Covid-19 Issue a Sign of Things to Come


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.
Considering this is the first issue you didnt turn into a "political football" I would suggest you shut your mouth.
Everything is political these days.

Frankly, I thought Bush got a bad rap for the response to Katrina, where there were many authors of that fiasco. But the Buck Stops Here as Harry Truman once opined.

If we had a professional, measured president, we'd have a calm response to this. Unfortunately, we got Trump, which if you watched that press conference he did, probably horrified anyone with a passing knowledge of science.

I also think that reaction to Covid-19 is overblown. But it's scary and it's foreign. But if it hadn't popped the market, something else would have.
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.
Southern border? Another Alinsky statement. You are murderers. Your agendas are the rule. And you go from there. Anyone who studies a Prog's way of political distribution, sees it clearly. The world is more important then the nation. But you want all the rights and privileges of the nation. You also want to be in line first for all the crumbs that fall from the top. Many of your agendas have proven in history to be detrimental to civilizations. We have wasted so much money. We have crapped on so many people that have tried to do the right thing from all ways of living. And you have succeeded to do your agendas by crippling the institution of marriage. And not caring about the costs. It has to get worse for even more of your agendas. your weakness is that there is not enough money for it. But you do not care. You put roadblocks in to get from point A to point B . Eventually people will tire of this and vote in a true authoritarian figure or figures to run over those road blocks. They will also streamline the system no matter who is hurt. Humanity has been there before.
Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

Perhaps you can survive The 21 Judgments if you are not counted among the over 50% of The World’s Population that DIES in just 7 years, or die from the poison waters?

Perhaps you survive The Earthquakes, End Times Plagues, or 1/4 of the animal and plant life dying, or all the fish in the sea dying. Maybe you survive The Judgment of The sun scorching men with fire, and the great sores that men are cursed with, yet they still won’t repent.

Or Perhaps you come to your senses accept Christ and are beheaded for your faith. If not will you survive till Judgment Day?

Will you reign with Christ or will you be cast in to Hell for receiving The Mark of AntiChrist?

Where will you spend eternity?

I laugh at people that panic over Global Warming or a virus like this when The Judgments of God are 10,000 times worse yet they do nothing with their lives to avoid That Great & Terrible Day of The Lord.

You are welcome.

Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.
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Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.
Southern border? Another Alinsky statement. You are murderers. Your agendas are the rule. And you go from there. Anyone who studies a Prog's way of political distribution, sees it clearly. The world is more important then the nation. But you want all the rights and privileges of the nation. You also want to be in line first for all the crumbs that fall from the top. Many of your agendas have proven in history to be detrimental to civilizations. We have wasted so much money. We have crapped on so many people that have tried to do the right thing from all ways of living. And you have succeeded to do your agendas by crippling the institution of marriage. And not caring about the costs. It has to get worse for even more of your agendas. your weakness is that there is not enough money for it. But you do not care. You put roadblocks in to get from point A to point B . Eventually people will tire of this and vote in a true authoritarian figure or figures to run over those road blocks. They will also streamline the system no matter who is hurt. Humanity has been there before.

Not sure why you missed the point so must have tried really hard.
Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

That is, if you are not counted among the over 50% off The World’s. Population in just 7 years.

You are welcome.

Oh, you are one of those nuts? the one who reads the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales.
Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

That is, if you are not counted among the over 50% off The World’s Population that does in just 7 years, or Perhaps you come
To your senses accept Christ and are beheaded for your faith, If not will you survive till Judgment Day?

Will you reign with Christ or will you be cast in to Hell for receiving The Mark of AntiChrist?

Where will you spend eternity?

You are welcome.

Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

I'll take my chances while you wait for some bearded guy on a cloud to come and get you. Loser.
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.
Southern border? Another Alinsky statement. You are murderers. Your agendas are the rule. And you go from there. Anyone who studies a Prog's way of political distribution, sees it clearly. The world is more important then the nation. But you want all the rights and privileges of the nation. You also want to be in line first for all the crumbs that fall from the top. Many of your agendas have proven in history to be detrimental to civilizations. We have wasted so much money. We have crapped on so many people that have tried to do the right thing from all ways of living. And you have succeeded to do your agendas by crippling the institution of marriage. And not caring about the costs. It has to get worse for even more of your agendas. your weakness is that there is not enough money for it. But you do not care. You put roadblocks in to get from point A to point B . Eventually people will tire of this and vote in a true authoritarian figure or figures to run over those road blocks. They will also streamline the system no matter who is hurt. Humanity has been there before.
Eventually people will tire of this and vote in a true authoritarian figure or figures to run over those road blocks.
Trump supporters are already there. It's not the Democrats alone that are causing the problems. Opposition to political ideas is as old as politics. What I am hearing is your little feet pounding the floor because not everyone agrees with how YOU think the world should be run.
Your propaganda is hateful and it fuels even worse disagreement. You have nothing to be proud of.
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.
The irony is lots of vitamin C will help but our corrupt government is silencing this remedy, for the benefit of big pharma. Typical.

Vitamin C and COVID-19 Coronavirus
by Damien Downing, MBBS, MRSB and Gert Schuitemaker, PhD

Vitamin C and COVID-19 Coronavirus
Actually, according to the LA TIMES, we have Chinese sneaking across our southern border....

I guess Corona Virus is cool with the Democrats as long as the wall isn't built to keep them out...

California sees surge in Chinese illegally crossing border from Mexico

The number of Chinese immigrants illegally crossing the Mexican border into California has skyrocketed in recent years, the result of a lucrative smuggling industry, mass migration from China and a diversifying pool of migrants settling in the United States.

Between October and May, the first eight months of the fiscal year, Border Patrol agents in the San Diego sector apprehended an estimated 663 Chinese nationals, compared with 48 in the entire previous fiscal year and eight in the year before that, according to data provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Before then, “we just weren’t getting [Chinese nationals],” said Wendi Lee, a spokeswoman for the Border Patrol.

Lee said criminal organizations involved in smuggling maximize their profits by transporting Chinese immigrants, often charging premiums to get them across the border.
Actually, according to the LA TIMES, we have Chinese sneaking across our southern border....

I guess Corona Virus is cool with the Democrats as long as the wall isn't built to keep them out...

California sees surge in Chinese illegally crossing border from Mexico

The number of Chinese immigrants illegally crossing the Mexican border into California has skyrocketed in recent years, the result of a lucrative smuggling industry, mass migration from China and a diversifying pool of migrants settling in the United States.

Between October and May, the first eight months of the fiscal year, Border Patrol agents in the San Diego sector apprehended an estimated 663 Chinese nationals, compared with 48 in the entire previous fiscal year and eight in the year before that, according to data provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Before then, “we just weren’t getting [Chinese nationals],” said Wendi Lee, a spokeswoman for the Border Patrol.

Lee said criminal organizations involved in smuggling maximize their profits by transporting Chinese immigrants, often charging premiums to get them across the border.
Those are chinese illegal aliens that should be deported along with the mexicans and irish
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

Agreed! The virus does not pick its victims by the side of the political aisle we reside on. FOR ONCE, all Americans should stick together on this one, and complain when OUR side says something stupid.

We have a lot of issues we can disagree about. The health, and protection of our citizens should not be one of them!

Seeing that you are trying to be more than fair Candy, you have my support on your lucid thoughts on this issue.
So you are saying you are going to gamble against God and will suffer The End Times Judgments of God as well as The Reign of AntiChrist?

I’ll be watching how you conduct yourself then while eating popcorn in Heaven.

Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

That is, if you are not counted among the over 50% off The World’s. Population in just 7 years.

You are welcome.

Oh, you are one of those nuts? the one who reads the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales.

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