CPAC official said that the RNC picked Steele to lead the party because "he was a black guy."

It cracks me up that Michael is in a party that's 90% white, the home of the KKK and the Aryan Nation, white nationals, and American Nazi's and is totally shocked when he finds out they are racist.

There can't be more than a dozen blacks in this world who don't know that.

It cracks me up that the supposedly anti-racist inclusive democrat party thinks that any group being majority white equals racism.
It's even more funny when Republican leaders called the first black president boy and tar baby and uppity.

And it's hilarious when they said the ONLY reason they gave Steele the job was because he's black.

So fuking funny.

Would you be happier if they'd referred to him as the Choom Gang President? You played the race card to protect Barry's incompetence for eight long years, R-Derp! He wasn't qualified to hold the job in the first place and got treated with kid gloves by the main stream media BECAUSE he was black!

Except Obama was not incompetent. Nor was the race card played by anyone but conservatives.
It cracks me up that Michael is in a party that's 90% white, the home of the KKK and the Aryan Nation, white nationals, and American Nazi's and is totally shocked when he finds out they are racist.

There can't be more than a dozen blacks in this world who don't know that.

It cracks me up that the supposedly anti-racist inclusive democrat party thinks that any group being majority white equals racism.
It's even more funny when Republican leaders called the first black president boy and tar baby and uppity.

And it's hilarious when they said the ONLY reason they gave Steele the job was because he's black.

So fuking funny.

Would you be happier if they'd referred to him as the Choom Gang President? You played the race card to protect Barry's incompetence for eight long years, R-Derp! He wasn't qualified to hold the job in the first place and got treated with kid gloves by the main stream media BECAUSE he was black!

Trump isn’t qualified to hold the job, plus he’s dishonest and milking the job for all the money he can get.

But that’s OK. At least he isn’t black.
It cracks me up that Michael is in a party that's 90% white, the home of the KKK and the Aryan Nation, white nationals, and American Nazi's and is totally shocked when he finds out they are racist.

There can't be more than a dozen blacks in this world who don't know that.

It cracks me up that the supposedly anti-racist inclusive democrat party thinks that any group being majority white equals racism.
It's even more funny when Republican leaders called the first black president boy and tar baby and uppity.

And it's hilarious when they said the ONLY reason they gave Steele the job was because he's black.

So fuking funny.

Would you be happier if they'd referred to him as the Choom Gang President? You played the race card to protect Barry's incompetence for eight long years, R-Derp! He wasn't qualified to hold the job in the first place and got treated with kid gloves by the main stream media BECAUSE he was black!

Except Obama was not incompetent. Nor was the race card played by anyone but conservatives.

Name something exceptional that Barack Obama did either as a lawyer, a college lecturer or as a legislator from the time he left Harvard Law School until he became a US Senator, IM2? The sad fact is...we elected a man President of the United States because he looked good reading from a teleprompter and had the right skin pigmentation.

Claiming liberals didn't play the race card is laughable.
It cracks me up that Michael is in a party that's 90% white, the home of the KKK and the Aryan Nation, white nationals, and American Nazi's and is totally shocked when he finds out they are racist.

There can't be more than a dozen blacks in this world who don't know that.

It cracks me up that the supposedly anti-racist inclusive democrat party thinks that any group being majority white equals racism.
It's even more funny when Republican leaders called the first black president boy and tar baby and uppity.

And it's hilarious when they said the ONLY reason they gave Steele the job was because he's black.

So fuking funny.

Would you be happier if they'd referred to him as the Choom Gang President? You played the race card to protect Barry's incompetence for eight long years, R-Derp! He wasn't qualified to hold the job in the first place and got treated with kid gloves by the main stream media BECAUSE he was black!

Except Obama was not incompetent. Nor was the race card played by anyone but conservatives.

Name something exceptional that Barack Obama did either as a lawyer, a college lecturer or as a legislator from the time he left Harvard Law School until he became a US Senator, IM2? The sad fact is...we elected a man President of the United States because he looked good reading from a teleprompter and had the right skin pigmentation.

