Dem Incumbents Attacking GOP Military Service!

Of course, when a 9-11 hide behind us, like a pussy.
When 9-11 happened all I thought was, what took them so long, and I have a meeting to run so shut off the fucking TV, which is exactly what they did when I told them to. Got that cannon fodder? I pay people like you to kill and to die, not to play hero or pretend that you are one, which you aren't, not even the shadow of one.
As long as democrats have most of the mainstream media in their pocket they can get away with just about anything. Draft dodger Bill Clinton got away with using something he (and the DNC) called the "wimp factor" to malign WW2 hero George H. Bush and it worked because democrats knew the media would back them if they took the offensive in the draft dodging issue.
Kerry was a traitor, shitstain.

Bush was never AWOL and he got his DD214, something you don't have. :eusa_whistle:

I think the traitor Kerry got a DD214, unlike you.
The hero was the guy who got daddy to get him out the war, and the coward was the guy who went to Vietnam? Sure thing cannon fodder. Hell, you must be Gen. Patton then, and all you did was change the oil on trucks in Ohio.
Kerry was a traitor, shitstain.

Bush was never AWOL and he got his DD214, something you don't have. :eusa_whistle:

I think the traitor Kerry got a DD214, unlike you.
The hero was the guy who got daddy to get him out the war, and the coward was the guy who went to Vietnam? Sure thing cannon fodder. Hell, you must be Gen. Patton then, and all you did was change the oil on trucks in Ohio.
Bush flew Delta Dagger fighter jets in the Texas National Guard during Vietnam. I didn't consider the guard cowards during Vietnam. What about you? His job was to patrol and protect American airspace from foreign enemies in case of any attack.
Are you kidding me? The Democrat incumbents in Arkansas and Alaska are SO very desperate to keep their jobs they are attacking the military service of the GOP candidates who threaten their cushy positions. They should to crawl under their respective rocks and cower in shame!

Video: New Ad Slams Democrat Attacks on GOP Candidates' Military Service - Guy Benson

John Kerry saw combat. He risked his life for this country.

George Bush ('43), his opponent, never saw live combat and never risked his life.

Yet, somehow, the GOP bullshit machine culled together a group of vets whose contempt for the Democratic party was so toxic that they failed to acknowledge the most basic fact: Kerry served in an active war zone and Bush did not. Kerry put his life at risk for this country and Bush did not. Period.

Regardless, the Bush supporters didn't think that Kerry's willingness to serve in an active combat was a special qualification. His service didn't matter.

Yes, he was critical of the war, but he had the courage to serve.

The Republican Propaganda Machine not only failed to give Kerry credit for his service, they lied about his service because of politics. And now the same Frankenstein that is the Republican Propaganda machine is feigning righteous indignation over the fact that a Democrat said military service wasn't an automatic qualification for the senate.

Are you fucking kidding me?
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Kerry was a traitor, shitstain.

Bush was never AWOL and he got his DD214, something you don't have. :eusa_whistle:

I think the traitor Kerry got a DD214, unlike you.
The hero was the guy who got daddy to get him out the war, and the coward was the guy who went to Vietnam? Sure thing cannon fodder. Hell, you must be Gen. Patton then, and all you did was change the oil on trucks in Ohio.
Bush flew Delta Dagger fighter jets in the Texas National Guard during Vietnam. I didn't consider the guard cowards during Vietnam. What about you? His job was to patrol and protect American airspace from foreign enemies in case of any attack.
Were the Canadians and Mexicans still doing nightly raids on New York and Los Angeles then? It's so hard to remember since we were all in the air-raid shelters, or were we home watching My Three Sons like Bush with our asses safe in America instead of in Vietnam with Kerry?

As for the Guard being cowards, they were not interested in being cannon fodder and found a way to stay home. Kerry was a patriot, and went to war.
Are you kidding me? The Democrat incumbents in Arkansas and Alaska are SO very desperate to keep their jobs they are attacking the military service of the GOP candidates who threaten their cushy positions. They should to crawl under their respective rocks and cower in shame!

Video: New Ad Slams Democrat Attacks on GOP Candidates' Military Service - Guy Benson

John Kerry saw combat. He risked his life for this country.

George Bush ('43), his opponent, never saw live combat and never risked his life.

Yet, somehow, the GOP bullshit machine culled together a group of vets whose contempt for the Democratic party was so toxic that it lead them to say things which were designed to overshadow the most important fact: Kerry served in an active war zone and Bush did not. Kerry put his life at risk for this country and Bush did not. Period.

Regardless, the Bush supporters didn't think that Kerry's willingness to serve in an active combat was a special qualification. His service didn't matter.

Yes, he was critical of the war, but he had the courage to serve.

The Republican Propaganda Machine not only failed to give Kerry credit for his service, they lied about his service because of politics. And now the same Frankenstein that is the Republican Propaganda machine is feigning righteous indignation over the fact that a Democrat said military service wasn't an automatic qualification for the senate.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Bush risked his life everytime he got into the cockpit of that fighter jet patroling American airspace.
Are you kidding me? The Democrat incumbents in Arkansas and Alaska are SO very desperate to keep their jobs they are attacking the military service of the GOP candidates who threaten their cushy positions. They should to crawl under their respective rocks and cower in shame!

Video: New Ad Slams Democrat Attacks on GOP Candidates' Military Service - Guy Benson

John Kerry saw combat. He risked his life for this country.

George Bush ('43), his opponent, never saw live combat and never risked his life.

