Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Have any of you conservatives thought about the fact that if a woman has access to contraception (meaning she can decide when to have a child or not), abortions would decrease?

And.................if a woman has a right to get an abortion, maybe she would be able to better plan her life and care for a child when she has enough money, rather than go on welfare to provide for her child?

Conservatives only care about kids when they are at the level of zygote or embryo. When it comes into the world, it's the fault (and responsibility) of the mother.

And then................when the child comes out and becomes a baby, and the child cannot be cared for because the mother doesn't earn enough, that child (and mother) become known as "takers".

Let women have the choice of when they become parents. It's much cheaper to pay for birth control or abortions than it is to pay for welfare for the child for the next 18 years.

Except they did, hence the guilty verdict.

which never would have stood up to an appeal and they knew it.

Keep in mind, Gosnell was already going down for killing Mrs. Mognar (The 43 year old Nepalese woman who couldn't get a legal abortion in Virginia because of religious nutters) and all the Happy Pills he was prescribing (Damned Gummit keeping guys like you from their happy Pills), so he was already going to jail for the rest of his life. (He is 72 years old)

So the only question about the Murder of Medical Waste was if he'd get the death penalty for not disposing of medical waste properly. So they got a dubious conviction on a couple of them, and then plead him down to the time he was already going to serve on other charges.

But you got a court to say somewhere that Medical Waste was people, and that was the important thing to Anti-Choice nutters.


Why did his lawyers advise him to waive the appeal then? C'mon, benefit us with your expertise on all things, even the shit you don't know about.

Because they knew he was going to jail for the drugs and Mrs. Mognar anyway. He wasn't getting out of that one.

Come on, the only difference was between a death sentence that would never be carried out and life in prison for a guy who isn't going to live more than a few more years anyway. The last thing the prosecutors wanted was for the jury to whiffle on the death penalty and then have him challenge the dead fetus convictions.

So they save their dubious verdict and he saves money.

So why didn't they just plead him down in the first place?

Oh, yeah, because they were making a point about Abortion.
Employers need to stay the fuck out of their employees lives.

Yet be required to provide them with health insurance? Fascinating.

Health insurance is compensation.

Here's a simple enough solution. Ban employer health plans. Have them pay each and every employee the equivlent of their share of the plan. Everyone has to get on the ObamaCare Website and negotiate with the insurance companies for their own plans.

Private Insurance would collapse in about five years, and then we'd be insisting on Medicare for Everyone.

You see, a 26 year old could get a plan on her own for a lot less than the $5000 hobby lobby is paying for her that covers contraception. Shit, the insurance companies would GLADLY pay for contraception. It's cheaper than paying for births.

It's the older employees who would be fucked. Try getting an insurance plan at 52.
Employers need to stay the fuck out of their employees lives.

Yet be required to provide them with health insurance? Fascinating.

Health insurance is compensation.

Here's a simple enough solution. Ban employer health plans. Have them ...

Here's an even simpler solution. Mind your own fucking business. Let people buy, or not buy, whatever kind of insurance they can afford. Let employers offer whatever kind of compensation attracts the employees they need.
Yet be required to provide them with health insurance? Fascinating.

Health insurance is compensation.

Here's a simple enough solution. Ban employer health plans. Have them ...

Here's an even simpler solution. Mind your own fucking business. Let people buy, or not buy, whatever kind of insurance they can afford. Let employers offer whatever kind of compensation attracts the employees they need.

that's a foreign concept to people in this day and age
they have to use Guberment to FORCE people to do as they wish like putting another entitlement, OscamCare on the backs of the taxpayers and now whining over some provision in it
Joe's argument is the perfect example of circular logic. It isn't the government's business, therefore it should be the governments business.

i never said it wasn't the government's business.

I WANT to government to make sure that my boss isn't cheating me. because I know that fucker would given the oppurtunity.

If every boss you have ever worked for has been an asshole...ever stop to think the problem might be you, not them?




That will be the day....
A nice sentiment, but unfortunately, the bill will die regardless once the House's Wrongpublican majority gets their grubby fundamentalist paws on it.

Um...fundamentalists? Libertarians and any fiscal conservative would oppose that. You should read your talking points before you hit enter and make sure they make sense at some level.

The government is forcing one party to buy insurance for another party.


Bullshit, prove it. don't know what the ACA is? Seriously?
A nice sentiment, but unfortunately, the bill will die regardless once the House's Wrongpublican majority gets their grubby fundamentalist paws on it.

Um...fundamentalists? Libertarians and any fiscal conservative would oppose that. You should read your talking points before you hit enter and make sure they make sense at some level.

The government is forcing one party to buy insurance for another party.


Bullshit, prove it. don't know what the ACA is? Seriously?

I get a kick out of "liberal media".

No one can possibly be that stupid and survive.

