Comedians push anti gun, false propaganda........


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The left wing will use every aspect of life to push their agendas......the education system is controlled by democrat union members, the entertainment industry is controlled by left wing actors, directors, producers and studio heads, and journalism is controlled by left wing, democrat reporters.....

Now we have another aspect of entertainment....comedy, coming in again with left wing propaganda.....

from extranosalley.....
The Hill reports Handgun Control, Inc., now doing business as “The Brady Campaign” has invaded the Funny or Die website with a claim that Arizona is an easy state for criminals who want to buy a gun.

This is not an ordinary lie, or a statistic, so it must logically be a “damn lie.”

The overriding authority for gun purchases is Federal law. Arizona does not, and could not if it wanted to, relax Federal law in any way. Just as North Dakotans, Floridians, Missourians, Texans, Montanans, and in fact every American who purchases a gun from a Federally licensed dealer, must walk by a “Don’t Lie For Th Other Guy” poster, fill out a Federal Form 4473, and undergo a criminal background check before they can walk out of a gun dealers with a gun.

What Arizonans CAN do is take their purchase, holster it, and walk down the street carrying an effective defensive weapon. They will get a close second look by every police officer they pass, and if they are a felon in possession of a firearm they will go to prison for several years.

Despite a truly horrible problem with NarcoCartel related crime and violence, Arizona has held the line on violent crime, with the murder rate going from 6th to 13th since Constitutional Carry was legalized.

Something that is not true of gun ban venues, where the smallest jurisdiction has the most restrictive gun laws and by far the highest crime and violent crime rates in the United States. Violence rates that greatly exceed the world rates for murder, violent crimes, and property crimes.
Here is a detailed piece on the Funny of Die bit.....if it were truly "Funny of Die" these comedians would have assumed room temperature.....

also note....this comedian is being incredibly careless with the alleged BB gun they are using in the is that kind of foolishness that can get people killed....ask Brandon Lee.....and he had people controlling the guns on the set of The Crow.......

The Four rules....

1) all guns are always loaded

2) keep your finger off the trigger until you are going to shoot

3) never cover anything with the muzzle of the gun that you are not prepared to destroy

4) always clearly identify what you are shooting at and what is behind it.....never shoot at sounds or shadows.......

The idiots in this video violate at least 3 of these rules and perpetuate gun stupidity...for the idiots who think this site is actually funny.......

Funny or Die PSA Comedians Trying to Act Gangsta

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