"Defund" Obamacare?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It just occurred to me that the ACA was passed on the basis of a CBO estimate that there would be NO net cost over the first ten years of that bill. So I would like to ask: Why is there any issue about (de)funding Obamacare, since it was promised to pay for itself?

Could it be that the entire legislative process used to pass this bill was a fraud upon the American people? Could it be that the CBO estimate of its cost was perverted by balancing TEN years of revenue against only FIVE years of expenditures? Could it be that the Senate disenfranchised the people of Massachusetts by forcing a vote before their newly elected Senator could be sworn in? Could it be that the President has illegally amended this law by executive fiat?

By what strange twist of logic is the House of Representatives obligated to fund this unconstitutional fiasco?
It just occurred to me that the ACA was passed on the basis of a CBO estimate that there would be NO net cost over the first ten years of that bill. So I would like to ask: Why is there any issue about (de)funding Obamacare, since it was promised to pay for itself?

Could it be that the entire legislative process used to pass this bill was a fraud upon the American people? Could it be that the CBO estimate of its cost was perverted by balancing TEN years of revenue against only FIVE years of expenditures? Could it be that the Senate disenfranchised the people of Massachusetts by forcing a vote before their newly elected Senator could be sworn in? Could it be that the President has illegally amended this law by executive fiat?

By what strange twist of logic is the House of Representatives obligated to fund this unconstitutional fiasco?

Obama promised that he would never sign a bill that added one dollar to the national debt. Then he signed Obamacare.

Obama swore that Obamacare would "only" cost $900 billion over the next 10 years. Now the CBO has it at $2 trillion and documents show that Obama knew that already.

The lies never end with this administration.
I would like to apologize for my political rant in the CDZ, but I sometimes feel like Alice in Wonderland. Wasn't the ACA supposed to pay for itself? Or was this an intentional fiction from the get go? Are we no longer able to have honest political debate on any subject?
Let us look at the facts.
Congress can vote to defund Obamacare in the Congress as they have the votes.
The Senate can also vote to defund Obamacare if they had the votes and they don't there.
But let us say both Houses voted to defund Obamacare.
Obama vetoes the legislation under his executive power per The United States Constitution.
The House does not have a 2/3rds majority to over ride the veto.
You people should have already known this.
How can you defund something that was never funded?
Actually, it has been funded with a multibillion dollar trust fund and that's what's been paying for the new IRS agents and the websites that don't work. Beyond that, there is no FY2014 funding request for Obamacare because Obama never submitted an FY2014 budget. Or one for FY2013. Or 2012. Etc. This impass is Senate Democrats rejecting everything the House is trying to fund until they get more tax money to cover Obamacare's overruns.

The House says "no" because the America can see other stuff needs funding first and we can talk Obamacare's overruns later.
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obamacare is nothing more than a massive entitlement program the will cost 6% of the GDP.

2008 all over again and the USA just bought a big house it can't afford.
It just occurred to me that the ACA was passed on the basis of a CBO estimate that there would be NO net cost over the first ten years of that bill. So I would like to ask: Why is there any issue about (de)funding Obamacare, since it was promised to pay for itself?

Could it be that the entire legislative process used to pass this bill was a fraud upon the American people? Could it be that the CBO estimate of its cost was perverted by balancing TEN years of revenue against only FIVE years of expenditures? Could it be that the Senate disenfranchised the people of Massachusetts by forcing a vote before their newly elected Senator could be sworn in? Could it be that the President has illegally amended this law by executive fiat?

By what strange twist of logic is the House of Representatives obligated to fund this unconstitutional fiasco?

Can we add this to the list of balonga associated with this mess ?

The same people who think we are to stupid to make our own decisions....can't get a website up and running in a situation where an underperforming website simply could not be tolerated.

Welcome to the federal government.
Let us look at the facts.
Congress can vote to defund Obamacare in the Congress as they have the votes.
The Senate can also vote to defund Obamacare if they had the votes and they don't there.
But let us say both Houses voted to defund Obamacare.
Obama vetoes the legislation under his executive power per The United States Constitution.
The House does not have a 2/3rds majority to over ride the veto.
You people should have already known this.

Gee, thanks for the info. :eusa_whistle:
It just occurred to me that the ACA was passed on the basis of a CBO estimate that there would be NO net cost over the first ten years of that bill. So I would like to ask: Why is there any issue about (de)funding Obamacare, since it was promised to pay for itself?

Could it be that the entire legislative process used to pass this bill was a fraud upon the American people? Could it be that the CBO estimate of its cost was perverted by balancing TEN years of revenue against only FIVE years of expenditures? Could it be that the Senate disenfranchised the people of Massachusetts by forcing a vote before their newly elected Senator could be sworn in? Could it be that the President has illegally amended this law by executive fiat?

By what strange twist of logic is the House of Representatives obligated to fund this unconstitutional fiasco?

Can we add this to the list of balonga associated with this mess ?

The same people who think we are to stupid to make our own decisions....can't get a website up and running in a situation where an underperforming website simply could not be tolerated.

Welcome to the federal government.

Even the low-info crowd is turning against Santa Claus as they see he was lying to them and now they, even are questioning the price they had to pay, for reelecting the fraud.

SNIP: Libertarian Republican

What could possibly be more sought after in American politics, than the single mom, 30s something Hispanic female demo? Political consultants will jump through hoops, do hand-stands, break out the Sham-Wow! sales lines, whatever it takes to win over this demographic. And here we have the stereotypical Hispanic female from that demo, souring on Obama.

