Confirmed - Liberal Indoctrination BROKE America: Teen Snowflakes - Global Warming Linked to Slavery


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Linked to ‘Colonialism, Slavery

Somewhere out there, Jonathon Gruber just peed himself a little due to laughing so hard reading this...

'Teen climate activist Jamie Margolin testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis alongside fellow activist Greta Thunberg on Wednesday and declared that the climate “crisis” is directly linked to colonialism and slavery.

The Seattle native — joined by Thunberg, the famed European climate activist who recently
received stunning accolades from former President Obama (why am I NOT surprised...) — told U.S. lawmakers that her generation lives with constant “fear and despair” due to the climate crisis and added that climate change is directly linked to colonialism, slavery, and natural resource extraction.

“I want the entirety of Congress — in fact, the whole U.S. government — to remember the fear and despair that my generation lives with every day, and I want you to hold on to it,” she said.'

'Remember it', honey?! Who the hell do you think is responsible for the 'fear and despair' you live with every day? That 'fear and despair' has been brought to you, drummed into your ignorant little head, by Socialist Democrat Environmental Extremists for the last 40 YEARS!

Again, as I pointed out in a different thread yesterday, Democrats have been fully engaged in this 'FEAR-MONGERING' since at LEAST 1969. Decades ago, before Al Gore tried to run his scam, Liberal extremists declared people would 'DISAPPEAR IN A BLUE MIST' due to Climate Change. Democrats warned of another ICE AGE back in the 70s and early 80s only to flip-flop and declare all of the arctic ice was going to melt and coastal cities all over the world would be under water YEARS AGO due to Global Warming. NONE OF IT CAME TRUE! Recently AOC echoed these false prophecies, declaring Miami, Fl would be under water, parts of NY would be under water, in several years and declared the world is going to end in 11 years (12, at the time).

Someone please show these 2 twits the full list / video footage of all these fear-mongering failed prophecies....after seeing them she and her friend can go back to school, relieved none of this is going to happen.

Were I one of the politicians listening to these indoctrinated bubble-heads I would be tempted to cut them off and tell them to go back to school instead of skipping school to come to Washington to parrot Liberal lies....but their liberal indoctrination camp - better known as Public School - is probably where they 'learned' all of this BS they are spewing in the 1st place. Their testimony would cause me to call for an immediate investigation of their school and the crap they are being fed by Liberal Extremists rather than take action against 'Global Warming' based on their testimony.

....but listening to these poor, unfortunate, indoctrinated teenagers tell Congress - some of them the authors of the lies they are parroting - that Global Warming is a direct result of 'colonization' (ghosts of Barry's Daddy's thoughts/comments) and slavery have confirmed our fears --

Liberal Indoctrination Finally BROKE America.

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Is Linked to ‘Colonialism’
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These dingbats MUST be related to Al Gore or AOC right?

How embarrassing for their parents to have their offspring humiliate themselves in front of the whole world like this.

On a similar note I blame Slavery for my rack & pinion going bad!
If they think that's bad wait until they see the bill we are going to hand them for all this government largess.
These dingbats MUST be related to Al Gore or AOC right?

How embarrassing for their parents to have their offspring humiliate themselves in front of the whole world like this.

On a similar note I blame Slavery for my rack & pinion going bad!

If one of our daughters said something that stupid I'd be mortified
These dingbats MUST be related to Al Gore or AOC right?

How embarrassing for their parents to have their offspring humiliate themselves in front of the whole world like this.

On a similar note I blame Slavery for my rack & pinion going bad!

If one of our daughters said something that stupid I'd be mortified
They start young. My son came home the other day with the impression that it was a bad thing we have electricity. That is the garbage they feed them in the school system now.
These dingbats MUST be related to Al Gore or AOC right?

How embarrassing for their parents to have their offspring humiliate themselves in front of the whole world like this.

On a similar note I blame Slavery for my rack & pinion going bad!

If one of our daughters said something that stupid I'd be mortified
They start young. My son came home the other day with the impression that it was a bad thing we have electricity. That is the garbage they feed them in the school system now.

They push the Christians were the aggressors in the Crusades also...we put a stop to that shit real quick

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Linked to ‘Colonialism, Slavery

Somewhere out there, Jonathon Gruber just peed himself a little due to laughing so hard reading this...

