Democrats Dont You Dare...

The federal government gives you massive tax breaks just for having kids. Is that out of its jurisdiction?

No it is 1) the penalties that they will give you via the IRS if you dont get insurance, and 2) the unConstitutional increase in taxes via a bill that started in the SENATE instead of the House which all revenue bills are supposed to do.

Maybe the GOP House can find a real leader with some balls in the next session.

Who then? I mean you are right about having
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.

Interesting. The RWnuts are now suddenly FOR executive orders. Magically they're not considered unconstitutional anymore?

lol, so it begins...

Yep - we're going to see even more lying and hypocrisy from the likes of the OP.

I would love to be a fly on the wall in the meeting Bammer and trump have. I bet Bamber offers to throw hillary under the bus if Trump promises not to sit all over his legacy.

The President should open the meeting by quietly taking Trump aside and saying,

you know, I'm not stepping down...

That or, "well, you wanted it, you can have it, bye bye suckaaaaaa".
In fact, with the exception of immigration, my RIGHTS (specifically the 2nd amendment - that is the one under attack currently), and taxes, I would consider myself more leaning to the left. I would say that I am probably more a classical liberal in that sense though. It just so happens that the three issues I agree more with the right than the left on, are the more important issues to me.

I am also very interested to see what Donald does about government waste and the filthy out of control spending that goes on. He is probably very knowledgeable when it comes to getting rid of wasteful spending.

Every time one of the RWNJs says they're rights are under attack, I ask them to name them. They never can. I've also seen them say they have lost rights while Obama was prez but they can't name them.

Total disconnect between reality and hate. See 67 and 71 above for more.

In point of fact, Trump has said he would takes rights away fro Americans. More of the disconnect is that you RWNJs believe only the rights of liberals, Dems, progressive will lost rights if this monstrous choice gets his way..

Hillary point blank stated she would appoint SCOTUS judges who were for gun control, AKA who want to reinterpret the original meaning of the constitution to blatantly violate it and our rights.
Everyone knows that "sensible background checks" is dog whistle for firearm registration, that is the number one issue I Vote on.
Weaken the First Amendment. Reduce free speech by restricting conservative talk radio and other conservative expression. Increase the scope of content designated “hate” speech, subject to federal prosecution. Limit religious freedom by requiring all religious organizations to abide by the rules of federal programs.

Weaken, preferably eliminate, the Second Amendment. Reduce gun ownership by banning specific guns. Instruct the attorney general to litigate existing gun laws and reverse previous court decisions to reduce and eliminate private ownership of guns.

Issue executive orders to bypass Congress and impose federal regulations by decree. The potential range of measures is described in the 31 issues listed on Clintons campaign website. Her potential use of executive orders, perhaps even more than President Barack Obama, would further lift the United States off its constitutional moorings.

Appoint an Internal Revenue Service commissioner who will increase audits of conservative individuals (and others on her enemies list) and all other conservative-oriented organizations.

Appoint a Securities and Exchange Commission head to harass wealthy Republican donors.

Vitiate what remains of the Ninth and 10th amendments by shifting existing state powers to the federal government, further concentrating federal authority over the states.

Erode private property rights by imposing more restrictions on its development and usage.
In fact, with the exception of immigration, my RIGHTS (specifically the 2nd amendment - that is the one under attack currently), and taxes, I would consider myself more leaning to the left. I would say that I am probably more a classical liberal in that sense though. It just so happens that the three issues I agree more with the right than the left on, are the more important issues to me.

I am also very interested to see what Donald does about government waste and the filthy out of control spending that goes on. He is probably very knowledgeable when it comes to getting rid of wasteful spending.

Every time one of the RWNJs says they're rights are under attack, I ask them to name them. They never can. I've also seen them say they have lost rights while Obama was prez but they can't name them.

Total disconnect between reality and hate. See 67 and 71 above for more.

In point of fact, Trump has said he would takes rights away fro Americans. More of the disconnect is that you RWNJs believe only the rights of liberals, Dems, progressive will lost rights if this monstrous choice gets his way..
Just to name one, he destroyed towns that are 100% dependent on coal...

No, moron. He did not. Fracking is destroying the coal industry.

GAWD. I can almost not stand any more of the RWNJ traitor stupidity.
I get it. Only Republicans get to complain about executive orders. You;ve been crying & whioning for 8 freakin years. So really.
No, many of us expect Liberals to complain...for the next 4 years. We expect you to do all the things you criticized Conservatives of doing the last 8 years while arguing that you - Libs - are the only ones who have ever been justified in doing them.
Weaken the First Amendment. Reduce free speech by restricting conservative talk radio and other conservative expression. Increase the scope of content designated “hate” speech, subject to federal prosecution. Limit religious freedom by requiring all religious organizations to abide by the rules of federal programs.

