Critical Race Theory.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In 1965 the failures of the Great Society and the War on Poverty were predicted by democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a sociologist and state senator. He was ignored, and in the five-plus decades since their imposition, the family structure of Blacks, Whites and to a somewhat lesser degree, Hispanics, has been devastated.

The orphanization of the American nuclear family has ensued to a degree that today threatens the fundamental underpinnings of our society and American colleges along with globalizing corporate America, are making hay while the Sun shines. Get ready for it- “Critical Race Theory”.

What is Critical Race Theory? Well, it is an excuse and a new and improved solution to cover for all those failures. Defying common sense is not new in scholastic and political America so a bureaucratic remedy for a bureaucratic problem is brought forth as just what the doctor ordered. Critical Race theory is nothing more than racism in a fine new suit of clothes.

Fear and hatred are strong emotions. They can be used to lead a stable society into state of flux and undermine its equilibrium. Most Americans already suspect that our system of education has transitioned from legitimate scholarship to gaslighting indoctrination and the carnage in our streets bolsters those suspicions.

Even the smallest Liberal Arts colleges are staffed by administrations that use student loan funding to hobble students with hopeless debt. Gone are the days when basket-weaving seminars like Women’s Studies, and Ethnic history, along with absurd distractions like safe spaces, speech codes and trigger warnings are laughed at and dismissed. Today they are seen as Orwellian slight-of-hand to provide material for a degree that leaves most of the kids ill-prepared to succeed in a global job market ravaged by attacks on nationhood and culturally wrecked by porous borders.

When Donald Trump got elected he started talking about walls, and the wall most feared by the elite Soros-inspired oligarchy running education and politics in America is the wall that could impede the scam of college lending. Few would argue that a modern college education has been spoiled and ruined by idiosyncratic gear-bending to create outcomes favorable to their payday-lending Ponzi schemes.

Now, Critical Race Theory is the new first shot fired into schools and workplaces to intimidate the masses- “It is those bad white people who are unconsciously destroying civilization”. If that makes sense to you, it is already too late.

Last edited:
More redundancy from yesterday over the student loan burdens of students...

Critical race theory (CRT)[1] is a theoretical framework in the social sciences that examines society and culture as they relate to categorizations of race, law, and power.[2][3] Developed out of postmodern philosophy, it is based on critical theory, a social philosophy that argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors. It began as a theoretical movement within American law schools in the mid- to late 1980s as a reworking of critical legal studies on race issues,[4][5] and is loosely unified by two common themes. Firstly, CRT proposes that white supremacy and racial power are maintained over time, and in particular, that the law may play a role in this process. Secondly, CRT work has investigated the possibility of transforming the relationship between law and racial power, as well as pursuing a project of achieving racial emancipation and anti-subordination more broadly.[6]

What critical race theory is not:

Well, it is an excuse and a new and improved solution to cover for all those failures. Defying common sense is not new in scholastic and political America so a bureaucratic remedy for a bureaucratic problem is brought forth as just what the doctor ordered. Critical Race theory is nothing more than racism in a fine new suit of clothes.
When Donald Trump got elected he started talking about walls, and the wall most feared by the elite Soros-inspired oligarchy running education and politics in America is the wall that could impede the scam of college lending. Few would argue that a modern college education has been spoiled and ruined by idiosyncratic gear-bending to create outcomes favorable to their payday-lending Ponzi schemes.

What wall is impeding the scam of college lending? The border wall, the wall between terlits? Pink Floyd "The Wall"? Please explain.
What college did you never attend?
In 1965 the failures of the Great Society and the War on Poverty were predicted by democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a sociologist and state senator. He was ignored, and in the five-plus decades since their imposition, the family structure of Blacks, Whites and to a somewhat lesser degree, Hispanics, has been devastated.

The orphanization of the American nuclear family has ensued to a degree that today threatens the fundamental underpinnings of our society and American colleges along with globalizing corporate America, are making hay while the Sun shines. Get ready for it- “Critical Race Theory”.

What is Critical Race Theory? Well, it is an excuse and a new and improved solution to cover for all those failures. Defying common sense is not new in scholastic and political America so a bureaucratic remedy for a bureaucratic problem is brought forth as just what the doctor ordered. Critical Race theory is nothing more than racism in a fine new suit of clothes.

