Dem Debate Tonight (Yawn)

Is this the event where we get to hear from Hillary about how wonderful, above-board, honest and qualified she is? I’m hoping she'll slip into her "Southern Accent" when giving her colorful account of “landing under fire” in some bullshit war zone to visit our brave men and women whom she cherishes so much.

Maybe Bill will make a cameo – drunk off his ass, rambling senselessly – with three bimbos at his side.

Can't wait.

And Bernie - can his ticker stand any more pressure? Dear Lord - at 75, debate time is his usual three push-ups and a jell or two of Dulcolax time for this raging, dumb, senile, incompetent.

Trump 2016

I watched it. Why? Because for people involved in politics or political junkies, it is fascinating to watch Obama and Hillary get attacked from the left. It will tell every GOPer what Hillary can't defend if she misdirects the attack.

CONSIDER just this one tidbit-----------> Bernie said that the real unemployment rate is hovering around 10%. This is not the 1st time he has stated this. Every time he brings it up, and even last night on the debate stage.............crickets. Hillary, Obama, nor the DNC want to go there, never, ever; at least not about what is actually going on with an honest over view of today.

Left posters on this board have on more than one occasion put forth their "Obama" numbers. In truth, the DNC knows those numbers are a house of cards, which is exactly why Hillary and friends steer as far away from them as possible.

Running on 4 more years of Obama policies is a whole lot easier if you can convince people the rate is 4.9, and not hovering around 10%. They know in the 3 general election debates they are going to get hammered on this, but because the choice of hammers is so juicy for the GOP, it would be flown over much more quickly as it was on to something else that was just as juicy, then it would be in a Democratic debate. If this were to become a big point of contention in the Democratic debate, far more scrutiny would be shown to it then in the general.

Hillary and the DNCs narrative can not withstand such a thing, so they basically refuse to address it with Bernie, because it would not only haunt them in the general, it would give Bernie a very strong leg up. for if nothing else, it would show which of them are stating what HAS happened truthfully, and which one of them is lying through their pearly whites.

I personally can't believe that Bernie isn't hammering her with this. Why bring up one of her biggest weaknesses if she is running on more Obama on more than one occasion, watch her deflect, then not bloodhound it through?

Maybe bloodhound it in the debate before super Tuesday? We shall see, but I think Bernie is just keeping the powder dry for the time being, and use it when he gets the most bang for his buck!
@ imawhosure
Bernie had numerous opportunities last night to call Hillary out. He kept reverting to his stale talking points. I like the guy personally, but he doesn't have the brain-power or common sense to prevail.

Jim Webb - the Dems need you. That's one guy, I think, has a shot at bringing that party together. Biden is a blithering idiot, and if the Dems think he's going to save the day - well, the Clinton's, I am sure, have more dirty laundry on that clown than he cares to bring to light.
@ imawhosure
Bernie had numerous opportunities last night to call Hillary out. He kept reverting to his stale talking points. I like the guy personally, but he doesn't have the brain-power or common sense to prevail.

Jim Webb - the Dems need you. That's one guy, I think, has a shot at bringing that party together. Biden is a blithering idiot, and if the Dems think he's going to save the day - well, the Clinton's, I am sure, have more dirty laundry on that clown than he cares to bring to light.

Jim Web? What is he offering for free?

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