CRT Indoctrination at Schools Continues via “Teach Truth” National Effort

The effort to brainwash our children is going full throttle as groups such as BLM join forces with teachers‘ unions to “empower” leftist teachers to push forward on sexualizing 5-year-olds, CRT indoctrination, anti-Israel hatred (along with hatred toward Jews who support it), the evils of America, and so forth.

I have seen references to the “Teach Truth” agenda (which is the leftist version of “the truth”) at School Board meetings, far-left churches (yes, they exist), and more. This is often couched as fighting back against the imaginary “MAGA extremists” that Biden et al have created to demonize those who disagree with the leftist agenda.

The following is one such group, in partnership with all sorts of leftist organizations and black organizations, as the Left moves forward to sexualize our children and teach them that whites are racist oppressors.

Home Schooling is the answer.
How do parents who both work two jobs have the time to homeschool? And even very intelligent adults do not always (or often?) have the temperament and training to teach effectively.
I really did not mean to confuse you, Unkotare. I'm proud of the family I was raised in. Grandmother was full of gracious caring for the comfort of others. Grandpa had a photographic memory that helped him save 8 fellow soldiers under heavy fire in WWI in France. I was hoping those traits would benefit my childrens' children since the genes in a person can determine that they can benefit others with similar traits also. No births whatever removes those traits as a gift to the future saving lives on the battlefield or in an accident or giving comfort through gracious behaviors that could make someone else's life feel worthwhile. At least I have the joy of knowing my youngest brother inherited grandpa's silver star. Our mother passed away when he was only 11 years old, and at least he knows his grandpa was a hero and while he doesn't have a photographic memory, he has contributed to his boss's business a goodness and thoughtfulness that causes customers to repeat business with the firm he supports which has prospered everyone he helps, and he's a keeper. As his way older sister, I viewed my baby brother as a nuisance, except that he could take apart and put back together a lawn mower and it still worked, when he was 18 months old. Maybe he got a series of all the best family genes, considering that he acts selflessly, but everyone he helps with anything mechanical gets back a better product than when they bought it new. Genes are important to some of us. I hope both his sons are as well-loved as he is to people who know that he is as far from a pest as I thought he was when he was little and would walk up to you, obnoxiously stand on your foot till it hurt while he was talking. lol.
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.... I hope both his sons are as well-loved as he is to people who know that he is as far from a pest as I thought he was when he was little and would walk up to you, obnoxiously stand on your foot till it hurt while he was talking. lol.
What do you mean? Why would he stand on my foot? (bad idea, btw)
Figure of speech, Unkotare. That was 60 years ago. He was 2 years old. I was a teenager. Mom laughed when I listed my complaint. lol. Then she explained how he couldn't see well, so she had to dress him in heavy-duty boots. Puerile teenagers do not know little children do funny things and aren't aware they're hurting someone if they happen to stand on someone else's toes with combat boots. And his eyesight put him in the blind category back in those good old days. Fortunately, the combat boots kept him from getting hurt.
The effort to brainwash our children is going full throttle as groups such as BLM join forces with teachers‘ unions to “empower” leftist teachers to push forward on sexualizing 5-year-olds, CRT indoctrination, anti-Israel hatred (along with hatred toward Jews who support it), the evils of America, and so forth.

I have seen references to the “Teach Truth” agenda (which is the leftist version of “the truth”) at School Board meetings, far-left churches (yes, they exist), and more. This is often couched as fighting back against the imaginary “MAGA extremists” that Biden et al have created to demonize those who disagree with the leftist agenda.

The following is one such group, in partnership with all sorts of leftist organizations and black organizations, as the Left moves forward to sexualize our children and teach them that whites are racist oppressors.

MAGAts hate it when America's youth find out enough to gain empathy for others.
‘LANSING — In a year in which education debate has been dominated by Republican culture-war attacks — from LGBTQ inclusivity to the teaching of critical race theory — Democrats swept contested races on Tuesday in a slate of university and K-12 board races in Michigan.

Democrats Pamela Pugh and Mitchell Robinson took two contested seats on the State Board of Education, which sets education standards for Michigan schools. Their victories maintained a Democratic majority on the board, and denied openings to Republican candidates who argued that schools were indoctrinating students in communist, Marxist and “perverted” ideologies.


Republican activists and parents groups had framed the state’s education debate this election year on “parental rights,” seeking to rid the public schools of so-called “woke” ideology on race, history and other subjects, while also saying they were frustrated by schools that they felt weren’t transparent about lesson plans and diversity initiatives.’

A victory for facts and the truth in education; a defeat for rightwing misinformation and lies – lies such as CRT ‘indoctrination’ in schools.
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