Fear and hatred are strong emotions. They can be used to lead a stable society into state of flux and undermine its equilibrium. Most Americans already suspect that our system of education has transitioned from legitimate scholarship to gaslighting indoctrination and the carnage in our streets bolsters those suspicions.

Even the smallest Liberal Arts colleges are staffed by administrations that use student loan funding to hobble students with hopeless debt. Gone are the days when basket-weaving seminars like Women’s Studies, and Ethnic history, along with absurd distractions like safe spaces, speech codes and trigger warnings are laughed at and dismissed. Today they are seen as Orwellian slight-of-hand to provide material for a degree that leaves most of the kids ill-prepared to succeed in a global job market ravaged by attacks on nationhood and culturally wrecked by porous borders.

When Donald Trump got elected he started talking about walls, and the wall most feared by the elite Soros-inspired oligarchy running education and politics in America is the wall that could impede the scam of college lending. Few would argue that a modern college education has been spoiled and ruined by idiosyncratic gear-bending to create outcomes favorable to their payday-lending Ponzi schemes.

Now, Critical Race Theory is the new first shot fired into schools and workplaces to intimidate the masses- “It is those bad white people who are unconsciously destroying civilization”. If that makes sense to you, it is already too late.

As stated previously, sir, I enjoy and often look forward to reading your morning posts. That being said, Critical Race Theory is trash political philosophy and it is perhaps the hundredth or thousandth shot fired into the minds of our American youth. The open war against our young minds began over a century earlier with the trickle of Bolshevism into our universities and thus, distilled into public education curricula across the board. Marx and Engel are ultimately to blame, as are Hegel and founding radical leftist philosophers of the French Revolution, including de Sade, and they go back much, much further into the dark waters of human history.

A precursor to Critical Race Theory was postmodernism, which itself is a child of Marxism and Satanism. Nietzsche always gets a bad look from conservatives and a welcoming invite from atheist leftists, but that long dead old man knew his shit—regarding the human condition and all our less savory civilizational tendencies. All in all, I believe—at least for the foreseeable and dim future—we have lost the war for the sanity of the young American mind.
In 1965 the failures of the Great Society and the War on Poverty were predicted by democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a sociologist and state senator. He was ignored, and in the five-plus decades since their imposition, the family structure of Blacks, Whites and to a somewhat lesser degree, Hispanics, has been devastated.

The orphanization of the American nuclear family has ensued to a degree that today threatens the fundamental underpinnings of our society and American colleges along with globalizing corporate America, are making hay while the Sun shines. Get ready for it- “Critical Race Theory”.

What is Critical Race Theory? Well, it is an excuse and a new and improved solution to cover for all those failures. Defying common sense is not new in scholastic and political America so a bureaucratic remedy for a bureaucratic problem is brought forth as just what the doctor ordered. Critical Race theory is nothing more than racism in a fine new suit of clothes.

Fear and hatred are strong emotions. They can be used to lead a stable society into state of flux and undermine its equilibrium. Most Americans already suspect that our system of education has transitioned from legitimate scholarship to gaslighting indoctrination and the carnage in our streets bolsters those suspicions.

Even the smallest Liberal Arts colleges are staffed by administrations that use student loan funding to hobble students with hopeless debt. Gone are the days when basket-weaving seminars like Women’s Studies, and Ethnic history, along with absurd distractions like safe spaces, speech codes and trigger warnings are laughed at and dismissed. Today they are seen as Orwellian slight-of-hand to provide material for a degree that leaves most of the kids ill-prepared to succeed in a global job market ravaged by attacks on nationhood and culturally wrecked by porous borders.

When Donald Trump got elected he started talking about walls, and the wall most feared by the elite Soros-inspired oligarchy running education and politics in America is the wall that could impede the scam of college lending. Few would argue that a modern college education has been spoiled and ruined by idiosyncratic gear-bending to create outcomes favorable to their payday-lending Ponzi schemes.

Now, Critical Race Theory is the new first shot fired into schools and workplaces to intimidate the masses- “It is those bad white people who are unconsciously destroying civilization”. If that makes sense to you, it is already too late.

As stated previously, sir, I enjoy and often look forward to reading your morning posts. That being said, Critical Race Theory is trash political philosophy and it is perhaps the hundredth or thousandth shot fired into the minds of our American youth. The open war against our young minds began over a century earlier with the trickle of Bolshevism into our universities and thus, distilled into public education curricula across the board. Marx and Engel are ultimately to blame, as are Hegel and founding radical leftist philosophers of the French Revolution, including de Sade, and they go back much, much further into the dark waters of human history.

