CRT opposition based on political expediency not actual factual history

I want to discuss an issue that came up in a different thread. I think it is worth a thread of its own.

On the current events board, there is a thread about a book in which it is claimed that trump praised Hitler as having done good things.

I was a bit shocked to read many board members agreeing with this and it got me thinking about the teaching,or proposed teaching, of CRT in American schools.

I have no wish to go into the boring detail of CRT but my understanding is that it is a revisionist view of American history that shows a darker view of America than most people grew up with.

It has caused a great deal of upset amongst people who are actually quite happy with their history just the way it is. But that is a political stance and not one that takes account of actual history. And that seems to be the same attitude that I see when it comes to judging Hitler.

It means that CRT will not be judged through any historical or academic perspective. It will be judged purely on its perceived political stance and its possible impact on the youngsters who are taught it.

There is a fear that kids will grow to hate their country and for that reason the truth must be suppressed. But this is covered up in ignorant bluster because to admit that would be admitting that the US should come clean on its history.

Surely honesty is the best policy ? There isnt a country on earth that has not got some episodes that they would rather not discuss. I know all about that. People who can find the good in Hitler should not dictate the education of the kids.

Teachers' union president says CRT is NOT being taught in schools
You are a foreigner and obviously do not know what you are talking about

As an American let tell you that students were taught about slavery, Jim Crow, the internment of japanese, mistreatment of the Indians along with the positive aspects of US history

So shut the hell up and mind your own business
Pointing out bad things that white people did is not racism. It is just stating facts. The fact that you dont like it doesnt make it "racism" either.
If you want to whitewash history you do a dis-service to our kids and build a culture based on lies.
what did the white people do?
I want to discuss an issue that came up in a different thread. I think it is worth a thread of its own.

On the current events board, there is a thread about a book in which it is claimed that trump praised Hitler as having done good things.

I was a bit shocked to read many board members agreeing with this and it got me thinking about the teaching,or proposed teaching, of CRT in American schools.

I have no wish to go into the boring detail of CRT but my understanding is that it is a revisionist view of American history that shows a darker view of America than most people grew up with.

It has caused a great deal of upset amongst people who are actually quite happy with their history just the way it is. But that is a political stance and not one that takes account of actual history. And that seems to be the same attitude that I see when it comes to judging Hitler.

It means that CRT will not be judged through any historical or academic perspective. It will be judged purely on its perceived political stance and its possible impact on the youngsters who are taught it.

There is a fear that kids will grow to hate their country and for that reason the truth must be suppressed. But this is covered up in ignorant bluster because to admit that would be admitting that the US should come clean on its history.

Surely honesty is the best policy ? There isnt a country on earth that has not got some episodes that they would rather not discuss. I know all about that. People who can find the good in Hitler should not dictate the education of the kids.

Teachers' union president says CRT is NOT being taught in schools

CRT is a legal not historical philosophy

But projects like the 1619 project have been shredded by academics and laymen alike

It's absurd.

You could write a history about the British Empire than centered Indian labor. But no one would do that. Why you would do it in our history I have no idea.
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Critical Race Theory is a bit too advanced for schoolchildren. Its just a right wing agenda to pretend that it is happening. That way you can dismiss anything you dont like as CRT.
When I ask why it is so bad I just get waffle like your response.
Please point out the lies that are supposedly being taught to the kids.
No that wasn’t a waffle. You outright lied, or repeated an outright lie. I wanted you to acknowledge it. You responded with another lie, that it’s “too advanced to teach” when they are in fact teaching it.

my problem with CRT is everything with it. It’s dogshit. For one, keep the words “trust the science”, or any iteration of that, out of your mouth. If you’re a proponent of CT, then traditional theory is nothing but a tool for the powerful and should be ignored. That’s a big one. Secondly, it’s so far from the truth that power is the sole motivation of humans. It’s not even true in chimp tribes. The alpha chimp that rules with an iron fist and doesn’t socially participate with grooming and rearing of young is killed by 2 weaker male chimps. I can think of thousands of motivations outside of just power in humans alone. Power can be one, sure, but it’s far from the only and most dominant. That’s like saying that all cars are Ford focuses. It’s ridiculous and takes two seconds of critical thinking to debunk. It’s self evident that in fact meritocracies are not myth and do exist. Even if the most ardent CRT supporters work at a company that is not a meritocracy, with an easy to get along with boss, they will label that workplace as “toxic”. “They reward bad behavior”. “There’s a lot of politics or nepotism”. Dysfunctional societies or business or whatever do NOT run on meritocracy. That right there destroys the entire philosophy of CT.