It's a parody sock account of some really funny conservative folk, and he/she have my best regards. It illustrates the extreme of liberal stupidity with a straight face. They should probably have their own web site if they aren't already responsible for something like The People's Cube or Liberal Logic 101.

A nice sentiment, but unfortunately, the bill will die regardless once the House's Wrongpublican majority gets their grubby fundamentalist paws on it.

Um...fundamentalists? Libertarians and any fiscal conservative would oppose that. You should read your talking points before you hit enter and make sure they make sense at some level.

The government is forcing one party to buy insurance for another party.


Bullshit, prove it. don't know what the ACA is? Seriously?

Kaz, You're talking to a poster whose favorite letter in the alphabet is the letter 'y.'

For example, "Lyz Wyrryn." Seriously, who writes stuff like that? I suggest you place this person on ignore.
A nice sentiment, but unfortunately, the bill will die regardless once the House's Wrongpublican majority gets their grubby fundamentalist paws on it.

Um...fundamentalists? Libertarians and any fiscal conservative would oppose that. You should read your talking points before you hit enter and make sure they make sense at some level.

Bullshit, prove it. don't know what the ACA is? Seriously?

Kaz, You're talking to a poster whose favorite letter in the alphabet is the letter 'y.'

For example, "Lyz Wyrryn." Seriously, who writes stuff like that? I suggest you place this person on ignore.

A person who is either dangerously stupid, or incredibly funny. I figure the later.
Actually, it will.

Do you really think a candidate as far left as Obama could have ever gotten elected 20 years ago?

You guys made this mess. You made this mess the day Reagan decided to fire the PATCO workers and told big business that government no longer had the working man's back.
That's rich, coming from a guy who believes voting for people who support failed policies will somehow make things better.

You're a loon. :lol:

How do you defined "failed'.

Welfare does exactly what it's supposed to do. It keeps people from starving and rioting.

What the failure is that we found it more important to make the rich richer than to make sure everyone had good paying jobs.

That was the failure.

And that's all the GOP.
As I said, you're a loon.

The left has no interest in getting people off government assistance. They WANT a permanent dependent class -- so they can make empty promises in exchange for votes.

This is undeniable. Don't bother denying it.
the insurance companies would GLADLY pay for contraception. It's cheaper than paying for births

LOL, no matter how many times a liberal is exposed to information, you can't absorb it. No one I've seen is arguing against contraception or insurance companies paying for it. The question is whether it's appropriate for government to use the unilateral force of guns to compel them to, particularly when it violates their religious beliefs.

Seriously, after all this discussion, you still don't grasp that?
Uh, yeah, actually he does if medical insurance was part of the deal he offered me.

The deal he offers is the deal he offers. You agree to the terms and then whine that they won't pay for your sex change - too fucking bad.

Health INsurance is compensation. It is not your employer doing you a favor.

Health Insurance stupidly got linked to employment in the 60's - largely due to Kaiser Steel owning a health care system.

Hey, guy, I'm not worried about being above Mexico in quality of health care.

I have no doubt about that. Communist never grasp the consequence of their actions.

I'm worried we are behind Canada, and Germany, and Japan, and England, and France and Italy.

Yet those people all come here for advanced care - because their socialized systems fail to offer the level of care that our system does.

The fact we have an infant mortality rate that a third world country would be embarrassed by is nothing to be proud of.


What a drooling fool you are.

Infant mortality among white Americans is the lowest in the world - period.

Infant mortality among all Americans with a high school diploma is statistically equal to Western Europe.

An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

So, where do we have infant mortality problems?

Obama's illegal immigration invitation | Human Events

It's a conundrum... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Have any of you conservatives thought about the fact that if a woman has access to contraception (meaning she can decide when to have a child or not), abortions would decrease?

Have any of you Communists considered the fact that ALL women in America have easy access to contraception, and employer supply of abortificants is utterly irrelevant to access to contraception?

And.................if a woman has a right to get an abortion, maybe she would be able to better plan her life and care for a child when she has enough money, rather than go on welfare to provide for her child?

Only if she keeps the child in formaldehyde.

Conservatives only care about kids when they are at the level of zygote or embryo. When it comes into the world, it's the fault (and responsibility) of the mother.

Communists only care about a child when they can kill it - part of the blood lust of the left.

And then................when the child comes out and becomes a baby, and the child cannot be cared for because the mother doesn't earn enough, that child (and mother) become known as "takers".

Communists and their lies.

Say Comrade - WHO runs all the private adoption agencies- Planned Parenthood? See, it's not JUST that you're a liar, it's that the lies you tell are SO FUCKING STUPID.

Yes, I realize you're just repeating hating points that your handlers at ThinkProgress trained you to recite - even so....

Let women have the choice of when they become parents. It's much cheaper to pay for birth control or abortions than it is to pay for welfare for the child for the next 18 years.

