Covid-19 Issue a Sign of Things to Come

He is coming again. First to Rapture The Church and 2nd to Judge The Earth.The prophesied Resurrection of Israel proves that.

The Tribulation and the appearance of The 4 Horseman of The Apocalypse is the last chance The God Haters and Christ Deniers will ever have before Judgment Day and The Judgments are so Severe, that if
Christ did not appear to End Armageddon, no life would be left on Earth.

But, you, you will take your chances?


My only advice to you is do not take The Mark of AntiChrist. It’s better that you go hungry than go to Hell.

Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

That is, if you are not counted among the over 50% off The World’s Population that does in just 7 years, or Perhaps you come
To your senses accept Christ and are beheaded for your faith, If not will you survive till Judgment Day?

Will you reign with Christ or will you be cast in to Hell for receiving The Mark of AntiChrist?

Where will you spend eternity?

You are welcome.

Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

I'll take my chances while you wait for some bearded guy on a cloud to come and get you. Loser.
He is coming again. First to Rapture The Church and 2nd to Judge The Earth.The prophesied Resurrection of Israel proves that.

The Tribulation and the appearance of The 4 Horseman of The Apocalypse is the last chance The God Haters and Christ Deniers will ever have before Judgment Day and The Judgments are so Severe, that if
Christ did not appear to End Armageddon, no life would be left on Earth.

But, you, you will take your chances?


My only advice to you is do not take The Mark of AntiChrist. It’s better that you go hungry than go to Hell.

Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

That is, if you are not counted among the over 50% off The World’s Population that does in just 7 years, or Perhaps you come
To your senses accept Christ and are beheaded for your faith, If not will you survive till Judgment Day?

Will you reign with Christ or will you be cast in to Hell for receiving The Mark of AntiChrist?

Where will you spend eternity?

You are welcome.

Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

I'll take my chances while you wait for some bearded guy on a cloud to come and get you. Loser.
Let’s Call It Trumpvirus
If you’re feeling awful, you know who to blame.
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

Trump wanted to cut CDC funding (Congress said no), the CDC is short 700 employees,. Trump never replaced the pandemic response, he downplayed the virus, instead of talking about helping people who would get the virus, he was worried about the effect on his campaign.

The stock market dove partially because they fear that Trump has no plan. Her doesn't have a plan.

Me wanting a President that is prepared is not political.
On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.
We should also remember Trump came into office with an intention to destroy any policies instituted by Obama including those related to public health threats.

Trump administration budget cuts could become a major problem as coronavirus spreads

"The cuts started in 2018, as the White House focused on eliminating funding to Obama-era disease security programs.

"In March of that year, Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer, whose job it was to lead the U.S. response in the event of a pandemic, abruptly left the administration and his global health security team was disbanded.

"That same year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was forced to slash its efforts to prevent global disease outbreak by 80% as its funding for the program began to run out.

"The agency, at the time, opted to focus on 10 priority countries and scale back in others, including China."
He is coming again. First to Rapture The Church and 2nd to Judge The Earth.The prophesied Resurrection of Israel proves that.

The Tribulation and the appearance of The 4 Horseman of The Apocalypse is the last chance The God Haters and Christ Deniers will ever have before Judgment Day and The Judgments are so Severe, that if
Christ did not appear to End Armageddon, no life would be left on Earth.

But, you, you will take your chances?


My only advice to you is do not take The Mark of AntiChrist. It’s better that you go hungry than go to Hell.

Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

That is, if you are not counted among the over 50% off The World’s Population that does in just 7 years, or Perhaps you come
To your senses accept Christ and are beheaded for your faith, If not will you survive till Judgment Day?

Will you reign with Christ or will you be cast in to Hell for receiving The Mark of AntiChrist?

Where will you spend eternity?

You are welcome.

Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

I'll take my chances while you wait for some bearded guy on a cloud to come and get you. Loser.

when’s she going to get here?
On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.
We should also remember Trump came into office with an intention to destroy any policies instituted by Obama including those related to public health threats.

Trump administration budget cuts could become a major problem as coronavirus spreads

"The cuts started in 2018, as the White House focused on eliminating funding to Obama-era disease security programs.

"In March of that year, Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer, whose job it was to lead the U.S. response in the event of a pandemic, abruptly left the administration and his global health security team was disbanded.

"That same year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was forced to slash its efforts to prevent global disease outbreak by 80% as its funding for the program began to run out.

