Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

The thread is one more example of a hack who has zero credibility, but will be applauded by trolls from the dark side.
If he is wrong then post why he is wrong with facts not your personal attacks and hand wringing

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There is no war on women policy, written or a hidden agenda, by the Democratic Party; the millions of women who are registered as Democrats and voted for HRC wouldn't have done so if there was such a policy.
Idiotic Guy Catcher “logic”. Of course they don’t put it in writing. But it doesn’t change the fact that the left treats women like garbage, sexually abuses them, oppresses them, and even wishes rape on them in their misogynistic fury.
And they treat them like they have no brains
This women is not demeaned for her gender...
Really, snowflake? Then why was their a picture posted of an 80% naked woman bent over on her hands and knees? That’s a pure attack on her gender. Nothing else.

You’re just as much of a misogynistic jerk for defending it as the piece of shit who posted it. Not surprising though, Guy Catcher. Homosexuals tend to have a deep hatred towards women.
In fact, the Keynote Speaker at the Democrat Convention is a known sexual predator.

One sitting US Senator even said she wouldn't 'let her daughter anywhere near him' for fear he would offer her candy and try and rape her.

I kid you not!

I wouldn't let my daughter near any prominent national politician. I used to work with Duke Cunningham before he was elected, before he was convicted....I wouldn't let any of my family anywhere near him.
In reality lets be real, how many adults of the opposite sex are we willing to let our duaghters hang with? I would venture to say not many!
This women is not demeaned for her gender...
Really, snowflake? Then why was their a picture posted of an 80% naked woman bent over on her hands and knees? That’s a pure attack on her gender. Nothing else.

You’re just as much of a misogynistic jerk for defending it as the piece of shit who posted it. Not surprising though, Guy Catcher. Homosexuals tend to have a deep hatred towards women.

LOL, even for a punk you're vile and vulgar in thought and deed.

Psychologically you represent the extreme of homophobia, i.e.,someone who has been studied and defined as a person who is at best gay curious, and more specifically those who engaged in sex with members of their same gender, enjoyed it, and hate themselves for it. Thus, they transfer that hate to others, and use the term homosexual as a pejorative.

You're no patriot, you're one very sick puppy.

Horrid...and I wish and pray all rapists are caught, prosecuted, and put away. However, to claim all the rapists involved are Democrats is based on what evidence? Considering the attitude of the Right towards women they disagree with, it could also be some Republicans taking advantage of the situation to come in and.....well.....

When you make statements like that....provide proof
That works both ways buddie, provide proof it was a democrat! Until we identify the perps, we do not know! We all jump to conclsions around here including me! I am going to make a concerted effort to change that on my part. I am also going to try to choose my owrds more wisely in the future. You never know when you have spoken your last words, I do not want my last owrds to be bullshit!
Psychologically you represent the extreme of homophobia, i.e.,someone who has been studied and defined as a person who is at best gay curious, and more specifically those who engaged in sex with members of their same gender, enjoyed it, and hate themselves for it. Thus, they transfer that hate to others, and use the term homosexual as a pejorative.
Uh-oh...Guy Catcher has been “triggered”! Clearly I have struck a nerve pointing out both his hatred of women and his homosexuality. Sorry got caught defending that PoS’s attack on Dana Loesch for her gender. If it were truly based on gun views, there would be absolutely no reason to insert a picture of a woman who was not her, mostly naked and bent over on her hands and knees. That was one of your fellow misogynists. And now you’re pissed off because you can’t deny it.

Horrid...and I wish and pray all rapists are caught, prosecuted, and put away. However, to claim all the rapists involved are Democrats is based on what evidence? Considering the attitude of the Right towards women they disagree with, it could also be some Republicans taking advantage of the situation to come in and.....well.....

When you make statements like that....provide proof
That works both ways buddie, provide proof it was a democrat!
It was Occupy Wall Street. There were no conservatives there running around raping women. They were the men that were there as part of the repulsive (bowel) movement. And you know what was really sick? The “leadership” (if you can even call it that), insisted that the victims not report the rapes to protect the movement. Disgusting.
Psychologically you represent the extreme of homophobia, i.e.,someone who has been studied and defined as a person who is at best gay curious, and more specifically those who engaged in sex with members of their same gender, enjoyed it, and hate themselves for it. Thus, they transfer that hate to others, and use the term homosexual as a pejorative.
Uh-oh...Guy Catcher has been “triggered”! Clearly I have struck a nerve pointing out both his hatred of women and his homosexuality. Sorry got caught defending that PoS’s attack on Dana Loesch for her gender. If it were truly based on gun views, there would be absolutely no reason to insert a picture of a woman who was not her, mostly naked and bent over on her hands and knees. That was one of your fellow misogynists. And now you’re pissed off because you can’t deny it.

