While Biden Declared Democrats Didn't / Don't Support 'Defund The Police', D-Rashid Tlaib Called For Defunding The CBP, ICE, & DHS


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'The noble and patriotic Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Gaza) has a big new idea: defund not only the police, but Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Why? Because they engage in terrorism, of course. The Democrat effort to scapegoat and criminalize all opposition to the Leftist agenda in response to their imaginary January 6 “insurrection” is gathering steam, and now Tlaib wants to take it even farther, treating organizations dedicated to defending the United States as if they were enemies of the state. In the Left’s new America, that’s exactly what they are.'

From facilitating CCP espionage for decades (Feinstein, Swalwell) to illegally spying on everyone (FBI - Mueller, Comey, Wray) to surrendering our sovereignty / control of our border (Biden) to calling for the defunding of Local and Federal US Law Enforcement (local police, federal police, CBP, ICE, and DHS, the Democrats continue to prove they are enemies of the United States.

Tlaib and her fellow Squad members especially are traitors and anti-Semites.

Those people are truly fucked in the head, so as is usual for Democrats, they think everyone else is too.
'The noble and patriotic Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Gaza) has a big new idea: defund not only the police, but Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Why? Because they engage in terrorism, of course. The Democrat effort to scapegoat and criminalize all opposition to the Leftist agenda in response to their imaginary January 6 “insurrection” is gathering steam, and now Tlaib wants to take it even farther, treating organizations dedicated to defending the United States as if they were enemies of the state. In the Left’s new America, that’s exactly what they are.'

From facilitating CCP espionage for decades (Feinstein, Swalwell) to illegally spying on everyone (FBI - Mueller, Comey, Wray) to surrendering our sovereignty / control of our border (Biden) to calling for the defunding of Local and Federal US Law Enforcement (local police, federal police, CBP, ICE, and DHS, the Democrats continue to prove they are enemies of the United States.

Tlaib and her fellow Squad members especially are traitors and anti-Semites.

She was just giving her opinion.
Anyone paying attention knows who was behind defunding the police

This lame attempt is ridiculous
'The noble and patriotic Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Gaza) has a big new idea: defund not only the police, but Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Why? Because they engage in terrorism, of course. The Democrat effort to scapegoat and criminalize all opposition to the Leftist agenda in response to their imaginary January 6 “insurrection” is gathering steam, and now Tlaib wants to take it even farther, treating organizations dedicated to defending the United States as if they were enemies of the state. In the Left’s new America, that’s exactly what they are.'

From facilitating CCP espionage for decades (Feinstein, Swalwell) to illegally spying on everyone (FBI - Mueller, Comey, Wray) to surrendering our sovereignty / control of our border (Biden) to calling for the defunding of Local and Federal US Law Enforcement (local police, federal police, CBP, ICE, and DHS, the Democrats continue to prove they are enemies of the United States.

Tlaib and her fellow Squad members especially are traitors and anti-Semites.

She's also a Holocaust denier. The DemoKKKrats LOVE her.
That dingbat should have been booted out of Congress long ago. She's a racist and spouts her racist crap while a sitting member of Congress.

She should be booted back to whatever shithole she crawled out of.
'The noble and patriotic Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Gaza) has a big new idea: defund not only the police, but Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Why? Because they engage in terrorism, of course. The Democrat effort to scapegoat and criminalize all opposition to the Leftist agenda in response to their imaginary January 6 “insurrection” is gathering steam, and now Tlaib wants to take it even farther, treating organizations dedicated to defending the United States as if they were enemies of the state. In the Left’s new America, that’s exactly what they are.'

From facilitating CCP espionage for decades (Feinstein, Swalwell) to illegally spying on everyone (FBI - Mueller, Comey, Wray) to surrendering our sovereignty / control of our border (Biden) to calling for the defunding of Local and Federal US Law Enforcement (local police, federal police, CBP, ICE, and DHS, the Democrats continue to prove they are enemies of the United States.

Tlaib and her fellow Squad members especially are traitors and anti-Semites.

She was just giving her opinion.
I missed the opinion part

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