Dear Canadian politicians...stop trying to ruin your nation with Leftism.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Imagine if Canada had followed the model that made America the greatest nation on the planet...imagine the position they could be in to welcome fleeing Americans as our corrupt politicians bust their asses trying to give our nation to Mexico...Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada....Instead twisted Canadians will let their hearts bleed as their country implodes just as the Leftist run shitholes here in America are. Too bad...Canada.
Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada.

Instead they are moving to Texas and Idaho, and its not because of their weather.
Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada.

Instead they are moving to Texas and Idaho, and its not because of their weather.

Nope...they are definitely fleeing the brown invasion.
Canada could position themselves to inherit high quality human beings but that wouldn’t allow for their FEELZ.
It always feels so much better when you foster a needy, illiterate, genetically challenged, dependent, criminal minded, jibberish speaking half human.
Imagine if Canada had followed the model that made America the greatest nation on the planet...imagine the position they could be in to welcome fleeing Americans as our corrupt politicians bust their asses trying to give our nation to Mexico...Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada....Instead twisted Canadians will let their hearts bleed as their country implodes just as the Leftist run shitholes here in America are. Too bad...Canada.

OMG, Dragonlady is going to skewer you, lol.

But hey, did NOT Justin just kiss some Iranian a** after they killed 53 of his citizens?

Canada 1st? Oh my, DRAGONCHICK has to explain this one-)
Imagine if Canada had followed the model that made America the greatest nation on the planet...imagine the position they could be in to welcome fleeing Americans as our corrupt politicians bust their asses trying to give our nation to Mexico...Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada....Instead twisted Canadians will let their hearts bleed as their country implodes just as the Leftist run shitholes here in America are. Too bad...Canada.

OMG, Dragonlady is going to skewer you, lol.

But hey, did NOT Justin just kiss some Iranian a** after they killed 53 of his citizens?

Canada 1st? Oh my, DRAGONCHICK has to explain this one-)

Yes, that nutless faggot did exactly that...and Dragonlady just like most foolish Canadians prefers to foster the worlds illiterate trash over intelligent productive positive contributors any day, all day....”It just FEELZ so good!”
Imagine if Canada had followed the model that made America the greatest nation on the planet...imagine the position they could be in to welcome fleeing Americans as our corrupt politicians bust their asses trying to give our nation to Mexico...Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada....Instead twisted Canadians will let their hearts bleed as their country implodes just as the Leftist run shitholes here in America are. Too bad...Canada.

OMG, Dragonlady is going to skewer you, lol.

But hey, did NOT Justin just kiss some Iranian a** after they killed 53 of his citizens?

Canada 1st? Oh my, DRAGONCHICK has to explain this one-)

Yes, that nutless faggot did exactly that...and Dragonlady just like most foolish Canadians prefers to foster the worlds illiterate trash over intelligent productive positive contributors any day, all day....”It just FEELZ so good!”

OMG, now ya REALLY pi**ed her off! She will be coming at ya with the full force of the Canadian defense ministry and their most LETHAL weapons, basically creampuffs!

Be scared-)
Imagine if Canada had followed the model that made America the greatest nation on the planet...imagine the position they could be in to welcome fleeing Americans as our corrupt politicians bust their asses trying to give our nation to Mexico...Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada....Instead twisted Canadians will let their hearts bleed as their country implodes just as the Leftist run shitholes here in America are. Too bad...Canada.

I guess controlling women, minorities and liberals isn’t enough for you.
Now you want to control an entire country.

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Imagine if Canada had followed the model that made America the greatest nation on the planet...imagine the position they could be in to welcome fleeing Americans as our corrupt politicians bust their asses trying to give our nation to Mexico...Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada....Instead twisted Canadians will let their hearts bleed as their country implodes just as the Leftist run shitholes here in America are. Too bad...Canada.

I guess controlling women, minorities and liberals isn’t enough for you.
Now you want to control an entire country.

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Listen to Billy-Boom-Boom-Daniels, lol!

Serious---------> where is DRAGONCHICK? Is she more interested in US politics then her own?

I guess if you are a far Leftist in Canada and have BLACKFACE Justin as your phony-E-Baloney leader, you can worry about the USA instead of Canada!