Weaken, preferably eliminate, the Second Amendment. Reduce gun ownership by banning specific guns. Instruct the attorney general to litigate existing gun laws and reverse previous court decisions to reduce and eliminate private ownership of guns.

Issue executive orders to bypass Congress and impose federal regulations by decree. The potential range of measures is described in the 31 issues listed on Clintons campaign website. Her potential use of executive orders, perhaps even more than President Barack Obama, would further lift the United States off its constitutional moorings.

Appoint an Internal Revenue Service commissioner who will increase audits of conservative individuals (and others on her enemies list) and all other conservative-oriented organizations.

Appoint a Securities and Exchange Commission head to harass wealthy Republican donors.

Vitiate what remains of the Ninth and 10th amendments by shifting existing state powers to the federal government, further concentrating federal authority over the states.

Erode private property rights by imposing more restrictions on its development and usage.
Chris, great list but please explain the intent behind posting it. Are you saying Democrats should not do this, that they have tried to do this, that Trump/the GOP should not do this....just seeking clarification - NOT attacking, etc. Just trying to make sure I understand the intent behind the post. THANK YOU!
In fact, with the exception of immigration, my RIGHTS (specifically the 2nd amendment - that is the one under attack currently), and taxes, I would consider myself more leaning to the left. I would say that I am probably more a classical liberal in that sense though. It just so happens that the three issues I agree more with the right than the left on, are the more important issues to me.

I am also very interested to see what Donald does about government waste and the filthy out of control spending that goes on. He is probably very knowledgeable when it comes to getting rid of wasteful spending.

Every time one of the RWNJs says they're rights are under attack, I ask them to name them. They never can. I've also seen them say they have lost rights while Obama was prez but they can't name them.

Total disconnect between reality and hate. See 67 and 71 above for more.

In point of fact, Trump has said he would takes rights away fro Americans. More of the disconnect is that you RWNJs believe only the rights of liberals, Dems, progressive will lost rights if this monstrous choice gets his way..
Just to name one, he destroyed towns that are 100% dependent on coal...

No, moron. He did not. Fracking is destroying the coal industry.

GAWD. I can almost not stand any more of the RWNJ traitor stupidity.
"Every time one of the RWNJs says they're rights are under attack, I ask them to name them."

You're asking the wrong people.
Weaken the First Amendment. Reduce free speech by restricting conservative talk radio and other conservative expression. Increase the scope of content designated “hate” speech, subject to federal prosecution. Limit religious freedom by requiring all religious organizations to abide by the rules of federal programs.

Weaken, preferably eliminate, the Second Amendment. Reduce gun ownership by banning specific guns. Instruct the attorney general to litigate existing gun laws and reverse previous court decisions to reduce and eliminate private ownership of guns.

Issue executive orders to bypass Congress and impose federal regulations by decree. The potential range of measures is described in the 31 issues listed on Clintons campaign website. Her potential use of executive orders, perhaps even more than President Barack Obama, would further lift the United States off its constitutional moorings.

Appoint an Internal Revenue Service commissioner who will increase audits of conservative individuals (and others on her enemies list) and all other conservative-oriented organizations.

Appoint a Securities and Exchange Commission head to harass wealthy Republican donors.

Vitiate what remains of the Ninth and 10th amendments by shifting existing state powers to the federal government, further concentrating federal authority over the states.

Erode private property rights by imposing more restrictions on its development and usage.
Chris, great list but please explain the intent behind posting it. Are you saying Democrats should not do this, that they have tried to do this, that Trump/the GOP should not do this....just seeking clarification - NOT attacking, etc. Just trying to make sure I understand the intent behind the post. THANK YOU!

That list is what Hillary would have liked to be able to do through her new age liberal Supreme Court justices if she had won the election.
In fact, with the exception of immigration, my RIGHTS (specifically the 2nd amendment - that is the one under attack currently), and taxes, I would consider myself more leaning to the left. I would say that I am probably more a classical liberal in that sense though. It just so happens that the three issues I agree more with the right than the left on, are the more important issues to me.

I am also very interested to see what Donald does about government waste and the filthy out of control spending that goes on. He is probably very knowledgeable when it comes to getting rid of wasteful spending.

Every time one of the RWNJs says they're rights are under attack, I ask them to name them. They never can. I've also seen them say they have lost rights while Obama was prez but they can't name them.

