Delusional San Diego Democrats Say Obama Won Easily


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts


While Republicans and some pundits may have scored the debate differently, at this party the president captured every vote.

At the Democratic Unity office in Kearny Mesa, a standing-room-only crowd delivered a unanimous verdict on the first presidential candidates’ debate: President Barack Obama thumped Republican challenger Mitt Romney in a landslide.

The president won the retired-homemaker-and-pilot vote: “It went very well for Obama,” said Carol Shigley. “He had the best zingers. And I didn’t feel that Romney had anything; he told us nothing new.”

Obama captured the special-education-teacher-and-Lynyrd-Skynyrd-fan vote: “Obama won by a knockout,” said Gabriel Romero. “I like the fact that Obama pointed out the fact that Mitt Romney had no specifics.”

He grabbed the local-politician-running-for-higher-office vote: “Obama won,” Assemblyman Marty Block declared. “Romney on TV sounded like he cared for people who are in unfortunate circumstances, not like he did when he talked to his private audience about the 47 percent.” AREA DEMOCRATS SAY OBAMA HAD UPPER HAND |

Now you understand why the state of California is in such dire straits.

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By questioning what a bunch of goofy pictures, incoherent claims about a loose demographic of people and a shitty blog are supposed to mean? So the point is a bunch of loose delusional things somehow tie together in your mind?
By questioning what a bunch of goofy pictures, incoherent claims about a loose demographic of people and a shitty blog are supposed to mean?

That was a story featured in the San Diego Union Trubune......

The mentality on display says it all. Their state is falling apart and they still think that Liberalism works. Romney showed them why it doesn't and all they could say was "LIAR".

Liberalism is a warped perspective on reality.

When your candidate gets his ass handed to him the least you could do is admit it. These folks are so delusional that they can't bring themselves to admit it.

I used to live in San Diego. It's a beautiful place.....but liberalism has turned it into a very tough place to live and find a job.

These are the folks that won't let the Chargers build a new stadium or can't afford to pay for it.

These are the people that allow visiting teams to buy up more tickets than Charger fans so they don't have home-field advantage or can't afford to buy tickets.

At one time San Diego was a conservative town. Now look at it. 90% of San Diegans are broke.
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I agree with you that Romney came off better last night (even though he lied and flip-flopped a bunch) and Obama came off as weak and unprepared last night. But creating this enemy out of "liberalism" is just odd to me. What is your definition of liberalism?
I agree with you that Romney came off better last night (even though he lied and flip-flopped a bunch) and Obama came off as weak and unprepared last night. But creating this enemy out of "liberalism" is just odd to me. What is your definition of liberalism?

Dude, liberalism isn't what we're seeing these days.

What we're seeing these days is a cult following.

That is what I'm critical of.
Imagine a place that you can't find a house that costs less than $200,000.00 yet you have trouble finding a job that pays more than $15/hr. Gasoline costs $4.50 and many are living off of government assistance because they can't afford the taxes, they can't afford their utility bills, they can't afford much of anything.

Yet these idiots have gotten used to it. They don't seem to mind living off of government...but the state is broke and needs a federal bailout.

It's pathetic.

Class-warfare works on these folks because they don't have shit. They're envious of the rich.
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The goal of Democrats is to make everyone the same as the folks in So. California.

Get them to the point were working isn't worthwhile. Living off government handouts or becoming one of the 47% is the only way they can survive. In reality, Greece.
Gosh, and this happened in the peoples' republic of California? The state that will likely be the first one to fall off the financial cliff? Can't wait for the movie sure to follow.

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