CPAC Chair: Mitt Romney’s ‘Physical Safety’ Would Be At Risk At Conference

So anyone who believes in the Constitution over the Republican Party is not welcome at CPAC
Defending the Constitution is not a stop hitting your wife question
Sure it is, dipshit. You think because you claim CPAC people favor the republican party over the Constitution
that makes it fact?
That's just very dumb and it's all a fact free claim by dim witted trolls like you.
CPAC & Mitt Romney -- Matt Schlapp Says He Couldn't Guarantee ‘Physical Safety’ | National Review

In 2000, Bush was nominated, won the White House...then in spite of the war in Iraq, won re-election....then republicans suddenly pretended they were tricked into voting for him, if they admit voting for him at all...but he was a hit at CPAC... ..then in 2008, McCain was nominated and we all know how republicans look at McCain now...but he was a hit at CPAC.....then in 2012, Romney was nominated...and today, we all know how republicans look at him....but he too was a hit at CPAC...I don't remember any of them refusing to participate at CPAC out of some fear of something.....However in 2016, Trump was running for president but bitched out of going to CPAC because of his fear of being asked questions....Oh my, how times have changed....

The chairman of the Conservative Political Action Conference raised eyebrows over the weekend when he remarked that he would fear for Senator Mitt Romney’s “physical safety” if he attended the conference.

“This year, I would actually be afraid for his physical safety, people are so mad at him,” CPAC chairman Matt Schlapp told Greta Van Susteren on Fox News’s Full Court Press. “We won’t credential him as a conservative,” Schlapp said Sunday of Romney’s potential presence at CPAC. “I suppose if he wants to come as a non-conservative and debate an issue with us, maybe in the future we would have him come.”

Romney would be under physical threat from who?? Is Schlapp implying that republicans in attendance at CPAC will do Romney physical harm?? Based on what?? Is he claiming Trumpers will physically attack Mitt Romney?? Why?
"Death to Traitors!"

That saying has been around for most of the time Humans have been around.

I don't want to see the RINO sonofabitch physically hurt but he needs to be marginalized for being an asshole and aligning himself with the Democrat filth .
"Death to Traitors!"

That saying has been around for most of the time Humans have been around.

I don't want to see the RINO sonofabitch physically hurt but he needs to be marginalized for being an asshole and aligning himself with the Democrat filth .

When I read this it remind me when Rham Emanuel uttered " Are you fucking retarded!?! "...

My point?

In today political and society it is either you are with us 110% or you are thy enemy...

Mitt Romney has a hatred for Donald John Trump which I can understand but what Trump voters should do is see how many times Mitt Romney has left the plantation to vote with the Democrats and when you realize the percentage is small then let realize Romney is not the enemy and neither is those like Manchin, Collins and so on with right to left leaning moderates.

You did not like his vote and speech which is your right but in the end Romney is no more of a traitor as Manchin is...
CPAC & Mitt Romney -- Matt Schlapp Says He Couldn't Guarantee ‘Physical Safety’ | National Review

In 2000, Bush was nominated, won the White House...then in spite of the war in Iraq, won re-election....then republicans suddenly pretended they were tricked into voting for him, if they admit voting for him at all...but he was a hit at CPAC... ..then in 2008, McCain was nominated and we all know how republicans look at McCain now...but he was a hit at CPAC.....then in 2012, Romney was nominated...and today, we all know how republicans look at him....but he too was a hit at CPAC...I don't remember any of them refusing to participate at CPAC out of some fear of something.....However in 2016, Trump was running for president but bitched out of going to CPAC because of his fear of being asked questions....Oh my, how times have changed....

The chairman of the Conservative Political Action Conference raised eyebrows over the weekend when he remarked that he would fear for Senator Mitt Romney’s “physical safety” if he attended the conference.

