Democrat staffer making $80K a year brags about Biden cancelling his student debt

Billionaires generally tend to own companies that employ people. Those employees generate tax revenue, which is one of the reasons billionaire owners of those companies get tax breaks. And tax breaks are nothing more than allowing them to keep more of their money, instead of forking it over to the government. In other words, tax breaks are not funds that have already been collected from taxpayers, they are just the allowing of corporations to keep more of the wealth they themselves created.

On the other hand, deadbeat student loan defaulters and those whose loans are being "forgiven", do nothing but cost taxpayers money and drive up the inflation rate.

Glad I could clarify this for you, as you seem to have very little in the way of understanding of how things work in the real world.
Nothing but wind blowing through the ears of Syntho....
I guess even someone making a nice living needs his debts cancelled.
Seriously though, has anyone ever seen a president buy votes like Joe Biden has? The man will do anything to hold on to power. Even after 52 years in DC, the guy just cannot let it go. Career politicians have got to be the worst among us.

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Democrat staffer slammed for boasting how Biden wiped his student debt

All Republican candidates win by buying votes.

WTF have you been?!?!?
And here he is................................

He looks exactly like Gimli. :auiqs.jpg:

A tax cut is borrowing. It adds to the national debt.

When do billionaires ever pay back the taxes that were cut for them?

p.s. You're a fucking liar. Where did the staffer ever refuse to pay his loan?
This is an example of the class warfare Progs play within certain classes. Would taxing working class people and retired ones at 90% make you happy? So, the loans are paid off from good old Uncle Joe. Who pays the interest? Wha tis the procedure that the Federal Reserve rules come into play. The Dollar is called a Federal Reserve Note. It says it is good for all legal debts on it. It is based on interest to pay off the principal. Without the velocity of loans and interest constantly paid, the system collapses as the Dollar is negative money. We all have credit ratings, and we have endless commercials showing people who need help with debts. Add up all that interest.
People who work for the government are about the only ones getting the billions in foregiveness......will them and people who went to the Devry Institute of Microwave Repair.
A tax cut is borrowing. It adds to the national debt.

When do billionaires ever pay back the taxes that were cut for them?

p.s. You're a fucking liar. Where did the staffer ever refuse to pay his loan?

What does this have to do with billionaires? If you want to talk about them, start a thread about them. This thread is about people who are quite wealthy having their student loans forgiven on the backs of the taxpayers.

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