Communists(Socialists) Are Cool


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I remember when saying you were a communist would have gotten you ether locked up or it would have caused a negative reaction.
Now it's like, "'re a communist? Cool.......I'm a Sagittarius!!!"

More and more people are coming out of the closet. Pretty soon the 70 or so members of Congress will feel safe enough to loudly proclaim
"I'm A Communist.....And I'm Proud Of It!!!!"

If you look closely at who's been raising hell in Washington the last 12 years or so every single one of them is a known socialist/communist, and every single one of them is a Democrat. Barney Frank, John Conyers, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Dennis Kusinich, Berney Sanders, Jessie Jackson jr., Jim McDermott, John Lewis, Charles Rangel, Bobby Rush, Maxine Waters, Henry Waxman, these people are currently in charge of every committee in Congress. The communists are currently in charge of our government thanks to the Democratic Party.

We don't have a space program anymore. Obama signed that over to Russia. He's given them 7 oil rich islands in the Aleutian chain. No complaints from anyone.

Obama is giving away Aleutian islands to Russia.

Part of Obama’s apparent war against U.S. energy independence includes a foreign-aid program that directly threatens my state’s sovereign territory. Obama’s State Department is giving away seven strategic, resource-laden Alaskan islands to the Russians. Yes, to the Putin regime in the Kremlin.
The seven endangered islands in the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea include one the size of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. The Russians are also to get the tens of thousands of square miles of oil-rich seabeds surrounding the islands. The Department of Interior estimates billions of barrels of oil are at stake.
The State Department has undertaken the giveaway in the guise of a maritime boundary agreement between Alaska and Siberia. Astoundingly, our federal government itself drew the line to put these seven Alaskan islands on the Russian side. But as an executive agreement, it could be reversed with the stroke of a pen by President Obama or Secretary Clinton.
The agreement was negotiated in total secrecy. The state of Alaska was not allowed to participate in the negotiations, nor was the public given any opportunity for comment. This is despite the fact the Alaska Legislature has passed resolutions of opposition – but the State Department doesn’t seem to care.

Russia is calling the shots. It's taking time, but eventually we will be another satellite of the Russian government if we don't do something to stop it.


[ame=]Today's CPUSA - YOUR Party, YOUR Voice! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Communism For Dummies - YouTube[/ame]



American Socialists Release Names of 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks | The Gateway Pundit
Obama is giving away Aleutian islands to Russia : Obama - Primal Habits
Not that we have seen thus far.....................................nor are Fascists.
This is your typical OWS Obama supporter.

He sounds

[ame=]Occupy Portland - Clueless Communist Kid - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Occupy Fox! #OccupyWallStreet talks to Fox News and CRUSHES THEM #GlobalRevolution - YouTube[/ame]
A former Soviet hammers an OWS protester.

Very interesting....

[ame=]Former Soviet Citizen Confronts Socialists at Occupy Wall Street (Part 3) - YouTube[/ame]
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Look how much the rest of the world has changed in the last 200 years.

Notice that America hasn't......

[ame=]The world in the last 200 years! - YouTube[/ame]

I remember when saying you were a communist would have gotten you ether locked up or it would have caused a negative reaction.
Now it's like, "'re a communist? Cool.......I'm a Sagittarius!!!"

More and more people are coming out of the closet. Pretty soon the 70 or so members of Congress will feel safe enough to loudly proclaim
"I'm A Communist.....And I'm Proud Of It!!!!"

If you look closely at who's been raising hell in Washington the last 12 years or so every single one of them is a known socialist/communist, and every single one of them is a Democrat. Barney Frank, John Conyers, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Dennis Kusinich, Berney Sanders, Jessie Jackson jr., Jim McDermott, John Lewis, Charles Rangel, Bobby Rush, Maxine Waters, Henry Waxman, these people are currently in charge of every committee in Congress. The communists are currently in charge of our government thanks to the Democratic Party.

We don't have a space program anymore. Obama signed that over to Russia. He's given them 7 oil rich islands in the Aleutian chain. No complaints from anyone.

Obama is giving away Aleutian islands to Russia.