“This year, I would actually be afraid for his physical safety, people are so mad at him,” CPAC chairman Matt Schlapp told Greta Van Susteren on Fox News’s Full Court Press. “We won’t credential him as a conservative,” Schlapp said Sunday of Romney’s potential presence at CPAC. “I suppose if he wants to come as a non-conservative and debate an issue with us, maybe in the future we would have him come.”

Romney would be under physical threat from who?? Is Schlapp implying that republicans in attendance at CPAC will do Romney physical harm?? Based on what?? Is he claiming Trumpers will physically attack Mitt Romney?? Why?
Joe Namath was frustrated about the way he was being treated in New York; and one night when he was having dinner with Sonny and Leah Werbler owners of the Jets Complained to them about it.
Leah werbler replied, "Joseph, it's all theatre."
"Death to Traitors!"

That saying has been around for most of the time Humans have been around.

I don't want to see the RINO sonofabitch physically hurt but he needs to be marginalized for being an asshole and aligning himself with the Democrat filth .

When I read this it remind me when Rham Emanuel uttered " Are you fucking retarded!?! "...

My point?

In today political and society it is either you are with us 110% or you are thy enemy...

Mitt Romney has a hatred for Donald John Trump which I can understand but what Trump voters should do is see how many times Mitt Romney has left the plantation to vote with the Democrats and when you realize the percentage is small then let realize Romney is not the enemy and neither is those like Manchin, Collins and so on with right to left leaning moderates.

You did not like his vote and speech which is your right but in the end Romney is no more of a traitor as Manchin is...

You are confused about this.

When Romney aligned himself with the Democrat filth he was a traitor to his party and a traitor to the people that elected him. He was the only Republican in both the House and the Senate to vote with the Democrat assholes.

He didn't do it because he thought that Trump was guilty with the blatant partisan impeachment. He didn't do it because his Mormon god told him to do it. He did it out of spite because he wanted to be Secretary of State and Trump didn't kiss his ass.

No different than when that shithead McCain voted against doing away with Obamacare to spite Trump because Trump didn't kiss his RINO ass.
"Death to Traitors!"

That saying has been around for most of the time Humans have been around.

I don't want to see the RINO sonofabitch physically hurt but he needs to be marginalized for being an asshole and aligning himself with the Democrat filth .

When I read this it remind me when Rham Emanuel uttered " Are you fucking retarded!?! "...

My point?

In today political and society it is either you are with us 110% or you are thy enemy...

Mitt Romney has a hatred for Donald John Trump which I can understand but what Trump voters should do is see how many times Mitt Romney has left the plantation to vote with the Democrats and when you realize the percentage is small then let realize Romney is not the enemy and neither is those like Manchin, Collins and so on with right to left leaning moderates.

You did not like his vote and speech which is your right but in the end Romney is no more of a traitor as Manchin is...

You are confused about this.

When Romney aligned himself with the Democrat filth he was a traitor to his party and a traitor to the people that elected him. He was the only Republican in both the House and the Senate to vote with the Democrat assholes.

He didn't do it because he thought that Trump was guilty with the blatant partisan impeachment. He didn't do it because his Mormon god told him to do it. He did it out of spite because he wanted to be Secretary of State and Trump didn't kiss his ass.

No different than when that shithead McCain voted against doing away with Obamacare to spite Trump because Trump didn't kiss his RINO ass.

Wow, such bitter nonsense Flash.

Well the People of Utah actually have not recalled Mitt Romney and John McCain kept on getting reelected by the people of Arizona, so does that explain something to you?

Also didn't Mitt actually refuse to kiss Donald ass and that is why Donald rejected him?

Also didn't Donald insult Mitt many times?

Hmmm, Donald does a lot to piss off people and guess what?

Some Republicans stated Donald did wrong but it was never worthy of Impeachment, so you better correct yourself when saying Donald did nothing wrong because he did but the House failure was understanding they first must exhaust the courts for Obstruction and there is no abuse of power if they could not prove Obstruction...

The phone call was flawed and wrong and you hold Mitt Romney guilty for not staying the course but I bet those that voted for him will disagree with you...
"Death to Traitors!"