They already have that choice, sporky. Conception is 100% a matter of choice. No woman conceives in the USA unless they choose to. There is no excuse for abortion.
Have any of you conservatives thought about the fact that if a woman has access to contraception (meaning she can decide when to have a child or not), abortions would decrease?

Have any of you Communists considered the fact that ALL women in America have easy access to contraception, and employer supply of abortificants is utterly irrelevant to access to contraception?

And.................if a woman has a right to get an abortion, maybe she would be able to better plan her life and care for a child when she has enough money, rather than go on welfare to provide for her child?

Only if she keeps the child in formaldehyde.

Communists only care about a child when they can kill it - part of the blood lust of the left.

And then................when the child comes out and becomes a baby, and the child cannot be cared for because the mother doesn't earn enough, that child (and mother) become known as "takers".

Communists and their lies.

Say Comrade - WHO runs all the private adoption agencies- Planned Parenthood? See, it's not JUST that you're a liar, it's that the lies you tell are SO FUCKING STUPID.

Yes, I realize you're just repeating hating points that your handlers at ThinkProgress trained you to recite - even so....

Let women have the choice of when they become parents. It's much cheaper to pay for birth control or abortions than it is to pay for welfare for the child for the next 18 years.

They already have that choice, sporky. Conception is 100% a matter of choice. No woman conceives in the USA unless they choose to. There is no excuse for abortion.

This is just more bullshit from the left. Pay no attention to it. In this day and age there should be no need whatsoever for abortion unless there is rape or incest.

Killing a baby because the dumbass woman can't use contraceptives (which are readily available - hell, from the time women are young ladies) is bullshit. It's a "victimization excuse" that liberals use to justify the ends.

Again, if you are too stupid to take care of your own body - then you are too stupid to make the decision to abort your baby.

So, basically, women need to understand that it is NOT the right that is waging a "war on women". it is the Nazi Left that is keeping women in their "place" - dependent on the dumbass left to "help them". Nothing more than bullshit.
Have any of you conservatives thought about the fact that if a woman has access to contraception (meaning she can decide when to have a child or not), abortions would decrease?

And.................if a woman has a right to get an abortion, maybe she would be able to better plan her life and care for a child when she has enough money, rather than go on welfare to provide for her child?

Conservatives only care about kids when they are at the level of zygote or embryo. When it comes into the world, it's the fault (and responsibility) of the mother.

And then................when the child comes out and becomes a baby, and the child cannot be cared for because the mother doesn't earn enough, that child (and mother) become known as "takers".

Let women have the choice of when they become parents. It's much cheaper to pay for birth control or abortions than it is to pay for welfare for the child for the next 18 years.

Have you thought about the fact that no one in this country is denying women access to contraceptives?

Didn't think so.
which never would have stood up to an appeal and they knew it.

Keep in mind, Gosnell was already going down for killing Mrs. Mognar (The 43 year old Nepalese woman who couldn't get a legal abortion in Virginia because of religious nutters) and all the Happy Pills he was prescribing (Damned Gummit keeping guys like you from their happy Pills), so he was already going to jail for the rest of his life. (He is 72 years old)

So the only question about the Murder of Medical Waste was if he'd get the death penalty for not disposing of medical waste properly. So they got a dubious conviction on a couple of them, and then plead him down to the time he was already going to serve on other charges.

But you got a court to say somewhere that Medical Waste was people, and that was the important thing to Anti-Choice nutters.


Why did his lawyers advise him to waive the appeal then? C'mon, benefit us with your expertise on all things, even the shit you don't know about.

Because they knew he was going to jail for the drugs and Mrs. Mognar anyway. He wasn't getting out of that one.

Come on, the only difference was between a death sentence that would never be carried out and life in prison for a guy who isn't going to live more than a few more years anyway. The last thing the prosecutors wanted was for the jury to whiffle on the death penalty and then have him challenge the dead fetus convictions.

So they save their dubious verdict and he saves money.

So why didn't they just plead him down in the first place?

Oh, yeah, because they were making a point about Abortion.

Wrong, it was to avoid the death penalty, it had nothing to do with the drugs.

Gotta love the way your brain refuses to acknowledge how stupid the things that come out of it are.
Employers need to stay the fuck out of their employees lives.

Yet be required to provide them with health insurance? Fascinating.

Health insurance is compensation.

Here's a simple enough solution. Ban employer health plans. Have them pay each and every employee the equivlent of their share of the plan. Everyone has to get on the ObamaCare Website and negotiate with the insurance companies for their own plans.

Private Insurance would collapse in about five years, and then we'd be insisting on Medicare for Everyone.

You see, a 26 year old could get a plan on her own for a lot less than the $5000 hobby lobby is paying for her that covers contraception. Shit, the insurance companies would GLADLY pay for contraception. It's cheaper than paying for births.

It's the older employees who would be fucked. Try getting an insurance plan at 52.

If it was compensation it would be taxed by the IRS.

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