Democrats helped create income inequality


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
We keep hearing the left sound the alarms about income inequality. When you look closely at the problem, you realize that, like many things, the left has systematically created or worsened this problem just so they could advance their agenda by introducing "solutions" that take us even farther left. You don't help people by discouraging them to do more for themselves, you merely make them more dependent on you. And that is exactly what the left has been doing. It's also becoming less advantageous for some to work. Many middle class families had two adults working full time. Not so now. Between many small businesses being destroyed and taxes punishing that middle class income, it's better for many to settle for one income. Removing the rungs on the ladder to success only serves to further the divide between high and low income. When you cut out the middle income earners, that divide appears even greater. I think this is all a carefully conceived plan to create more dependent Dem voters. And it's working. There is so much ignorance out there and few stop to ask what caused some problems.

"Money matters, but so do other policies, such as the long, historic sweep of the expanding welfare state. In 1968, government transfer payments totaled $53 billion or roughly 7% of personal income. By 2014, these had climbed to $2.5 trillion—about 17% of personal income. Despite the redistribution of a sixth of all income, inequality measured by all three of the Census Bureau’s indexes is far higher today than in 1968.

Transfer payments under Mr. Obama increased by $560 billion. By contrast private-sector wages and salaries grew by $1.1 trillion. So for every $2 in extra wages, about $1 was paid out in extra transfer payments—lowering the relative reward to work. Forty-five million people received food stamps in mid-2015, an increase of 46% since the end of 2008. Similarly, 71.6 million individuals were enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, an increase of 13.3 million since October 2013.

In 2008, during the deepest recession in 75 years, 13.2% of Americans lived below the government’s official poverty line. The Great Recession officially ended in June 2009, but in 2014, after five years of economic expansion, 14.8% of Americans were still in poverty. The economy was better, and there were a lot more handouts, but still poverty rose.

The structure of American households shows how this happened. From 2008 through 2014, the most recent year for which we have data, the number of two-earner households declined. These two-earner households have become the backbone of the American middle class.

Research by the Hamilton Project and Institute show that when families with children making between $20,000 and $50,000 attempt to have a second earner go back to work, the effective tax rate on the extra earnings—including lost government benefits such as food stamps, the earned-income tax credit, and medical support payments—is between 50% and 80%. This phaseout of the ever increasing array of benefits has created a "working-class trap" instead of a "poverty trap" that is increasing inequality and keeping the income of these households lower than they might otherwise be.

While the number of two-earner households declined during the first six years of the Obama presidency, the number of single-earner households rose by 2.6 million and the number of households with no earners rose by almost five million. In other words, two thirds of the increase in the number of families under Mr. Obama was accounted for by households with no one working. This is the reason the middle class has shrunk, and the reason inequality has increased. And unless we increase the number of people wanting to work and the number of jobs through economic growth, inequality will only increase.

It may not be Democrats' fault that the family is breaking down - that more people are having children out of wedock and doing other things that put them at an economic disadvantage - but it is their fault they keep subsidizing these behaviors with counterproductive public policy.

When you subsidize something, you get more of it, and all the transfer payments Democrats insist on making from producers to non-producers have two very destructive effects: 1. The lessen the urgency to either get a job or get a better one; 2. They reinforce the cultural message that you're not entirely responsible for taking care of your own needs.

I don't care how much liberals insist that doesn't disincentivize work. It does. They're no way it can possibly not. Human nature allows for no other possibility. And what Lindsey demonstrates in his piece proves that it has that effect.

Think about it like this: Let's say you've spent many years in the workforce and you've always been gainfully employed. One day, a liberal comes along and takes all your money away from you and gives it to someone who has never worked - and gets you fired from your job. But nothing else changes. You still know how to work. You still have the same experience. You still have the same skills and good habits. And the person who was given your money still lacks all that.

Fast forward five years: What do you think are the chances you're back on your feet and he's back where he was before the wealth transfer? Pretty strong, right? Because even though you were dealt a blow and he got a momentary windfall, you still know the right things to do and he still doesn't.

That's what wealth transfers on a massive scale do. The same people end up doing well in the end, and the same people end up doing poorly, but the ones who do poorly are given a false sense of security that they don't have so much to worry about because someone else is going to take care of them. In the end, they put less effort than they otherwise would have into improving their situations - and it's the fault of the people who claim they want to help them."
I am betting that some will chime in without reading. I am aware that some shy away when they see more than one paragraph. Understanding the cause of things is crucial if you want to fix things. Government is at the root of the majority of our problems, not the private sector.

I think this sums it up for those who hate reading. And all this is due to government regulations and tax increases.

