Congress To Fund Massive Expansion Of TSA Checkpoints...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Congress is set to give the green light on funding for a massive expansion of TSA checkpoints, with the federal agency already responsible for over 9,000 such checkpoints in the last year amidst increased fears America is turning into a police state following the passage of the ‘indefinite detention’ bill.

The increase in funding has nothing to do with the TSA’s role in airports – this is about creating 12 more VIPR teams to add the federal agency’s 25 units that are already scattered across the country and responsible for manning checkpoints on highways, in bus and train terminals, at sports events and even high school prom nights.

“The TSA’s 25 “viper” teams — for Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response — have run more than 9,300 unannounced checkpoints and other search operations in the last year. Department of Homeland Security officials have asked Congress for funding to add 12 more teams next year,” reports the L.A. Times.

The demand for $24 million in extra funding is in addition to the $110 million spent in fiscal year 2011. The figures are completely independent from the federal agency’s role inside the nation’s airports, which costs taxpayers $5 billion a year.

Read More:
» Congress To Fund Massive Expansion Of TSA Checkpoints Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!,0,3213641.story
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I wouldn't doubt that there is some truth to this, but Alex Jones is not a very credible source. He tends to wildly exaggerate things and I would not rely on him for your information.
I wouldn't doubt that there is some truth to this, but Alex Jones is not a very credible source. He tends to wildly exaggerate things and I would not rely on him for your information.

Given that the "normal" media sources -up to and including Fakes News and blabbermouth radio (talk about wild exaggerations)- all seem to be carrying the water for one brand of central authoritarianism or another, guys like Alex Jones don't seem too far off base anymore.

Much as it grieves me to say so.....
Check points on highways in Tennessee? Great!
Check points on the border with Mexico? Racist!

You see what all this Defense spending is really for right? The US Citizen.

Prison Training.
I wouldn't doubt that there is some truth to this, but Alex Jones is not a very credible source. He tends to wildly exaggerate things and I would not rely on him for your information.

Given that the "normal" media sources -up to and including Fakes News and blabbermouth radio (talk about wild exaggerations)- all seem to be carrying the water for one brand of central authoritarianism or another, guys like Alex Jones don't seem too far off base anymore.

Much as it grieves me to say so.....

Actually Odd, I saw a report about this on Fox News at least 6 months ago. Might even have been a year ago. It's been so long that I can't remember! LOL

And while I don't know Alex...whoever from Adam, I don't think he CAN over exaggerate this!

There have already been several reports of these Viper teams acting like jackbooted thugs in several bus stations and RR terminals. And they ARE asking for expanded funding and powers.

As I said, Fox reported that at the same time as they reported on the Viper teams assaulting a bus station in Georgia like a freakin' swat team taking a crack house. Supposedly threw little old ladies and children to the ground and held them at gun point till they finished their business and then left with no explanation.

NOTHING good will come of more government thugs. How many more ATF operations and agencies can this country stand and remain free? And why in the HELL are our elected representatives forming more and more alphabet soup "Agencies" and then funding each it's own private army?

The freakin' FEDERAL RESERVE now has it's on private army funded by tax dollars...and it is NOT EVEN A GOVERNMENT ENTITY!

This shit has GOT to be stopped!
And most Americans just continue on ignoring the expanding Police State. That's the saddest aspect.
"I prefer dangerous Freedom over peaceful Slavery." - Thomas Jefferson
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." - Goethe
This quote is definitely most apllicable to today's America...

"When Liberty is taken away by force it can be restored by force. When it is relinquished voluntarily by default it can never be recovered." - Dorothy Thompson
And most Americans just continue on ignoring the expanding Police State. That's the saddest aspect.
Or accept it in the context of their fear of ‘terrorism.’ Indeed, elected officials enact such legislation out of a fear of voters’ reprisals should any legislator be perceived as ‘soft on terror.’

It’s National insanity.
Yea my stomach turned when i read about the TSA Goon boasting about their expansion goals. What a Gestapo asshole.
Meet the new Boss,same as the old Boss. Barack Obama is currently expanding the Police State at an alarming rate. "Hope & Change?" Biggest dupe-job in History.
"I have no fear that the result of our experiment will be that men may be trusted to govern themselves without a master." - Thomas Jefferson

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