CRT opposition based on political expediency not actual factual history

CRT is hate and racism, not history.
The Radicals and Racist are attempting to brainwash children to grow their political power.
We have seen this many times before like with Hamas, Taliban, ISIS, Nazis, Marxist....
This must be stopped before they destroy our country.
Which part of it ? Quote from the text that is supposedly being taught to the kids.
Schools have been teaching pupils about slavery and segregation and racial injustices and abolitionist and jim crow and civil rights.... for many generation, and that is fine.
CRT is not about history, it is about teaching children to hate for the Left's political power.
"white privilege"
"people are born racist"
"black people are being oppressed"
"systemic racism"
"interest convergence"
"denying racism is racism"
"color blindness is racism"
Just answer the question.
circular arguments are dumb and a waste of time
CRT is not content-teaching. Even in elementary school we have no problem teaching children the complicated and/or tragic parts of our nation's history. And guess what: no parent I have ever come into contact with has ever had a problem with that either. Ever.

CRT is offensive because it is deeply disrespectful to children and their families. It is adults unrelated to children infringing on their identity at a time in life when their identity is malleable and fragile. I'm a teacher. THIS IS NOT MY JOB. My job, however, is not just to teach; it is hopefully to model for children that learning is exciting and worthy. Then, as they learn, the children can show me their identity. I am not even talking about racial, gender and all the superficial stuff the Left obsesses about. I'm talking about deeper characteristics.

This, I dare to say, is what good teachers do. They don't blah blah to kids about "you're white, so this" and "you're black, so this". Again. Disrespectful, superficial, unnecessary. They mentor and guide children AS THE CHILDREN discover who they are. Mostly, good teachers do not talk to kids about limitations. But hopefully, about possibilities.

So, CRT sucks, in a nutshell, and has no place in the good teacher's classroom.
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
Link ?
Dont be willfully ignorant and read about it.
So you dont have a link. This is just another right wing bogeyman that none of you know anything about.
CRT is hate and racism, not history.
The Radicals and Racist are attempting to brainwash children to grow their political power.
We have seen this many times before like with Hamas, Taliban, ISIS, Nazis, Marxist....
This must be stopped before they destroy our country.
Which part of it ? Quote from the text that is supposedly being taught to the kids.
Schools have been teaching pupils about slavery and segregation and racial injustices and abolitionist and jim crow and civil rights.... for many generation, and that is fine.
CRT is not about history, it is about teaching children to hate for the Left's political power.
"white privilege"
"people are born racist"
"black people are being oppressed"
"systemic racism"
"interest convergence"
"denying racism is racism"
"color blindness is racism"
Just answer the question.
circular arguments are dumb and a waste of time
Especially when you make up the problem in the first place.
CRT is hate and racism, not history.
The Radicals and Racist are attempting to brainwash children to grow their political power.
We have seen this many times before like with Hamas, Taliban, ISIS, Nazis, Marxist....
This must be stopped before they destroy our country.
Which part of it ? Quote from the text that is supposedly being taught to the kids.
Schools have been teaching pupils about slavery and segregation and racial injustices and abolitionist and jim crow and civil rights.... for many generation, and that is fine.
CRT is not about history, it is about teaching children to hate for the Left's political power.
"white privilege"
"people are born racist"
"black people are being oppressed"
"systemic racism"
"interest convergence"
"denying racism is racism"
"color blindness is racism"
Sure alt-whitey. Currently in TN robin steenman of the Williamson county chapter of white moms for liberty proposed the following words be removed from the states classrooms.