"While the number of two-earner households declined during the first six years of the Obama presidency, the number of single-earner households rose by 2.6 million and the number of households with no earners rose by almost five million. In other words, two thirds of the increase in the number of families under Mr. Obama was accounted for by households with no one working. This is the reason the middle class has shrunk, and the reason inequality has increased. And unless we increase the number of people wanting to work and the number of jobs through economic growth, inequality will only increase."
The remaining liberals on here can't handle anything more complex than a dog whistle. I posted this article a couple of days ago and it wont nowhere.

For some, it's too complex. For others, it's an inconvenient fact that must be ignored for the sake of the agenda. Discussing this honestly would not bode well for Hillary's campaign. Wouldn't help Bernie much, either.

I apologize for having a duplicate thread. Funny how the ones libs can't defend get quickly buried and hard to find.
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If you truly believed all that, you'd be doing something about it. Are you?
If you truly believed all that, you'd be doing something about it. Are you?

Try reading. Either join the discussion and explain why you agree or disagree or just move on.

Middle class is going away. Small businesses have closed in droves since Obama got in office. Of course, the gap looks wider when there is little in the middle. Hillary is pointing out the poorest people and the wealthiest people and getting people riled over the difference between them. Instead of pointing out that there is a path between poor and rich, they are doing their best to decrease middle class. Socialism requires an absence of middle class. You have to pit the poor against the wealthy and that is exactly what is happening here. A strong middle class requires many small businesses. Eliminating small businesses through policies, like Obamacare, and other regulations that destroy the middle class has been the goal of the Obama administration. Now Hillary is citing problems created by those policies and offering more liberal policies as the solution. Everything from a more massive wealth redistribution to increasing minimum wage will take down more middle class and eliminate more low class jobs. Then we'll have dirt poor people on welfare on one end and the wealthy on the other. Then it's time for true socialism, which eventually turns into communism.

The remaining liberals on here can't handle anything more complex than a dog whistle. I posted this article a couple of days ago and it wont nowhere.

Let me explain what's happening there... because it happens to me frequently as well...

You see, the liberals here haven't received their talking points yet. They don't bother engaging in these kind of threads until they are armed with propaganda links and pseudo-intellectual blather to throw at your points. Most of them are barely smart enough to get their PC booted up.

Now, I have found that if you keep bumping the thread back up, eventually one of the lesser savvy ones will inevitably make some kind of smart ass comment or take a pot shot. Then another one may jump in and attempt to derail the thread by taking it off topic. If nothing else, they'll flood the thread with personal insults and denigration.

You're not going to have an intellectual debate with them on this, it's beyond their limited ability. I've almost forgotten how it was to sit down with a lefty and actually debate on merit. There are so few of them left nowadays as they have moved toward the radical axioms of Saul Alinsky and others.
The remaining liberals on here can't handle anything more complex than a dog whistle. I posted this article a couple of days ago and it wont nowhere.

Let me explain what's happening there... because it happens to me frequently as well...

You see, the liberals here haven't received their talking points yet. They don't bother engaging in these kind of threads until they are armed with propaganda links and pseudo-intellectual blather to throw at your points. Most of them are barely smart enough to get their PC booted up.

Now, I have found that if you keep bumping the thread back up, eventually one of the lesser savvy ones will inevitably make some kind of smart ass comment or take a pot shot. Then another one may jump in and attempt to derail the thread by taking it off topic. If nothing else, they'll flood the thread with personal insults and denigration.

You're not going to have an intellectual debate with them on this, it's beyond their limited ability. I've almost forgotten how it was to sit down with a lefty and actually debate on merit. There are so few of them left nowadays as they have moved toward the radical axioms of Saul Alinsky and others.

So true.

There is a clear pattern in the way they approach this.

First, ignore as long as possible.
Second, attack source. If additional source is provided that is a neutral or typically liberal one, go back to ignore.
Third, find something to insult. It can be a typo or anything else they can poke fun at.
Fourth, ridicule the OP and anyone agreeing. Use any means necessary to bash people. Call them stupid and claim that everything they've ever posted is garbage.
If that doesn't work, derail. This means bringing up something Bush did years ago. Most attempts at derailing will involve falsehoods or things that are completely off topic.

If none of the above bring the desired result, start posting as much crap as possible. Bump up old liberal threads or start posting robo threads to ensure that any unpleasant threads get buried.

I think you are right that they haven't yet got the talking points needed to retort. And it will be nothing more than one line.
The official poverty measure does not count most of the value of government assistance that the poor receive. If you count that assistance,

the real poverty rate is about 4%.

If you take away the assistance given to the poor, as the GOP wants to do, THEN the poverty rates goes into the teens, at least.
The official poverty measure does not count most of the value of government assistance that the poor receive. If you count that assistance,

the real poverty rate is about 4%.