That saying has been around for most of the time Humans have been around.

I don't want to see the RINO sonofabitch physically hurt but he needs to be marginalized for being an asshole and aligning himself with the Democrat filth .

When I read this it remind me when Rham Emanuel uttered " Are you fucking retarded!?! "...

My point?

In today political and society it is either you are with us 110% or you are thy enemy...

Mitt Romney has a hatred for Donald John Trump which I can understand but what Trump voters should do is see how many times Mitt Romney has left the plantation to vote with the Democrats and when you realize the percentage is small then let realize Romney is not the enemy and neither is those like Manchin, Collins and so on with right to left leaning moderates.

You did not like his vote and speech which is your right but in the end Romney is no more of a traitor as Manchin is...

You are confused about this.

When Romney aligned himself with the Democrat filth he was a traitor to his party and a traitor to the people that elected him. He was the only Republican in both the House and the Senate to vote with the Democrat assholes.

He didn't do it because he thought that Trump was guilty with the blatant partisan impeachment. He didn't do it because his Mormon god told him to do it. He did it out of spite because he wanted to be Secretary of State and Trump didn't kiss his ass.

No different than when that shithead McCain voted against doing away with Obamacare to spite Trump because Trump didn't kiss his RINO ass.
Funny how when you dic suckers call someone a RINO -- you never do it based on always do it based on what level of sycophancy one has to your cult leader....

Which is why you dumb asses always have to pretend 4 or 5 years down the line that you never supported one guy or the other -- because you have a habit of worshipping anyone in power, no matter what policy positions that person takes...

As long as that person is in power -- your need to worship him will allow you to support any policy he pushes, even if it was a policy position you were 100% against previously -- but your need to worship power "trumps" whatever BS conservative stance you thought you had...

Lindsey Graham is basically a perfect distillation of the typical republican base supporter...
"Death to Traitors!"

That saying has been around for most of the time Humans have been around.

I don't want to see the RINO sonofabitch physically hurt but he needs to be marginalized for being an asshole and aligning himself with the Democrat filth .

When I read this it remind me when Rham Emanuel uttered " Are you fucking retarded!?! "...

My point?

In today political and society it is either you are with us 110% or you are thy enemy...

Mitt Romney has a hatred for Donald John Trump which I can understand but what Trump voters should do is see how many times Mitt Romney has left the plantation to vote with the Democrats and when you realize the percentage is small then let realize Romney is not the enemy and neither is those like Manchin, Collins and so on with right to left leaning moderates.

You did not like his vote and speech which is your right but in the end Romney is no more of a traitor as Manchin is...

You are confused about this.

When Romney aligned himself with the Democrat filth he was a traitor to his party and a traitor to the people that elected him. He was the only Republican in both the House and the Senate to vote with the Democrat assholes.

He didn't do it because he thought that Trump was guilty with the blatant partisan impeachment. He didn't do it because his Mormon god told him to do it. He did it out of spite because he wanted to be Secretary of State and Trump didn't kiss his ass.

No different than when that shithead McCain voted against doing away with Obamacare to spite Trump because Trump didn't kiss his RINO ass.

Wow, such bitter nonsense Flash.

Well the People of Utah actually have not recalled Mitt Romney and John McCain kept on getting reelected by the people of Arizona, so does that explain something to you?

Also didn't Mitt actually refuse to kiss Donald ass and that is why Donald rejected him?

Also didn't Donald insult Mitt many times?

Hmmm, Donald does a lot to piss off people and guess what?

Some Republicans stated Donald did wrong but it was never worthy of Impeachment, so you better correct yourself when saying Donald did nothing wrong because he did but the House failure was understanding they first must exhaust the courts for Obstruction and there is no abuse of power if they could not prove Obstruction...

The phone call was flawed and wrong and you hold Mitt Romney guilty for not staying the course but I bet those that voted for him will disagree with you...
Actually, no. He became bitter against Trump when he didn’t get SoS. Just as Napolitano did when he didn’t get SC. They were for him before they were against him. They felt deserving and it didn’t work out for them.