He exemplifies everything that DRAGONCHICK stands for; although I wonder with that girth, if she can even stand up for ANYTHING-)
Imagine if Canada had followed the model that made America the greatest nation on the planet...imagine the position they could be in to welcome fleeing Americans as our corrupt politicians bust their asses trying to give our nation to Mexico...Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada....Instead twisted Canadians will let their hearts bleed as their country implodes just as the Leftist run shitholes here in America are. Too bad...Canada.

I guess controlling women, minorities and liberals isn’t enough for you.
Now you want to control an entire country.

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I have no interest in "controlling" anybody who doesn't impose their will on me or depend on my cash....That said, I suppose I do want to control you and your ilk.
Imagine if Canada had followed the model that made America the greatest nation on the planet...imagine the position they could be in to welcome fleeing Americans as our corrupt politicians bust their asses trying to give our nation to Mexico...Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada....Instead twisted Canadians will let their hearts bleed as their country implodes just as the Leftist run shitholes here in America are. Too bad...Canada.

I guess controlling women, minorities and liberals isn’t enough for you.
Now you want to control an entire country.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Listen to Billy-Boom-Boom-Daniels, lol!

Serious---------> where is DRAGONCHICK? Is she more interested in US politics then her own?

I guess if you are a far Leftist in Canada and have BLACKFACE Justin as your phony-E-Baloney leader, you can worry about the USA instead of Canada!

He exemplifies everything that DRAGONCHICK stands for; although I wonder with that girth, if she can even stand up for ANYTHING-)

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Who the fuck is dragonchick?

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All the winner countries are leftist .
Technically they moved to the left after they had some success. Then most slowed down. Its just the more advanced ones are more into wealth foundation over time then the lesser nations who did not have that.
Imagine if Canada had followed the model that made America the greatest nation on the planet...imagine the position they could be in to welcome fleeing Americans as our corrupt politicians bust their asses trying to give our nation to Mexico...Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada....Instead twisted Canadians will let their hearts bleed as their country implodes just as the Leftist run shitholes here in America are. Too bad...Canada.

I guess controlling women, minorities and liberals isn’t enough for you.
Now you want to control an entire country.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Listen to Billy-Boom-Boom-Daniels, lol!

Serious---------> where is DRAGONCHICK? Is she more interested in US politics then her own?

I guess if you are a far Leftist in Canada and have BLACKFACE Justin as your phony-E-Baloney leader, you can worry about the USA instead of Canada!

He exemplifies everything that DRAGONCHICK stands for; although I wonder with that girth, if she can even stand up for ANYTHING-)

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Who the fuck is dragonchick?

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haha...Playing stupid...a favorite often used by the severely LefTarded....they honestly believe playing stupid is a legitimate refutation.
Imagine if Canada had followed the model that made America the greatest nation on the planet...imagine the position they could be in to welcome fleeing Americans as our corrupt politicians bust their asses trying to give our nation to Mexico...Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada....Instead twisted Canadians will let their hearts bleed as their country implodes just as the Leftist run shitholes here in America are. Too bad...Canada.
And stop sending lefty canadians to this forum in hopes of ruining America too
Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada.

Instead they are moving to Texas and Idaho, and its not because of their weather.

Nope...they are definitely fleeing the brown invasion.
Canada could position themselves to inherit high quality human beings but that wouldn’t allow for their FEELZ.
It always feels so much better when you foster a needy, illiterate, genetically challenged, dependent, criminal minded, jibberish speaking half human.

I love fact free posts from idiots.

The Liberal Party of Canada is referred to as Canada's "Natural Ruling Party". Liberals have ruled called for 121 of the 153 years since Confederation. Our Liberal Party is a true liberal party, not like the "conservative light" version of American liberals you call Democrats in the USA. The Canadian Conservative Party of Canada is more "liberal" than American Democrats.

Our Constitution was written by Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Justin's father. The Conservative government of Stephen Harper tried to "Americanize" our economy. Justin is undoing the damage and restoring his father's vision for the country. One of a multi-cultural, diverse and inclusive nation.

Rather than having a shithole conservative, "every man for himself and fuck the rest of you, culture", we have a welcoming, inclusive. We don't tear one another down because we're ALL Canadians. Together we stand, divided we become the USA.

That attitude and work ethic and liberal policies have given us a nation where you really can be born poor and work yourself out of poverty. We are constitently rated at the top of the Best Countries in the World to live #1 in the world, two years running.

We rank high in the top 5 of most personal freedom list, happiest people lists, best infrastructure, fastest growing middle class, best education systems, safest.

