DEMOCRATIC HERO, CARLOS DANGER (ANTHONY WEINER) starts his 21 month prison term today

Sexting isn't Pedophilia.

Just sayin'.

yes it is, if you are sexting with a child.

He can explain the nuance to his fellow prisoners.

21 months. cya!

The law may say that, but it's specious nonsense which minimizes actual physical pedophilia. Weiner is a creep and deserves what he's getting; but the language used has been sorely cheapened.
Weiner pleaded guilty in May to one count of transferring obscene material to a minor.

Sounds very PEDO to me.


And Weiner isn’t a Democratic “hero”. He’s pond scum.
Pond scum and liberal icon. Certainly not mutually exclusive.
Not a liberal icon.

No one ever heard of him until he made the news with his sexting.

Don't make the prick out to be more than he was.

You tards are attempting a generalization fallacy, and not fooling anyone.
Definitely a liberal icon. He was one of the highest profile congressmen who championed liberal cause very effusively, not the obscure second-tier politician you make him out to be. As with other high-profile liberals, (the Beast, Wasserman-Schultz, Brazile, his wife) scum.
When WEINER is being anally raped in the shower, do you think he will explain to his rapist that he was only sexting with a minor, he isn't an actual pedophile.


So sad that he got caught...


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