!! DANGER !! Test Shows Oxygen Levels Drop into the DANGER ZONE FIVE SECONDS After Putting on a Mask.

OSHA rules exist for a reason.

It sucks that so many states are requiring their own citizens to violate OSHA rules.

Oxygen deprivation is a well known method for dumbing people down or keeping them dumbed down. Over extended periods of time permanent brain damage can result however Democrats and other lefties aren't in much damage from that as they start out brain damage or have less brain mass to start with.
OSHA rules exist for a reason. It sucks that so many states are requiring their own citizens to violate OSHA rules.
Wow! Now the cons are touting OSHA rules. In normal times OSHA is the devil. As they get more desperate, their arguments get weirder and weirder. BTW, ever heard of a surgeon passing out from lack of oxygen. NO? Me neither.
Surgeons are not working in strenuous situations. Funny how you do not actually try to refute osha
their not?..... doing a 2-3 hour surgery would be pretty stressful....the persons life is in your hands....
They're not?
are you going to send me to detention now?....
No, I would just appreciate your using proper word choice, lest you look like an idiot.
so in other words you are the appointed grammar cop.....gotcha....
Word choice is not grammar. It's the sign of a poor education or laziness.
either send me to detention or dont comment on what i post if i aint talking to you....because i can give a flying fuck what you think...
Everyone should think you are a moron by the way you write, just to be clear. I reserve the right to correct your dumb ass when you fuck up. Deal with it!
you are basing that all on one misused word?......geezus captain get a life....and you call me a moron?.....lol....
Funny story...I was at my "gym" this morning.

I was using one of those press machines that you can put the weights one...a shoulder press machine.

The mask rule for this 'Gym' is, when you are not engaged in an active 'set' you can must have your mask on.

Now...I don't know how dear reader exercises...but i am old school...I do not fuck around...heavy and little rest...go go go...out.

Anyone ever been out of breath from exertion? Do you want to immediately don a mask?

No...you don't...because you are trying to BREATHE.

So...I finish my set..I am rearranging the weights..adding...taking away...guy comes up who works there..

"Sir, when you are not actively doing a set you need to have your mask on"

I said "ok"

I started to put the mask on...then I thought.."no...fuck this...I'm out of here...I don't need this shit anymore"

So, I remove all of the weight and walk out...without the mask on.

The same guy follows me through the gym..."You do not have your mask on as I instructed you...sir"...muffle muffle...

I couldn't understand half of what he said...because he had a fucking mask on.

I am walking away telling him "ok...have a great day...you too...thank you...have a great day"

Look I know this guy is not TRYING to break my balls...he is 'Just Doin His J-O-B'

So I am as polite as possible.

Finally I reach the door..."Sir...I am going to revoke your membership"

"Great...PLEASE DO..." Then I spelled my surname loudly...and left.

This shit is absurd...people have lost their fucking minds.
Those there machines that you press and put weight on- a nautilus or a free weight.? If you be an old time weightlifter you'd know the diff...
I do both. Your muscles only know resistance. These are not your dad's Nautilus machines. These machines are incredibly effective at isolating muscle groups.
Funny story...I was at my "gym" this morning.

I was using one of those press machines that you can put the weights one...a shoulder press machine.

The mask rule for this 'Gym' is, when you are not engaged in an active 'set' you can must have your mask on.

Now...I don't know how dear reader exercises...but i am old school...I do not fuck around...heavy and little rest...go go go...out.

Anyone ever been out of breath from exertion? Do you want to immediately don a mask?

No...you don't...because you are trying to BREATHE.

So...I finish my set..I am rearranging the weights..adding...taking away...guy comes up who works there..

"Sir, when you are not actively doing a set you need to have your mask on"

I said "ok"

I started to put the mask on...then I thought.."no...fuck this...I'm out of here...I don't need this shit anymore"

So, I remove all of the weight and walk out...without the mask on.

The same guy follows me through the gym..."You do not have your mask on as I instructed you...sir"...muffle muffle...

I couldn't understand half of what he said...because he had a fucking mask on.

I am walking away telling him "ok...have a great day...you too...thank you...have a great day"

Look I know this guy is not TRYING to break my balls...he is 'Just Doin His J-O-B'

So I am as polite as possible.

Finally I reach the door..."Sir...I am going to revoke your membership"

"Great...PLEASE DO..." Then I spelled my surname loudly...and left.

This shit is absurd...people have lost their fucking minds.
Fake news
Would it have resonated more for you if I replaced 'gym' with 'bathhouse'?
Just got home from the doctor's office where I had to wear a mask an extended period of time and had my pulse/Ox tested. It was 98 WITH THE MASK ON. This shit is debunked and only serves to try and scare people from wearing masks which is spreading a health hazard to others. Why the fuck has this not been moved to the Conspiracy Theory section?
flacaltenn Coyote Dont Taz Me Bro How is this not a conspiracy thread?