Yes, we have problems. Our native populations are struggling and we really have treated them shamefully over the years. Disgracefully. And we haven't done nearly enough towards undoing the damage.

Our health care system needs work. Dental coverage has to be built in. It's a problem. Nobody's perfect, but we're doing OK. I'm not worried about opportunities for my children or grandchildren. I'm not worried about the deficit.

Our labour participation rate is rising, while yours is falling. Our life expectancy is increasing, while yours is decling. Our middle class is growing while yours is shrinking. We're welcoming immigrants who are making wonderful contributions to our country, because we welcome them. We don't lock them up and take their babies.

One of the most touching stories out the fire that destoyed Fort McMurray during the Syrian refugee crisis, was that the recently arrived Syrian refugee groups in Calgary, who really had nothing but what they could carry when they arrived, banded together and sent "personal care kits" of toothpaste, soap, shampoo and other personal care items to the families displaced by the fire, because when they were in the refugee camps, these were things they didn't have and needed most. They did this despite having so little, because they were so grateful to Canada for the opportunity given them. These are the people the USA refused to let in.

Yes, some Canadians move to the USA. I've had lots of chances to do so. I've been to the USA lots of times, but why would I live in a country that is run for the wealthy, and takes all of my tax money to give to underpaid corporate workers and the military, whose wages are so low they can't provide for their families, when my taxes could go to building a strong nation with quality health care and education for all, infrastruture and programs to raise the quality of life for all Canadians, not just the wealthy? We have literally hundreds of thousands of Americans moving to Canada to escape the crime, the dirt, and the lack of opportunity in the US. The iconic Canadian company Roots was founded by Expat Americans.

All of my American friends who come here tell me they wish the USA was more like Canada. I've never seen a Canadian who said "I wish Canada was more like the USA. More guns, no public health care, and more tax breaks for millionaires".

Recently, the Conservative Party of Canada ran on a tax cutting, more money in YOUR pocket platform. I sat down one day and did a deep financial dive on this "pro-family" tax cut agenda. The conservative plan would cut the carbon tax, increase the basic deduction for seniors by $1000, and yada, yada.

I calculated what these wonderful benefits would do for me. I'm better off than a lot of seniors - well above the minimum annual income, and my retirement income is very similar to a friend who is still working full time making about 25% above minimum wage. Under the Conservative plan to let me keep more of "my money", my net income went down by $2500 per year. Under Justin Trudeau, my income has gone up $2,000 per year. Guess who I voted for?

American conservative have been conned into believing that tax cuts for millionaires will put money money in their pockets, eventually. It doesn't. It takes money out of your pocket and gives it to the millionaires. Canadians voters are smart enough to know that. Americans are still waiting for Reagan's tax cuts to "trickle down" while Republican policies are still transferring the wealth of the nation to the top.
Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada.

Instead they are moving to Texas and Idaho, and its not because of their weather.

Nope...they are definitely fleeing the brown invasion.
Canada could position themselves to inherit high quality human beings but that wouldn’t allow for their FEELZ.
It always feels so much better when you foster a needy, illiterate, genetically challenged, dependent, criminal minded, jibberish speaking half human.

I love fact free posts from idiots.

The Liberal Party of Canada is referred to as Canada's "Natural Ruling Party". Liberals have ruled called for 121 of the 153 years since Confederation. Our Liberal Party is a true liberal party, not like the "conservative light" version of American liberals you call Democrats in the USA. The Canadian Conservative Party of Canada is more "liberal" than American Democrats.

Our Constitution was written by Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Justin's father. The Conservative government of Stephen Harper tried to "Americanize" our economy. Justin is undoing the damage and restoring his father's vision for the country. One of a multi-cultural, diverse and inclusive nation.

Rather than having a shithole conservative, "every man for himself and fuck the rest of you, culture", we have a welcoming, inclusive. We don't tear one another down because we're ALL Canadians. Together we stand, divided we become the USA.

That attitude and work ethic and liberal policies have given us a nation where you really can be born poor and work yourself out of poverty. We are constitently rated at the top of the Best Countries in the World to live #1 in the world, two years running.

We rank high in the top 5 of most personal freedom list, happiest people lists, best infrastructure, fastest growing middle class, best education systems, safest.

Yes, we have problems. Our native populations are struggling and we really have treated them shamefully over the years. Disgracefully. And we haven't done nearly enough towards undoing the damage.