"The agency, at the time, opted to focus on 10 priority countries and scale back in others, including China."
Actually, the CDC is saying the Corona Virus is not a major threat here at this time...

CDC director says coronavirus threat in US remains low, but warns there will be new cases

Statistics show that the FLU is a much greater threat to public health...

Flu vs Coronavirus: Which one is more dangerous? Facts that will blow your mind
On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.
We should also remember Trump came into office with an intention to destroy any policies instituted by Obama including those related to public health threats.

Trump administration budget cuts could become a major problem as coronavirus spreads

"The cuts started in 2018, as the White House focused on eliminating funding to Obama-era disease security programs.

"In March of that year, Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer, whose job it was to lead the U.S. response in the event of a pandemic, abruptly left the administration and his global health security team was disbanded.

"That same year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was forced to slash its efforts to prevent global disease outbreak by 80% as its funding for the program began to run out.

"The agency, at the time, opted to focus on 10 priority countries and scale back in others, including China."
Actually, the CDC is saying the Corona Virus is not a major threat here at this time...

CDC director says coronavirus threat in US remains low, but warns there will be new cases

Statistics show that the FLU is a much greater threat to public health...

Flu vs Coronavirus: Which one is more dangerous? Facts that will blow your mind

The eff bee eye has killed more American citizens than this virus ever will.
If you are Judged by God, you blame yourself for being a fear monger and liar.

If you are wise, you repent, quit you slandering, lying, adultery, and thieving, and you accept Christ as Messiah and you start living a new life.

If not you face Christ on Judgment Day.

He is coming again. First to Rapture The Church and 2nd to Judge The Earth.The prophesied Resurrection of Israel proves that.

The Tribulation and the appearance of The 4 Horseman of The Apocalypse is the last chance The God Haters and Christ Deniers will ever have before Judgment Day and The Judgments are so Severe, that if
Christ did not appear to End Armageddon, no life would be left on Earth.

But, you, you will take your chances?


My only advice to you is do not take The Mark of AntiChrist. It’s better that you go hungry than go to Hell.

Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

That is, if you are not counted among the over 50% off The World’s Population that does in just 7 years, or Perhaps you come
To your senses accept Christ and are beheaded for your faith, If not will you survive till Judgment Day?

Will you reign with Christ or will you be cast in to Hell for receiving The Mark of AntiChrist?

Where will you spend eternity?

You are welcome.

Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

I'll take my chances while you wait for some bearded guy on a cloud to come and get you. Loser.
Let’s Call It Trumpvirus
If you’re feeling awful, you know who to blame.
Are you in a hurry for God to Judge you and throw you in to The Eternal Lake of Fire?

Repent and cease your lies, your Salnders, your mocking of God and your blasphemies.

He is coming again. First to Rapture The Church and 2nd to Judge The Earth.The prophesied Resurrection of Israel proves that.

The Tribulation and the appearance of The 4 Horseman of The Apocalypse is the last chance The God Haters and Christ Deniers will ever have before Judgment Day and The Judgments are so Severe, that if
Christ did not appear to End Armageddon, no life would be left on Earth.

But, you, you will take your chances?


My only advice to you is do not take The Mark of AntiChrist. It’s better that you go hungry than go to Hell.

Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

That is, if you are not counted among the over 50% off The World’s Population that does in just 7 years, or Perhaps you come
To your senses accept Christ and are beheaded for your faith, If not will you survive till Judgment Day?

Will you reign with Christ or will you be cast in to Hell for receiving The Mark of AntiChrist?

Where will you spend eternity?

You are welcome.

Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

I'll take my chances while you wait for some bearded guy on a cloud to come and get you. Loser.

when’s she going to get here?
If Christ came to reign in His Kingdom on The New Perfect Earth, you’d rebel even against Him.

Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

Trump wanted to cut CDC funding (Congress said no), the CDC is short 700 employees,. Trump never replaced the pandemic response, he downplayed the virus, instead of talking about helping people who would get the virus, he was worried about the effect on his campaign.

The stock market dove partially because they fear that Trump has no plan. Her doesn't have a plan.

Me wanting a President that is prepared is not political.
Are you in a hurry for God to Judge you and throw you in to The Eternal Lake of Fire?

Repent and cease your lies, your Salnders, your mocking of God and your blasphemies.

He is coming again. First to Rapture The Church and 2nd to Judge The Earth.The prophesied Resurrection of Israel proves that.