If you take away the assistance given to the poor, as the GOP wants to do, THEN the poverty rates goes into the teens, at least.

You are off topic. We are discussing the issue of income inequality and what is causing the middle class to disappear. No one wants to take away assistance for the poor. The best plan is to start encouraging people to at least get a high school diploma or equivalent and hopefully additional training. Going to a vocational school is a great idea. Then we need to stop the policies that hurt small businesses so we can bring back the opportunities that allowed the poor to move to middle class. As it is, it's difficult to do that since middle class jobs are becoming scarce due to the closing of so many small businesses. Not to mention that too many have believed the rhetoric and don't think there is any reason to try to improve themselves.

No one wants people to starve. It's that the smartest ones know that people can do a better job of taking care of themselves and their families than government can and they need incentive to make the changes necessary to advance. Then we need opportunities for them to take advantage of once they are qualified to get them.

The best welfare program is a job. The best job is something other than a starter job meant for teens. Minimum wage jobs are mostly what is available and that is why the left is successfully convincing people that raising the minimum wage is a good idea. What would be better is to bring back the jobs that paid much better than minimum and ones people could move up to after getting some experience and some education. Being a part time burger flipper is not the way to support a big family. Plus, the majority of minimum wage jobs are part time. If the minimum wage is raised, the number of jobs will go down even more.

The talking points that Hillary is pushing is that the wealthy are responsible for the wage gap. It isn't the private sector that is killing middle class. It's government. And they are using this to their advantage.

When I see so many believing that wealth redistribution is their best chance, I am both saddened and disgusted. That is just a temporary solution. You run out of other people's money eventually. If people don't possess the skills to get decent jobs, no amount of freebies will make up for that or change their lives in any way.

We should ensure that anyone in need has the basic necessities, but some are trying to make people content being a government dependent and that is downright cruel to both the poor and those who will be forced to sacrifice their own financial security as they are continually and increasingly robbed by government.
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Welfare as we know it needs to change. Not the part about helping people in need, but the way we allow people to become comfortable doing little or nothing to improve their situation. Dem programs are like handing people more pain pills instead of fixing the broken leg. Welfare does not address the real problem. It merely subsidizes people's lives. If you subsidize something, you will get more of it.

We need to make some changes in our system. People have to learn that making a living isn't easy and not fun. Most people don't love their jobs, but they are responsible adults who know that it's the only way to survive.

No one should go hungry or live on the street. On the other hand, we shouldn't be giving spending money to people or allowing them to have fancy phones for free. We are taking away their incentive to make changes when we attempt to increase their standard of living by offering more and more while they don't do anything different.

Many on welfare now were workers until their job ended when the company downsized or went bankrupt. Many of those now work for much less than they did and need welfare to get by. All they want is jobs that could afford them the same standard of living they had before Obamacare and other policies killed their job. Some poorly skilled people do work and get welfare to bring them up to a better standard, but if those people are not trying to acquire the skills needed to advance to something better, they are forever going to live this way. And if they keep having more kids, they will ensure a lifetime on the government plantation. Minimum wage jobs are for teens who want to get experience so they can put a work history on their resume yet too many adults only qualify for those non-skilled jobs.

It is about choices we make, but we also need government to stop killing opportunities. It does no good to get the education and experience if the jobs we seek are going away.

The attack on small businesses is what is creating the income inequality. You can't destroy the means by which people climb out of poverty. Of course, it just leaves more people poor because middle class people fall to join the poor. The wealthy can survive and they no longer need that ladder the way everyone on the bottom does. But it's not the wealthy who destroyed it. It was over regulation, Obamacare and higher taxes. So, if the left is serious about helping people, why don't they repeal the stupid policies and laws that created the problem in the first place? Or do they prefer desperate people who are more willing to support big government nannies?
If you truly believed all that, you'd be doing something about it. Are you?
Reagan destroyed our economy. Then Bush destroyed it more by lying us into invading Iraq. Then Bush allowed the Koch Brothers to loot every bank in America and the taxpayers had to bail them out. This was after Republican billionaires paid off Congress to repeal Glass Steagal and force Clinton, under threat ofimpeachment to sign it.
The official poverty measure does not count most of the value of government assistance that the poor receive. If you count that assistance,

the real poverty rate is about 4%.

If you take away the assistance given to the poor, as the GOP wants to do, THEN the poverty rates goes into the teens, at least.

Well if our government programs are making sure people are not living in real poverty, then what's the point of working? I think that's the point here.

Why work 40 hours a week when 28 plus food stamps and other benefits such as Medicaid or huge subsidies on Commie Care will fill in the gaps?

Without the over generous social programs, people would work more hours or take measures to increase their income.
The official poverty measure does not count most of the value of government assistance that the poor receive. If you count that assistance,

the real poverty rate is about 4%.

