Democrats Attacked Bush For Mold And Peeling Paint......But Biden Left Hundreds Of Families Behind In Afghanstan...Where's The Outrage?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I remember when Bush was president the media went after him for a little mold and peeling paint in the showers at Walter Reed. They made his life miserable because they were desperate to get rid of his biggest strength....his support for the military.

But where's the outrage on Veterans Day for the deaths of sailors and marines caused by Biden leaving Bagram Airbase in the dead of night, which led to him turning over security around the Kabul airport to our enemies...the Taliban?

Where's the outrage over Biden promising that he would stay until every America was out of Afghanistan. Turns out now they're willing to admit dozens of families are still trying to get out. Military dependents, women and children left behind.

And where's the outrage over the efforts by the Biden Administration to keep them from leaving?

Let me spell it out. This double-standard is a constant with Democrats. They cannot do their jobs in a competent manner because their silly ideology prevents them from doing so. What sex or race you are matters more than what your qualifications are. So they're always going to be covering up their incompetence. One scandal after another is going to surface because these people just plain can't do what they say they are capable of doing. They can't be honest about what they did or what they plan on doing. End of story.


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Shortly after the networks announced his loss in the 2020 election Trump ordered the complete evacuation of all 8,600 US troops and allied forces remaining from Afghanistan by Jan. 15th. The generals told him they needed 2,500 troops just to support the the Afghan Army's continuing fight. That was all that was left for the new Administration. Hell, Trump's surrender agreement released twice that many Taliban prisoners.

Trump even bragged about how he set it up.
In the Liberal mind, if it isn't on CNN or Tik Tok, it didn't happen.

That there. Democrats don't believe there are still American citizens stranded in Afghanistan.

If you don't believe me, look at post #3. That idiot should have been left there.
Shortly after the networks announced his loss in the 2020 election Trump ordered the complete evacuation of all 8,600 US troops and allied forces remaining from Afghanistan by Jan. 15th. The generals told him they needed 2,500 troops just to support the the Afghan Army's continuing fight. That was all that was left for the new Administration. Hell, Trump's surrender agreement released twice that many Taliban prisoners.

Trump even bragged about how he set it up.

Say, man. How much longer are you going to try to blame Trump for Biden's fuckups?

Just wondering. You know you only have three more years, then 2016 start all over again.
Shortly after the networks announced his loss in the 2020 election Trump ordered the complete evacuation of all 8,600 US troops and allied forces remaining from Afghanistan by Jan. 15th. The generals told him they needed 2,500 troops just to support the the Afghan Army's continuing fight. That was all that was left for the new Administration. Hell, Trump's surrender agreement released twice that many Taliban prisoners.

Trump even bragged about how he set it up.
All they needed was 2500 to run the air base. They would act in support for the Afghan Army and do flight missions and drone strikes from Bagram Air Base.....but Biden pulled everyone from Bagram without telling the Afghan government in June.....essentially scrapping the agreement that Trump made with them. The primary advantage they had was their air assets....and Biden ended that advantage.
IM2 So Joke Brandon was able to ignore every other policy Trump enacted, but HIS HANDS WERE TIED with the Afghanistan agreement? :laughing0301:
He didn't want to restart a war. That was the choice he was left with. trump made a bad deal and the taliban was not going to renegotiate.
You're fucked up in the head. How do you even manage to breathe without some lilly-white liberal pushing on your chest?

Mainly because white people don't tell me what to think. You really need to drop that racist opinion. This was trumps fuck up.
All they needed was 2500 to run the air base. They would act in support for the Afghan Army and do flight missions and drone strikes from Bagram Air Base.....but Biden pulled everyone from Bagram without telling the Afghan government in June.....essentially scrapping the agreement that Trump made with them. The primary advantage they had was their air assets....and Biden ended that advantage.
Trump made the deal with the taliban without the Afghan government. That's why the Afghan army quit and the government ran off.
Biden ended the longest war in U.S history. A war started by a republican who had no plan except to bomb everything. Biden also oversaw the most succesful airlift in U.S. history. Had trump been president and done this, you raggedy trumpturds would be declaring him the greatest president of all time. So fuck your nonsense because Biden evacuated 99 percent of the Americans there.
He didn't want to restart a war. That was the choice he was left with. trump made a bad deal and the taliban was not going to renegotiate.

