Chinese Virus Mortality: 0.66%


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Like the flu
All is proceeding as foretold by Weatherman.

The coronavirus may not be as deadly as previously suggested, according to a new study that accounts for cases that were not diagnosed.

The study published Monday in the medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases estimated that the death rate will be 0.66%, which is much lower than figures between 2% and 3.4% that have come out of Wuhan, China, according to CNN.

Researchers said the lower coronavirus mortality rate was determined by accounting for cases that went undiagnosed — possibly because they were mild or had no symptoms.

To do this, researchers used modeling based on the number of detected cases among repatriated citizens who were aggressively tested for the virus.
Like the flu
All is proceeding as foretold by Weatherman.

The coronavirus may not be as deadly as previously suggested, according to a new study that accounts for cases that were not diagnosed.

The study published Monday in the medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases estimated that the death rate will be 0.66%, which is much lower than figures between 2% and 3.4% that have come out of Wuhan, China, according to CNN.

Researchers said the lower coronavirus mortality rate was determined by accounting for cases that went undiagnosed — possibly because they were mild or had no symptoms.

To do this, researchers used modeling based on the number of detected cases among repatriated citizens who were aggressively tested for the virus.
Thank you for calling the affliction what is IS, the CHINESE Virus. Nicely done.
Like the flu
All is proceeding as foretold by Weatherman.

The coronavirus may not be as deadly as previously suggested, according to a new study that accounts for cases that were not diagnosed.

The study published Monday in the medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases estimated that the death rate will be 0.66%, which is much lower than figures between 2% and 3.4% that have come out of Wuhan, China, according to CNN.

Researchers said the lower coronavirus mortality rate was determined by accounting for cases that went undiagnosed — possibly because they were mild or had no symptoms.

To do this, researchers used modeling based on the number of detected cases among repatriated citizens who were aggressively tested for the virus.

That would be nice - certainly better than the mayor of New Orleans (a Corona hot spot) who was televised yesterday as saying 5 out of 100 diagnosed cases of Covid-19 dies. (5%)

2/3 of 1% (0.66%) is better than the mortality of the Spanish Influenza epidemic which killed <1.5% of the world population in 1918 in 4 months. But the world population is more than in 1918 - we could still end up with 20 million dead as in 1918!

The United States would have mortality rates similar to the spanish Flu pandemic btw - roughly 2 million - if we do not follow scientists direction to shelter in place.
Yeah, believe China.
Weatherman must be a Democrat.
I BELIEVE he was being sarcastic......
I doubt it. The article confirmed his beliefs. He will throw away all integrity for any "gotcha" he can get.
Today, china and CNN are god sends.
Tomorrow they will be lying assholes.
Trust me, he IS being sarcastic.....
Yea thats why he posted it in current events and said it backed up what he has been saying.
Come on guy..

The report detailed the tracing of COVID-19 to the intermediate horseshoe bat — a bat that they confirmed was not available at the Wuhan wet market and did not live locally. In fact, the report noted that native populations were no closer than 600 miles away from the first known cases, making a natural transmission from bat to human appear more unlikely.

The only place those particular bats existed locally was inside a research facility — which was just several hundred yards from the Wuhan wet market — and the paper’s ultimate conclusion was that the coronavirus pandemic had likely been the result of a leak from the lab: “The killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.”

Carlson went on to attack American media outlets for failing to cover the story, in spite of the fact that the report had been publicly available for nearly two months.

“A post on the National Institutes of Health website, written by NIH Director Francis Collins himself, dismisses any such speculation as ‘outrageous.’ Keep in mind, NIH is supposed to be keeping you safe from diseases like this one not running interference for hostile foreign governments. This is how they are spending their time as Americans die in the middle of a global pandemic. And still, no one address the substance of the claims,” Carlson concluded.

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