So far as Matt Sclapp, don’t know him, but that was a stupid remark.
"Death to Traitors!"

That saying has been around for most of the time Humans have been around.

I don't want to see the RINO sonofabitch physically hurt but he needs to be marginalized for being an asshole and aligning himself with the Democrat filth .

When I read this it remind me when Rham Emanuel uttered " Are you fucking retarded!?! "...

My point?

In today political and society it is either you are with us 110% or you are thy enemy...

Mitt Romney has a hatred for Donald John Trump which I can understand but what Trump voters should do is see how many times Mitt Romney has left the plantation to vote with the Democrats and when you realize the percentage is small then let realize Romney is not the enemy and neither is those like Manchin, Collins and so on with right to left leaning moderates.

You did not like his vote and speech which is your right but in the end Romney is no more of a traitor as Manchin is...

You are confused about this.

When Romney aligned himself with the Democrat filth he was a traitor to his party and a traitor to the people that elected him. He was the only Republican in both the House and the Senate to vote with the Democrat assholes.

He didn't do it because he thought that Trump was guilty with the blatant partisan impeachment. He didn't do it because his Mormon god told him to do it. He did it out of spite because he wanted to be Secretary of State and Trump didn't kiss his ass.

No different than when that shithead McCain voted against doing away with Obamacare to spite Trump because Trump didn't kiss his RINO ass.

Wow, such bitter nonsense Flash.

Well the People of Utah actually have not recalled Mitt Romney and John McCain kept on getting reelected by the people of Arizona, so does that explain something to you?

Also didn't Mitt actually refuse to kiss Donald ass and that is why Donald rejected him?

Also didn't Donald insult Mitt many times?

Hmmm, Donald does a lot to piss off people and guess what?

Some Republicans stated Donald did wrong but it was never worthy of Impeachment, so you better correct yourself when saying Donald did nothing wrong because he did but the House failure was understanding they first must exhaust the courts for Obstruction and there is no abuse of power if they could not prove Obstruction...

The phone call was flawed and wrong and you hold Mitt Romney guilty for not staying the course but I bet those that voted for him will disagree with you...

You are really confused about this.

Romney went along with the Democrat Dirty Tricks Operation Impeachment and that makes him a traitorous asshole. The Only Democrat in both the House and the Senate to do it. His motives were not that the Mormon God told him to do it or that he actually believed the Democrat bullshit case. His motive was petty because Trump wouldn't appoint him Secretary of State.

I suspect that 99+% of the people in Utah that elected him to the Senate were disappointed with the representation they got from him.

Yep, he is a traitor.
"Death to Traitors!"

That saying has been around for most of the time Humans have been around.

I don't want to see the RINO sonofabitch physically hurt but he needs to be marginalized for being an asshole and aligning himself with the Democrat filth .

When I read this it remind me when Rham Emanuel uttered " Are you fucking retarded!?! "...

My point?

In today political and society it is either you are with us 110% or you are thy enemy...

Mitt Romney has a hatred for Donald John Trump which I can understand but what Trump voters should do is see how many times Mitt Romney has left the plantation to vote with the Democrats and when you realize the percentage is small then let realize Romney is not the enemy and neither is those like Manchin, Collins and so on with right to left leaning moderates.

You did not like his vote and speech which is your right but in the end Romney is no more of a traitor as Manchin is...

You are confused about this.

When Romney aligned himself with the Democrat filth he was a traitor to his party and a traitor to the people that elected him. He was the only Republican in both the House and the Senate to vote with the Democrat assholes.

He didn't do it because he thought that Trump was guilty with the blatant partisan impeachment. He didn't do it because his Mormon god told him to do it. He did it out of spite because he wanted to be Secretary of State and Trump didn't kiss his ass.

No different than when that shithead McCain voted against doing away with Obamacare to spite Trump because Trump didn't kiss his RINO ass.
Funny how when you dic suckers call someone a RINO -- you never do it based on always do it based on what level of sycophancy one has to your cult leader....