Total disconnect between reality and hate. See 67 and 71 above for more.

In point of fact, Trump has said he would takes rights away fro Americans. More of the disconnect is that you RWNJs believe only the rights of liberals, Dems, progressive will lost rights if this monstrous choice gets his way..
Just to name one, he destroyed towns that are 100% dependent on coal...

No, moron. He did not. Fracking is destroying the coal industry.

GAWD. I can almost not stand any more of the RWNJ traitor stupidity.

The traitors to the American people are the ones who use the federal government to go above and beyond it's original purpose to get their way!
With majorities in the Senate and the House, let's get moving on Trump's First 100 days plan. It is a fantastic plan and will lay the groundwork for positive change.

Slash and burn is not a "plan". Indeed, he has no plan for anything except sucking up to Pooting.

The RWNJ traitors are thrilled.
Patriots, not so much.
You're missing the point, this was a election and a Repudiation of the establishment.
To the tea party or whatever you want to call it had a huge part in gaining the presidency, the house and the senate - along with State houses and governorships. Gains in every possible way because the anti-establishment movement in this country. We still have a unpayable debt but it seems someone actually cares about that now

That remains to be seen. the real test will be if Americans who voted against Hillary hold him accountable and keep him accountable. he made allot of promises and he will be judged on how he keeps them. He is way to friendly with McConnell and Bhoner for my liking. That aside he needs to have these done or started,

1. Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
2. Rip up the Iran deal.
3. Rip up and replace Bamber care.
4. Rip up and repair NAFTA.
5. push for term limes in congress.

Those 5 stick in my head. He also has to show us he can bring companies back from over seas. Trump has to do all that with a hostile congress, and despite all the orgazams of the rabid Drumphfs and one guy on Fox news, he is pthe most unpopular president elect in history. he has his work cut out for him. maybe more so then the beast would have had she won .
Like I said I've never been a trump fan so to speak, but I think it took someone like him to do what needed to be done to the GOP establishment.
Like he said his feet will be held to the fire otherwise he will just fail...

Yup. And he isn't Hillary, and that's all I need at this point. I have a decent idea of what's NOT going to happen, and I can at least keep an open mind about what can happen, rather then dell on what I knew would happen with Hillary or any other democrat.
But I am sure that President Trump is too humble and meek to every abuse these things.
He ran in part on ending all this type of corruption and crap....

I'm hopeful a majority of congress both Dem and Rep will welcome the chance to truly serve the American people free from the establishments choke hold on power. Free to tell the corrupt party leadership to go fuck themselves. President Trump will lead and set an example to follow that its NOT okay to be a lying corrupt politician who sells out America for personal gain. The establishment isn't going to just roll over and take it, the fight to root out decades of corruption has only just begun and president Trump may have to rely on the expanded executive powers Obama has gifted him.
But I am sure that President Trump is too humble and meek to every abuse these things.
He ran in part on ending all this type of corruption and crap....

I'm hopeful a majority of congress both Dem and Rep will welcome the chance to truly serve the American people free from the establishments choke hold on power. Free to tell the corrupt party leadership to go fuck themselves. President Trump will lead and set an example to follow that its NOT okay to be a lying corrupt politician who sells out America for personal gain. The establishment isn't going to just roll over and take it, the fight to root out decades of corruption has only just begun and president Trump may have to rely on the expanded executive powers Obama has gifted him.

Doubt that. Other then not being Hillary, he is nothing more then a new politician who made a bunch of promises .
Trump Promised:
  • (1) Destroy ISIS very Quickly.
  • (2) Build wall, make Mexico pay.
  • (3) Bring Manufacturing jobs home
  • (4) Get higher wages for struggling Americans
  • (5) Replace ObamaCare with something affordable for all the hard-working, low-income families in the rust belt who voted for him.

1 'Destroy ISIS Quickly'

1A. PROBLEM: 'Quickly' is subjective. No amount of time will be 'quick' enough for Liberals.

1B. During Obama's attempt to 'defeat' ISIS he financed, supplied, armed, and trained them. He wrote Rules of Engagements our Coalition partners were forced to adhere to that protected ISIS Black Market Oil Production / Sales facilities that financed 50% of their terrorist operations, to include the terrorist attack on Paris - the worst attack on France since WWII. After that attack, while France and Russia launched an attack on those previously-protected facilities Obama was dropping leaflets down to ISIS warning them of the attack that was coming. Barry also, in his 'fight against ISIS, allowed them to freely flow into Iraq to take over much of the country our military had already liberated at great cost. The operation / war to retake Mosul is ONLY going on because Obama failed to decimate ISIS' forces as their mile-long convoys flowed through open desert into Iraq.

