De Blasio: Trump’s suggestion face masks are being stolen is ‘insulting’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified


/-----/ Meanwhile:
As fear over the new coronavirus in New York spreads faster than the outbreak, people have started to steal masks and other medical equipment from local hospitals, Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters Friday.

“Not just people taking a couple or three, I mean just actual thefts of those products,” Cuomo said at a press conference from the state capital in Albany. “I’ve asked the state police to do an investigation, look at places that are selling masks, medical equipment, protective wear, feeding the anxiety.”
Let's face it the guy is a democrat. So of course you can't trust him.
I wonder if he even has a clue that the governor has called him a liar. I am guessing probably not. But I have no doubt he has some new legislation in the works on sugary drinks that will fix everything.

Mayor Bill de Blasio was not giving his all back in January and February when him and others were telling people to go on with their daily lives.

So excuse me if I do not get upset over Trump comments when the one complaining is the same guy lecturing his residents of his city about how wrong they were for not going to Chinatown when the Pandemic was spreading!

Also it is a failure of his City Staff and Officials to make sure supplies are not being stolen or hoarded, so yeah the critique is warranted when it come to de Blasio!
Glad it never crossed my mind to move to one of the bigger ant hills.
What does the Post article have to do with how insulting the Potus is to health care workers??
/----/ No fake outrage over Andy Boy Cuomo?
“Not just people taking a couple or three, I mean just actual thefts of those products,” Cuomo said at a press conference from the state capital in Albany. “I’ve asked the state police to do an investigation, look at places that are selling masks, medical equipment, protective wear, feeding the anxiety.”
This was way back on Mar 6.
This 5 days ago
One thing I have learned is that everything is stolen to some degree. To say that no one is stealing medical supplies is naive

Deblasio is a Communist, he's doing what all Communists do and stealing two-thirds of any supplies to sell on the black market.

Do you really believe that, if so your delirious. You probably have covid 19.

The only difference between deblasio and your ruler Abbas is that Bolshevik Bill will only steal two-thirds instead of 99%. He is a Kleptocrat.

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