Yet, somehow, the GOP bullshit machine culled together a group of vets whose contempt for the Democratic party was so toxic that it lead them to say things which were designed to overshadow the most important fact: Kerry served in an active war zone and Bush did not. Kerry put his life at risk for this country and Bush did not. Period.

Regardless, the Bush supporters didn't think that Kerry's willingness to serve in an active combat was a special qualification. His service didn't matter.

Yes, he was critical of the war, but he had the courage to serve.

The Republican Propaganda Machine not only failed to give Kerry credit for his service, they lied about his service because of politics. And now the same Frankenstein that is the Republican Propaganda machine is feigning righteous indignation over the fact that a Democrat said military service wasn't an automatic qualification for the senate.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Bush risked his life everytime he got into the cockpit of that fighter jet patroling American airspace.
So true. A terrorist flock of birds, undoubtedly trained and armed by the Mexican Commies, could have attacked his port engine at any time. However did he survive?
Are you kidding me? The Democrat incumbents in Arkansas and Alaska are SO very desperate to keep their jobs they are attacking the military service of the GOP candidates who threaten their cushy positions. They should to crawl under their respective rocks and cower in shame!

Video: New Ad Slams Democrat Attacks on GOP Candidates' Military Service - Guy Benson

John Kerry saw combat. He risked his life for this country.

George Bush ('43), his opponent, never saw live combat and never risked his life.

Yet, somehow, the GOP bullshit machine culled together a group of vets whose contempt for the Democratic party was so toxic that it lead them to say things which were designed to overshadow the most important fact: Kerry served in an active war zone and Bush did not. Kerry put his life at risk for this country and Bush did not. Period.

Regardless, the Bush supporters didn't think that Kerry's willingness to serve in an active combat was a special qualification. His service didn't matter.

Yes, he was critical of the war, but he had the courage to serve.

The Republican Propaganda Machine not only failed to give Kerry credit for his service, they lied about his service because of politics. And now the same Frankenstein that is the Republican Propaganda machine is feigning righteous indignation over the fact that a Democrat said military service wasn't an automatic qualification for the senate.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Bush risked his life everytime he got into the cockpit of that fighter jet patroling American airspace.

Do a search on the Military record of "George W. Bush". I think you might be surprised.

And remember, Republicans blocked health care for first responders for 10 years and blocked the Obama administration from investigating the BP oil spill in the gulf. Republicans don't have the best interests of the US at heart.

And remember, Republicans blocked health care for first responders for 10 years and blocked the Obama administration from investigating the BP oil spill in the gulf. Republicans don't have the best interests of the US at heart.

As I recall, Obama "blocked" many who offered to volunteer their help during that oil spill. But since the oil spill happened on Obama's watch then it's his fault. Just like it was Bush's fault that Hurricane Katrina occurred.
Shistain...I made more money than you, which means I paid more taxes than you.

You're the same scum, with the same limp dick lines. You have done nothing but pollute whatever unlucky city has your ass and you think because Uncle Sam forcibly takes money out of your fast food check that makes you a hero, you paid for the Iraq war all by yourself by making French fries.

You are irrelevant compared to me, burger king shit. To find out how irrelevant you are, I dare you to try to drive through a military base main gate and see what happens to you...
Little man, I built what flew over your head, protecting your grunt cannon fodder ass, and got well paid for doing so while you were still snapping towels in your tighty whities that mom bought you. Go play GI Joe with the kiddos, you impress me not in the slightest.

You actually think your inventions are deployed by people underneath you? The people that actually go to the site and utilize what you think you have invented are somehow less honorable than you? Without them you have nothing.
Are you kidding me? The Democrat incumbents in Arkansas and Alaska are SO very desperate to keep their jobs they are attacking the military service of the GOP candidates who threaten their cushy positions. They should to crawl under their respective rocks and cower in shame!

Video: New Ad Slams Democrat Attacks on GOP Candidates' Military Service - Guy Benson
Were they Swiftboated? So sorry to hear that.

And being cannon fodder doesn't qualify you for much.

So you are far more special than the people doing the job. Because you aren't capable of doing it and are too much of a pussy to do it but behind the lines of battle you actually think you are more important than those performing the task.
Were they Swiftboated? So sorry to hear that.

And being cannon fodder doesn't qualify you for much.

As usual ... you completely miss the point. Ho hum.
Not in the slightest. Welcome to you reap what you sow. You guys denigrated military service and now, it means nothing at all.

You are the one denigrating military service. You claimed to be better than those that actually served and went into the field to do the job as cannon fodder. That's all on you.
Kerry was a traitor, shitstain.

Bush was never AWOL and he got his DD214, something you don't have. :eusa_whistle:

I think the traitor Kerry got a DD214, unlike you.
The hero was the guy who got daddy to get him out the war, and the coward was the guy who went to Vietnam? Sure thing cannon fodder. Hell, you must be Gen. Patton then, and all you did was change the oil on trucks in Ohio.
Bush flew Delta Dagger fighter jets in the Texas National Guard during Vietnam. I didn't consider the guard cowards during Vietnam. What about you? His job was to patrol and protect American airspace from foreign enemies in case of any attack.

His job was a job they give to pussies to keep them from actual combat.
The liberals I went to college with claim people like me went into the military because we couldn't get a "real job." Of course, they don't like it that I retired from the military in my 40s and now start a second career with 2 Masters degrees.....they are just fucking scum and don't deserve our freedom that we provide those pussies.
Let's see, you did nothing that we didn't pay for, we educated you, and now you are retired with a pension and benefits that we pay for, all for doing nothing but showing up and following orders? My hero.

Holy shit, are you serious here? How fucking drunk are you? If you aren't drunk then you have no excuse for this amount of retarded.

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