Dem Incumbents Attacking GOP Military Service!

The hero was the guy who got daddy to get him out the war, and the coward was the guy who went to Vietnam? Sure thing cannon fodder. Hell, you must be Gen. Patton then, and all you did was change the oil on trucks in Ohio.
Bush flew Delta Dagger fighter jets in the Texas National Guard during Vietnam. I didn't consider the guard cowards during Vietnam. What about you? His job was to patrol and protect American airspace from foreign enemies in case of any attack.

His job was a job they give to pussies to keep them from actual combat.

Oh I see, so now fighter pilot isn't the top job to get. It's a consolation prize for the privileged if community organizer is beyond your grasp.

Those fucking Blue Angels and Thunderbirds are such pussies, they should have been community organizers but settled for second place as fighter pilots. Fucking *****.
Bush flew Delta Dagger fighter jets in the Texas National Guard during Vietnam. I didn't consider the guard cowards during Vietnam. What about you? His job was to patrol and protect American airspace from foreign enemies in case of any attack.

His job was a job they give to pussies to keep them from actual combat.

Oh I see, so now fighter pilot isn't the top job to get. It's a consolation prize for the privileged if community organizer is beyond your grasp.

Those fucking Blue Angels and Thunderbirds are such pussies, they should have been community organizers but settled for second place as fighter pilots. Fucking *****.

The top job to get would be for fighter pilots sent to Viet Nam to protect and fight for your country... not flying around Texass pretending to protect Texass from imaginary enemies.
His job was a job they give to pussies to keep them from actual combat.

Oh I see, so now fighter pilot isn't the top job to get. It's a consolation prize for the privileged if community organizer is beyond your grasp.

Those fucking Blue Angels and Thunderbirds are such pussies, they should have been community organizers but settled for second place as fighter pilots. Fucking *****.

The top job to get would be for fighter pilots sent to Viet Nam to protect and fight for your country... not flying around Texass pretending to protect Texass from imaginary enemies.

Ok then, all of your states guard units are just too pussy to be moved out of state defense. Nice.
Little man, I built what flew over your head, protecting your grunt cannon fodder ass............

Who knew that the gulls that shat on the troops on the beach were built - everybody thought they were hatched like normal birds. Ah well, perhaps drone technology was more advanced than most believed at the time!

As to that "cannon fodder ass" crack, we now have a fair idea of how those who stayed home and profited felt about people being maimed and wounded.

Hey, with that hatred for the military surely you could get at least an Obama czarship!
Are you kidding me? The Democrat incumbents in Arkansas and Alaska are SO very desperate to keep their jobs they are attacking the military service of the GOP candidates who threaten their cushy positions. They should to crawl under their respective rocks and cower in shame!

Video: New Ad Slams Democrat Attacks on GOP Candidates' Military Service - Guy Benson

Yeah...Right On Man...I Mean It's Not Like The RePugs would ever think of attacking dems for their military service.....right?
Oh I see, so now fighter pilot isn't the top job to get. It's a consolation prize for the privileged if community organizer is beyond your grasp.

Those fucking Blue Angels and Thunderbirds are such pussies, they should have been community organizers but settled for second place as fighter pilots. Fucking *****.

The top job to get would be for fighter pilots sent to Viet Nam to protect and fight for your country... not flying around Texass pretending to protect Texass from imaginary enemies.

Ok then, all of your states guard units are just too pussy to be moved out of state defense. Nice.

No, just Bush.

And remember, Republicans blocked health care for first responders for 10 years and blocked the Obama administration from investigating the BP oil spill in the gulf. Republicans don't have the best interests of the US at heart.

As I recall, Obama "blocked" many who offered to volunteer their help during that oil spill. But since the oil spill happened on Obama's watch then it's his fault. Just like it was Bush's fault that Hurricane Katrina occurred.

Is that what you "recall"? Seems your link was lost. Care to support what you recall?
Are you kidding me? The Democrat incumbents in Arkansas and Alaska are SO very desperate to keep their jobs they are attacking the military service of the GOP candidates who threaten their cushy positions. They should to crawl under their respective rocks and cower in shame!

Video: New Ad Slams Democrat Attacks on GOP Candidates' Military Service - Guy Benson

Interesting...I have RWrs attacking my military service all the time. Bummer.

Sorry to hear that. What office are you campaigning for again?
And remember, Republicans blocked health care for first responders for 10 years and blocked the Obama administration from investigating the BP oil spill in the gulf. Republicans don't have the best interests of the US at heart.