Our health care system needs work. Dental coverage has to be built in. It's a problem. Nobody's perfect, but we're doing OK. I'm not worried about opportunities for my children or grandchildren. I'm not worried about the deficit.

Our labour participation rate is rising, while yours is falling. Our life expectancy is increasing, while yours is decling. Our middle class is growing while yours is shrinking. We're welcoming immigrants who are making wonderful contributions to our country, because we welcome them. We don't lock them up and take their babies.

One of the most touching stories out the fire that destoyed Fort McMurray during the Syrian refugee crisis, was that the recently arrived Syrian refugee groups in Calgary, who really had nothing but what they could carry when they arrived, banded together and sent "personal care kits" of toothpaste, soap, shampoo and other personal care items to the families displaced by the fire, because when they were in the refugee camps, these were things they didn't have and needed most. They did this despite having so little, because they were so grateful to Canada for the opportunity given them. These are the people the USA refused to let in.

Yes, some Canadians move to the USA. I've had lots of chances to do so. I've been to the USA lots of times, but why would I live in a country that is run for the wealthy, and takes all of my tax money to give to underpaid corporate workers and the military, whose wages are so low they can't provide for their families, when my taxes could go to building a strong nation with quality health care and education for all, infrastruture and programs to raise the quality of life for all Canadians, not just the wealthy? We have literally hundreds of thousands of Americans moving to Canada to escape the crime, the dirt, and the lack of opportunity in the US. The iconic Canadian company Roots was founded by Expat Americans.

All of my American friends who come here tell me they wish the USA was more like Canada. I've never seen a Canadian who said "I wish Canada was more like the USA. More guns, no public health care, and more tax breaks for millionaires".

Recently, the Conservative Party of Canada ran on a tax cutting, more money in YOUR pocket platform. I sat down one day and did a deep financial dive on this "pro-family" tax cut agenda. The conservative plan would cut the carbon tax, increase the basic deduction for seniors by $1000, and yada, yada.

I calculated what these wonderful benefits would do for me. I'm better off than a lot of seniors - well above the minimum annual income, and my retirement income is very similar to a friend who is still working full time making about 25% above minimum wage. Under the Conservative plan to let me keep more of "my money", my net income went down by $2500 per year. Under Justin Trudeau, my income has gone up $2,000 per year. Guess who I voted for?

American conservative have been conned into believing that tax cuts for millionaires will put money money in their pockets, eventually. It doesn't. It takes money out of your pocket and gives it to the millionaires. Canadians voters are smart enough to know that. Americans are still waiting for Reagan's tax cuts to "trickle down" while Republican policies are still transferring the wealth of the nation to the top.

Canada has more taxpayer money to spend because its protected by Americas military might.
Canda has more taxpayer money to spend on healthcare because of Americas investment in pharamacuitals and research and groundbreaking surgical procedures.
The world barely knows Canada exists.
Canada has been living on Americas teet its entire existence.
So instead of another long winded fact free anti american rant a simple thank you will do.
Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada.

Instead they are moving to Texas and Idaho, and its not because of their weather.

Nope...they are definitely fleeing the brown invasion.
Canada could position themselves to inherit high quality human beings but that wouldn’t allow for their FEELZ.
It always feels so much better when you foster a needy, illiterate, genetically challenged, dependent, criminal minded, jibberish speaking half human.

I love fact free posts from idiots.

The Liberal Party of Canada is referred to as Canada's "Natural Ruling Party". Liberals have ruled called for 121 of the 153 years since Confederation. Our Liberal Party is a true liberal party, not like the "conservative light" version of American liberals you call Democrats in the USA. The Canadian Conservative Party of Canada is more "liberal" than American Democrats.

Our Constitution was written by Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Justin's father. The Conservative government of Stephen Harper tried to "Americanize" our economy. Justin is undoing the damage and restoring his father's vision for the country. One of a multi-cultural, diverse and inclusive nation.

Rather than having a shithole conservative, "every man for himself and fuck the rest of you, culture", we have a welcoming, inclusive. We don't tear one another down because we're ALL Canadians. Together we stand, divided we become the USA.

That attitude and work ethic and liberal policies have given us a nation where you really can be born poor and work yourself out of poverty. We are constitently rated at the top of the Best Countries in the World to live #1 in the world, two years running.

We rank high in the top 5 of most personal freedom list, happiest people lists, best infrastructure, fastest growing middle class, best education systems, safest.