Claiming liberals didn't play the race card is laughable.
No matter what anyone names, your answer would be "doesn't count". You could look up Obama's "legislative record" or what he did while at the very conservative Annenberg Foundation, the place that turned him into a fan of Ronald Reagan, but you won't. You just hate him. He's black and nothing he has done will ever matter to you because he is black.

That's what racists do.

Now, you could ask the same question about Bush. His life was so seedy. Or Trump, who is a true criminal in the White House.

But Obama, it's all about someone he met in the past or his porch or some other such nonsense.

The truth is Republicans are racist. They can insist they weren't two hundreds years ago, but that was two hundred years ago. Today, they are racists. The party is racist. Most of it's members are racist. The honest ones admit it.
Michael Steele is delusional if he thinks for one second, after electing our first black president, that his title wasn't an AA move. The minute the RNC realized republicans weren't gonna play ball with Obama, they dumped his black ass that quick. Michael, get with reality, call it like it is and move on....The RNC is the party of white racist who are anti everything but greed
It cracks me up that Michael is in a party that's 90% white, the home of the KKK and the Aryan Nation, white nationals, and American Nazi's and is totally shocked when he finds out they are racist.

There can't be more than a dozen blacks in this world who don't know that.

It cracks me up that the supposedly anti-racist inclusive democrat party thinks that any group being majority white equals racism.
It's even more funny when Republican leaders called the first black president boy and tar baby and uppity.

And it's hilarious when they said the ONLY reason they gave Steele the job was because he's black.

So fuking funny.

It's uproarious when partisans like you bring up years old statements taken out of context to make your opponents look bad.

This happened LAST WEEK.

The comments about Obama’s were 8 years ago. Hardly a blip in a nearly 250 year old country.

I can’t imagine any context where calling Obama a tar baby wouldn’t be vile and racist.

Tar baby is a metaphor for a sticky situation, or a problem that only gets more complicated the more one tries to engage with it. Variations of tar-baby has roots in native american folklore.
It cracks me up that Michael is in a party that's 90% white, the home of the KKK and the Aryan Nation, white nationals, and American Nazi's and is totally shocked when he finds out they are racist.

There can't be more than a dozen blacks in this world who don't know that.

It cracks me up that the supposedly anti-racist inclusive democrat party thinks that any group being majority white equals racism.
It's even more funny when Republican leaders called the first black president boy and tar baby and uppity.

And it's hilarious when they said the ONLY reason they gave Steele the job was because he's black.

So fuking funny.

It's uproarious when partisans like you bring up years old statements taken out of context to make your opponents look bad.

This happened LAST WEEK.

The comments about Obama’s were 8 years ago. Hardly a blip in a nearly 250 year old country.

I can’t imagine any context where calling Obama a tar baby wouldn’t be vile and racist.

Tar baby is a metaphor for a sticky situation, or a problem that only gets more complicated the more one tries to engage with it. Variations of tar-baby has roots in native american folklore.

You are definitely a white supremacist if you believe a black people are stupid enough to believe that is how and why the term is used. Sorry.....we are not a dumb as you think we are.....but you are showing how much dumber you are than you project yourselves as being, for having such an expectation.
It cracks me up that the supposedly anti-racist inclusive democrat party thinks that any group being majority white equals racism.
It's even more funny when Republican leaders called the first black president boy and tar baby and uppity.

And it's hilarious when they said the ONLY reason they gave Steele the job was because he's black.

So fuking funny.

It's uproarious when partisans like you bring up years old statements taken out of context to make your opponents look bad.

This happened LAST WEEK.

The comments about Obama’s were 8 years ago. Hardly a blip in a nearly 250 year old country.

I can’t imagine any context where calling Obama a tar baby wouldn’t be vile and racist.

Tar baby is a metaphor for a sticky situation, or a problem that only gets more complicated the more one tries to engage with it. Variations of tar-baby has roots in native american folklore.