The Tribulation and the appearance of The 4 Horseman of The Apocalypse is the last chance The God Haters and Christ Deniers will ever have before Judgment Day and The Judgments are so Severe, that if
Christ did not appear to End Armageddon, no life would be left on Earth.

But, you, you will take your chances?


My only advice to you is do not take The Mark of AntiChrist. It’s better that you go hungry than go to Hell.

Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

That is, if you are not counted among the over 50% off The World’s Population that does in just 7 years, or Perhaps you come
To your senses accept Christ and are beheaded for your faith, If not will you survive till Judgment Day?

Will you reign with Christ or will you be cast in to Hell for receiving The Mark of AntiChrist?

Where will you spend eternity?

You are welcome.

Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

I'll take my chances while you wait for some bearded guy on a cloud to come and get you. Loser.

when’s she going to get here?

Whenever she gets here, I’ll show her your post and you’ll be turned from ass into ash.
I have no fear of that. I do fear that God will judge you severely, and God is unwilling that anyone will perish.

You stand in opposition to God, as a stiff necked unrepentant sinner in rebellion against Yeshua, Messiah, yet God is willing to forgive you and bring you in to His Kingdom if you are willing, and if not it will pain Him to cast you out to the Darkness and to Eternal Judgment, because you refused to meet Him even half way.

God has to do this because there is no rebellion, and no sin in heaven, and if you cannot accept Christ God The Son of God as a Price and Payment for your sins, The Father cannot accept you.

Fear God, Repent of your lies, your slanders and all of your other sins so you may escape The Judgments that are to come.

For who will be able to stand in that day when they find themselves on The Final Battlefield Against The Almighty God in The Day of Judgment?

Are you in a hurry for God to Judge you and throw you in to The Eternal Lake of Fire?

Repent and cease your lies, your Salnders, your mocking of God and your blasphemies.

He is coming again. First to Rapture The Church and 2nd to Judge The Earth.The prophesied Resurrection of Israel proves that.

The Tribulation and the appearance of The 4 Horseman of The Apocalypse is the last chance The God Haters and Christ Deniers will ever have before Judgment Day and The Judgments are so Severe, that if
Christ did not appear to End Armageddon, no life would be left on Earth.

But, you, you will take your chances?


My only advice to you is do not take The Mark of AntiChrist. It’s better that you go hungry than go to Hell.

Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

That is, if you are not counted among the over 50% off The World’s Population that does in just 7 years, or Perhaps you come
To your senses accept Christ and are beheaded for your faith, If not will you survive till Judgment Day?

Will you reign with Christ or will you be cast in to Hell for receiving The Mark of AntiChrist?

Where will you spend eternity?

You are welcome.

I'll take my chances while you wait for some bearded guy on a cloud to come and get you. Loser.

when’s she going to get here?

Whenever she gets here, I’ll show her your post and you’ll be turned from ass into ash.
Last edited:
I have no fear of that. I do fear that God will judge you severely, and God is unwilling that anyone will perish.

You stand in opposition to God, as a stiff necked unrepentant sinner in rebellion against Yeshua, Messiah, yet God is willing to forgive you and bring you in to His Kingdom of you are willing, and if not it will pain Him to cast you out to the Darkness and to Eternal Judgment, because you refused to meet Him even half way.

Are you in a hurry for God to Judge you and throw you in to The Eternal Lake of Fire?

Repent and cease your lies, your Salnders, your mocking of God and your blasphemies.

He is coming again. First to Rapture The Church and 2nd to Judge The Earth.The prophesied Resurrection of Israel proves that.

The Tribulation and the appearance of The 4 Horseman of The Apocalypse is the last chance The God Haters and Christ Deniers will ever have before Judgment Day and The Judgments are so Severe, that if
Christ did not appear to End Armageddon, no life would be left on Earth.

But, you, you will take your chances?


My only advice to you is do not take The Mark of AntiChrist. It’s better that you go hungry than go to Hell.

I'll take my chances while you wait for some bearded guy on a cloud to come and get you. Loser.

when’s she going to get here?

Whenever she gets here, I’ll show her your post and you’ll be turned from ass into ash.

Love that about God...”either love me or I’ll kill you”. Makes me laugh everytime
You go where your heart is. God does not want a single person to perish, but he also cannot allow sin in Heaven or on the New Earth which will be like The Garden of Eden.

In His Kingdom, there will no longer be sin. He will remove sin and sinners from His presence forever, and cast all Evil Doers in to the pit that was made for Satan and His Fallen Angels.