Yes, we have problems. Our native populations are struggling and we really have treated them shamefully over the years. Disgracefully. And we haven't done nearly enough towards undoing the damage.

Our health care system needs work. Dental coverage has to be built in. It's a problem. Nobody's perfect, but we're doing OK. I'm not worried about opportunities for my children or grandchildren. I'm not worried about the deficit.

Our labour participation rate is rising, while yours is falling. Our life expectancy is increasing, while yours is decling. Our middle class is growing while yours is shrinking. We're welcoming immigrants who are making wonderful contributions to our country, because we welcome them. We don't lock them up and take their babies.

One of the most touching stories out the fire that destoyed Fort McMurray during the Syrian refugee crisis, was that the recently arrived Syrian refugee groups in Calgary, who really had nothing but what they could carry when they arrived, banded together and sent "personal care kits" of toothpaste, soap, shampoo and other personal care items to the families displaced by the fire, because when they were in the refugee camps, these were things they didn't have and needed most. They did this despite having so little, because they were so grateful to Canada for the opportunity given them. These are the people the USA refused to let in.

Yes, some Canadians move to the USA. I've had lots of chances to do so. I've been to the USA lots of times, but why would I live in a country that is run for the wealthy, and takes all of my tax money to give to underpaid corporate workers and the military, whose wages are so low they can't provide for their families, when my taxes could go to building a strong nation with quality health care and education for all, infrastruture and programs to raise the quality of life for all Canadians, not just the wealthy? We have literally hundreds of thousands of Americans moving to Canada to escape the crime, the dirt, and the lack of opportunity in the US. The iconic Canadian company Roots was founded by Expat Americans.

All of my American friends who come here tell me they wish the USA was more like Canada. I've never seen a Canadian who said "I wish Canada was more like the USA. More guns, no public health care, and more tax breaks for millionaires".

Recently, the Conservative Party of Canada ran on a tax cutting, more money in YOUR pocket platform. I sat down one day and did a deep financial dive on this "pro-family" tax cut agenda. The conservative plan would cut the carbon tax, increase the basic deduction for seniors by $1000, and yada, yada.

I calculated what these wonderful benefits would do for me. I'm better off than a lot of seniors - well above the minimum annual income, and my retirement income is very similar to a friend who is still working full time making about 25% above minimum wage. Under the Conservative plan to let me keep more of "my money", my net income went down by $2500 per year. Under Justin Trudeau, my income has gone up $2,000 per year. Guess who I voted for?

American conservative have been conned into believing that tax cuts for millionaires will put money money in their pockets, eventually. It doesn't. It takes money out of your pocket and gives it to the millionaires. Canadians voters are smart enough to know that. Americans are still waiting for Reagan's tax cuts to "trickle down" while Republican policies are still transferring the wealth of the nation to the top.

DRAGONCHICK has arrived and explained succinctly why she voted for Blackface!

like her majesty the DRAGON or not, she did not shy away from the fact that her vote was all about her.

For this we should commend her. In her society EVERY person pays through the nose, and like the system or not, it is fair.

But, the Leftists in our country need to pony up the facts to their peeps; which when she did, Hokie-Pokey-Honda’s went in the proverbial crapper.

You people in the middle class and below are going to pay the lions share. Yep, yep, and all the talking by Bernie is NOT going to change that, 1 iota.

But thnx Dragon for being honest, although your Leftist counterparts in The USA now would like you to shut up, lol.

Welcome to our world
Good, real productive, intelligent Americans ‘seeking a better life’ away from the hoards of thirdworld filth would run to Canada.

Instead they are moving to Texas and Idaho, and its not because of their weather.

Nope...they are definitely fleeing the brown invasion.
Canada could position themselves to inherit high quality human beings but that wouldn’t allow for their FEELZ.
It always feels so much better when you foster a needy, illiterate, genetically challenged, dependent, criminal minded, jibberish speaking half human.

I love fact free posts from idiots.

The Liberal Party of Canada is referred to as Canada's "Natural Ruling Party". Liberals have ruled called for 121 of the 153 years since Confederation. Our Liberal Party is a true liberal party, not like the "conservative light" version of American liberals you call Democrats in the USA. The Canadian Conservative Party of Canada is more "liberal" than American Democrats.

Our Constitution was written by Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Justin's father. The Conservative government of Stephen Harper tried to "Americanize" our economy. Justin is undoing the damage and restoring his father's vision for the country. One of a multi-cultural, diverse and inclusive nation.