You are definitely a white supremacist if you believe a black people are stupid enough to believe that is how and why the term is used. Sorry.....we are not a dumb as you think we are.....but you are showing how much dumber you are than you project yourselves as being, for having such an expectation.

Mitt Romney was condemned for referring to a highway construction project as a tarbaby. Was he calling the project a black person? How about when John Mccain called divorce proceedings a tarbaby? What about when John Kerry used the term? Was it racist then?
It's even more funny when Republican leaders called the first black president boy and tar baby and uppity.

And it's hilarious when they said the ONLY reason they gave Steele the job was because he's black.

So fuking funny.

It's uproarious when partisans like you bring up years old statements taken out of context to make your opponents look bad.

This happened LAST WEEK.

The comments about Obama’s were 8 years ago. Hardly a blip in a nearly 250 year old country.

I can’t imagine any context where calling Obama a tar baby wouldn’t be vile and racist.

Tar baby is a metaphor for a sticky situation, or a problem that only gets more complicated the more one tries to engage with it. Variations of tar-baby has roots in native american folklore.

You are definitely a white supremacist if you believe a black people are stupid enough to believe that is how and why the term is used. Sorry.....we are not a dumb as you think we are.....but you are showing how much dumber you are than you project yourselves as being, for having such an expectation.

Mitt Romney was condemned for referring to a highway construction project as a tarbaby. Was he calling the project a black person? How about when John Mccain called divorce proceedings a tarbaby? What about when John Kerry used the term? Was it racist then?

Communication in our culture is not just about words used, but context and background. A word or phrase can have different meanings based upon context and background. We generally know when a term is used as a racial slur.
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It's uproarious when partisans like you bring up years old statements taken out of context to make your opponents look bad.

This happened LAST WEEK.

The comments about Obama’s were 8 years ago. Hardly a blip in a nearly 250 year old country.

I can’t imagine any context where calling Obama a tar baby wouldn’t be vile and racist.

Tar baby is a metaphor for a sticky situation, or a problem that only gets more complicated the more one tries to engage with it. Variations of tar-baby has roots in native american folklore.

You are definitely a white supremacist if you believe a black people are stupid enough to believe that is how and why the term is used. Sorry.....we are not a dumb as you think we are.....but you are showing how much dumber you are than you project yourselves as being, for having such an expectation.

Mitt Romney was condemned for referring to a highway construction project as a tarbaby. Was he calling the project a black person? How about when John Mccain called divorce proceedings a tarbaby? What about when John Kerry used the term? Was it racist then?

Communication in our culture is not just about words used, but context and background. A word or phrase can have different meanings based upon context and background. We generally know when a term is used as a racial slur.

No, I get it. When talking about any "person of color", whitey has to tread very carefully not to step on any verbal landmines.
This happened LAST WEEK.

The comments about Obama’s were 8 years ago. Hardly a blip in a nearly 250 year old country.

I can’t imagine any context where calling Obama a tar baby wouldn’t be vile and racist.

Tar baby is a metaphor for a sticky situation, or a problem that only gets more complicated the more one tries to engage with it. Variations of tar-baby has roots in native american folklore.

You are definitely a white supremacist if you believe a black people are stupid enough to believe that is how and why the term is used. Sorry.....we are not a dumb as you think we are.....but you are showing how much dumber you are than you project yourselves as being, for having such an expectation.

Mitt Romney was condemned for referring to a highway construction project as a tarbaby. Was he calling the project a black person? How about when John Mccain called divorce proceedings a tarbaby? What about when John Kerry used the term? Was it racist then?

Communication in our culture is not just about words used, but context and background. A word or phrase can have different meanings based upon context and background. We generally know when a term is used as a racial slur.

No, I get it. When talking about any "person of color", whitey has to tread very carefully not to step on any verbal landmines.
Yea, because "boy" "tar baby" "uppity" "n!gger" "coon" "welfare queen" "picaninny" "jigaboo" and other such words and phrases are just normal words which we use all the time. It's so difficult to know when to not say them. You never know who you MIGHT insult.
Tar baby is a metaphor for a sticky situation, or a problem that only gets more complicated the more one tries to engage with it. Variations of tar-baby has roots in native american folklore.