You will be with them separated from God, having seen God and rejected by God forever because you chose rebellion with The god of rebellion, Lucifer, and with Lucifer you will go.

I have no fear of that. I do fear that God will judge you severely, and God is unwilling that anyone will perish.

You stand in opposition to God, as a stiff necked unrepentant sinner in rebellion against Yeshua, Messiah, yet God is willing to forgive you and bring you in to His Kingdom of you are willing, and if not it will pain Him to cast you out to the Darkness and to Eternal Judgment, because you refused to meet Him even half way.

Are you in a hurry for God to Judge you and throw you in to The Eternal Lake of Fire?

Repent and cease your lies, your Salnders, your mocking of God and your blasphemies.

He is coming again. First to Rapture The Church and 2nd to Judge The Earth.The prophesied Resurrection of Israel proves that.

The Tribulation and the appearance of The 4 Horseman of The Apocalypse is the last chance The God Haters and Christ Deniers will ever have before Judgment Day and The Judgments are so Severe, that if
Christ did not appear to End Armageddon, no life would be left on Earth.

But, you, you will take your chances?


My only advice to you is do not take The Mark of AntiChrist. It’s better that you go hungry than go to Hell.

when’s she going to get here?

Whenever she gets here, I’ll show her your post and you’ll be turned from ass into ash.

Love that about God...”either love me or I’ll kill you”. Makes me laugh everytime
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The COVID-19 virus is a manufactured virus. Here is why;

1. The virus can be spread by Sputum (coughing), Blood, and feces (the virus remains active for weeks in sewers). While the primary rout of infection is droplets in the air and coughing its the ability of this virus to live in the sewers and in untreated feces that allows rapid spread in homeless populations and 3rd world countries.

Most viruses do not survive in feces and this is a major change from other viruses like it.

2. The virus is active and CONTAGIOUS during its incubation period of 3-24 days. Viruses like this one are usually contagious only after they have multiplied in the body and the patient has a fever along with other signs and symptoms. Not so with COVID-19, this thing is active once contracted and you are A-symptomatic. This means it can be spread before patient zero has a clue they are infected.

3. Most antibiotics do not work on this virus. The ones that do cause damage to the heart due to the amount of medications required to kill the virus. This causes the very young and the very old or immune system compromised individuals to be high mortality. Those who do survive are extremely susceptible to reinfection where they die as they can not be given those antibiotics again without killing them.

4. The CDC has noted several unknown infection rout patients in the last week, one is in Seattle, WA. Not enough information is known at this time about how long this virus can live in the air, estimated at 36-48 hours.

The best course of action at this time is to clean surfaces well with hot soapy water and disinfectants. Kitchen ware are cleaned and a sanitizing cycle on a dishwasher or Clorox in the soapy water is used. All bedding gets a shot of Clorox in the wash. Bath rooms are cleaned often and kept wiped down with soapy water and disinfectants.

The same as you would for people having the flu.

Eat fruits and vegetables regularly as these contain the antioxidants and vitamins that allow the body to fend off viral attacks.

There is a lot of back and forth on this virus and what it can and can not due but looking closely at how China is handling this tells us what we need to know. They are acting and using using equipment commonly used in cleaning up biological attacks. They are spraying whole cities down with bleach/water, some so strong in mixture that it kills live stock and humans who inhale it.

Here in the US we have isolated and quarantined people, something China didn't do initially which allowed the fire to burn. The virus is 0.5 microns in size and the average surgical mask (10 microns) will not stop the virus from spreading but can reduce the droplets you might inhale.
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Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

That is, if you are not counted among the over 50% off The World’s. Population in just 7 years.

You are welcome.

Oh, you are one of those nuts? the one who reads the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales.
In Russian.
I cannot protect you from The Judgment of God, and I cannot save you from The Eternal Flames of Hell and The Judgments to come on This Earth.

I can only give you a small warning and pray you seek God, and accept the gift of salvation, make changes in your life and cease your lies, slanders, and other damnable sins.

I’ve done this, so your eternal fate is now in your own hands. May you find your way back to that One Path in Yeshua that leads to Eternal Life.

Read The Book of Revelation so you can understand why God Leaves you behind when you miss The Rapture to endure the reign of AntiChrist and have to suffer through The 21 Judgments of God during The Tribulation.

That is, if you are not counted among the over 50% off The World’s. Population in just 7 years.

You are welcome.

Oh, you are one of those nuts? the one who reads the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales.
In Russian.

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