A precursor to Critical Race Theory was postmodernism, which itself is a child of Marxism and Satanism. Nietzsche always gets a bad look from conservatives and a welcoming invite from atheist leftists, but that long dead old man knew his shit—regarding the human condition and all our less savory civilizational tendencies. All in all, I believe—at least for the foreseeable and dim future—we have lost the war for the sanity of the young American mind.

Your dystopian scenario could indeed unfold. But I am going to be optimistic. Democracies are made of people and those people have a collective widom that comes through more often than not.
In 1965 the failures of the Great Society and the War on Poverty were predicted by democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a sociologist and state senator. He was ignored, and in the five-plus decades since their imposition, the family structure of Blacks, Whites and to a somewhat lesser degree, Hispanics, has been devastated.

The orphanization of the American nuclear family has ensued to a degree that today threatens the fundamental underpinnings of our society and American colleges along with globalizing corporate America, are making hay while the Sun shines. Get ready for it- “Critical Race Theory”.

What is Critical Race Theory? Well, it is an excuse and a new and improved solution to cover for all those failures. Defying common sense is not new in scholastic and political America so a bureaucratic remedy for a bureaucratic problem is brought forth as just what the doctor ordered. Critical Race theory is nothing more than racism in a fine new suit of clothes.

Fear and hatred are strong emotions. They can be used to lead a stable society into state of flux and undermine its equilibrium. Most Americans already suspect that our system of education has transitioned from legitimate scholarship to gaslighting indoctrination and the carnage in our streets bolsters those suspicions.

Even the smallest Liberal Arts colleges are staffed by administrations that use student loan funding to hobble students with hopeless debt. Gone are the days when basket-weaving seminars like Women’s Studies, and Ethnic history, along with absurd distractions like safe spaces, speech codes and trigger warnings are laughed at and dismissed. Today they are seen as Orwellian slight-of-hand to provide material for a degree that leaves most of the kids ill-prepared to succeed in a global job market ravaged by attacks on nationhood and culturally wrecked by porous borders.

When Donald Trump got elected he started talking about walls, and the wall most feared by the elite Soros-inspired oligarchy running education and politics in America is the wall that could impede the scam of college lending. Few would argue that a modern college education has been spoiled and ruined by idiosyncratic gear-bending to create outcomes favorable to their payday-lending Ponzi schemes.

Now, Critical Race Theory is the new first shot fired into schools and workplaces to intimidate the masses- “It is those bad white people who are unconsciously destroying civilization”. If that makes sense to you, it is already too late.

As stated previously, sir, I enjoy and often look forward to reading your morning posts. That being said, Critical Race Theory is trash political philosophy and it is perhaps the hundredth or thousandth shot fired into the minds of our American youth. The open war against our young minds began over a century earlier with the trickle of Bolshevism into our universities and thus, distilled into public education curricula across the board. Marx and Engel are ultimately to blame, as are Hegel and founding radical leftist philosophers of the French Revolution, including de Sade, and they go back much, much further into the dark waters of human history.

A precursor to Critical Race Theory was postmodernism, which itself is a child of Marxism and Satanism. Nietzsche always gets a bad look from conservatives and a welcoming invite from atheist leftists, but that long dead old man knew his shit—regarding the human condition and all our less savory civilizational tendencies. All in all, I believe—at least for the foreseeable and dim future—we have lost the war for the sanity of the young American mind.

Your dystopian scenario could indeed unfold. But I am going to be optimistic. Democracies are made of people and those people have a collective widom that comes through more often than not.

I do hope you're right. However, at the moment in which we live, a collective insanity seems to be driving the civilizational show.
When Donald Trump got elected he started talking about walls, and the wall most feared by the elite Soros-inspired oligarchy running education and politics in America is the wall that could impede the scam of college lending. Few would argue that a modern college education has been spoiled and ruined by idiosyncratic gear-bending to create outcomes favorable to their payday-lending Ponzi schemes.

What wall is impeding the scam of college lending? The border wall, the wall between terlits? Pink Floyd "The Wall"? Please explain.
What college did you never attend?