It has been thoroughly debunked, and if it were true we'd have doctors and nurses all over the world dropping like flies.

Because there is likely some truth in this... Just hasn't been thoroughly characterized.. People with breathing issues CAN be affected by O2 reduction wearing a face mask.. I have no doubt there is a small fractional reduction in O2 blood level sats if worn during movement or exercise... In a HEALTHY person, they can tolerate a "low 90" O2 level.. General guidance for getting medical assistance with breathing issues is if it dips to high 80s... That's a VERY SMALL range between an emergency and not..
flacaltenn Coyote Dont Taz Me Bro How is this not a conspiracy thread?

It has been thoroughly debunked, and if it were true we'd have doctors and nurses all over the world dropping like flies.

Because there is likely some truth in this... Just hasn't been thoroughly characterized.. People with breathing issues CAN be affected by O2 reduction wearing a face mask.. I have no doubt there is a small fractional reduction in O2 blood level sats if worn during movement or exercise... In a HEALTHY person, they can tolerate a "low 90" O2 level.. General guidance for getting medical assistance with breathing issues is if it dips to high 80s... That's a VERY SMALL range between an emergency and not..

The method in this video is NOT correct and it does not delineate at all that it is only POSSIBLY bad for a very few number of people. It is extremely reckless for you to leave this kind of conspiracy theory threads that can be a danger to public health.
flacaltenn Coyote Dont Taz Me Bro How is this not a conspiracy thread?

It has been thoroughly debunked, and if it were true we'd have doctors and nurses all over the world dropping like flies.

Because there is likely some truth in this... Just hasn't been thoroughly characterized.. People with breathing issues CAN be affected by O2 reduction wearing a face mask.. I have no doubt there is a small fractional reduction in O2 blood level sats if worn during movement or exercise... In a HEALTHY person, they can tolerate a "low 90" O2 level.. General guidance for getting medical assistance with breathing issues is if it dips to high 80s... That's a VERY SMALL range between an emergency and not..

Let me add, it is very shameful that a person with your background would allow this post to stay with a response of "there is likely some truth to this..." So how many of your experiments or studies were reviewed and verified with a statement of "there is likely some truth to this..." ? If I turned in a Criminal justice study with that type of result, I'd be run out of the building.

This thread encourages people to not wear masks that protect public health through scare tactics using a PROVEN invalid method.
flacaltenn Coyote Dont Taz Me Bro How is this not a conspiracy thread?

It has been thoroughly debunked, and if it were true we'd have doctors and nurses all over the world dropping like flies.

Because there is likely some truth in this... Just hasn't been thoroughly characterized.. People with breathing issues CAN be affected by O2 reduction wearing a face mask.. I have no doubt there is a small fractional reduction in O2 blood level sats if worn during movement or exercise... In a HEALTHY person, they can tolerate a "low 90" O2 level.. General guidance for getting medical assistance with breathing issues is if it dips to high 80s... That's a VERY SMALL range between an emergency and not..

The method in this video is NOT correct and it does not delineate at all that it is only POSSIBLY bad for a very few number of people. It is extremely reckless for you to leave this kind of conspiracy theory threads that can be a danger to public health.

Well there ya go.. Isnt' free speech at USMB wonderful ???? LOL... We just figured out that the "health danger" MIGHT ONLY apply to some people... We agree. What's the problem?

You really dont expect the Flu Nazis to be ADMITTING this right now -- do you? We're about 4 chapters into Brave New World in the past couple years...

It's RECKLESS for you to reflexively objecting to member sorting this out on their own... Especially since THIS STORY on the stink-o-meter is FAR SAFER than most of the Russia Russia Russia fake stories that FILLED USMB for years... AND THOSE -- did serious societal damage to our country and the confidence in the media and govt...

It's not Lanclet or NEJMedicine.. But its damn common sense that under physical exertion, SOME PEOPLE with COPD, or just elderly, or other issues WILL have problems...
I have issues with a mask when hiking trails, or spraying the yard with a pump sprayer in the heat and I'm not with chronic breathing problems... That's common sense..

I have lots of lung scarring from being mistreated for pneumonia at Parris Island... and like I said I had a pulse/Ox of 98 with a mask on at the doctor's office today. I lose respect for you more and more every day. You are supporting a stance that scares people NOT to wear masks that help stop the spread of the virus.

You didn't even touch what I said about your "there is likely some truth to this..." statement. Would you turn in a study with a final outcome of that as the result? Hell no you wouldn't. Putting this in the Conspiracy Theory section is not stopping free speech. Deleting it would be.
OSHA rules exist for a reason.

It sucks that so many states are requiring their own citizens to violate OSHA rules.

It certainly can affect those who have COPD

I think there's an angle to this that just isn't in the reporting.. Masks can somewhat restrict O2 intake.. But scientifically, the BIGGER issue is that they DEFINITELY INCREASE CO2 re-absorption.. That's why N95 masks have a VALVE on them to EXPEL the CO2...

