Democrat FEAR MONGERING about covid keeps many Americans from getting vaccine

CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too.
This is like one big fucking joke
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something."
No, the dumbfucks are the ones wearing no mask, just because they can.

No, I won't be told that I have to wear a mask for a virus with a 99.7 recovery rate. If you want to wear one thats fine but don't tell me that I need to wear one. Thats all.

Don't be surprised if someone who has a relative who's at high risk of dying from the virus if he or she gets it decides to punch you in the face because he perceives you as a juvenile asshole who doesn't work or play well with others.

They literally say despite being vaccinated it's still not safe. So what's the point of the vaccine if you're gonna continue to hide in your homes or mask up despite being vaccinated? Do they not believe in "the science"?

I'm really sick and tired of the ignorance and stupidity of conservatives which is especially true since they're so obtuse in all things.

The simple fact is that not every virus acts the same as far as transmission, or symptoms, or lethality is concerned.

This virus appears to be quite unique in a number of ways including its ability to be transmitted by people even when they don't have any symptoms which means that infected people don't even KNOW that they're contagious, and uninfected people can't tell that you have the virus and therefore don't know to stay away from you. That's one of the reasons that social distancing is so important.

Additionally, there's the fact that you can still contract the virus after being vaccinated. And considering the sheer number of dopey people who seem resistant to get a vaccination despite the fact that a vaccination minimizes the chances of dying or being hospitalized if they later contract the virus, continuing to wear a mask in closed door gatherings is still important.

What a load of crap. Masks do not stop the transmission of this virus.

Did I use that word?
CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too.
This is like one big fucking joke
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something."
No, the dumbfucks are the ones wearing no mask, just because they can.

No, I won't be told that I have to wear a mask for a virus with a 99.7 recovery rate. If you want to wear one thats fine but don't tell me that I need to wear one. Thats all.

Don't be surprised if someone who has a relative who's at high risk of dying from the virus if he or she gets it decides to punch you in the face because he perceives you as a juvenile asshole who doesn't work or play well with others.
I don't have a relative alive dumb enough to punch me in the face.

Furthermore over the last year I have had exactly 2 customers who wanted me to wear a mask. TWO.
ALL THE OTHERS tell me to do as I wish, they don't care and out of all of them only ONE wore mask
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This " and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too" has generally been the case.
Depends on which "listen to the science wwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" people you listen to.
The people you listen to will kill you with their advice.

But if you are not vaccinated, but your belief to use: go unmasked.
CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too.
This is like one big fucking joke
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something."
No, the dumbfucks are the ones wearing no mask, just because they can.

No, I won't be told that I have to wear a mask for a virus with a 99.7 recovery rate. If you want to wear one thats fine but don't tell me that I need to wear one. Thats all.

Don't be surprised if someone who has a relative who's at high risk of dying from the virus if he or she gets it decides to punch you in the face because he perceives you as a juvenile asshole who doesn't work or play well with others.
I don't have a relative alive dumb enough to punch me in the face.

Furthermore over the last year I have had exactly 2 customers who wanted me to wear a mask. TWO.
ALL THE OTHERS tell me to do as I wish, they do

Not a relative, you chucklehead. A total stranger who HAS a relative.
CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too. This is like one big fucking joke.
Uh huh and the nimrods follow the pied piper everywhere he goes.
Nimrods are hunters and in this case should be honored as such, being hunters of the truth, unlike your average Trumpista or anti-vaxxer.


1. Old Testament a hunter, who was famous for his prowess (Genesis 10:8–9)Douay spelling: Nemrod

2. a person who is dedicated to or skilled in hunting


Uh huh. Nimrod was a skilled hunter. Then he got stupid and got his little tower knocked down.
CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too.
This is like one big fucking joke
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something."
No, the dumbfucks are the ones wearing no mask, just because they can.

No, I won't be told that I have to wear a mask for a virus with a 99.7 recovery rate. If you want to wear one thats fine but don't tell me that I need to wear one. Thats all.

Don't be surprised if someone who has a relative who's at high risk of dying from the virus if he or she gets it decides to punch you in the face because he perceives you as a juvenile asshole who doesn't work or play well with others.
I don't have a relative alive dumb enough to punch me in the face.

Furthermore over the last year I have had exactly 2 customers who wanted me to wear a mask. TWO.
ALL THE OTHERS tell me to do as I wish, they do

Not a relative, you chucklehead. A total stranger who HAS a relative.
That would be equally stupid.
CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too.
This is like one big fucking joke
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something."
No, the dumbfucks are the ones wearing no mask, just because they can.