For the record, not only did I put punks like you in a cage, I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit for five years, and during that time with my unit and the courts we put the very violent abusers of women into the State Prison System; others - usually first offenders - were incarcerated in County Jail and placed on Probation for 3 years. Anyone with a felony conviction who was granted probation ended up with a St. Prison Suspended Term, and if he (always he) violated the order to not own or possess a firearm, or threaten anyone, or violate the protective order, his probation was revoked, and he went to Prison without anything more than a brief hearing.

For the record 2, losts of vile and demeaning pictures and language are posted on line anonymously, you choose to blame Democrats or liberals and yet have zero evidence to prove anything of the kind. In fact, nothing you post is substantive or credible - you are a hack and one as incompetent and inept as Trump.
You ran a domestic violence unit? That must be horrifying and interesting. Mostly horrifying. Tough job.
Psychologically you represent the extreme of homophobia, i.e.,someone who has been studied and defined as a person who is at best gay curious, and more specifically those who engaged in sex with members of their same gender, enjoyed it, and hate themselves for it. Thus, they transfer that hate to others, and use the term homosexual as a pejorative.
Uh-oh...Guy Catcher has been “triggered”! Clearly I have struck a nerve pointing out both his hatred of women and his homosexuality. Sorry got caught defending that PoS’s attack on Dana Loesch for her gender. If it were truly based on gun views, there would be absolutely no reason to insert a picture of a woman who was not her, mostly naked and bent over on her hands and knees. That was one of your fellow misogynists. And now you’re pissed off because you can’t deny it.

For the record, not only did I put punks like you in a cage, I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit for five years, and during that time with my unit and the courts we put the very violent abusers of women into the State Prison System; others - usually first offenders - were incarcerated in County Jail and placed on Probation for 3 years. Anyone with a felony conviction who was granted probation ended up with a St. Prison Suspended Term, and if he (always he) violated the order to not own or possess a firearm, or threaten anyone, or violate the protective order, his probation was revoked, and he went to Prison without anything more than a brief hearing.

For the record 2, losts of vile and demeaning pictures and language are posted on line anonymously, you choose to blame Democrats or liberals and yet have zero evidence to prove anything of the kind. In fact, nothing you post is substantive or credible - you are a hack and one as incompetent and inept as Trump.
How many women did you put in a cage for abuse?
For the record 2, losts of vile and demeaning pictures and language are posted on line anonymously, you choose to blame Democrats or liberals and yet have zero evidence to prove anything of the kind.
So’re going to attempt to claim that Jeff Black isn’t a progressive? Snowflake - his Twitter account openly establishes him as a proud progressive.

So either you commented without reading the story (typical ignorant progressive) or you have the investigative skills of a garden snail. Either way, you look like an absolute idiot once again (not to mention a proud misogynist jerk).
You ran a domestic violence unit? That must be horrifying and interesting. Mostly horrifying. Tough job.

Homicide was horrifying, ours was satisfying when the defendant was brought to justice; before that, it was at times shocking at how cruel an abuser can be, and the extremes they would go to when stalking their victim.

One time we discovered a stalker had been watching the victim while hiding in her attic; he was caught when left the toilet seat up when she was at work; another time, a stalker moved in and out the crawk space of a victims parents home, where she had moved back to their home.
Psychologically you represent the extreme of homophobia, i.e.,someone who has been studied and defined as a person who is at best gay curious, and more specifically those who engaged in sex with members of their same gender, enjoyed it, and hate themselves for it. Thus, they transfer that hate to others, and use the term homosexual as a pejorative.
Uh-oh...Guy Catcher has been “triggered”! Clearly I have struck a nerve pointing out both his hatred of women and his homosexuality. Sorry got caught defending that PoS’s attack on Dana Loesch for her gender. If it were truly based on gun views, there would be absolutely no reason to insert a picture of a woman who was not her, mostly naked and bent over on her hands and knees. That was one of your fellow misogynists. And now you’re pissed off because you can’t deny it.