'Teen climate activist Jamie Margolin testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis alongside fellow activist Greta Thunberg on Wednesday and declared that the climate “crisis” is directly linked to colonialism and slavery.

The Seattle native — joined by Thunberg, the famed European climate activist who recently
received stunning accolades from former President Obama (why am I NOT surprised...) — told U.S. lawmakers that her generation lives with constant “fear and despair” due to the climate crisis and added that climate change is directly linked to colonialism, slavery, and natural resource extraction.

“I want the entirety of Congress — in fact, the whole U.S. government — to remember the fear and despair that my generation lives with every day, and I want you to hold on to it,” she said.'

'Remember it', honey?! Who the hell do you think is responsible for the 'fear and despair' you live with every day? That 'fear and despair' has been brought to you, drummed into your ignorant little head, by Socialist Democrat Environmental Extremists for the last 40 YEARS!

Again, as I pointed out in a different thread yesterday, Democrats have been fully engaged in this 'FEAR-MONGERING' since at LEAST 1969. Decades ago, before Al Gore tried to run his scam, Liberal extremists declared people would 'DISAPPEAR IN A BLUE MIST' due to Climate Change. Democrats warned of another ICE AGE back in the 70s and early 80s only to flip-flop and declare all of the arctic ice was going to melt and coastal cities all over the world would be under water YEARS AGO due to Global Warming. NONE OF IT CAME TRUE! Recently AOC echoed these false prophecies, declaring Miami, Fl would be under water, parts of NY would be under water, in several years and declared the world is going to end in 11 years (12, at the time).

Someone please show these 2 twits the full list / video footage of all these fear-mongering failed prophecies....after seeing them she and her friend can go back to school, relieved none of this going to happen.

Were I one of the politicians listening to these indoctrinated bubble-heads I would be tempted to cut them off and tell them to go back to school instead of skipping school to come to Washington to parrot Liberal lies....but their liberal indoctrination camp - better known as Public School - is probably where they 'learned' all of this BS they are spewing. Their testimony would cause me to call for an immediate investigation of their school and the crap they are being fed by Liberal Extremists rather than take action against 'Global Warming'.

....but listening to these poor, unfortunate, indoctrinated teenagers tell Congress - some of them the authors of the lies they are parroting - that Global Warming is a direct result of 'colonization' (ghosts of Barry's Daddy's thoughts/comments) and slavery have confirmed our fears --

Liberal Indoctrination Finally BROKE America.

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Is Linked to ‘Colonialism’
Why are we listening to teen age girls? Ask an old farmer about weather patterns-he could tell you a lot more.
(Being a parent, I would be wary of allowing my teenage daughter to go to Washington after being invited to 'testify' by some Democrat...She would be chaperoned everywhere she went on Capitol Hill / In Congress...)

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Linked to ‘Colonialism, Slavery

Somewhere out there, Jonathon Gruber just peed himself a little due to laughing so hard reading this...

'Teen climate activist Jamie Margolin testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis alongside fellow activist Greta Thunberg on Wednesday and declared that the climate “crisis” is directly linked to colonialism and slavery.

The Seattle native — joined by Thunberg, the famed European climate activist who recently
received stunning accolades from former President Obama (why am I NOT surprised...) — told U.S. lawmakers that her generation lives with constant “fear and despair” due to the climate crisis and added that climate change is directly linked to colonialism, slavery, and natural resource extraction.

“I want the entirety of Congress — in fact, the whole U.S. government — to remember the fear and despair that my generation lives with every day, and I want you to hold on to it,” she said.'

'Remember it', honey?! Who the hell do you think is responsible for the 'fear and despair' you live with every day? That 'fear and despair' has been brought to you, drummed into your ignorant little head, by Socialist Democrat Environmental Extremists for the last 40 YEARS!

Again, as I pointed out in a different thread yesterday, Democrats have been fully engaged in this 'FEAR-MONGERING' since at LEAST 1969. Decades ago, before Al Gore tried to run his scam, Liberal extremists declared people would 'DISAPPEAR IN A BLUE MIST' due to Climate Change. Democrats warned of another ICE AGE back in the 70s and early 80s only to flip-flop and declare all of the arctic ice was going to melt and coastal cities all over the world would be under water YEARS AGO due to Global Warming. NONE OF IT CAME TRUE! Recently AOC echoed these false prophecies, declaring Miami, Fl would be under water, parts of NY would be under water, in several years and declared the world is going to end in 11 years (12, at the time).