She's a bit confused over policy, and contradictory. (Aren't practically all low info voters?) But she knows a lie when she sees one. At the end of the clip, she says:

I think he was dishonest about it...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oal1q7NOUes]KCAL-CA: California Woman Who Lost Coverage Says Obama Was Dishonest About His Promise - YouTube[/ame]
I would like to apologize for my political rant in the CDZ, but I sometimes feel like Alice in Wonderland. Wasn't the ACA supposed to pay for itself? Or was this an intentional fiction from the get go? Are we no longer able to have honest political debate on any subject?

I am not sure it was supposed to pay for itself. However, it was not supposed to impact people making less than 250...well, 225....errr, 150 K per year (depending on where you were in the lie cycle).

It was also supposed to reduce our insurance costs by 2500/year.
Let us look at the facts.
Congress can vote to defund Obamacare in the Congress as they have the votes.
The Senate can also vote to defund Obamacare if they had the votes and they don't there.
But let us say both Houses voted to defund Obamacare.
Obama vetoes the legislation under his executive power per The United States Constitution.
The House does not have a 2/3rds majority to over ride the veto.
You people should have already known this.

Gee, thanks for the info. :eusa_whistle:

You are welcome.
And thanks for the bogus argument that Obamacare can be "defunded".
Let us look at the facts.
Congress can vote to defund Obamacare in the Congress as they have the votes.
The Senate can also vote to defund Obamacare if they had the votes and they don't there.
But let us say both Houses voted to defund Obamacare.
Obama vetoes the legislation under his executive power per The United States Constitution.
The House does not have a 2/3rds majority to over ride the veto.
You people should have already known this.

Gee, thanks for the info. :eusa_whistle:

You are welcome.
And thanks for the bogus argument that Obamacare can be "defunded".

If you don't fund it, then you defund it.

There is a case for defunding it.......

Your argument is not meaningful.
Let us look at the facts.
Congress can vote to defund Obamacare in the Congress as they have the votes.
The Senate can also vote to defund Obamacare if they had the votes and they don't there.
But let us say both Houses voted to defund Obamacare.
Obama vetoes the legislation under his executive power per The United States Constitution.
The House does not have a 2/3rds majority to over ride the veto.
You people should have already known this.

Gee, thanks for the info. :eusa_whistle:

You are welcome.
And thanks for the bogus argument that Obamacare can be "defunded".

Maybe next you can tell us how many Senators and Representatives we have. Or isn't that covered until next semester?
Can't be done.

Neither can it be repealed.

The one and only threat/promise the right has made is to "replace".

So, how come they've forgotten about that?
It just occurred to me that the ACA was passed on the basis of a CBO estimate that there would be NO net cost over the first ten years of that bill. So I would like to ask: Why is there any issue about (de)funding Obamacare, since it was promised to pay for itself?

Could it be that the entire legislative process used to pass this bill was a fraud upon the American people? Could it be that the CBO estimate of its cost was perverted by balancing TEN years of revenue against only FIVE years of expenditures? Could it be that the Senate disenfranchised the people of Massachusetts by forcing a vote before their newly elected Senator could be sworn in? Could it be that the President has illegally amended this law by executive fiat?

By what strange twist of logic is the House of Representatives obligated to fund this unconstitutional fiasco?

i think you're on to something here lol opponents of obamcare have been voicing this concern since the plans inception. it is becoming quite clear the only way to fund obamacare is by incurring massive debt
Can't be done.

Neither can it be repealed.

The one and only threat/promise the right has made is to "replace".

So, how come they've forgotten about that?

Obamacare Will Be Repealed Well In Advance Of The 2014 Elections - Forbes

I think a case could be made before the courts on this. This Bill is nothing like it was packaged and sold in 2010. Obama has arbitrarily used executive orders to not only tweak but to make major changes along the way.
What is so strange is that supposedly, Obamacare is going to leave a lot of people without insurance.

Is this true ?

If so, how did it happen ?
It just occurred to me that the ACA was passed on the basis of a CBO estimate that there would be NO net cost over the first ten years of that bill. So I would like to ask: Why is there any issue about (de)funding Obamacare, since it was promised to pay for itself?

Could it be that the entire legislative process used to pass this bill was a fraud upon the American people? Could it be that the CBO estimate of its cost was perverted by balancing TEN years of revenue against only FIVE years of expenditures? Could it be that the Senate disenfranchised the people of Massachusetts by forcing a vote before their newly elected Senator could be sworn in? Could it be that the President has illegally amended this law by executive fiat?

By what strange twist of logic is the House of Representatives obligated to fund this unconstitutional fiasco?

It’s not about what they are ‘obligated’ to do. It is the simple fact that the other 2 sections of government in that process will unequivocally refuse to defund the crowning achievement of Obama’s term.

IF the public were behind the republicans in this matter there would be essentially no issue – the dems would be forced into defunding and replacing the ACA. The fact is that the public is NOT behind it though. While the bill is not popular, the one that that is even less popular is defunding it. Most people want it to be replaced with single payer – something that the right here refuses to acknowledge when going over Obamacare approval ratings. Others want it replaced. VERY FEW actually want a straight repeal. Without the electorate behind the move, the republicans can only get clobbered with their own message when they try such stunts.

The MUST stop allowing the democrats to control the dialogue. They are beating the republicans up with it.

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