COVID-19 Food


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
People have stocked up on groceries, more often than not with foods they never stocked up on before. Sometimes with foods, they have never even eaten before or eaten in a long time. So, suddenly folks have cabinets full of foods in excessive quantities they must use or waste. In addition and just as significant, we are cooking for ourselves far more than we did a few weeks ago when restaurants closed. Seems like kitchens are very popular places nowadays. It's a great time for new recipes and big family meals.

So, has your diet changed with COVID-19? How many of you bought Spam for three first time in years? How many of you have an overabundance of carbs like pasta, rice, and potatoes? How about huge quantities of canned veggies? Great time for baking, so watch the waste line.
People have stocked up on groceries, more often than not with foods they never stocked up on before. Sometimes with foods, they have never even eaten before or eaten in a long time. So, suddenly folks have cabinets full of foods in excessive quantities they must use or waste. In addition and just as significant, we are cooking for ourselves far more than we did a few weeks ago when restaurants closed. Seems like kitchens are very popular places nowadays. It's a great time for new recipes and big family meals.

So, has your diet changed with COVID-19? How many of you bought Spam for three first time in years? How many of you have an overabundance of carbs like pasta, rice, and potatoes? How about huge quantities of canned veggies? Great time for baking, so watch the waste line.
I'm making Bat Soup.
Mmmm ... Spam.

For many years I had heard people joke about how bad Spam was, but had never tried it myself. I figured it was just some ongoing meme that people latched onto, so I finally decided to try it for the first time a few years ago. It's WAY WORSE than I'd ever imagined.
Mmmm ... Spam.
Spam encouraged me to start this thread. I have many Rusian and East Europen friends and they are trying spam for the first time. Russian canned meat is a beef product called Toshunka. Nothing like spam.
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People have stocked up on groceries, more often than not with foods they never stocked up on before. Sometimes with foods, they have never even eaten before or eaten in a long time. So, suddenly folks have cabinets full of foods in excessive quantities they must use or waste. In addition and just as significant, we are cooking for ourselves far more than we did a few weeks ago when restaurants closed. Seems like kitchens are very popular places nowadays. It's a great time for new recipes and big family meals.

So, has your diet changed with COVID-19? How many of you bought Spam for three first time in years? How many of you have an overabundance of carbs like pasta, rice, and potatoes? How about huge quantities of canned veggies? Great time for baking, so watch the waste line.
I'm making Bat Soup.
Bat burgers here...
I've been stocking up on tampons and hot sauce. Dip one of those absorbent bad boys into a bowl of sriracha, and you can eat for a week.
Mmmm ... Spam.

For many years I had heard people joke about how bad Spam was, but had never tried it myself. I figured it was just some ongoing meme that people latched onto, so I finally decided to try it for the first time a few years ago. It's WAY WORSE than I'd ever imagined.
Try frying until burnt to a crisp and smothering it with horseradish mustard or hot sauce for a sandwich.
Two freezers, the fridge, and the pantry are still full. Five cases of these in the garage, too...

Pancakes are cheap and the ready complete stuff stores well. Folks have bought up complete pancake mix like crazy for some reason. Stuff is cheap.
Two freezers, the fridge, and the pantry are still full. Five cases of these in the garage, too...

Hopefully, it will be a while before you need to bust into them, although some of them are pretty good. I haven;r had the newer versions. The last time I had them was in the early 90s.
Two freezers, the fridge, and the pantry are still full. Five cases of these in the garage, too...

Hopefully, it will be a while before you need to bust into them, although some of them are pretty good. I haven;r had the newer versions. The last time I had them was in the early 90s.

Probably won't ever have to. Walmart isn't experiencing any food shortages now.
Two freezers, the fridge, and the pantry are still full. Five cases of these in the garage, too...

Hopefully, it will be a while before you need to bust into them, although some of them are pretty good. I haven;r had the newer versions. The last time I had them was in the early 90s.

Probably won't ever have to. Walmart isn't experiencing any food shortages now.
Would take more than the current crisis for me to go in a Walmart.
People have stocked up on groceries, more often than not with foods they never stocked up on before. Sometimes with foods, they have never even eaten before or eaten in a long time. So, suddenly folks have cabinets full of foods in excessive quantities they must use or waste. In addition and just as significant, we are cooking for ourselves far more than we did a few weeks ago when restaurants closed. Seems like kitchens are very popular places nowadays. It's a great time for new recipes and big family meals.

So, has your diet changed with COVID-19? How many of you bought Spam for three first time in years? How many of you have an overabundance of carbs like pasta, rice, and potatoes? How about huge quantities of canned veggies? Great time for baking, so watch the waste line.

I have cooked more at home in the last 3 weeks than I have in years. I don't wanna. I have a low sodium diet so no canned stuff (sodium is in every freaking thing) unless I can't get around it. The awesome part is that my diet changed right at the time that everyone was flipping out and buying all kinds of beef and canned food. It was down right easy for me to go in and get fresh vegetables, tofu and salmon. Nobody was buying that. Nobody bought basmati rice or brown rice either. I found one bag of whole wheat pasta and then said to hell with it and bought one of those gadgets to make zoodles. So, we are doing good with what we are buying so far.
People have stocked up on groceries, more often than not with foods they never stocked up on before. Sometimes with foods, they have never even eaten before or eaten in a long time. So, suddenly folks have cabinets full of foods in excessive quantities they must use or waste. In addition and just as significant, we are cooking for ourselves far more than we did a few weeks ago when restaurants closed. Seems like kitchens are very popular places nowadays. It's a great time for new recipes and big family meals.

So, has your diet changed with COVID-19? How many of you bought Spam for three first time in years? How many of you have an overabundance of carbs like pasta, rice, and potatoes? How about huge quantities of canned veggies? Great time for baking, so watch the waste line.

I have cooked more at home in the last 3 weeks than I have in years. I don't wanna. I have a low sodium diet so no canned stuff (sodium is in every freaking thing) unless I can't get around it. The awesome part is that my diet changed right at the time that everyone was flipping out and buying all kinds of beef and canned food. It was down right easy for me to go in and get fresh vegetables, tofu and salmon. Nobody was buying that. Nobody bought basmati rice or brown rice either. I found one bag of whole wheat pasta and then said to hell with it and bought one of those gadgets to make zoodles. So, we are doing good with what we are buying so far.
It seems like a gamble as to whether fresh foods will continue to be readily available. Also, your kind of diet may require a lot of trips to the grocery store. We have a garden and even if you don't you may want to consider drying veggies and fruits. Spend summer drying fresh vegetables and fruits and you will be stocked up for next winter.
In a way, my diet has changed because of Covid 19, but only because I have been on a diet since June 1st of last year. I've started cheating over the weekends, but only because you will stop losing weight if your eating habits are not different here and there compared to how you keep them when trying to lose weight and eventually cutting out more carbs or whatever it is that you are trying to stay away from can no longer be an option. Its then either eat or starve. What does that have to do with the Covid 19 issue? Since I can't be at the gym like I normally would be, I have decided to ease up a little bit on how I have been eating, but once the gyms are open again, I intend to go right back to how things were going before this health matter took place. People have told me that the right to cheat has been worked for and earned and so I guess that if they saw me now, they would be proud of me. :D :D :D

God bless you and them always!!!

Pancakes are cheap and the ready complete stuff stores well. Folks have bought up complete pancake mix like crazy for some reason. Stuff is cheap.
Yeah except it taste like the cardboard box it is stored in.
I will never figure out why people buy pancake mix... I is literally no faster than making yourself, and real pancakes don't have that stale flavor mixes do.

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