He couldn't re-start the war. Nor was he prepared to conduct the withdrawal, because Biden had weakened our intelligence and strike capabilities to the point that the withdrawal plan had no teeth. None of the countries surrounding Afghanistan would even let him use their territory to conduct drone strikes if needed, for fuck's sake.

You morons need to suck it up and quit blaming President Trump every time you fuck something up. Trump had a good plan to withdrew American troops with honor, until you Democrats entirely fucked that up. The Taliban was scared shitless of the unholy Hell President Trump could rain down upon them, at a moment''s notice. That was part of Trump's fucking deal with the Taliban, in case you're too fucking stupid to understand.

But you idiot Democrats fucked that up beyond all recognition and got 13 American soldiers killed in the process, didn't you, you stupid asshole? You morons should be raped by a Saguaro cactus or something, for your stupidity. But hey, you don't really give a fuck you do, you double-fucking inbred POS. They were all a bunch of white supremacists, right? So what the fuck do you even care?

If you want to know the truth, those 13 dead American soldiers had more in the way of honor and duty than you'll ever realize They loved their country more than you'll ever know, and were willing to die for it. You on the other hand, aren't even worthy of the words I just typed. They fought, bled, and sacrificed their lives for your country, just so you can sit up in your apartment, and post your vile crap about how "racist" and "unfair" this country is. You should be really ashamed of yourself, because frankly, your sorry ass isn't worth a pimple on the ass of any one of those brave soldiers who died, so that you could be such an asshole.

At this point, there's nothing you can say or do to make it up to them, except taking the honorable way out. I would suggest flushing your sorry ass down the toilet, at the minimum.

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He couldn't re-start the war. Nor was he prepared to conduct the withdrawal, because Biden had weakened our intelligence and strike capabilities to the point that the withdrawal plan had no teeth. None of the countries surrounding Afghanistan would even let him use their territory to conduct drone strikes if needed, for fuck's sake.

You morons need to suck it up and quit blaming President Trump every time you fuck something up. Trump had a good plan to withdrew American troops with honor, until you Democrats entirely fucked that up. The Taliban was scared shitless of the unholy Hell President Trump could rain down upon them, at a moment''s notice. That was part of Trump's fucking deal with the Taliban, in case you're too fucking stupid to understand.

But you idiot Democrats fucked that up beyond all recognition and got 13 American soldiers killed in the process, didn't you, you stupid asshole? You morons should be raped by a Saguaro cactus or something, for your stupidity. But hey, you don't really give a fuck you do, you double-fucking inbred POS. They were all a bunch of white supremacists, right? So what the fuck do you even care?

If you want to know the truth, those 13 dead American soldiers had more in the way of honor and duty than you'll ever realized. They loved their country more than you'll ever know, and were willing to die for it. You on the other hand, aren't even worthy of the words I just typed. They fought, bled, and sacrificed their lives for your country, just so you can sit up in your apartment, and post your vile crap about how "racist" and "unfair" this country is. You should be really ashamed of yourself, because frankly, your sorry ass isn't worth a pimple on the ass of any one of those brave soldiers who died, so that you could be such an asshole.

At this point, there's nothing you can say or do to make it up to them, except taking the honorable way out. I would suggest flushing your sorry ass down the toilet, at the minimum.

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Bullshit. And you can show all the pictures you want, but those soldiers were killed by prisoners thhat were freed by the taluban who ganed their power by an agreement made by trump.
Bullshit. And you can show all the pictures you want, but those soldiers were killed by prisoners thhat were freed by the taluban who ganed their power by an agreement made by trump.

How about this: Fuck off, eat a bag of dicks, and choke on them and die. You are an insignificant piece of shit whose never don't anything for your country. I am ashamed of you, do you understand that?

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