You are definitely a white supremacist if you believe a black people are stupid enough to believe that is how and why the term is used. Sorry.....we are not a dumb as you think we are.....but you are showing how much dumber you are than you project yourselves as being, for having such an expectation.

Mitt Romney was condemned for referring to a highway construction project as a tarbaby. Was he calling the project a black person? How about when John Mccain called divorce proceedings a tarbaby? What about when John Kerry used the term? Was it racist then?

Communication in our culture is not just about words used, but context and background. A word or phrase can have different meanings based upon context and background. We generally know when a term is used as a racial slur.

No, I get it. When talking about any "person of color", whitey has to tread very carefully not to step on any verbal landmines.
Yea, because "boy" "tar baby" "uppity" "n!gger" "coon" "welfare queen" "picaninny" "jigaboo" and other such words and phrases are just normal words which we use all the time. It's so difficult to know when to not say them. You never know who you MIGHT insult.

They think they are being "clever" buts they are actually being another word that starts with a C..........COWARDS! They want to be able to call a black person by a derogatory term, then say they were not using it as a pejorative, then laugh with their other racist friends about it. If you want to call us names......take off the spider man underwear.
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That's right! Man up and say it live to a person of colors face. Not on the internet.
That's right! Man up and say it live to a person of colors face. Not on the internet.
Do you follow your own advice? Have you confronted white people about racism in person? Or are you afraid they would tell you to shut the fuck up and get a life?
That's right! Man up and say it live to a person of colors face. Not on the internet.
Do you follow your own advice? Have you confronted white people about racism in person? Or are you afraid they would tell you to shut the fuck up and get a life?

I did it for 32 years paid. I do it now. Never been told to shut up and get a life to my face. And those who decided to diss, get embarrassed by further action. Made a city change it's funding policy because the white city council thought like you. That's how far I've taken it. I'm challenging a local police department now for racism. I'm not a coward like you.
That's right! Man up and say it live to a person of colors face. Not on the internet.
Do you follow your own advice? Have you confronted white people about racism in person? Or are you afraid they would tell you to shut the fuck up and get a life?

I did it for 32 years paid. I do it now. Never been told to shut up and get a life to my face. And those who decided to diss, get embarrassed by further action. Made a city change it's funding policy because the white city council thought like you. That's how far I've taken it. I'm challenging a local police department now for racism. I'm not a coward like you.
Come and see me. I would tell you to STFU.
You are definitely a white supremacist if you believe a black people are stupid enough to believe that is how and why the term is used. Sorry.....we are not a dumb as you think we are.....but you are showing how much dumber you are than you project yourselves as being, for having such an expectation.

Mitt Romney was condemned for referring to a highway construction project as a tarbaby. Was he calling the project a black person? How about when John Mccain called divorce proceedings a tarbaby? What about when John Kerry used the term? Was it racist then?

Communication in our culture is not just about words used, but context and background. A word or phrase can have different meanings based upon context and background. We generally know when a term is used as a racial slur.

No, I get it. When talking about any "person of color", whitey has to tread very carefully not to step on any verbal landmines.
Yea, because "boy" "tar baby" "uppity" "n!gger" "coon" "welfare queen" "picaninny" "jigaboo" and other such words and phrases are just normal words which we use all the time. It's so difficult to know when to not say them. You never know who you MIGHT insult.

They think they are being "clever" buts they are actually being another word that starts with a C..........COWARDS! They want to be able to call a black person by a derogatory term, then say they were not using it as a pejorative, then laugh with their other racist friends about it. If you want to call us names......take off the spider man underwear.

Sounds to me as if you're suffering from severe paranoia and delusions. You might want to get that looked at, boy.
Steele is just figuring this out!? Bless his heart.

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