As I recall, Obama "blocked" many who offered to volunteer their help during that oil spill. But since the oil spill happened on Obama's watch then it's his fault. Just like it was Bush's fault that Hurricane Katrina occurred.

Is that what you "recall"? Seems your link was lost. Care to support what you recall?

Here you go. Incompetent Obama and BP turned down Dutch help with Gulf Oil Spill 3 days in ? Now they finally accept » The Right Scoop -

Can't you Libs do your own legwork? Must I do everything for you? Don't answer that!
The liberals I went to college with claim people like me went into the military because we couldn't get a "real job." Of course, they don't like it that I retired from the military in my 40s and now start a second career with 2 Masters degrees.....they are just fucking scum and don't deserve our freedom that we provide those pussies.
Let's see, you did nothing that we didn't pay for, we educated you, and now you are retired with a pension and benefits that we pay for, all for doing nothing but showing up and following orders? My hero.

Howey makes 4k a month woopdie fuckin doo.
Are you kidding me? The Democrat incumbents in Arkansas and Alaska are SO very desperate to keep their jobs they are attacking the military service of the GOP candidates who threaten their cushy positions. They should to crawl under their respective rocks and cower in shame!

Video: New Ad Slams Democrat Attacks on GOP Candidates' Military Service - Guy Benson

that's kind of funny considering they used military service, (Korea) as a reason to let one of their own off the hook and not in jail.
Are you kidding me? The Democrat incumbents in Arkansas and Alaska are SO very desperate to keep their jobs they are attacking the military service of the GOP candidates who threaten their cushy positions. They should to crawl under their respective rocks and cower in shame!

Video: New Ad Slams Democrat Attacks on GOP Candidates' Military Service - Guy Benson
In the 2002 election Rep. Saxby Chambliss (R) attacked his opponent for "for breaking his oath to protect and defend the Constitution."
His opponent was Max Cleland who was a decorated soldier. Cleland was also a triple amputee having lost both legs and an arm during the war. The bottom line here is that don't give me any bullshit about Democrats attacking vets when you would have supported Chambliss.
Are you kidding me? The Democrat incumbents in Arkansas and Alaska are SO very desperate to keep their jobs they are attacking the military service of the GOP candidates who threaten their cushy positions. They should to crawl under their respective rocks and cower in shame!

Video: New Ad Slams Democrat Attacks on GOP Candidates' Military Service - Guy Benson

Yeah...Right On Man...I Mean It's Not Like The RePugs would ever think of attacking dems for their military service.....right?

Are you kidding me? The Democrat incumbents in Arkansas and Alaska are SO very desperate to keep their jobs they are attacking the military service of the GOP candidates who threaten their cushy positions. They should to crawl under their respective rocks and cower in shame!

Video: New Ad Slams Democrat Attacks on GOP Candidates' Military Service - Guy Benson
In the 2002 election Rep. Saxby Chambliss (R) attacked his opponent for "for breaking his oath to protect and defend the Constitution."
His opponent was Max Cleland who was a decorated soldier. Cleland was also a triple amputee having lost both legs and an arm during the war. The bottom line here is that don't give me any bullshit about Democrats attacking vets when you would have supported Chambliss.

Dum-de-dum-de-dum! Nobody attacked Cleland's service. They "may" have attacked him for breaking an oath after his service. Two different things. Apples -- oranges.
Are you kidding me? The Democrat incumbents in Arkansas and Alaska are SO very desperate to keep their jobs they are attacking the military service of the GOP candidates who threaten their cushy positions. They should to crawl under their respective rocks and cower in shame!

Video: New Ad Slams Democrat Attacks on GOP Candidates' Military Service - Guy Benson

that's kind of funny considering they used military service, (Korea) as a reason to let one of their own off the hook and not in jail.

Whatever suits their whims at any given moment. Integrity and consistency be damned.
Arkansas' Democrat Senator, Mark Pryor, is clearly shaking in shoes. I bet he's home biting his nails right now.

Mark Pryor Says Military Service Is No Senate Qualification, Leads To "Sense Of Entitlement" - YouTube

I bet Priebus is sending Pryor a "Thank You" note.
"Dear Sir, thank you for making your seat easier to win in November"

Kinda what I was thinking. As if the Dems don't already have it bad enough come November. Oh well ... my feelings certainly aren't hurt.

the Post Office has Vets from every decade since Vietnam....the opinions i got from those guys is....EVERY administration since Vietnam has done a half-assed job of taking care of returning vets.....yes even this one.....

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