That sounds a lot like ad hominem. If that is the only arrow you have in your quiver you should be prepared to lose the battle.
When Donald Trump got elected he started talking about walls, and the wall most feared by the elite Soros-inspired oligarchy running education and politics in America is the wall that could impede the scam of college lending. Few would argue that a modern college education has been spoiled and ruined by idiosyncratic gear-bending to create outcomes favorable to their payday-lending Ponzi schemes.

What wall is impeding the scam of college lending? The border wall, the wall between terlits? Pink Floyd "The Wall"? Please explain.
What college did you never attend?

That sounds a lot like ad hominem. If that is the only arrow you have in your quiver you should be prepared to lose the battle.
You can't answer your own argument baseline? What happened? No Viagra?
How exactly are colleges scamming kids for college? What is this wall that you claimed that Trump was addressing over the college scams with loans?
More redundancy from yesterday over the student loan burdens of students...

Critical race theory (CRT)[1] is a theoretical framework in the social sciences that examines society and culture as they relate to categorizations of race, law, and power.[2][3] Developed out of postmodern philosophy, it is based on critical theory, a social philosophy that argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors. It began as a theoretical movement within American law schools in the mid- to late 1980s as a reworking of critical legal studies on race issues,[4][5] and is loosely unified by two common themes. Firstly, CRT proposes that white supremacy and racial power are maintained over time, and in particular, that the law may play a role in this process. Secondly, CRT work has investigated the possibility of transforming the relationship between law and racial power, as well as pursuing a project of achieving racial emancipation and anti-subordination more broadly.[6]

What critical race theory is not:

Well, it is an excuse and a new and improved solution to cover for all those failures. Defying common sense is not new in scholastic and political America so a bureaucratic remedy for a bureaucratic problem is brought forth as just what the doctor ordered. Critical Race theory is nothing more than racism in a fine new suit of clothes.

Last edited:
When Donald Trump got elected he started talking about walls, and the wall most feared by the elite Soros-inspired oligarchy running education and politics in America is the wall that could impede the scam of college lending. Few would argue that a modern college education has been spoiled and ruined by idiosyncratic gear-bending to create outcomes favorable to their payday-lending Ponzi schemes.

What wall is impeding the scam of college lending? The border wall, the wall between terlits? Pink Floyd "The Wall"? Please explain.
What college did you never attend?
This attacks the outer wall:

When Donald Trump got elected he started talking about walls, and the wall most feared by the elite Soros-inspired oligarchy running education and politics in America is the wall that could impede the scam of college lending. Few would argue that a modern college education has been spoiled and ruined by idiosyncratic gear-bending to create outcomes favorable to their payday-lending Ponzi schemes.

What wall is impeding the scam of college lending? The border wall, the wall between terlits? Pink Floyd "The Wall"? Please explain.
What college did you never attend?

That sounds a lot like ad hominem. If that is the only arrow you have in your quiver you should be prepared to lose the battle.
You can't answer your own argument baseline? What happened? No Viagra?
How exactly are colleges scamming kids for college? What is this wall that you claimed that Trump was addressing over the college scams with loans?
When Donald Trump got elected he started talking about walls, and the wall most feared by the elite Soros-inspired oligarchy running education and politics in America is the wall that could impede the scam of college lending. Few would argue that a modern college education has been spoiled and ruined by idiosyncratic gear-bending to create outcomes favorable to their payday-lending Ponzi schemes.

What wall is impeding the scam of college lending? The border wall, the wall between terlits? Pink Floyd "The Wall"? Please explain.
What college did you never attend?

That sounds a lot like ad hominem. If that is the only arrow you have in your quiver you should be prepared to lose the battle.
You can't answer your own argument baseline? What happened? No Viagra?
How exactly are colleges scamming kids for college? What is this wall that you claimed that Trump was addressing over the college scams with loans?
The costs, the major taken and the way the education is presented are a few issues.
"Operating Definitions

Modernism – the belief that man can achieve his own enlightenment

Postmodernism – the denial of absolute truth in favor of personal experience

Marxism – the social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. (Investopedia)

Critical Theory – a social, economic, political philosophy that applies the bourgeoise vs proletariat dynamic in Marxism to every cultural dynamic.

Synonymous: Cultural Marxism

Critical Race Theory – the application of Cultural Marxism as it relates to racial dynamics, disparities, whereby an oppressor vs victim relationship is created among racial or socially-constructed racial lines.

Intersectionality – the navigation of postmodernism where personal experience is given hierarchy depending on the lens of the individual. The more intersections of oppression, according to Critical Theory, an individual has, the clearer the more valuable their experience is.

