened to skip Netanyahu's address to congress.
And they should. Let the little Jewish Nazi talk to himself.
Jewish Nazi? Did you get dropped on your head as a baby......nine times?
Israeli Zionists are the Nazis of the Middle East. Now you know.
I don't need to labor hard to convince people what a wing nut you are. You do most of the work for me, especially with that little gem.
Most of the world believes as I do, because I'm right. Only your kind is supporting Israel so that Jesus returns, and then damns all the Jews to Hell.
The Dems have threatened to skip Netanyahu's address to congress.
And they should. Let the little Jewish Nazi talk to himself.
Jewish Nazi? Did you get dropped on your head as a baby......nine times?
Israeli Zionists are the Nazis of the Middle East. Now you know.
I don't need to labor hard to convince people what a wing nut you are. You do most of the work for me, especially with that little gem.
Most of the world believes as I do, because I'm right. Only your kind is supporting Israel so that Jesus returns, and then damns all the Jews to Hell.
I'm sure the voices are very real to you, but if you take your meds they will leave you alone.
On the day Netanyahu speaks, the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House should anounce to both Houses that there will be a roll call. Get all of them into the House chamber and call the roll 10 minutes after Bibi speaks. That'll fix the liberal pukes.
Or, let the Democrats go on their little forays and after Netanyau speaks, hold a re-vote on Keystone XL Pipeline.There would be enough of a quorum in both Houses to get 67%. While they're at it they could also amend the vote on the Immigration bill and vote again.This would show the leftys how dirty tricks were played and the Golden Child would have to sign the bills.
And they should. Let the little Jewish Nazi talk to himself.
Jewish Nazi? Did you get dropped on your head as a baby......nine times?
Israeli Zionists are the Nazis of the Middle East. Now you know.
I don't need to labor hard to convince people what a wing nut you are. You do most of the work for me, especially with that little gem.
Most of the world believes as I do, because I'm right. Only your kind is supporting Israel so that Jesus returns, and then damns all the Jews to Hell.
I'm sure the voices are very real to you, but if you take your meds they will leave you alone.
Yes, no response, as expected, and the one with a voice in his head is you who prays to a fantasy father in the sky. I just deal with what is, not what I wish for or need to make it through the day by thinking that my life matters and a paradise awaits me if I'm a good little boy.
The childish games the dems are playing with this particular meeting is asinine.

I do not see the big deal here - he is a leader of a nation we are allied with and the dems want to throw a tantrum because he is addressing Congress. They have no issues speaking with terrorist groups or nations - that is kosher - but don't you DARE speak with an allied nation.

If they really hate Israel that much then they need to address the fact that we are allies.
On the day Netanyahu speaks, the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House should anounce to both Houses that there will be a roll call. Get all of them into the House chamber and call the roll 10 minutes after Bibi speaks. That'll fix the liberal pukes.
Or, let the Democrats go on their little forays and after Netanyau speaks, hold a re-vote on Keystone XL Pipeline.There would be enough of a quorum in both Houses to get 67%. While they're at it they could also amend the vote on the Immigration bill and vote again.This would show the leftys how dirty tricks were played and the Golden Child would have to sign the bills.
lol. Now THAT is a good idea.
On the day Netanyahu speaks, the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House should anounce to both Houses that there will be a roll call. Get all of them into the House chamber and call the roll 10 minutes after Bibi speaks. That'll fix the liberal pukes.
Or, let the Democrats go on their little forays and after Netanyau speaks, hold a re-vote on Keystone XL Pipeline.There would be enough of a quorum in both Houses to get 67%. While they're at it they could also amend the vote on the Immigration bill and vote again.This would show the leftys how dirty tricks were played and the Golden Child would have to sign the bills.
You need 60 votes, dummy.
On the day Netanyahu speaks, the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House should anounce to both Houses that there will be a roll call. Get all of them into the House chamber and call the roll 10 minutes after Bibi speaks. That'll fix the liberal pukes.
Or, let the Democrats go on their little forays and after Netanyau speaks, hold a re-vote on Keystone XL Pipeline.There would be enough of a quorum in both Houses to get 67%. While they're at it they could also amend the vote on the Immigration bill and vote again.This would show the leftys how dirty tricks were played and the Golden Child would have to sign the bills.
You need 60 votes, dummy.
2/3 of a quorum, uneducated whelp.

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