Someone please show these 2 twits the full list / video footage of all these fear-mongering failed prophecies....after seeing them she and her friend can go back to school, relieved none of this is going to happen.

Were I one of the politicians listening to these indoctrinated bubble-heads I would be tempted to cut them off and tell them to go back to school instead of skipping school to come to Washington to parrot Liberal lies....but their liberal indoctrination camp - better known as Public School - is probably where they 'learned' all of this BS they are spewing in the 1st place. Their testimony would cause me to call for an immediate investigation of their school and the crap they are being fed by Liberal Extremists rather than take action against 'Global Warming' based on their testimony.

....but listening to these poor, unfortunate, indoctrinated teenagers tell Congress - some of them the authors of the lies they are parroting - that Global Warming is a direct result of 'colonization' (ghosts of Barry's Daddy's thoughts/comments) and slavery have confirmed our fears --

Liberal Indoctrination Finally BROKE America.

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Is Linked to ‘Colonialism’

Love the socialist indoctrination they have been feed... regurgitating crap... What a pile of crap they spewed...
Fact is there is very little evidence to prove that the slight amount of warming Humans have caused through burning fossil fuels so far has changed weather patterns or caused and increase in storm intensity or frequency. No evidence that the colonial period or slavery period contributed to the release of sequestered carbon in the last 150 years.

Fact is there is very little evidence to prove that the slight amount of warming Humans have caused through burning fossil fuels so far has changed weather patterns or caused and increase in storm intensity or frequency. No evidence that the colonial period or slavery period contributed to the release of sequestered carbon in the last 150 years.

Every single item they spewed was factually incorrect.. A Lie....

This is the crap our schools are pushing into our young...

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Linked to ‘Colonialism, Slavery

Somewhere out there, Jonathon Gruber just peed himself a little due to laughing so hard reading this...

'Teen climate activist Jamie Margolin testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis alongside fellow activist Greta Thunberg on Wednesday and declared that the climate “crisis” is directly linked to colonialism and slavery.

The Seattle native — joined by Thunberg, the famed European climate activist who recently
received stunning accolades from former President Obama (why am I NOT surprised...) — told U.S. lawmakers that her generation lives with constant “fear and despair” due to the climate crisis and added that climate change is directly linked to colonialism, slavery, and natural resource extraction.

“I want the entirety of Congress — in fact, the whole U.S. government — to remember the fear and despair that my generation lives with every day, and I want you to hold on to it,” she said.'

'Remember it', honey?! Who the hell do you think is responsible for the 'fear and despair' you live with every day? That 'fear and despair' has been brought to you, drummed into your ignorant little head, by Socialist Democrat Environmental Extremists for the last 40 YEARS!

Again, as I pointed out in a different thread yesterday, Democrats have been fully engaged in this 'FEAR-MONGERING' since at LEAST 1969. Decades ago, before Al Gore tried to run his scam, Liberal extremists declared people would 'DISAPPEAR IN A BLUE MIST' due to Climate Change. Democrats warned of another ICE AGE back in the 70s and early 80s only to flip-flop and declare all of the arctic ice was going to melt and coastal cities all over the world would be under water YEARS AGO due to Global Warming. NONE OF IT CAME TRUE! Recently AOC echoed these false prophecies, declaring Miami, Fl would be under water, parts of NY would be under water, in several years and declared the world is going to end in 11 years (12, at the time).

Someone please show these 2 twits the full list / video footage of all these fear-mongering failed prophecies....after seeing them she and her friend can go back to school, relieved none of this is going to happen.

Were I one of the politicians listening to these indoctrinated bubble-heads I would be tempted to cut them off and tell them to go back to school instead of skipping school to come to Washington to parrot Liberal lies....but their liberal indoctrination camp - better known as Public School - is probably where they 'learned' all of this BS they are spewing in the 1st place. Their testimony would cause me to call for an immediate investigation of their school and the crap they are being fed by Liberal Extremists rather than take action against 'Global Warming' based on their testimony.

....but listening to these poor, unfortunate, indoctrinated teenagers tell Congress - some of them the authors of the lies they are parroting - that Global Warming is a direct result of 'colonization' (ghosts of Barry's Daddy's thoughts/comments) and slavery have confirmed our fears --

Liberal Indoctrination Finally BROKE America.