Social Justice – the remedying of perceived oppressor versus victim dynamics according to Critical Theory

  • Standpoint Epistemology – the belief that a person is limited in their understanding of Scripture according to their Intersectionality Operating Definitions"
  • 9/9/2020
"Operating Definitions

Modernism – the belief that man can achieve his own enlightenment

Postmodernism – the denial of absolute truth in favor of personal experience

Marxism – the social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. (Investopedia)

Critical Theory – a social, economic, political philosophy that applies the bourgeoise vs proletariat dynamic in Marxism to every cultural dynamic.

Synonymous: Cultural Marxism

Critical Race Theory – the application of Cultural Marxism as it relates to racial dynamics, disparities, whereby an oppressor vs victim relationship is created among racial or socially-constructed racial lines.

Intersectionality – the navigation of postmodernism where personal experience is given hierarchy depending on the lens of the individual. The more intersections of oppression, according to Critical Theory, an individual has, the clearer the more valuable their experience is.

Social Justice – the remedying of perceived oppressor versus victim dynamics according to Critical Theory

  • Standpoint Epistemology – the belief that a person is limited in their understanding of Scripture according to their Intersectionality Operating Definitions"
  • 9/9/2020
This is not going away, It has been festering in academia for almost as long as the Soviet Union lasted. It has risen to the surface and now stands before us in all its glory. Confidence in its rejection is high.
"Operating Definitions

Modernism – the belief that man can achieve his own enlightenment

Postmodernism – the denial of absolute truth in favor of personal experience

Marxism – the social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. (Investopedia)

Critical Theory – a social, economic, political philosophy that applies the bourgeoise vs proletariat dynamic in Marxism to every cultural dynamic.

Synonymous: Cultural Marxism

Critical Race Theory – the application of Cultural Marxism as it relates to racial dynamics, disparities, whereby an oppressor vs victim relationship is created among racial or socially-constructed racial lines.

Intersectionality – the navigation of postmodernism where personal experience is given hierarchy depending on the lens of the individual. The more intersections of oppression, according to Critical Theory, an individual has, the clearer the more valuable their experience is.

Social Justice – the remedying of perceived oppressor versus victim dynamics according to Critical Theory

  • Standpoint Epistemology – the belief that a person is limited in their understanding of Scripture according to their Intersectionality Operating Definitions"
  • 9/9/2020
This is not going away, It has been festering in academia for almost as long as the Soviet Union lasted. It has risen to the surface and now stands before us in all its glory. Confidence in its rejection is high.
Agreed. It's here to stay.
"Operating Definitions

Modernism – the belief that man can achieve his own enlightenment

Postmodernism – the denial of absolute truth in favor of personal experience

Marxism – the social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. (Investopedia)

Critical Theory – a social, economic, political philosophy that applies the bourgeoise vs proletariat dynamic in Marxism to every cultural dynamic.

Synonymous: Cultural Marxism

Critical Race Theory – the application of Cultural Marxism as it relates to racial dynamics, disparities, whereby an oppressor vs victim relationship is created among racial or socially-constructed racial lines.

Intersectionality – the navigation of postmodernism where personal experience is given hierarchy depending on the lens of the individual. The more intersections of oppression, according to Critical Theory, an individual has, the clearer the more valuable their experience is.

Social Justice – the remedying of perceived oppressor versus victim dynamics according to Critical Theory

  • Standpoint Epistemology – the belief that a person is limited in their understanding of Scripture according to their Intersectionality Operating Definitions"
  • 9/9/2020
This is not going away, It has been festering in academia for almost as long as the Soviet Union lasted. It has risen to the surface and now stands before us in all its glory. Confidence in its rejection is high.
Agreed. It's here to stay. America?
In 1965 the failures of the Great Society and the War on Poverty were predicted by democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a sociologist and state senator. He was ignored, and in the five-plus decades since their imposition, the family structure of Blacks, Whites and to a somewhat lesser degree, Hispanics, has been devastated.

The orphanization of the American nuclear family has ensued to a degree that today threatens the fundamental underpinnings of our society and American colleges along with globalizing corporate America, are making hay while the Sun shines. Get ready for it- “Critical Race Theory”.