Rather than having a shithole conservative, "every man for himself and fuck the rest of you, culture", we have a welcoming, inclusive. We don't tear one another down because we're ALL Canadians. Together we stand, divided we become the USA.

That attitude and work ethic and liberal policies have given us a nation where you really can be born poor and work yourself out of poverty. We are constitently rated at the top of the Best Countries in the World to live #1 in the world, two years running.

We rank high in the top 5 of most personal freedom list, happiest people lists, best infrastructure, fastest growing middle class, best education systems, safest.

Yes, we have problems. Our native populations are struggling and we really have treated them shamefully over the years. Disgracefully. And we haven't done nearly enough towards undoing the damage.

Our health care system needs work. Dental coverage has to be built in. It's a problem. Nobody's perfect, but we're doing OK. I'm not worried about opportunities for my children or grandchildren. I'm not worried about the deficit.

Our labour participation rate is rising, while yours is falling. Our life expectancy is increasing, while yours is decling. Our middle class is growing while yours is shrinking. We're welcoming immigrants who are making wonderful contributions to our country, because we welcome them. We don't lock them up and take their babies.

One of the most touching stories out the fire that destoyed Fort McMurray during the Syrian refugee crisis, was that the recently arrived Syrian refugee groups in Calgary, who really had nothing but what they could carry when they arrived, banded together and sent "personal care kits" of toothpaste, soap, shampoo and other personal care items to the families displaced by the fire, because when they were in the refugee camps, these were things they didn't have and needed most. They did this despite having so little, because they were so grateful to Canada for the opportunity given them. These are the people the USA refused to let in.

Yes, some Canadians move to the USA. I've had lots of chances to do so. I've been to the USA lots of times, but why would I live in a country that is run for the wealthy, and takes all of my tax money to give to underpaid corporate workers and the military, whose wages are so low they can't provide for their families, when my taxes could go to building a strong nation with quality health care and education for all, infrastruture and programs to raise the quality of life for all Canadians, not just the wealthy? We have literally hundreds of thousands of Americans moving to Canada to escape the crime, the dirt, and the lack of opportunity in the US. The iconic Canadian company Roots was founded by Expat Americans.

All of my American friends who come here tell me they wish the USA was more like Canada. I've never seen a Canadian who said "I wish Canada was more like the USA. More guns, no public health care, and more tax breaks for millionaires".

Recently, the Conservative Party of Canada ran on a tax cutting, more money in YOUR pocket platform. I sat down one day and did a deep financial dive on this "pro-family" tax cut agenda. The conservative plan would cut the carbon tax, increase the basic deduction for seniors by $1000, and yada, yada.

I calculated what these wonderful benefits would do for me. I'm better off than a lot of seniors - well above the minimum annual income, and my retirement income is very similar to a friend who is still working full time making about 25% above minimum wage. Under the Conservative plan to let me keep more of "my money", my net income went down by $2500 per year. Under Justin Trudeau, my income has gone up $2,000 per year. Guess who I voted for?

American conservative have been conned into believing that tax cuts for millionaires will put money money in their pockets, eventually. It doesn't. It takes money out of your pocket and gives it to the millionaires. Canadians voters are smart enough to know that. Americans are still waiting for Reagan's tax cuts to "trickle down" while Republican policies are still transferring the wealth of the nation to the top.

DRAGONCHICK has arrived and explained succinctly why she voted for Blackface!

like her majesty the DRAGON or not, she did not shy away from the fact that her vote was all about her.

For this we should commend her. In her society EVERY person pays through the nose, and like the system or not, it is fair.

But, the Leftists in our country need to pony up the facts to their peeps; which when she did, Hokie-Pokey-Honda’s went in the proverbial crapper.

You people in the middle class and below are going to pay the lions share. Yep, yep, and all the talking by Bernie is NOT going to change that, 1 iota.

But thnx Dragon for being honest, although your Leftist counterparts in The USA now would like you to shut up, lol.

Welcome to our world

Why would ANY intelligent human being vote against their own self interests, in favour of those whose need is less than mine? I'll vote for taxes for those who need help. But I'm not voting for a tax break for my ex-husband's boss, who went from living in a nice two-storey home in a middle class neighbourhood, to a mansion in one of the richest neighbourhoods in Canada, and traded in his Buick for BMW and a Harley, while raising my husband's wages $4 in $11 years?

He clearly does not need more money. His employees certainly do.

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