Cop Killer at Bundy Ranch Video

The mental midgets have been buying into the deranged rants of their radio gods for a quite a while. They never tire of being told over and over and over, for years on end, that the government is hoarding ammo and is going to put them in FEMA camps.

Classic brainwashing.

And now one of the more feeble-minded was so convinced these paranoid fantasies that have been fed to him are real that he felt compelled to act out on them.
Confrontations like that seem to draw crazy people. There is no way to keep them out. Jesse Jackson used to turn up at the sscene of every racially motivated murder in the Country. Does that mean he is involved? Actually the Bundy people did kick them off the property
The fact that these two right-wing white trash American Talibaggers were denounced by the stupid racist Bundy "militia" as being too radical just emphasizes the stupidity of the American Talibagger party.

These two freaks were "too radical" to use unarmed women and children as human shields. The American Taliban should at least be scorned and ridiculed, but preferably broken and abused nationwide because it is a terrorist organization.
Confrontations like that seem to draw crazy people. There is no way to keep them out. Jesse Jackson used to turn up at the sscene of every racially motivated murder in the Country. Does that mean he is involved? Actually the Bundy people did kick them off the property

Link with evidence - one bundy kid said so, that's not evidence, that's CYA.

:lol::lol: Jeez...See what all that anti govt crap gets you? An animal that you cant even control which is the logical outcome to everyone but the tea party-tread on me bunch

I guess it's safe to assume from your comment that progressives feel as if people should be controlled. Thanks for the confession.

Still playing the victim huh? :rolleyes: don't go shooting up a bunch of cops ok.
The mental midgets have been buying into the deranged rants of their radio gods for a quite a while. They never tire of being told over and over and over, for years on end, that the government is hoarding ammo and is going to put them in FEMA camps.

Classic brainwashing.

And now one of the more feeble-minded was so convinced these paranoid fantasies that have been fed to him are real that he felt compelled to act out on them.

One MORE of the more feeble-minded that let the radio shock jocks drive their hysteria.
Bundy was some rancher who was trying to protect himself and his family from 200 armed Federal agents and the left turned him into some they needed to hate for some reason

so now they drag him through mud in something he had nothing do with

can you people crawl any lower to try and make some point, who knows what it is...

what a hater you are

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