Data scientists testify in Georgia that 17,650 Votes switched from Trump to Biden.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
That whole "no evidence of fraud" narrative appears to be slipping away really fast.

Georgia election data indicates 17,650 votes were switched from President Donald Trump to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, data scientists testified on Wednesday during a state Senate hearing.

A team led by Lynda McLaughlin, along with data scientists Justin Mealey and Dave Lobue, presented the results before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections.

Mealey worked as an electronic warfare technician in the U.S. Navy for nine and a half years and was a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) contractor as a data analyst and programmer for the National Counterterrorism Center. He currently works for one of the “Big Four” accounting firms as a programmer.

Lobue is a data scientist with over a decade of experience in a number of industries.

“What we have here is we actually have fraud that we can prove in this election, there was fraud in Georgia’s election, we can prove it with data,” Mealey said. “The voting will of the people of Georgia is not reflected in what was certified by the Secretary of State.”

That whole "no evidence of fraud" narrative appears to be slipping away really fast.

Georgia election data indicates 17,650 votes were switched from President Donald Trump to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, data scientists testified on Wednesday during a state Senate hearing.

A team led by Lynda McLaughlin, along with data scientists Justin Mealey and Dave Lobue, presented the results before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections.

Mealey worked as an electronic warfare technician in the U.S. Navy for nine and a half years and was a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) contractor as a data analyst and programmer for the National Counterterrorism Center. He currently works for one of the “Big Four” accounting firms as a programmer.

Lobue is a data scientist with over a decade of experience in a number of industries.

“What we have here is we actually have fraud that we can prove in this election, there was fraud in Georgia’s election, we can prove it with data,” Mealey said. “The voting will of the people of Georgia is not reflected in what was certified by the Secretary of State.”

So why are the telling the epoch times instead of a federal court?
The courts do not want to decide elections, its up to the state legislatures to cleanup their voting systems like FL did.

So what happens when Biden is inaugurated and Trump is forced to leave the White House regardless of what you believe?
The courts do not want to decide elections, its up to the state legislatures to cleanup their voting systems like FL did.

So what happens when Biden is inaugurated and Trump is forced to leave the White House regardless of what you believe?
Biden cheated to win in 2020, his presidency is illegitimate, and a senile joke besides.
However, Trump officially lost and will retire to FL and leave after battling the swamp for four glorious years.
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That whole "no evidence of fraud" narrative appears to be slipping away really fast.

Georgia election data indicates 17,650 votes were switched from President Donald Trump to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, data scientists testified on Wednesday during a state Senate hearing.

A team led by Lynda McLaughlin, along with data scientists Justin Mealey and Dave Lobue, presented the results before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections.

Mealey worked as an electronic warfare technician in the U.S. Navy for nine and a half years and was a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) contractor as a data analyst and programmer for the National Counterterrorism Center. He currently works for one of the “Big Four” accounting firms as a programmer.

Lobue is a data scientist with over a decade of experience in a number of industries.

“What we have here is we actually have fraud that we can prove in this election, there was fraud in Georgia’s election, we can prove it with data,” Mealey said. “The voting will of the people of Georgia is not reflected in what was certified by the Secretary of State.”

Trumpers have PTSD post trump stupidity disorder
...the left/''leftists''/ etc even fk over the kids by cheating--surely they would cheat on someone they HATE to death:
Right on the heels of a major forensics expert who can prove if a ballot was ever folded, mailed out, and returned vs fraudulent ballots printed and stuffed into machines. Can also detect ballots filled out by a human vs printed. The Dems election fraud is being exposed by science.
While they were “switching votes”
Why didn’t they switch votes so that Democrats won both Senate races?
Because many of the fake ballots only had a vote for Biden and no under votes.

Don't know about Georgia but here in Florida you do not have to vote for everyone on the ballot, you can vote for one, two or as many as you want.
That whole "no evidence of fraud" narrative appears to be slipping away really fast.

Georgia election data indicates 17,650 votes were switched from President Donald Trump to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, data scientists testified on Wednesday during a state Senate hearing.

A team led by Lynda McLaughlin, along with data scientists Justin Mealey and Dave Lobue, presented the results before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections.

Mealey worked as an electronic warfare technician in the U.S. Navy for nine and a half years and was a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) contractor as a data analyst and programmer for the National Counterterrorism Center. He currently works for one of the “Big Four” accounting firms as a programmer.

Lobue is a data scientist with over a decade of experience in a number of industries.

“What we have here is we actually have fraud that we can prove in this election, there was fraud in Georgia’s election, we can prove it with data,” Mealey said. “The voting will of the people of Georgia is not reflected in what was certified by the Secretary of State.”

Trumpers have PTSD post trump stupidity disorder
So why can't Biden have a real press conference? Is he just too senile off the teleprompter? I wouldn't throw stones about "stupidity".
While they were “switching votes”
Why didn’t they switch votes so that Democrats won both Senate races?
Because many of the fake ballots only had a vote for Biden and no under votes.
Sounds stupid to me

If you are making a “fake ballot” why not also fill in Democrats on the Senate and Congress?

Democrats need the Senate if they want to pass their programs.
Why would a “conspiracy” miss the opportunity to give Democrats control in Congress?

Maybe because Trump just plain LOST
Now you know why Democrats were so desperate for Trump to concede the election quickly before their fraud could be exposed.
Trump conceding or not has nothing to do with the final results.
Trump has refused to concede......Won’t make a difference in Biden being President on Jan 20.

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