Defusing the dog "issue"?

obama is one of those people who can do or say vile things, then say it was a joke. Like his retard jokes. Look at the vileness that Bill Maher spews, the excuse is he's a comedian and it's funny. obama calls the secretary of state a drunk, and he's joking. Tack a noose on the white house door and call it a prank. Is anyone going to buy that? Not hardly.

Yes nothing like the dignity brought to us by the former white house occupant.

[ame=]Bush laughs at no WMD in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Joking about WMDs not being found. How hilarious is that?

obama is one of those people who can do or say vile things, then say it was a joke. Like his retard jokes. Look at the vileness that Bill Maher spews, the excuse is he's a comedian and it's funny. obama calls the secretary of state a drunk, and he's joking. Tack a noose on the white house door and call it a prank. Is anyone going to buy that? Not hardly.

Yes nothing like the dignity brought to us by the former white house occupant.

Joking about WMDs not being found. How hilarious is that?

Stunningly hilarious that murkins were dumb enough to believe that entire movie from 911 forward.......even today.

Here's the real movie. All 2 seconds of it.
[ame=]Bush: After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad - YouTube[/ame]
The white house Correspondent's Dinner is traditionally a time of self-deprecating humor from the president. Even after hearing how obama's performance deprecating everyone but himself was sheer perfection with a perfect inborn sense of timing Bush was funnier than obama. Probably because his humor was self-deprecating. obama merely joked about eating dogs and telling the world Hillary Clinton is a drunk.

It kind of makes sense that obama would have Bill Clinton make a pro obama video before Clinton's wife was referred to as a drunk. I wonder how Billy boy feels about it today.

Now as a liberal protecting Obama's bragging on eating dog meat is a joke along with other liberals, you should realize that there is a world wide movement against Asian cruelty to animals including dogs.

It is no joke to anyone who cares about animals. I find it appalling that they continue to joke about it. Including the President. Some one should have clued him in on this.

By all means joke about your opponents and your staff but not animal cruelty. That's bizarre that they would choose to do so. Obviously all involved are highly ignorant of the ongoing battle against animal cruelty in Asia. Or they really do find it funny.

It's offensive and this issue is not going to go away. It is in real time. Check the date of the Daily Mail article.

Dogs as well as bears are routinely tortured and beaten before death to "tenderize" the "sweet meat".

The ultimate dog's dinner: Hundreds of caged canines saved from the cooking pot by quick-thinking Chinese activists

By Lee Moran

PUBLISHED: 12:39 GMT, 25 April 2012 | UPDATED: 23:20 GMT, 25 April 2012

Dogs destined to be slaughtered and served up in China's restaurants were saved when the truck transporting them was intercepted by animal rights activists.

The vehicle, carrying 505 canines packed into just 156 tiny cages, was stopped on Yunnan Province's highway from Fumin to Kunming after other drivers spotted its sickening cargo.

A number posted pictures and comments about the load on the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, Weibo, prompting the police to stop the lorry at the next toll gate.

The ultimate dog's dinner: Hundreds of caged canines saved from the cooking pot by Chinese activists | Mail Online



Shocking: A total of 505 desperate-looking dogs were packed into just 156 tiny cages
obama joked about eating dog. Which makes as much sense as Michael Vick joking about torturing dogs.

Don't you mean it makes about as much sense as Mitt Romney joking about torturing dogs?

Well the funny thing is it was High Holy Bishop Willard Mitt Romney that started telling the tale, thinking it was an endearing story.

Obama's book barely gives it a mention..and only serves to show the culture shock of new foods in his new home.

Au contraire Sallow. In the book he brags on the "worldly food" Lolo brought them. They were very well off.

Hell's bells he even mentions Lolo promising to get tiger meat.

This shows complete ignorance of the author of the ongoing issues in Asia where they are decimating the tiger population.

For heaven's sake you can buy a tiger penis if you've got the $$$$$.

The author of the book obviously was unaware of what a firestorm that little paragraph could unleash.
obama is one of those people who can do or say vile things, then say it was a joke. Like his retard jokes. Look at the vileness that Bill Maher spews, the excuse is he's a comedian and it's funny. obama calls the secretary of state a drunk, and he's joking. Tack a noose on the white house door and call it a prank. Is anyone going to buy that? Not hardly.

He took some shots and gave some shots. Isn't that how those dinners go? Everybody but the hot actress probably knew that.

Now as a liberal protecting Obama's bragging on eating dog meat is a joke along with other liberals, you should realize that there is a world wide movement against Asian cruelty to animals including dogs.

It is no joke to anyone who cares about animals. I find it appalling that they continue to joke about it. Including the President. Some one should have clued him in on this.

Who's been joking about it the last few weeks? Seems like a flip-flop, posting pictures like those now. Hypocritical?
Don't you mean it makes about as much sense as Mitt Romney joking about torturing dogs?

Well the funny thing is it was High Holy Bishop Willard Mitt Romney that started telling the tale, thinking it was an endearing story.

Obama's book barely gives it a mention..and only serves to show the culture shock of new foods in his new home.

Au contraire Sallow. In the book he brags on the "worldly food" Lolo brought them. They were very well off.

Hell's bells he even mentions Lolo promising to get tiger meat.

This shows complete ignorance of the author of the ongoing issues in Asia where they are decimating the tiger population.

For heaven's sake you can buy a tiger penis if you've got the $$$$$.

The author of the book obviously was unaware of what a firestorm that little paragraph could unleash.

