Rx for the Democrats


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
This is getting a little fucking silly. Now, everywhere I look, I see article titles like "Dems Searching for Answers After Electoral Catastrophe"


This should be very easy. Now that the party is lying in a steaming puddle of goo, it has nowhere to go but up. And all it will take is two (2) steps:

Step One
Drop the whole destructive Political Correctness/Identity Politics fiasco NOW. Stop dividing Americans into little pieces and pitting them against each other. Stop screaming and intimidating and punishing people for saying what they think. Stop ruining family businesses for refusing to bake a fucking CAKE. Stop deplatforming conservative voices on college campuses. Stop pretending there are 58 (or whatever the number is now) genders. Stop having flamboyant transsexuals read books to parents' young children in class. Apologize for terms like "Toxic Masculinity" and "Cultural Appropriation". You blew it. This was stupid from the start. Fucking DROP IT.

Step Two
Focus like a fucking laser beam on the Middle Class (assuming it isn't too late, and it may be). No, not the Black Middle Class or the Brown Middle Class or the Purple Middle Class or the Gay Middle Class. The AMERICAN MIddle Class. Drop the fucking hyphenations. Come up with some NEW IDEAS that fit a rapidly changing and more competitive global economy. Modify and streamline existing ideas like Unions, Vocational Schools and Retirement Plans. I swear it wouldn't be that difficult.

Anyone who was here before 2016 knows that I was considered evil by the LEFTIES here because I was screaming this every fucking day. I had "Political Correctness Derangement Syndrome". I was called every name in the book and squabbled with every lefty on the board over it. Turns out I was right.

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This is getting a little fucking silly. Now, everywhere I look, I see article titles like "Dems Searching for Answers After Electoral Catastrophe"


This should be very easy. Now that the party is lying in a steaming puddle of goo, it has nowhere to go but up. And all it will take is two (2) steps:

Step One
Drop the whole destructive Political Correctness/Identity Politics fiasco NOW. Stop dividing Americans into little pieces and pitting them against each other. Stop screaming and intimidating and punishing people for saying what they think. Stop ruining businesses for refusing to bake a fucking CAKE. Stop deplatforming conservative voices on college campuses. Stop pretending there are 58 (or whatever the number is now) genders. Apologize for terms like "Toxic Masculinity" and "Cultural Appropriation". You blew it. This was stupid from the start. DROP IT.

Step Two
Focus like a fucking laser beam on the Middle Class (assuming it isn't too late, and it may be). No, not the Black Middle Class or the Brown Middle Class or the Purple Middle Class or the Gay Middle Class. The AMERICAN MIddle Class. Drop the fucking hyphenations. Come up with some NEW IDEAS that fit a rapidly changing and more competitive global economy. Modify and streamline existing ideas like Unions, Vocational Schools and Retirement Plans. I swear it wouldn't be that difficult.

Anyone who was here before 2016 knows that I was considered evil by the LEFTIES here because I was screaming this every fucking day. I had "Political Correctness Derangement Syndrome". I was called every name in the book and squabbled with every lefty on the board over it. Turns out I was right.

Democrats cannot do any of that. I predict that they will slide even more to the progressive left. Get ready for the loons to try their damnedest to out loony each other.
This is getting a little fucking silly. Now, everywhere I look, I see article titles like "Dems Searching for Answers After Electoral Catastrophe"


This should be very easy. Now that the party is lying in a steaming puddle of goo, it has nowhere to go but up. And all it will take is two (2) steps:

Step One
Drop the whole destructive Political Correctness/Identity Politics fiasco NOW. Stop dividing Americans into little pieces and pitting them against each other. Stop screaming and intimidating and punishing people for saying what they think. Stop ruining businesses for refusing to bake a fucking CAKE. Stop deplatforming conservative voices on college campuses. Stop pretending there are 58 (or whatever the number is now) genders. Stop having flamboyant transsexuals read books to parents' young children in class. Apologize for terms like "Toxic Masculinity" and "Cultural Appropriation". You blew it. This was stupid from the start. Fucking DROP IT.

Step Two
Focus like a fucking laser beam on the Middle Class (assuming it isn't too late, and it may be). No, not the Black Middle Class or the Brown Middle Class or the Purple Middle Class or the Gay Middle Class. The AMERICAN MIddle Class. Drop the fucking hyphenations. Come up with some NEW IDEAS that fit a rapidly changing and more competitive global economy. Modify and streamline existing ideas like Unions, Vocational Schools and Retirement Plans. I swear it wouldn't be that difficult.

Anyone who was here before 2016 knows that I was considered evil by the LEFTIES here because I was screaming this every fucking day. I had "Political Correctness Derangement Syndrome". I was called every name in the book and squabbled with every lefty on the board over it. Turns out I was right.

Really, it seems you're talking about another, new political party. That would be a good idea.
Really, it seems you're talking about another, new political party. That would be a good idea.
Yeah, the party is so committed to this stuff that it would require a complete flush.

But they have nowhere to go but up. Will they look in the mirror? I doubt it.

They're as responsible for this as Trump or any Republican. Maybe more so.
Yeah, the party is so committed to this stuff that it would require a complete flush.