For the record, not only did I put punks like you in a cage, I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit for five years, and during that time with my unit and the courts we put the very violent abusers of women into the State Prison System; others - usually first offenders - were incarcerated in County Jail and placed on Probation for 3 years. Anyone with a felony conviction who was granted probation ended up with a St. Prison Suspended Term, and if he (always he) violated the order to not own or possess a firearm, or threaten anyone, or violate the protective order, his probation was revoked, and he went to Prison without anything more than a brief hearing.

For the record 2, losts of vile and demeaning pictures and language are posted on line anonymously, you choose to blame Democrats or liberals and yet have zero evidence to prove anything of the kind. In fact, nothing you post is substantive or credible - you are a hack and one as incompetent and inept as Trump.
How many women did you put in a cage for abuse?

Zero, I wrote and managed two VAWA grants (Violence Against Women Act) which funded most of the unit.
For the record 2, losts of vile and demeaning pictures and language are posted on line anonymously, you choose to blame Democrats or liberals and yet have zero evidence to prove anything of the kind.
So’re going to attempt to claim that Jeff Black isn’t a progressive? Snowflake - his Twitter account openly establishes him as a proud progressive.

So either you commented without reading the story (typical ignorant progressive) or you have the investigative skills of a garden snail. Either way, you look like an absolute idiot once again (not to mention a proud misogynist jerk).

One data point is even smaller than the point on the top of your head.
Democrats raping their own liberal women at political rally's where those poor women are supporting the idiot liberal Dumbocrat cause... More disturbing than that, look at the situation in Dallas from this article where it was a GIRL - not a woman - who was raped.

Sexual Assaults in Occupy Wall Street Camps
You'd get more political traction with the left forcing women (1/5th of which statistically are rape victims) to share bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms with deranged males (so-called "trannies").

MUCH more traction.
Democrats raping their own liberal women at political rally's where those poor women are supporting the idiot liberal Dumbocrat cause... More disturbing than that, look at the situation in Dallas from this article where it was a GIRL - not a woman - who was raped.

Sexual Assaults in Occupy Wall Street Camps
You'd get more political traction with the left forcing women (1/5th of which statistically are rape victims) to share bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms with deranged males (so-called "trannies").

MUCH more traction.

Your signature line is incorrect, judges, doctors, Law Enforcement, teachers, social workers are mandatory reporters, a citizen not so employed cannot be charged with a crime.
For the record 2, losts of vile and demeaning pictures and language are posted on line anonymously, you choose to blame Democrats or liberals and yet have zero evidence to prove anything of the kind.
So’re going to attempt to claim that Jeff Black isn’t a progressive? Snowflake - his Twitter account openly establishes him as a proud progressive.

So either you commented without reading the story (typical ignorant progressive) or you have the investigative skills of a garden snail. Either way, you look like an absolute idiot once again (not to mention a proud misogynist jerk).

One data point is even smaller than the point on the top of your head.
“One data point”....yeah - his own admission. You’re so ignorant it’s startling. I guarantee you’re dumb ass never worked in law enforcement.
Psychologically you represent the extreme of homophobia, i.e.,someone who has been studied and defined as a person who is at best gay curious, and more specifically those who engaged in sex with members of their same gender, enjoyed it, and hate themselves for it. Thus, they transfer that hate to others, and use the term homosexual as a pejorative.
Uh-oh...Guy Catcher has been “triggered”! Clearly I have struck a nerve pointing out both his hatred of women and his homosexuality. Sorry got caught defending that PoS’s attack on Dana Loesch for her gender. If it were truly based on gun views, there would be absolutely no reason to insert a picture of a woman who was not her, mostly naked and bent over on her hands and knees. That was one of your fellow misogynists. And now you’re pissed off because you can’t deny it.

For the record, not only did I put punks like you in a cage, I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit for five years, and during that time with my unit and the courts we put the very violent abusers of women into the State Prison System; others - usually first offenders - were incarcerated in County Jail and placed on Probation for 3 years. Anyone with a felony conviction who was granted probation ended up with a St. Prison Suspended Term, and if he (always he) violated the order to not own or possess a firearm, or threaten anyone, or violate the protective order, his probation was revoked, and he went to Prison without anything more than a brief hearing.

For the record 2, losts of vile and demeaning pictures and language are posted on line anonymously, you choose to blame Democrats or liberals and yet have zero evidence to prove anything of the kind. In fact, nothing you post is substantive or credible - you are a hack and one as incompetent and inept as Trump.
How many women did you put in a cage for abuse?

Zero, I wrote and managed two VAWA grants (Violence Against Women Act) which funded most of the unit.
So you are a sexist

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