On 1619, it isn’t history. It’s a fan fiction. It’s so full of historical inaccuracies and misrepresentations that it should not have been published. Especially not in the NYT. Especially should not have been awarded the Nobel prize. It takes entire books to debunk it throughly, and there’s a couple that do a great job. But instead here’s a letter from 12 actual American history scholars. Twelve Scholars Critique the 1619 Project and the New York Times Magazine Editor Responds | History News Network
A brief debunking. They don’t even get into the fact that Jefferson actually fought the state of virginia 3 times for the right to free his slaves, or the fact that hundreds of thousands of soldiers died for the union for black people they never meet. Or the pilgrims. Or the fact that slavery was almost abolished at the onset of this country except for a couple of holdout states that were threatening to go back under British control. Just so many problems.

My personal vendetta lies in what does CRT do with the Asians. How does it account for Asian Americans who are doing far far better as a whole than the supposed “white masters”. CRTs official explanation (and I’ve seen people on this site say this to me) is that because us Asians are “obedient minorities who got where they are because we are being rewarded for our obedience”. Which is INCREDIBLY racist and offensive. It’s fucking despicable. But yet that’s what fucking progressive white people like YOU believe. And YOU have no problem with it. So you can take your CRT and promptly shove it up your racist ass
The 1619 Project is not CRT. Yes it deals with race and slavery.

While The 1619 Project curriculum isn’t mandated, the content “can certainly be used during instruction,” Cuppett said in an email. Cuppett is not sure if any teachers have utilized the teachings.

The curriculum provides teachers with the full NYT Magazine issue and reading guides for the project’s essays and poems for free. The goal is to connect with students beyond the reach of the magazine, according to Mark Schulte, the Pulitzer Center’s Education Director — and in doing so, ignite student interest.

“American students are typically taught that slavery came and went, that it’s a relic of our past,” Schulte said in an email. “But The 1619 Project shows its pernicious repercussions.”
The 1619 Project is not CRT. Yes it deals with race and slavery.

While The 1619 Project curriculum isn’t mandated, the content “can certainly be used during instruction,” Cuppett said in an email. Cuppett is not sure if any teachers have utilized the teachings.

The curriculum provides teachers with the full NYT Magazine issue and reading guides for the project’s essays and poems for free. The goal is to connect with students beyond the reach of the magazine, according to Mark Schulte, the Pulitzer Center’s Education Director — and in doing so, ignite student interest.

“American students are typically taught that slavery came and went, that it’s a relic of our past,” Schulte said in an email. “But The 1619 Project shows its pernicious repercussions.”
No one has shown CRT is actually being taught in any public K-12 school, anywhere. This issue is only of importance to the gop in seeking to push its narrative that local schools are forced to accept all kinds of horrid things - like boys who dress like girl and want to use the girls restrooms or run track for the girls' team - and for LW elitists in colleges and universities. And VA was not initially founded as a colony to utilize slaves. Neither the pilgrims nor the puritans had much of an issue with slaves.
Bullshit. Lib trolls want to derail the conversation into retarded games of semantics, to avoid addressing how evil they are on the issues.

IE, crt, which is nothing but teaching pure anti-white and anti-american bullshit to children too young to know it is bullshit.
Anti-white = teaching our racial history?
600,000 whites died in the 1860s to free the black man. And here you are saying stupid shit before it. Why else you think we had a fking civil war asshat? What the fk, stay stupid.
All 600,000+ died for that reason? Where can we find this?

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