Part of Obama’s apparent war against U.S. energy independence includes a foreign-aid program that directly threatens my state’s sovereign territory. Obama’s State Department is giving away seven strategic, resource-laden Alaskan islands to the Russians. Yes, to the Putin regime in the Kremlin.
The seven endangered islands in the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea include one the size of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. The Russians are also to get the tens of thousands of square miles of oil-rich seabeds surrounding the islands. The Department of Interior estimates billions of barrels of oil are at stake.
The State Department has undertaken the giveaway in the guise of a maritime boundary agreement between Alaska and Siberia. Astoundingly, our federal government itself drew the line to put these seven Alaskan islands on the Russian side. But as an executive agreement, it could be reversed with the stroke of a pen by President Obama or Secretary Clinton.
The agreement was negotiated in total secrecy. The state of Alaska was not allowed to participate in the negotiations, nor was the public given any opportunity for comment. This is despite the fact the Alaska Legislature has passed resolutions of opposition – but the State Department doesn’t seem to care.

Russia is calling the shots. It's taking time, but eventually we will be another satellite of the Russian government if we don't do something to stop it.


[ame=""]Today's CPUSA - YOUR Party, YOUR Voice! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Communism For Dummies - YouTube[/ame]



American Socialists Release Names of 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks | The Gateway Pundit
Obama is giving away Aleutian islands to Russia : Obama - Primal Habits

West Doubles Down on Communist Comments In Glenn Beck Radio Interview

We were infiltrated long time ago...
Your trolling to hard.

And you're not.

A troll is someone who makes smart-assed remarks and never adds to the debate.

I added a video that you probably will not watch of an interview that ended up never airing on Foxnews.

The guy with the Civil War cap said the right tries to destroy the middle-class.

Total leftist propaganda.

I can't say for certain that this interview was aired on's a bit long.....but I'm sure there's nothing on it that refutes what we believe was the mindset of folks in the OWS.

It simply reinforces our belief that most people at the protest, at least early on, were educated yet brainwashed kids that didn't have a clue how things really are in this country.

They relate everything that happens in this country to the evil of some invisible entity that the left uses as a strawman argument.
Your trolling to hard.

If the story IS true....doesn't that bother you at all?

I'm just trying to figure this out

OCCUPIED? It's a fair to answer?

Not a fair question, everything in that post proceeds from the assumption that everything left of Limbaugh is communism, not worth a lot of serious consideration. As to the hoax that Obama is giving away US territory, well that's just stupid.
If the story IS true....doesn't that bother you at all?

I'm just trying to figure this out

OCCUPIED? It's a fair to answer?

Not a fair question, everything in that post proceeds from the assumption that everything left of Limbaugh is communism, not worth a lot of serious consideration. As to the hoax that Obama is giving away US territory, well that's just stupid.

If it wasn't a hoax as far as giving away the territory...would you be okay with it?
If the story IS true....doesn't that bother you at all?

I'm just trying to figure this out

OCCUPIED? It's a fair to answer?

Not a fair question, everything in that post proceeds from the assumption that everything left of Limbaugh is communism, not worth a lot of serious consideration. As to the hoax that Obama is giving away US territory, well that's just stupid.

Pure hyperbole.

I named names. I didn't say that every single Democrat was a communist.

And it is not a hoax. It was widely reported.
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OCCUPIED? It's a fair to answer?

Not a fair question, everything in that post proceeds from the assumption that everything left of Limbaugh is communism, not worth a lot of serious consideration. As to the hoax that Obama is giving away US territory, well that's just stupid.

If it wasn't a hoax as far as giving away the territory...would you be okay with it?

The US decided not to claim those islands decades ago. : Alaskan Island Giveaway?
OCCUPIED? It's a fair to answer?

Not a fair question, everything in that post proceeds from the assumption that everything left of Limbaugh is communism, not worth a lot of serious consideration. As to the hoax that Obama is giving away US territory, well that's just stupid.

Pure hyperbole.

I named names. I didn't say that every single Democrat was a communist.

And it is not a hoax. It was widely reported.

Did you fact check? No you did not.

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