Body doesn't KNOW it's not O2 starved, because it's responding to the INCREASED CO2 levels... Tells you you're short of breath...
OSHA rules exist for a reason.

It sucks that so many states are requiring their own citizens to violate OSHA rules.

I'm gonna call bullshit on this one.
I've had my oxygen levels checked several times while wearing a mask and it was fine.
I suppose if you were to wear a mask that really restricted airflow it could be a problem.

An uncontrolled carom into the truth
OSHA rules exist for a reason.

It sucks that so many states are requiring their own citizens to violate OSHA rules.

I'm gonna call bullshit on this one.
I've had my oxygen levels checked several times while wearing a mask and it was fine.
I suppose if you were to wear a mask that really restricted airflow it could be a problem.

An uncontrolled carom into the truth

I only speak the truth.
Funny story...I was at my "gym" this morning.

I was using one of those press machines that you can put the weights one...a shoulder press machine.

The mask rule for this 'Gym' is, when you are not engaged in an active 'set' you can must have your mask on.

Now...I don't know how dear reader exercises...but i am old school...I do not fuck around...heavy and little rest...go go go...out.

Anyone ever been out of breath from exertion? Do you want to immediately don a mask?

No...you don't...because you are trying to BREATHE.

So...I finish my set..I am rearranging the weights..adding...taking away...guy comes up who works there..

"Sir, when you are not actively doing a set you need to have your mask on"

I said "ok"

I started to put the mask on...then I thought.."no...fuck this...I'm out of here...I don't need this shit anymore"

So, I remove all of the weight and walk out...without the mask on.

The same guy follows me through the gym..."You do not have your mask on as I instructed you...sir"...muffle muffle...

I couldn't understand half of what he said...because he had a fucking mask on.

I am walking away telling him "ok...have a great day...you too...thank you...have a great day"

Look I know this guy is not TRYING to break my balls...he is 'Just Doin His J-O-B'

So I am as polite as possible.

Finally I reach the door..."Sir...I am going to revoke your membership"

"Great...PLEASE DO..." Then I spelled my surname loudly...and left.

This shit is absurd...people have lost their fucking minds.
Those there machines that you press and put weight on- a nautilus or a free weight.? If you be an old time weightlifter you'd know the diff...
I do both. Your muscles only know resistance. These are not your dad's Nautilus machines. These machines are incredibly effective at isolating muscle groups.
My Dad never got to use nautilus because he didn't work out..
OSHA rules exist for a reason.

It sucks that so many states are requiring their own citizens to violate OSHA rules.

It certainly can affect those who have COPD

I think there's an angle to this that just isn't in the reporting.. Masks can somewhat restrict O2 intake.. But scientifically, the BIGGER issue is that they DEFINITELY INCREASE CO2 re-absorption.. That's why N95 masks have a VALVE on them to EXPEL the CO2...

Body doesn't KNOW it's not O2 starved, because it's responding to the INCREASED CO2 levels... Tells you you're short of breath...

Warning: Mask wearers should not smoke cigarettes while wearing mask...
Funny story...I was at my "gym" this morning.

I was using one of those press machines that you can put the weights one...a shoulder press machine.

The mask rule for this 'Gym' is, when you are not engaged in an active 'set' you can must have your mask on.

Now...I don't know how dear reader exercises...but i am old school...I do not fuck around...heavy and little rest...go go go...out.

Anyone ever been out of breath from exertion? Do you want to immediately don a mask?

No...you don't...because you are trying to BREATHE.

So...I finish my set..I am rearranging the weights..adding...taking away...guy comes up who works there..

"Sir, when you are not actively doing a set you need to have your mask on"

I said "ok"

I started to put the mask on...then I thought.."no...fuck this...I'm out of here...I don't need this shit anymore"

So, I remove all of the weight and walk out...without the mask on.

The same guy follows me through the gym..."You do not have your mask on as I instructed you...sir"...muffle muffle...

I couldn't understand half of what he said...because he had a fucking mask on.

I am walking away telling him "ok...have a great day...you too...thank you...have a great day"

Look I know this guy is not TRYING to break my balls...he is 'Just Doin His J-O-B'

So I am as polite as possible.

Finally I reach the door..."Sir...I am going to revoke your membership"

"Great...PLEASE DO..." Then I spelled my surname loudly...and left.

This shit is absurd...people have lost their fucking minds.
Those there machines that you press and put weight on- a nautilus or a free weight.? If you be an old time weightlifter you'd know the diff...
I do both. Your muscles only know resistance. These are not your dad's Nautilus machines. These machines are incredibly effective at isolating muscle groups.
My Dad never got to use nautilus because he didn't work out..

I have grown to appreciate machines over time. At the end of the day...resistance is resistance and form is very important. One thing has NOT changed in the gym over the past 25 years...most people are wasting their GD time..and money.
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