No, I won't be told that I have to wear a mask for a virus with a 99.7 recovery rate. If you want to wear one thats fine but don't tell me that I need to wear one. Thats all.

Don't be surprised if someone who has a relative who's at high risk of dying from the virus if he or she gets it decides to punch you in the face because he perceives you as a juvenile asshole who doesn't work or play well with others.
One has to wonder if after this they are going to go with another hoax like Russian Collusion, Scamdemic, or tell us they didn't rig the 2020 elections, or do a fake impeachment fake, Mueller Report when the next Republican gets in to office.

There probably won't be anything but deep state puppets from here on out, so I doubt it.
CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too.
This is like one big fucking joke
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something."
No, the dumbfucks are the ones wearing no mask, just because they can.

No, I won't be told that I have to wear a mask for a virus with a 99.7 recovery rate. If you want to wear one thats fine but don't tell me that I need to wear one. Thats all.

Don't be surprised if someone who has a relative who's at high risk of dying from the virus if he or she gets it decides to punch you in the face because he perceives you as a juvenile asshole who doesn't work or play well with others.
The Mortality Rate is only 1/100th of a percent per the population, so it's more likely that you NEVER meet anyone dying from The Scamdemic.

They literally say despite being vaccinated it's still not safe. So what's the point of the vaccine if you're gonna continue to hide in your homes or mask up despite being vaccinated? Do they not believe in "the science"?

All excellent points, and well documented.
Unfortunately, wearing a mask became a virtue signaling device. You see people everyday walking BY THEMSELVES, no one within 10 feet of them or farther - wearing a mask. That is not for safety, that is to virtue signal.
Wearing a mask is a pain in the ass. For everyone. No one actually likes to wear the damn things. So why else would a person wear one when no one is around. Hell you see idiots wearing them while driving and no one else is in the car!!

So hell yes this is creating a vaccine avoidance. I hear people saying it myself at the office. People ARE saying - "why get one if you can still get covid?" "why get one if you still have to wear a mask and everything is still closed?" and so on.
All of this is due to virtue signaling media and the sheep out there wearing their mask so everyone can see they are a good boy and girl.

I am fully vaccinated and I am not wearing the fucking things anymore. Nope.
I get looks by some "OMG - he must be conseeeerrrvaaative!!!!"..... a Trump lover!!!!!....... Shame! Shame! Shame!
CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too.
This is like one big fucking joke
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something."
No, the dumbfucks are the ones wearing no mask, just because they can.

No, I won't be told that I have to wear a mask for a virus with a 99.7 recovery rate. If you want to wear one thats fine but don't tell me that I need to wear one. Thats all.

Don't be surprised if someone who has a relative who's at high risk of dying from the virus if he or she gets it decides to punch you in the face because he perceives you as a juvenile asshole who doesn't work or play well with others.
The Mortality Rate is only 1/100th of a percent per the population, so it's more likely that you NEVER meet anyone dying from The Scamdemic.

I believe the mortality rate is higher than that since 30,000,000 Americans have contracted the virus and approximately 570,000 Americans have died from it.

Regardless, a mortality rate of only 1% is not much of a comfort when 9% of the population has come down with it, and you can't even tell who is and isn't contagious.

Look at it this way: Let's say you're somewhat concerned about getting struck by lightening. So, when the clouds roll in, and the skies get dark, and you hear the first rumbling of thunder, what do you do? Well, you sure as hell don't decide to play golf. You don't stand under a tall lone tree, and you don't stand in the middle of a field. If you've got any sense, you go indoors. Well, with this virus, you're smart if you don't stand in an enclosed space with a lot of people, all of whom aren't wearing masks.
CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too.
This is like one big fucking joke
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something."
No, the dumbfucks are the ones wearing no mask, just because they can.

No, I won't be told that I have to wear a mask for a virus with a 99.7 recovery rate. If you want to wear one thats fine but don't tell me that I need to wear one. Thats all.

Don't be surprised if someone who has a relative who's at high risk of dying from the virus if he or she gets it decides to punch you in the face because he perceives you as a juvenile asshole who doesn't work or play well with others.
The Mortality Rate is only 1/100th of a percent per the population, so it's more likely that you NEVER meet anyone dying from The Scamdemic.

I believe the mortality rate is higher than that since 30,000,000 Americans have contracted the virus and approximately 570,000 Americans have died from it.

Regardless, a mortality rate of only 1% is not much of a comfort when 9% of the population has come down with it, and you can't even tell who is and isn't contagious.