What is Critical Race Theory? Well, it is an excuse and a new and improved solution to cover for all those failures. Defying common sense is not new in scholastic and political America so a bureaucratic remedy for a bureaucratic problem is brought forth as just what the doctor ordered. Critical Race theory is nothing more than racism in a fine new suit of clothes.

Fear and hatred are strong emotions. They can be used to lead a stable society into state of flux and undermine its equilibrium. Most Americans already suspect that our system of education has transitioned from legitimate scholarship to gaslighting indoctrination and the carnage in our streets bolsters those suspicions.

Even the smallest Liberal Arts colleges are staffed by administrations that use student loan funding to hobble students with hopeless debt. Gone are the days when basket-weaving seminars like Women’s Studies, and Ethnic history, along with absurd distractions like safe spaces, speech codes and trigger warnings are laughed at and dismissed. Today they are seen as Orwellian slight-of-hand to provide material for a degree that leaves most of the kids ill-prepared to succeed in a global job market ravaged by attacks on nationhood and culturally wrecked by porous borders.

When Donald Trump got elected he started talking about walls, and the wall most feared by the elite Soros-inspired oligarchy running education and politics in America is the wall that could impede the scam of college lending. Few would argue that a modern college education has been spoiled and ruined by idiosyncratic gear-bending to create outcomes favorable to their payday-lending Ponzi schemes.

Now, Critical Race Theory is the new first shot fired into schools and workplaces to intimidate the masses- “It is those bad white people who are unconsciously destroying civilization”. If that makes sense to you, it is already too late.

As stated previously, sir, I enjoy and often look forward to reading your morning posts. That being said, Critical Race Theory is trash political philosophy and it is perhaps the hundredth or thousandth shot fired into the minds of our American youth. The open war against our young minds began over a century earlier with the trickle of Bolshevism into our universities and thus, distilled into public education curricula across the board. Marx and Engel are ultimately to blame, as are Hegel and founding radical leftist philosophers of the French Revolution, including de Sade, and they go back much, much further into the dark waters of human history.

A precursor to Critical Race Theory was postmodernism, which itself is a child of Marxism and Satanism. Nietzsche always gets a bad look from conservatives and a welcoming invite from atheist leftists, but that long dead old man knew his shit—regarding the human condition and all our less savory civilizational tendencies. All in all, I believe—at least for the foreseeable and dim future—we have lost the war for the sanity of the young American mind.
With all due respect, I believe you are wrong about the origins of Critical Race Theory, and also of Postmodernism, and should think again.

Marx and Engels believed that there was an objective truth. They did not demonize any particular race. They were strong supporters of Reason. In any significant American university today, they would be driven off campus within a day.

Their ideas -- or the central one, about the superiority of state ownership and control of the means of production and distribution -- have been shown by life itself to be disastrously wrong. Almost no one supports a government-owned centally-planned economy now. When supporters of 'socialism' use that word, they mean they want something like the Nordic welfare states (which have in fact been great successes -- or were until they decided to commit national suicide).
That is, they want the large corporations -- which subsidize them anyway -- to exist, so that they can get cushy jobs there. But they want the government to redistribute the wealth that these corporations -- and the market system in general -- generate. And they want both the government and the private sector to enforce thought control.

In fact, it was the failure of Marxism that gave rise to Postmodernism, Critical Race Theory, and all the other insanity that now infects the minds of our cultural apparatus.

If you want to read a good Marxist critique of postmodernism, look here: Robot Check

Now, as for Satan as the father of postmodernism ... I didn't know that gentleman bothered about such things. Has he been published anywhere?

The fact is, our country is rapidly going down the tubes. If the Democrats win in November, and especially if they win big, we are in for serious trouble. Buy your AR15s now while you can.
Excellent article.

Of course they won't actually get such an amendment through ... but it's their actual goal in practice.
Their logic is insane. By their reasoning, if there are no African Nobel Prize winners in Physics, it's clearly because of racism.

Years ago, I supervised a Black man (an Afro-Caribbean) for a PhD in Computer Science, which he got. He then went on to get a degree in Law.
This was in England.
He asked me (I'm an American, living in the UK) what I thought about his immigrating to the US.
I told him that if he did, he would have no trouble getting a job at a university ... but that everyone would
assume that his PhD wasn't 'real', that he was an affirmative action beneficiary. And 'everyone' meant both
conservatives and liberals. Whereas in the UK, at least at that time, it would be assumed that he had earned
it, which he had. He stayed in the UK.

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