2. Liberals are rabidly playing 'semantics' with this one, claiming that Trump literally meant he was going to force Mexico hand over a check for the cost of building a wall. There is, however, several different way to make Mexico 'pay for the wall' - we will have to wait and see which one(s) he chooses. (Ways for Mexico To ay For The Wall: 1) Mexico loses all 'Foreign Aid' from the US, all money going instead to secure the border. 2) High tariffs on all Mexican goods coming into the US. the money being used to secure the border. 3) Seizing Mexican money here in the US to use to secure the border - not saying these are the only options or that he will do any of these just that there are ways to 'make Mexico pay for the wall' We'll see. In the words of Nancy Pelosi, 'We have to pass it before you can see what's in it!'

3 & 4. Another case for 'Common Sense' here - all candidates make promises, vowing THEY will accomplish 'X', 'Y', and 'Z'....and anyone with any intelligence knows a President (usually) can't accomplish ANYTHING without congress / Congressional action/support.

5. ACA (Obamacare)
The ACA is a 'dead man walking', disintegrating before our eyes. Something has to be done NOW, to either prop it up, make it better, or replace it. If nothing is done it will not be Trump's fault. For example, the useless Washington Establishment GOP previously 'theatrically' voted approx.100 times to 'kill it'....yet kept it alive when the votes really mattered. Congress needs to get off it's ass, but Trump needs to provide the drive.
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.

So you think that no one is allowed to criticize a President Trump?

Why am i no shocked.
And the federal government has NO business trying to mandate health care. That is totally out of their jurisdiction! This is what is so upsetting to people, democrats! LISTEN.

They didn't mandate healthcare. They just gave you a tax break if you can prove you have it.

WRONG! That turned buying health insurance into a tax.

No, buying health insurance gives you health insurance. As a bonus, you get a tax cut.

Hmm, I guess you either are not smart enough to understand, or you are just a troll.
What the Supreme Court ruled on health care 'tax' -
In its ruling last week on the national health care law, the Supreme Court found that penalties the law places on people who don't buy health insurance count as a tax protected by the Constitution.
I'm fine with Trump undoing Obabble's egregious executive order with ones that undo them...but I hope he will abide by The Constitution to further his program and policies goals.
You get nothing if you have health insurance except for health insurance. If you do NOT get health insurance, you are fined in the form of a "tax." The people are tired of these underhanded tactics and tired of the feds getting involved in things that are not in their jurisdiction and calling it a "tax." This is WHY you are losing democrats! Pay attention and come out of your social justice warrior bubble!

Great points, and it made me think of a possibility for killing Obamacare. Let's assume that another Justice (I pick Ginsburg) leaves the bench very soon. That gives the clown 2 appointments. They could now declare Obamacare unconstitutional. Trump could do away with BO's signature legislation by simply appointing judges who will uphold the constitution.

I wouldn't be against Obamacare if the "mandatory" clause was not in there. I do believe we need a good solid plan. I don't want to see poor families (and especially children) go without medical care because it's not affordable. The economy is really not that great (with mostly part time or temp jobs available that do not provide health insurance), and there are always those people who are above poverty but still not making enough money to keep up with their health expenses. The problem is that Obamacare does not do anything to bring down the costs of medical care. I know that is a very complicated issue that may never be solved, but if we can get some smart people together who really understand the issues and not a bunch of talking heads and "yes" men, then maybe we could make some headway at lowering the actual costs of healthcare.

Let the states handle it, and perhaps the Feds can handle the 10% who are uninsured.
Let's assume that another Justice (I pick Ginsburg) leaves the bench very soon. That gives the clown 2 appointments.
Trump has been the only candidate to have never won an election or even have run one ever before in his life, walk into the PResidential election stone cold and win it against all the expert opinions, all the polls and all the odds. That is like some amateur walking into a professional chess tournament and winning first prize in his first ever tournament.

And yet you still call Trump a "clown"?

Dude, you are not making Trump look like the clown here.

He has stunned the world, and deserves credit for that, but you can't look at all the things he said along the campaign trail and believe he didn't act like a clown.....mocking people with disabilities, talking about how ugly women are....seriously? He was in tune with the mood of the electorate, and had the good fortune of running against the worst canidate in history, but had he been able to hold his tongue just a bit, the race would have been over in August. You deserve great acknowledgement for your bold and steadfast insistence that he would win.

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