Look at it this way: Let's say you're somewhat concerned about getting struck by lightening. So, when the clouds roll in, and the skies get dark, and you hear the first rumbling of thunder, what do you do? Well, you sure as hell don't decide to play golf. You don't stand under a tall lone tree, and you don't stand in the middle of a field. If you've got any sense, you go indoors. Well, with this virus, you're smart if you don't stand in an enclosed space with a lot of people, all of whom aren't wearing masks.
The true mortality rate based on population is only 1/100th of a percent.

The Scamdemic has nothing to do with Public Health. It is a Trojan Horse being used to usher in The Global Government and break The Will of Free People.

God is showing us all signs that The AntiChrist Global Government is coming, and all some care about is power, and staying in power, unaware that soon their souls will be required of them.
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something.
According to the CDC, once you've been vaccinated, you don't need any. But you fascists just can't quit them, can you?
That's ridiculous. I can't wait to stop wearing a mask, but I'm not going to be stupid about, like so many apparently are.

what are you afraid of? are you sick?
CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too.
This is like one big fucking joke
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something."
No, the dumbfucks are the ones wearing no mask, just because they can.
you hate air? not me I need it. you, afraid of air.
Not really, lamb chop. I love air and I love living too. What I don't like is the possibility of catching the Covid or worse and not having any air to enjoy.
you will always be vulnerable to viruses. did you wear a mask when flu outbreak was occurring? you know you can die from the flu. shit you can get pneumonia from a cold. That you can cause yourself by bad behavior in winter. Naw, you ain't afraid of a pointless virus otherwise you'd have always worn one. Nope you hate air and you will believe any demofk that says anything. Masks offend me.
CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too.
This is like one big fucking joke
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something."
No, the dumbfucks are the ones wearing no mask, just because they can.

No, I won't be told that I have to wear a mask for a virus with a 99.7 recovery rate. If you want to wear one thats fine but don't tell me that I need to wear one. Thats all.

Don't be surprised if someone who has a relative who's at high risk of dying from the virus if he or she gets it decides to punch you in the face because he perceives you as a juvenile asshole who doesn't work or play well with others.
The Mortality Rate is only 1/100th of a percent per the population, so it's more likely that you NEVER meet anyone dying from The Scamdemic.

I believe the mortality rate is higher than that since 30,000,000 Americans have contracted the virus and approximately 570,000 Americans have died from it.

Regardless, a mortality rate of only 1% is not much of a comfort when 9% of the population has come down with it, and you can't even tell who is and isn't contagious.

Look at it this way: Let's say you're somewhat concerned about getting struck by lightening. So, when the clouds roll in, and the skies get dark, and you hear the first rumbling of thunder, what do you do? Well, you sure as hell don't decide to play golf. You don't stand under a tall lone tree, and you don't stand in the middle of a field. If you've got any sense, you go indoors. Well, with this virus, you're smart if you don't stand in an enclosed space with a lot of people, all of whom aren't wearing masks.
The true mortality rate based on population is only 1/100th of a percent.

The Scamdemic has nothing to do with Public Health. It is a Trojan Horse being used to usher in The Global Government and break The Will of Free People.

God is showing us all signs that The AntiChrist Global Government is coming, and all some care about is power, and staying in power, unaware that soon their souls will be required of them.
one has a bigger risk riding in a car.
I believe the mortality rate is higher than that since 30,000,000 Americans have contracted the virus and approximately 570,000 Americans have died from it.
factually incorrect. all fake numbers. those deaths were probable. nothing says they were from covid, not one of them.
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something.
According to the CDC, once you've been vaccinated, you don't need any. But you fascists just can't quit them, can you?
That's ridiculous. I can't wait to stop wearing a mask, but I'm not going to be stupid about, like so many apparently are.

Thats funny. You're not going to be stupid about it but you'll gladly take an experimental vaccine under emergency usage with a 3 month study while the standard vaccine undergoes 8-12 years of clinical trials. Thats some good stuff. Lol.

right, he has no idea how it will affect him in a year. destroy his immune system maybe.
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something.
According to the CDC, once you've been vaccinated, you don't need any. But you fascists just can't quit them, can you?
That's ridiculous. I can't wait to stop wearing a mask, but I'm not going to be stupid about, like so many apparently are.

Thats funny. You're not going to be stupid about it but you'll gladly take an experimental vaccine under emergency usage with a 3 month study while the standard vaccine undergoes 8-12 years of clinical trials. Thats some good stuff. Lol.

right, he has no idea how it will affect him in a year. destroy his immune system maybe.

I hope it doesn't but this is junk science at its best.

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