Dan Bongino: Why Republicans didn't do as well as expected

oh do you know what they are?
Of course I know what they are, because I'm not a complete moron! For fuck sake - YOU know what they are because you've heard Miranda rights on cop shows for your entire life:

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?"

Fuck, I can do that from memory. You probably can, too.
Of course I know what they are, because I'm not a complete moron! For fuck sake - YOU know what they are because you've heard Miranda rights on cop shows for your entire life:

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?"

Fuck, I can do that from memory. You probably can, too.
that is what is referred to as Miranda rights…not Maranda
Vote Democrat and I still have freedom over my own body. Vote Republican and I have to get permission from local politicians. I'm voting for FREEDOM!

That's only if you don't work for the government, not in our military, or don't work in a hospital. If you do, no, you don't have freedom over your own body. Get vaxed or get discharged or fired.
Define "years". 4 years? How does being a former cop make one qualified to spout off about politics? If he had won that election and then been in office for a bit, that's one thing. People do learn once they are in a job for a while. But if AOC had lost her first election and never been in office would she be credible to host a TV show on a news network, and have a radio show about politics? Of course not! She would be derided as a bartender who had no credibility.

So what credibility do your heroes at CNN and MSNBC have? At least Bongino worked in our federal government for a number of years. His brodcasting career is recent but he's a rising star now having his own weekly show on Fox and taking over for Rush Limbuagh on many of the clear channel stations.

A NYC police officer, a secret service agent, a contender for US Senate, a published author.

You pissed off women, and your election fraud crazy is too much. Bye Felicia!!!

When emotional women vote with their pussy's instead of logic and the Repubs underestimate this and fail to educate them that the state's have this covered, then we get a bad case of "hell hath no fury like a stupid pussy scorned".
I agree that this was significant as the warping of the electoral process, itself.
So what credibility do your heroes at CNN and MSNBC have? At least Bongino worked in our federal government for a number of years. His brodcasting career is recent but he's a rising star now having his own weekly show on Fox and taking over for Rush Limbuagh on many of the clear channel stations.

A NYC police officer, a secret service agent, a contender for US Senate, a published author.

he’s actually more qualified to be president then xiden
he’s actually more qualified to be president then xiden

Quite true. He never tried to shake hands with invisible people and knows what direction to exit a stage.

Bongino wouldn't have been picked to takeover for the greatest radio commentator of all, Rush Limbaugh, unless he was becoming more and more popular. Those are hard shoes to fill.
So what credibility do your heroes at CNN and MSNBC have? At least Bongino worked in our federal government for a number of years. His brodcasting career is recent but he's a rising star now having his own weekly show on Fox and taking over for Rush Limbuagh on many of the clear channel stations.

A NYC police officer, a secret service agent, a contender for US Senate, a published author.

And he's a hardcore partisan ideologue firing up the base for money. That's just a fact.

They exist on both ends of the spectrum, they lie to their audience by only providing one side of the story while distorting the other, and they're a big part of the problem.

It's just a damn shame that their audience never wonders what the real other side of the story is. I guess it must be easier to just ignore it.
And he's a hardcore partisan ideologue firing up the base for money. That's just a fact.

They exist on both ends of the spectrum, they lie to their audience by only providing one side of the story while distorting the other, and they're a big part of the problem.

It's just a damn shame that their audience never wonders what the real other side of the story is. I guess it must be easier to just ignore it.

There is Fox and then there is a huge host of other news outlets telling that side of the story. But you don't even have to trouble yourself to go there if you don't want. Bongino, like most of the other hosts of Fox shows constantly run clips of what they're saying on those other channels. So when you tune into a Fox show, you do get both sides of the story.
Life on Monday's can be simplified. IMHO

For example, my avatar can simply re-purpose his early post from yesterday.

As in:

"He's .....worked for the federal government as an SS agent."
"At least Bongino worked in our federal government for a number of years."
Moron, the entire federal government is being run by the Communists.

So there is that.


And then, true yesterday, true today.
Rightfield Misogyny:

"...a bad case of "hell hath no fury like a stupid pussy scorned".

TobeFreak: "20-something unmarried bitches are the only ones....."
Life on Monday's can be simplified. IMHO

For example, my avatar can simply re-purpose his early post from yesterday.

As in:

So there is that.


And then, true yesterday, true today.
Rightfield Misogyny:

TobeFreak: "20-something unmarried bitches are the only ones....."

It ain't misogyny since its true.
Notice how Dan's analysis doesn't put any of the onus of Republican election performance on Republicans.

Their garbage candidates, their insane conspiracy theories that turn off independents and moderates alike, they're deeply unpopular stripping of women's rights to turn them into crimes....or the man leading them all, who did nothing for 3 hours while his supporters attacked the capitol save tell them how much he loved them.

Nope, per Dan Bongino, Republicans bear ZERO responsibility for their own election performance.

Remember, in the party of personal responsibility its always someone else's fault.
NOT taking responsibility is the Republican Way!
Yeah sure. You go with that.
But in the real world of adults if it looks and sounds like hatred of women......you know what?
It's misogyny.

But you be you. 'No girls' allowed in your treehouse.

Because the underage one's live in El Presidente's tree house.
Because the underage one's live in El Presidente's tree house.

I have no idea whatsoever what the above poster is alluding to....or fantasizing about.
After all, misogyny comes in various permutations.
Perhaps, the good poser Kidd can better articulate his imaginings?

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