He wasn't bragging..and he was a kid at the time.

Amazing that some people don't get it.
obama is one of those people who can do or say vile things, then say it was a joke. Like his retard jokes. Look at the vileness that Bill Maher spews, the excuse is he's a comedian and it's funny. obama calls the secretary of state a drunk, and he's joking. Tack a noose on the white house door and call it a prank. Is anyone going to buy that? Not hardly.

Yes nothing like the dignity brought to us by the former white house occupant.

Joking about WMDs not being found. How hilarious is that?

Stunningly hilarious that murkins were dumb enough to believe that entire movie from 911 forward.......even today.

Here's the real movie. All 2 seconds of it.
[ame=]Bush: After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad - YouTube[/ame]

Absolutely..Bush's reasons for going into Iraq..were pretty personal.
Well the funny thing is it was High Holy Bishop Willard Mitt Romney that started telling the tale, thinking it was an endearing story.

Obama's book barely gives it a mention..and only serves to show the culture shock of new foods in his new home.

Au contraire Sallow. In the book he brags on the "worldly food" Lolo brought them. They were very well off.

Hell's bells he even mentions Lolo promising to get tiger meat.

This shows complete ignorance of the author of the ongoing issues in Asia where they are decimating the tiger population.

For heaven's sake you can buy a tiger penis if you've got the $$$$$.

The author of the book obviously was unaware of what a firestorm that little paragraph could unleash.

He wasn't bragging..and he was a kid at the time.

Amazing that some people don't get it.

What part of "he was an adult when he wrote the book and bragged on it" don't you get?

When he authored Dreams of My Father how old was he?

The key here is Axelrod decided he was going to shred Romney for Seamus and it backfired big time.

It's not a game of Romney was an adult vs. child. By no means. Obama was an adult when he bragged about the dog meat (delicacy) and tiger (delicacy) in his book.

Consequently, Axlerod has opened Pandora's box on this issue. And I for one am grateful.

China, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Polynesia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the Arctic and Antarctic

[ame=""]Countries where people eat dog meat[/ame]

Many more countries have laws where eating dog meat is prohibited by law, but are not inforced due to customs that date back to prehistory.

When dogs in this country are euthanized for biting, mauling, or killing, their remains are usually buried rather than used as protein for someone's diet.

Maybe that's the problem. Obama comes from a dog-eat-dog world.
obama joked about eating dog. Which makes as much sense as Michael Vick joking about torturing dogs.

Don't you mean it makes about as much sense as Mitt Romney joking about torturing dogs?

Well the funny thing is it was High Holy Bishop Willard Mitt Romney that started telling the tale, thinking it was an endearing story.

Obama's book barely gives it a mention..and only serves to show the culture shock of new foods in his new home.

That and obama was 10 years old and is being compared to the actions of a grown man. Sniper Fire should really let this one drop. I'm glad he's shit-brained enough to keep it going though.
It's yet another reminder that Obama does not share our American values; he eats dog, he can't tell one holiday from another, he plays with his balls during the National Anthem and he does not even know how many states are in the USA


Oh, and notice Obama is all grown up here too
Yes nothing like the dignity brought to us by the former white house occupant.

Joking about WMDs not being found. How hilarious is that?

Stunningly hilarious that murkins were dumb enough to believe that entire movie from 911 forward.......even today.

Here's the real movie. All 2 seconds of it.
[ame=]Bush: After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad - YouTube[/ame]

Absolutely..Bush's reasons for going into Iraq..were pretty personal.

Hey Sallow, I think people are still saying negative things about Obama, can you try diverting the topic to George Bush again? It didn't work the first two times.

Now as a liberal protecting Obama's bragging on eating dog meat is a joke along with other liberals, you should realize that there is a world wide movement against Asian cruelty to animals including dogs.

It is no joke to anyone who cares about animals. I find it appalling that they continue to joke about it. Including the President. Some one should have clued him in on this.

By all means joke about your opponents and your staff but not animal cruelty. That's bizarre that they would choose to do so. Obviously all involved are highly ignorant of the ongoing battle against animal cruelty in Asia. Or they really do find it funny.

It's offensive and this issue is not going to go away. It is in real time. Check the date of the Daily Mail article.

Dogs as well as bears are routinely tortured and beaten before death to "tenderize" the "sweet meat".

The ultimate dog's dinner: Hundreds of caged canines saved from the cooking pot by quick-thinking Chinese activists

By Lee Moran

PUBLISHED: 12:39 GMT, 25 April 2012 | UPDATED: 23:20 GMT, 25 April 2012

Dogs destined to be slaughtered and served up in China's restaurants were saved when the truck transporting them was intercepted by animal rights activists.

The vehicle, carrying 505 canines packed into just 156 tiny cages, was stopped on Yunnan Province's highway from Fumin to Kunming after other drivers spotted its sickening cargo.

A number posted pictures and comments about the load on the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, Weibo, prompting the police to stop the lorry at the next toll gate.

The ultimate dog's dinner: Hundreds of caged canines saved from the cooking pot by Chinese activists | Mail Online



Shocking: A total of 505 desperate-looking dogs were packed into just 156 tiny cages

Okay, these are horrible pictures. But have you ever been to a slaughterhouse for beef or pork or Chicken?

Much worse than this, I can tell you.

So exactly how was Obama personally responsible for this when he was 9?
Sorry bout that,

1. Wow, he will eat a dog???, THATS SICK!!!!
2. Will you people stop dragging out Bush to abuse already??? He stepped down quietly!!!!

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