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Is Linked to ‘Colonialism’
Don't's too late to fix things anyways.
These dingbats MUST be related to Al Gore or AOC right?

How embarrassing for their parents to have their offspring humiliate themselves in front of the whole world like this.

On a similar note I blame Slavery for my rack & pinion going bad!

If one of our daughters said something that stupid I'd be mortified
:71: Of course. :71:
Fact is there is very little evidence to prove that the slight amount of warming Humans have caused through burning fossil fuels so far has changed weather patterns or caused and increase in storm intensity or frequency. No evidence that the colonial period or slavery period contributed to the release of sequestered carbon in the last 150 years.


If you have evidence . Provide it.

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Linked to ‘Colonialism, Slavery

Somewhere out there, Jonathon Gruber just peed himself a little due to laughing so hard reading this...

'Teen climate activist Jamie Margolin testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis alongside fellow activist Greta Thunberg on Wednesday and declared that the climate “crisis” is directly linked to colonialism and slavery.

The Seattle native — joined by Thunberg, the famed European climate activist who recently
received stunning accolades from former President Obama (why am I NOT surprised...) — told U.S. lawmakers that her generation lives with constant “fear and despair” due to the climate crisis and added that climate change is directly linked to colonialism, slavery, and natural resource extraction.

“I want the entirety of Congress — in fact, the whole U.S. government — to remember the fear and despair that my generation lives with every day, and I want you to hold on to it,” she said.'

'Remember it', honey?! Who the hell do you think is responsible for the 'fear and despair' you live with every day? That 'fear and despair' has been brought to you, drummed into your ignorant little head, by Socialist Democrat Environmental Extremists for the last 40 YEARS!

Again, as I pointed out in a different thread yesterday, Democrats have been fully engaged in this 'FEAR-MONGERING' since at LEAST 1969. Decades ago, before Al Gore tried to run his scam, Liberal extremists declared people would 'DISAPPEAR IN A BLUE MIST' due to Climate Change. Democrats warned of another ICE AGE back in the 70s and early 80s only to flip-flop and declare all of the arctic ice was going to melt and coastal cities all over the world would be under water YEARS AGO due to Global Warming. NONE OF IT CAME TRUE! Recently AOC echoed these false prophecies, declaring Miami, Fl would be under water, parts of NY would be under water, in several years and declared the world is going to end in 11 years (12, at the time).

Someone please show these 2 twits the full list / video footage of all these fear-mongering failed prophecies....after seeing them she and her friend can go back to school, relieved none of this is going to happen.

Were I one of the politicians listening to these indoctrinated bubble-heads I would be tempted to cut them off and tell them to go back to school instead of skipping school to come to Washington to parrot Liberal lies....but their liberal indoctrination camp - better known as Public School - is probably where they 'learned' all of this BS they are spewing in the 1st place. Their testimony would cause me to call for an immediate investigation of their school and the crap they are being fed by Liberal Extremists rather than take action against 'Global Warming' based on their testimony.

....but listening to these poor, unfortunate, indoctrinated teenagers tell Congress - some of them the authors of the lies they are parroting - that Global Warming is a direct result of 'colonization' (ghosts of Barry's Daddy's thoughts/comments) and slavery have confirmed our fears --

Liberal Indoctrination Finally BROKE America.

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Is Linked to ‘Colonialism’
Don't's too late to fix things anyways.
There is nothing to fix... So the problem is made up...
These dingbats MUST be related to Al Gore or AOC right?

How embarrassing for their parents to have their offspring humiliate themselves in front of the whole world like this.

On a similar note I blame Slavery for my rack & pinion going bad!

If one of our daughters said something that stupid I'd be mortified
:71: Of course. :71:

Do you ever add anything other than lame snark? I would be You'd be as proud as a flaming peacock because you're just that fucking stupid ya tired old clown.

Now gfy and stop your damn trolling, lardass

Good gawd slavery and this fake climate change shit have nothing to do with each other and you know it
Dammit! My toilet just overflowed. Now I wish I never colonized Africa and brought all those slaves over here.

Oh wait....I didn't do that. :04:
Dammit! My dog just crapped on the garage floor!!

Damn me again for my colonialism and slavery. I gotta quit that shit.

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