If you take away the assistance given to the poor, as the GOP wants to do, THEN the poverty rates goes into the teens, at least.

Well if our government programs are making sure people are not living in real poverty, then what's the point of working? I think that's the point here.

Why work 40 hours a week when 28 plus food stamps and other benefits such as Medicaid or huge subsidies on Commie Care will fill in the gaps?

Without the over generous social programs, people would work more hours or take measures to increase their income.

If you can prove that countries with little or no assistance for the poor have fewer poor people,

let's hear it.
The official poverty measure does not count most of the value of government assistance that the poor receive. If you count that assistance,

the real poverty rate is about 4%.

If you take away the assistance given to the poor, as the GOP wants to do, THEN the poverty rates goes into the teens, at least.

Well if our government programs are making sure people are not living in real poverty, then what's the point of working? I think that's the point here.

Why work 40 hours a week when 28 plus food stamps and other benefits such as Medicaid or huge subsidies on Commie Care will fill in the gaps?

Without the over generous social programs, people would work more hours or take measures to increase their income.

If you can prove that countries with little or no assistance for the poor have fewer poor people,

let's hear it.

Other countries don't have the option to get out of poverty like we do. Talk to foreigners who own their own convenience stores or franchise. They will tell you what poverty is, and it isn't a HUD home in the suburbs and Obama phones.

As I travel through industrial areas every single day, they are loaded with HELP WANTED signs. Some are there permanently. Why? They can't find workers. Why? Because too many are sitting at home instead.

Some are even our customers and I ask about the jobs they seek help for. Even for idiot jobs, some of them don't pay too badly.

Sure, if they don't pay great money, and you can do better on government programs, why go out and work? Because there are no promotions on welfare. There is no moving up the ladder like there is at a job. If you jumped on welfare five years ago, you are no better off or worse today. You went nowhere.
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Here is a graphic I have posted before. It shows something very interesting with regard to the "shrinking middle class." First of all, the 7 years of ObamaEconomy are not shown. This is data from 1967-2009.

It clearly shows us the decline of "middle class" families coinciding with the rise in "upper income" families, while the "lower income" families remain relatively unchanged. Of course, if the chart extended on out to 2016, you'd see the upper income families decline some more, as they are starting to do here and lower income families would increase.

What you see happening, all through the 70s, 80s, 90s and into the 00s, is families not being content with "middle income" and striving for more. So they are going away but a lot of them are becoming the new rich.
View attachment 66432
Here is a graphic I have posted before. It shows something very interesting with regard to the "shrinking middle class." First of all, the 7 years of ObamaEconomy are not shown. This is data from 1967-2009.

It clearly shows us the decline of "middle class" families coinciding with the rise in "upper income" families, while the "lower income" families remain relatively unchanged. Of course, if the chart extended on out to 2016, you'd see the upper income families decline some more, as they are starting to do here and lower income families would increase.

What you see happening, all through the 70s, 80s, 90s and into the 00s, is families not being content with "middle income" and striving for more. So they are going away but a lot of them are becoming the new rich.

That's a great chart, but I want to add another one for comparison:

Well if our government programs are making sure people are not living in real poverty, then what's the point of working? I think that's the point here.

Why work 40 hours a week when 28 plus food stamps and other benefits such as Medicaid or huge subsidies on Commie Care will fill in the gaps?

Without the over generous social programs, people would work more hours or take measures to increase their income.

That's the whole point. We can't keep artificially elevating people without any effort on their part. Unless you subsidize them forever, they are doomed.
Well if our government programs are making sure people are not living in real poverty, then what's the point of working? I think that's the point here.

Why work 40 hours a week when 28 plus food stamps and other benefits such as Medicaid or huge subsidies on Commie Care will fill in the gaps?

Without the over generous social programs, people would work more hours or take measures to increase their income.

That's the whole point. We can't keep artificially elevating people without any effort on their part. Unless you subsidize them forever, they are doomed.

Correct. In fact, I had to evict tenants from one of my apartments about two years ago.

This was an unmarried couple with two children. When they started to fall behind on rent and getting later each month, I knew there was a problem so I asked them to come to my apartment to resolve it.

He had a full-time job but refused to work more than 40 hours per week. She supposedly home schooled the two children so she didn't work at all. I came up with the solution for her to get a part-time job on the weekends when he was home to watch the kids while she worked.

It was a perfect solution except one problem: she was getting food stamps for her and the kids. Bringing in any kind of income would interfere with her benefits so she dismissed my idea.

I ended up evicting them and of course, it's now court record for any future landlord to see.

While it may be true that our social programs help some people, it ruins others in the process because it creates an incentive not to work. And as my chart above shows, the middle-class decline is in fact proportional with our increasing government dependency.

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