and most important

This is an actual thing, not a made up one like you posted.
CRT is hate and racism, not history.
The Radicals and Racist are attempting to brainwash children to grow their political power.
We have seen this many times before like with Hamas, Taliban, ISIS, Nazis, Marxist....
This must be stopped before they destroy our country.
Which part of it ? Quote from the text that is supposedly being taught to the kids.
Schools have been teaching pupils about slavery and segregation and racial injustices and abolitionist and jim crow and civil rights.... for many generation, and that is fine.
CRT is not about history, it is about teaching children to hate for the Left's political power.
"white privilege"
"people are born racist"
"black people are being oppressed"
"systemic racism"
"interest convergence"
"denying racism is racism"
"color blindness is racism"
Just answer the question.
circular arguments are dumb and a waste of time
Especially when you make up the problem in the first place.
why do you keep ignoring the posts that prove you wrong??
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
CRT bs is a long time in developing. I am old---but was once young and an undergraduate.
I had to fulfill the "LIBERAL ARTS" part of my degree-----the easiest way was a whole bunch
of "sociology" courses. In my school WAY BACK then and even today---the sociology
department was dominated, somehow, by something called, casually, "black studies"
Way back then---before the term "CRT" was in my vocabulary------I concluded "these
sociology profs seem to believe that the only important social phenomenon that EVER
happened was the fact of black african slavery in the USA." <<< not really all that surprising---
as a freshman the Prof who did "The development of Western Civilization" happened to be
a survivor of Josef Stalin's Ukrainian genocide about which he lectured incessantly----he even
managed to leave out SUMERIA, EGYPT, GREECE, most of ROME and----Britain, entirely
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
Link ?
Dont be willfully ignorant and read about it.
So you dont have a link. This is just another right wing bogeyman that none of you know anything about.
Dude, you cant just supply links. You have to read about it. You obviously know nothing about it.
Ignorant dumbfuck
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
None of what you post on CRT is a fact, its just white bullshit.
I bet you would die for your marxist brethren, huh?
Fuckin cultist :lol:
Is throwing around the word "Marxism" make you feel good? Does it actually have any meaning or is it just an white insult in TN?

If Marx wrote about CRT, where can I find it in his manifesto? What page can you point me to?
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
None of what you post on CRT is a fact, its just white bullshit.
I bet you would die for your marxist brethren, huh?
Fuckin cultist :lol:
Is throwing around the word "Marxism" make you feel good? Does it actually have any meaning or is it just an white insult in TN?

If Marx wrote about CRT, where can I find it in his manifesto? What page can you point me to?
I will help-----the current mood amongst that mental masturbators of today is not ONLY
"CRT' it INCLUDES support of the economic model upon which Marx expounded which
iis Communism
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
None of what you post on CRT is a fact, its just white bullshit.
I bet you would die for your marxist brethren, huh?
Fuckin cultist :lol:
Is throwing around the word "Marxism" make you feel good? Does it actually have any meaning or is it just an white insult in TN?

If Marx wrote about CRT, where can I find it in his manifesto? What page can you point me to?
a "white" insult? :lol:
He didnt write about it. I didnt even imply he did.
So you are not just a dumb cultist, you are also illiterate. Nice :thup:
CRT is hate and racism, not history.
The Radicals and Racist are attempting to brainwash children to grow their political power.
We have seen this many times before like with Hamas, Taliban, ISIS, Nazis, Marxist....
This must be stopped before they destroy our country.
Which part of it ? Quote from the text that is supposedly being taught to the kids.
Schools have been teaching pupils about slavery and segregation and racial injustices and abolitionist and jim crow and civil rights.... for many generation, and that is fine.
CRT is not about history, it is about teaching children to hate for the Left's political power.
"white privilege"
"people are born racist"
"black people are being oppressed"
"systemic racism"
"interest convergence"
"denying racism is racism"
"color blindness is racism"
Just answer the question.
circular arguments are dumb and a waste of time
Especially when you make up the problem in the first place.
why do you keep ignoring the posts that prove you wrong??
You havent provided any evidence. Just reiterated some right wing bullshit. Here is an easy question. Which schools are teaching this ?
I have no wish to go into the boring detail of CRT but my understanding is that it is a revisionist view of American history that shows a darker view of America than most people grew up with.
eliminates kkk demofks.
CRT is hate and racism, not history.
The Radicals and Racist are attempting to brainwash children to grow their political power.
We have seen this many times before like with Hamas, Taliban, ISIS, Nazis, Marxist....
This must be stopped before they destroy our country.
Which part of it ? Quote from the text that is supposedly being taught to the kids.
Schools have been teaching pupils about slavery and segregation and racial injustices and abolitionist and jim crow and civil rights.... for many generation, and that is fine.
CRT is not about history, it is about teaching children to hate for the Left's political power.
"white privilege"
"people are born racist"
"black people are being oppressed"
"systemic racism"
"interest convergence"
"denying racism is racism"
"color blindness is racism"
Just answer the question.
circular arguments are dumb and a waste of time
trying to eliminate kkker demofks.

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