Which is why you dumb asses always have to pretend 4 or 5 years down the line that you never supported one guy or the other -- because you have a habit of worshipping anyone in power, no matter what policy positions that person takes...

As long as that person is in power -- your need to worship him will allow you to support any policy he pushes, even if it was a policy position you were 100% against previously -- but your need to worship power "trumps" whatever BS conservative stance you thought you had...

Lindsey Graham is basically a perfect distillation of the typical republican base supporter...

You are really confused.

The biggest "cult" leader I have seen lately is that Commie Bernie with that asshole Obama in second place. I mean tens of million idiots voted for Obama's reelection in 2012 after he had a disastrous first term. That is a cult following. He was worshiped by his soul brothers and sisters and the White Guilt Moon Bats and all the other morons that dismissed his disastrous record.

What you call Trump's cult would drop him in a nano second if he had a record like Obama that increased poverty, decreased family income and had dismal economic growth. He would be dropped if he wasn't doing what he promised the voters he would do. Obama didn't do jackshit for the people that voted for him with the exception of the Illegals and welfare queens.
"Death to Traitors!"

That saying has been around for most of the time Humans have been around.

I don't want to see the RINO sonofabitch physically hurt but he needs to be marginalized for being an asshole and aligning himself with the Democrat filth .

When I read this it remind me when Rham Emanuel uttered " Are you fucking retarded!?! "...

My point?

In today political and society it is either you are with us 110% or you are thy enemy...

Mitt Romney has a hatred for Donald John Trump which I can understand but what Trump voters should do is see how many times Mitt Romney has left the plantation to vote with the Democrats and when you realize the percentage is small then let realize Romney is not the enemy and neither is those like Manchin, Collins and so on with right to left leaning moderates.

You did not like his vote and speech which is your right but in the end Romney is no more of a traitor as Manchin is...

You are confused about this.

When Romney aligned himself with the Democrat filth he was a traitor to his party and a traitor to the people that elected him. He was the only Republican in both the House and the Senate to vote with the Democrat assholes.

He didn't do it because he thought that Trump was guilty with the blatant partisan impeachment. He didn't do it because his Mormon god told him to do it. He did it out of spite because he wanted to be Secretary of State and Trump didn't kiss his ass.

No different than when that shithead McCain voted against doing away with Obamacare to spite Trump because Trump didn't kiss his RINO ass.
Funny how when you dic suckers call someone a RINO -- you never do it based on always do it based on what level of sycophancy one has to your cult leader....

Which is why you dumb asses always have to pretend 4 or 5 years down the line that you never supported one guy or the other -- because you have a habit of worshipping anyone in power, no matter what policy positions that person takes...

As long as that person is in power -- your need to worship him will allow you to support any policy he pushes, even if it was a policy position you were 100% against previously -- but your need to worship power "trumps" whatever BS conservative stance you thought you had...

Lindsey Graham is basically a perfect distillation of the typical republican base supporter...

You are really confused.

The biggest "cult" leader I have seen lately is that Commie Bernie with that asshole Obama in second place. I mean tens of million idiots voted for Obama's reelection in 2012 after he had a disastrous first term. That is a cult following. He was worshiped by his soul brothers and sisters and the White Guilt Moon Bats and all the other morons that dismissed his disastrous record.

What you call Trump's cult would drop him in a nano second if he had a record like Obama that increased poverty, decreased family income and had dismal economic growth. He would be dropped if he wasn't doing what he promised the voters he would do. Obama didn't do jackshit for the people that voted for him with the exception of the Illegals and welfare queens.
Here is that "commie" cult leader at a Fox News town hall.....getting MAJORITY support for his healthcare plan....Did I mention this was a FOX NEWS TOWNHAL??

...Something you WILL NEVER SEE TRUMP DO...which is why he is reduced to having to try to claim credit for protecting the very healthcare plan you dic suckers claim you hate....

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