But they have nowhere to go but up. Will they look in the mirror? I doubt it.

They're as responsible for this as Trump or any Republican. Maybe more so.
More so. Harris was the best available argument for voting Trump. Some of us voted "other" anyway.
Democrats cannot do any of that. I predict that they will slide even more to the progressive left. Get ready for the loons to try their damnedest to out loony each other.
The democrat party is a coalition of weird people, such as transgenders and pro palestine radicals

And the occasional economic socialist like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren

2024 with Kamala Harris was a genuine expression of who and what modern democrats are

It cannot disavow its core principals overnight

Nor does it have to

Democrats are weird because a huge swath of America is weird

Like it or not there will be a comeback on the left along with future democrat victories
This is getting a little fucking silly. Now, everywhere I look, I see article titles like "Dems Searching for Answers After Electoral Catastrophe"


This should be very easy. Now that the party is lying in a steaming puddle of goo, it has nowhere to go but up. And all it will take is two (2) steps:

Step One
Drop the whole destructive Political Correctness/Identity Politics fiasco NOW. Stop dividing Americans into little pieces and pitting them against each other. Stop screaming and intimidating and punishing people for saying what they think. Stop ruining family businesses for refusing to bake a fucking CAKE. Stop deplatforming conservative voices on college campuses. Stop pretending there are 58 (or whatever the number is now) genders. Stop having flamboyant transsexuals read books to parents' young children in class. Apologize for terms like "Toxic Masculinity" and "Cultural Appropriation". You blew it. This was stupid from the start. Fucking DROP IT.

Step Two
Focus like a fucking laser beam on the Middle Class (assuming it isn't too late, and it may be). No, not the Black Middle Class or the Brown Middle Class or the Purple Middle Class or the Gay Middle Class. The AMERICAN MIddle Class. Drop the fucking hyphenations. Come up with some NEW IDEAS that fit a rapidly changing and more competitive global economy. Modify and streamline existing ideas like Unions, Vocational Schools and Retirement Plans. I swear it wouldn't be that difficult.

Anyone who was here before 2016 knows that I was considered evil by the LEFTIES here because I was screaming this every fucking day. I had "Political Correctness Derangement Syndrome". I was called every name in the book and squabbled with every lefty on the board over it. Turns out I was right.

That would work but then America wouldn't fall and destroying the country as we know it is their goal.
And once again, you just make stuff up.

Only the cognitively dissonant can think you made something up by quoting them.
You obviously don't think YOU won even though Trump will put an end to all the things you railed about.
Because guess what? The Left never will, it is who they are.
Asking them to realign their politics you might as well ask them to die.

“This largely destroys the narrative that nonwhite immigration will demographically drown White Americans under a tide of imported minority votes. ”

Uh, not quite

This guy, and by extension mac1958 too probably, still thinks trump voters are driven by skin color

Which is largely not true

What we fear, I believe, is too much immigration, too quickly, with little or no time for assimilation

I’ll wager that very few non white trump voters are first generation citizens

The children or grandchildren of immigrants maybe

And that is particularly true of muslims who arrive with radically different cultural values than most of America

It takes time to break old habits
This is getting a little fucking silly. Now, everywhere I look, I see article titles like "Dems Searching for Answers After Electoral Catastrophe"


This should be very easy. Now that the party is lying in a steaming puddle of goo, it has nowhere to go but up. And all it will take is two (2) steps:

Step One
Drop the whole destructive Political Correctness/Identity Politics fiasco NOW. Stop dividing Americans into little pieces and pitting them against each other. Stop screaming and intimidating and punishing people for saying what they think. Stop ruining family businesses for refusing to bake a fucking CAKE. Stop deplatforming conservative voices on college campuses. Stop pretending there are 58 (or whatever the number is now) genders. Stop having flamboyant transsexuals read books to parents' young children in class. Apologize for terms like "Toxic Masculinity" and "Cultural Appropriation". You blew it. This was stupid from the start. Fucking DROP IT.

Step Two
Focus like a fucking laser beam on the Middle Class (assuming it isn't too late, and it may be). No, not the Black Middle Class or the Brown Middle Class or the Purple Middle Class or the Gay Middle Class. The AMERICAN MIddle Class. Drop the fucking hyphenations. Come up with some NEW IDEAS that fit a rapidly changing and more competitive global economy. Modify and streamline existing ideas like Unions, Vocational Schools and Retirement Plans. I swear it wouldn't be that difficult.

Anyone who was here before 2016 knows that I was considered evil by the LEFTIES here because I was screaming this every fucking day. I had "Political Correctness Derangement Syndrome". I was called every name in the book and squabbled with every lefty on the board over it. Turns out I was right.

The democrat party is a coalition of weird people, such as transgenders and pro palestine radicals

And the occasional economic socialist like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren

2024 with Kamala Harris was a genuine expression of who and what modern democrats are

It cannot disavow its core principals overnight

Nor does it have to

Democrats are weird because a huge swath of America is weird

Like it or not there will be a comeback o the left along with future democrat victories
I mentioned as much when replying on a FB comment. The Dems will never learn. They will only double down on the frootloops. But the GOP MUST follow through to fix the damage caused by BiDumbfuck

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