D.C., Maryland, and Virginia all set records for new Covid cases over the weekend

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Now that Joe Biden has abandoned any responsibility for dealing with the Chinese pandemic, let's see what the incompetent, racist DemoKKKrats who run these shitholes will do about the epidemics ravaging their states. My guess is nothing, just like Red Joe.

The D.C. region went into Christmas weekend with record-setting coronavirus case rates — and came out with even worse.

The rapidly spreading omicron variant is tearing through the region, leaving overturned holiday plans, canceled flights and sports events and performances, and scared and sick residents.

D.C., Maryland and Virginia all set records Monday, reporting the highest seven-day averages in new cases of any point during the pandemic.

In Virginia, 18,513 people tested positive over the three-day Christmas weekend and 25 died of covid-19. Maryland reported 5,376 new cases Monday, on top of more than 15,000 during the weekend, and has not yet returned to reporting deaths because of a cyberattack that affected the state’s heath department. The District reported 9,200 cases and two deaths from Dec. 23 to 26.
Don't worry, FowXi is working on a mega booster shot that is roughly the size of a caulking gun.

nice to watch Republican getting a woody over people dying and getting sick.

Like you did for four years every time someone died (from anything) while Trump was president?

That's not what's happening here. I'm simply pointing out that the surest way to get Covid is to live in a place run by people like you.
I’m more concerned about China actually reporting on a lockdown of a province. The last time they were that ‘transparent’ it was the beginning of the Wuhan bio attack release. Are they about to release another round?
Remember, China has reported to WHO that they’ve had fewer than 5000 deaths total.
They’re not exactly honest.
Now that Joe Biden has abandoned any responsibility for dealing with the Chinese pandemic, let's see what the incompetent, racist DemoKKKrats who run these shitholes will do about the epidemics ravaging their states. My guess is nothing, just like Red Joe.

The D.C. region went into Christmas weekend with record-setting coronavirus case rates — and came out with even worse.

The rapidly spreading omicron variant is tearing through the region, leaving overturned holiday plans, canceled flights and sports events and performances, and scared and sick residents.

D.C., Maryland and Virginia all set records Monday, reporting the highest seven-day averages in new cases of any point during the pandemic.

In Virginia, 18,513 people tested positive over the three-day Christmas weekend and 25 died of covid-19. Maryland reported 5,376 new cases Monday, on top of more than 15,000 during the weekend, and has not yet returned to reporting deaths because of a cyberattack that affected the state’s heath department. The District reported 9,200 cases and two deaths from Dec. 23 to 26.
Unfortunately, Tennessee topped the list of new Covid Deaths, yesterday, according to worldOmeter. Does that make us a Democratic shit hole, too? I suspect it means that many states did not update numbers since Christmas Eve and new numbers are in holiday flux.
CNN is going in the background. I just heard a report, that instead of Omicron making up 60% of new cases in the US, they now say the real(?) percentage is the 20s%. I make no claim to be able to evaluate the validity of either estimate. I can tell you, my daughter was getting sick on Christmas, and possibly feverish at our Christmas get together on Saturday. She is vaccinated, but has not been tested, though some better today. One of our sons, text today, he is now sick and getting tested today. He is also vaccinated.
Shrug. I’m a black man. I’ve seen what crazy racist white people are capable of. It’s their way of feeling important. In reality, the racist is just a small-minded, incompetent, bumbling idiot with nothing else going for him/her.
That statement is often correct of any group that ascribes to racism. Black people included.
Like you did for four years every time someone died (from anything) while Trump was president?

That's not what's happening here. I'm simply pointing out that the surest way to get Covid is to live in a place run by people like you.

Well, yeah, you are kind of enjoying this plague. Biden was on you guys for months to get the jab, you all refused and now we are reeping the whirlwind...
Unfortunately, Tennessee topped the list of new Covid Deaths, yesterday, according to worldOmeter. Does that make us a Democratic shit hole, too? I suspect it means that many states did not update numbers since Christmas Eve and new numbers are in holiday flux.
CNN is going in the background. I just heard a report, that instead of Omicron making up 60% of new cases in the US, they now say the real(?) percentage is the 20s%. I make no claim to be able to evaluate the validity of either estimate. I can tell you, my daughter was getting sick on Christmas, and possibly feverish at our Christmas get together on Saturday. She is vaccinated, but has not been tested, though some better today. One of our sons, text today, he is now sick and getting tested today. He is also vaccinated.

I feel sorry for the dumb people who fell for Joe Biden's Big Lie that vaccinated people can't get or spread Covid. That lie, and all the idiots who repeated it, is the reason there is such a massive surge of Covid cases in the blue states and cities. That lie is going to kill thousands of people.
I feel sorry for the dumb people who fell for Joe Biden's Big Lie that vaccinated people can't get or spread Covid. That lie, and all the idiots who repeated it, is the reason there is such a massive surge of Covid cases in the blue states and cities. That lie is going to kill thousands of people.

Guy, the vaccinated have resistance... it's you unvaccinated twits acting like there still wasn't the problem who've made this worse.
nice to watch Republican getting a woody over people dying and getting sick.

Your "Bold Leadership on COVID" replacement is setting records for sure. Keep it up and he will send us some more free money to fight the virus by going out standing in crowded line for groceries.
Now that Joe Biden has abandoned any responsibility for dealing with the Chinese pandemic, let's see what the incompetent, racist DemoKKKrats who run these shitholes will do about the epidemics ravaging their states. My guess is nothing, just like Red Joe.

The D.C. region went into Christmas weekend with record-setting coronavirus case rates — and came out with even worse.

The rapidly spreading omicron variant is tearing through the region, leaving overturned holiday plans, canceled flights and sports events and performances, and scared and sick residents.

D.C., Maryland and Virginia all set records Monday, reporting the highest seven-day averages in new cases of any point during the pandemic.

In Virginia, 18,513 people tested positive over the three-day Christmas weekend and 25 died of covid-19. Maryland reported 5,376 new cases Monday, on top of more than 15,000 during the weekend, and has not yet returned to reporting deaths because of a cyberattack that affected the state’s heath department. The District reported 9,200 cases and two deaths from Dec. 23 to 26.

So did Fla, why did you leave them out?

Your "Bold Leadership on COVID" replacement is setting records for sure. Keep it up and he will send us some more free money to fight the virus by going out standing in crowded line for groceries.

ANd whose fault is that?

Frankly, we had ample opportunity to get vaccinated and we didn't. But we decided we were going to reopen the bars, take off the masks and do all the other stuff we did before Covid without getting vaccinated.

Not really seeing how that is on Biden, exactly.

Now, I don't blame people for wanting to go back to normal. I'm tired of masking and social distancing, to be sure.
A friend's brother died this past Monday afternoon of the covid....Well maybe.

Fully Vaxxed (he worked for the .gov) but he had been in hospital for a month with it.

He had no underlying conditions. He worked for the National Zoo at a place they have in my AO, he was basically a .gov paid farm hand. Very fit and healthy for a 66 year-old.

His brother said that several of his organs had shut down and he was in a lot of pain.

One odd thing though, while he was in the hospital for all that time he was not allowed visitors but they let the family in for his last hours. They let them in at 1400 and he died at 1600.

I'm wondering if the covid part had gone away and they let them in because he was no long infectious.

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