Democrats, As Was Predicted


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Biden's only been in for six weeks and has already overshadowed Obama as the worst American president of all time. He and his familiars have destroyed American cities, fast-tracked a humanitarian crisis at the southern border and further sacked the national piggy bank in the hope of saving their own asses. Their California governor is under an aggressive recall effort and their NY governor is embroiled in a sex scandal and could well face negligent homicide charges.

Just for starters.
Newsome and Cuomo are both too valuable to the Ruling Class' takeover structure.

I can't see either one going away.

Biden just pumped enough cash into the failed Blue states to keep them afloat for YEARS.
This will result in another handful of Ultra Rich Democrats.......but little for the People.

I swear it seems every dirty Democrat who does their part to advance Communist USA magically is a multi-millionaire soon after.

I suspect the offset will be no money for Infrastructure improvements over the next 4 years.
President Biden has already accomplished more in six weeks than Trump did in four years

He sure did. Killed union jobs. Broke a repaired immigration system. Destroyed womens scholastic athletics. Bailed out the failed blue cities from their disasterous spending programs ensuring they continue to do the same. Annihilated the constitution.
All with the leftist sheeple applauding.
Biden's only been in for six weeks and has already overshadowed Obama as the worst American president of all time. He and his familiars have destroyed American cities, fast-tracked a humanitarian crisis at the southern border and further sacked the national piggy bank in the hope of saving their own asses. Their California governor is under an aggressive recall effort and their NY governor is embroiled in a sex scandal and could well face negligent homicide charges.

Just for starters.

Biden has also killed over 120,000 Americans with Covid and he still has NO PLAN for dealing with it. He's just letting it happen while CNN covers for him...
President Biden has already accomplished more in six weeks than Trump did in four years

He sure did. Killed union jobs. Broke a repaired immigration system. Destroyed womens scholastic athletics. Bailed out the failed blue cities from their disasterous spending programs ensuring they continue to do the same. Annihilated the constitution.
All with the leftist sheeple applauding.

Joe Biden has not been impeached twice
President Biden has already accomplished more in six weeks than Trump did in four years
Not for Americans.
Yeah, like your dear leader, Dotard.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 13, 2018

Too many jobs IN CHINA LOST?

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