Liberal Media Sounds the Alarm Over Many Empty Seats at NH Democrat Fundraiser:

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Liberal ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl told Clinton-ite and Democrat operative George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that the Democrat party does not look energized.

The Democrats held a fundraiser in New Hampshire Saturday night and there were empty seats in the arena.

This is the same arena in Manchester that President Trump packed to the brim with cheering supporters and many more in the overflow outside!

The Democrat party is also fractured because of the infighting between Bernie Sanders supporters who can’t stand Pete Buttigieg.

Biden has also been taking shots at Buttigieg and “Socialist” Bernie Sanders.


A commie, a senile old man, a FAKE Indian, and a raging queer walks into a fundraiser...... Even staunch DemonRATS are turned off by these "AVERAGE AMERICANS" that don't look and sound like anything GOOD for Americans!
Liberal ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl told Clinton-ite and Democrat operative George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that the Democrat party does not look energized.

The Democrats held a fundraiser in New Hampshire Saturday night and there were empty seats in the arena.

This is the same arena in Manchester that President Trump packed to the brim with cheering supporters and many more in the overflow outside!

The Democrat party is also fractured because of the infighting between Bernie Sanders supporters who can’t stand Pete Buttigieg.

Biden has also been taking shots at Buttigieg and “Socialist” Bernie Sanders.


A commie, a senile old man, a FAKE Indian, and a raging queer walks into a fundraiser...... Even staunch DemonRATS are turned off by these "AVERAGE AMERICANS" that don't look and sound like anything GOOD for Americans!
gateway pundit

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