Collective Healing Beginning in November

For four years now anyone who has had an opinion or viewpoint that the far left and their allies in the MSM and on social media did not agree with have been insulted, trashed, demonized and vilified that would not change if Joe Biden was elected. The divide would only get deeper in my opinion as Biden has shown no willingless to stand up to these peopel and that they can steamroll him into going along with pretty much anything they want.
Right now the country is so divided and so angry that in my opinion the country truly needs to have some form of a foreseeable hope of an upcoming collective healing. Come election day in November either Biden will be elected or Trump will be re-elected, that's obvious, but which person would ultimately bring a speedier collective healing? In my opinion it would be Biden since he is much less polarizing. I don't expect the country to instantly come together or for Trump voters to instantly be ok with Biden, I know that won't happen that fast, but I do think that if Biden gets elected that the feeling in the country will sort of instantly start to relax and I think a sense of future calm would be on the horizon a couple of months later. I just personally think that four more years of Trump would leave most Americans exhausted, and I think voters are starting to recognize that. Just my personal opinion.

The country was divided and angry before Trump was elected. The country was divided and angry before Obama was elected. The country was divided and angry before Bush was elected.... FDR... Wilson... Lincoln... Jackson... The country was divided and angry before Jefferson was elected.

Division and anger is nothing new. There are riots now, there were riots under Obama, there probably will be riots under Biden if he was to be elected. There will always be some kind of perceived injustice that are those who perpetually angry will use to cause damage and hurt to others. As long as evil resides in the hearts of men, men will scheme and look for an opportunity to lash out.

What the perpetually outraged people ought to do is stop gorging on the mainstream media and the perpetual hate that spews from these venues ("kill your television" is still a good motto), as well as social media, as it only serves to perpetuate their biases and hate. Maybe talk to their neighbors who (gasp) might actually be from a differing political party and try to view them as an actual human being instead of the enemy and whatever hateful names they want to project on them.
It could be decades before there is any real healing, before the anger ends.

As more positive, beneficial change occurs, as America becomes more diverse and inclusive, the frightened, angry, reactionary right will continue oppose that positive, beneficial change, oppose diversity, and oppose inclusion.

Conservatives will not go quietly into the forgotten back pages of history.

The first thing that will need accomplished is getting the economy back up and running. Biden can't and won't do that. Democrats want everyone dependent on government. When Biden opens the borders, tanks the economy, gives illegals the vote, puts everyone on Medicaid, etc......we're not going to heal. Just the opposite.
It could be decades before there is any real healing, before the anger ends.

As more positive, beneficial change occurs, as America becomes more diverse and inclusive, the frightened, angry, reactionary right will continue oppose that positive, beneficial change, oppose diversity, and oppose inclusion.

Conservatives will not go quietly into the forgotten back pages of history.

Well, ya might want to try meditation, or yoga, or see a shrink, maybe even get a support pet....dumbass.

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It could be decades before there is any real healing, before the anger ends.

As more positive, beneficial change occurs, as America becomes more diverse and inclusive, the frightened, angry, reactionary right will continue oppose that positive, beneficial change, oppose diversity, and oppose inclusion.

Conservatives will not go quietly into the forgotten back pages of history.

Patriotism is key to a societies happiness and agenda. Conservatism and libertarians don't care for division, they want unity based on a common goal of national success. Those who want to divide are interested in drawing your attention away from national issues, while shipping wealth to global socialist shyteholes.

The end result of such division is a lost Middle Class and American Dream.
"The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp." - George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
Right now the country is so divided and so angry that in my opinion the country truly needs to have some form of a foreseeable hope of an upcoming collective healing. Come election day in November either Biden will be elected or Trump will be re-elected, that's obvious, but which person would ultimately bring a speedier collective healing? In my opinion it would be Biden since he is much less polarizing. I don't expect the country to instantly come together or for Trump voters to instantly be ok with Biden, I know that won't happen that fast, but I do think that if Biden gets elected that the feeling in the country will sort of instantly start to relax and I think a sense of future calm would be on the horizon a couple of months later. I just personally think that four more years of Trump would leave most Americans exhausted, and I think voters are starting to recognize that. Just my personal opinion.

^^^ naïve wishful thinking, our hate and loathing of Democrats has grown substantially over the past 4 years. It's clear what traitors they are. Dems have no respect for elections or the will of the people when they lose fair and square. So no we will not heal and come together we will defeat them.
"The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp." - George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

Ain't that the truth.

Right now the country is so divided and so angry that in my opinion the country truly needs to have some form of a foreseeable hope of an upcoming collective healing. Come election day in November either Biden will be elected or Trump will be re-elected, that's obvious, but which person would ultimately bring a speedier collective healing? In my opinion it would be Biden since he is much less polarizing. I don't expect the country to instantly come together or for Trump voters to instantly be ok with Biden, I know that won't happen that fast, but I do think that if Biden gets elected that the feeling in the country will sort of instantly start to relax and I think a sense of future calm would be on the horizon a couple of months later. I just personally think that four more years of Trump would leave most Americans exhausted, and I think voters are starting to recognize that. Just my personal opinion.
There is a lot more at stake this November than just restoring calm. Biden is a career politician who is corrupt to the core and totally owned by China. It also is not a good thing for the most powerful country in the world to have a weak, senile leader.
Come election day in November either Biden will be elected or Trump will be re-elected. Biden since he is much less polarizing.
Get your head out of the clouds. I expect there is every chance that at the last minute, the Democrats will try to delay the election. Maybe Joe will get Covid or a heart murmur. Somehow, they will try to accuse Trump of it. How do I know? Because everything the Democrats plan, they forecast in advance in the form of a Trump accusal. First they accuse Trump of it, then they do it, if they haven't already.

If Biden gets elected, watch who he picks as VP. Joe will never make it through 4 years and his VP will be your new president.

Biden less polarizing? Are you shitting me? The only "polarity" caused by Trump is actually manufactured by democrat progressives, who create it then try to hang it on Trump. Any excuse to want him out of office. Trump actually wants the races to heal. Given the chance, he'd crack down, bring law and order, and talk law and order and self-empowerment-- -- what Blacks need to feel and be truly equal.

If Biden gets in, all he'll do is rah rah for BLM and whip up the Blacks into a frenzy of hate and violence while driving everyone else to the brink of insanity sick and tired of hearing black this and black that with them put on a pedestal like nothing else mattered. It'll only drive the races farther apart than ever.
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Right now the country is so divided and so angry that in my opinion the country truly needs to have some form of a foreseeable hope of an upcoming collective healing. Come election day in November either Biden will be elected or Trump will be re-elected, that's obvious, but which person would ultimately bring a speedier collective healing? In my opinion it would be Biden since he is much less polarizing. I don't expect the country to instantly come together or for Trump voters to instantly be ok with Biden, I know that won't happen that fast, but I do think that if Biden gets elected that the feeling in the country will sort of instantly start to relax and I think a sense of future calm would be on the horizon a couple of months later. I just personally think that four more years of Trump would leave most Americans exhausted, and I think voters are starting to recognize that. Just my personal opinion.
Trump brought the worst out of everyone, brought out the racists, the Neo Nazis, the racial divide, the far right....many including me we didn't care much about politics or presidents...but he is too toxic. We need a career politician to calm everything down 4 more years of Trump and say hello civil war.
Not seeing and hearing all of Trump's negativity 24/7 has exhausted more than half of the U.S. and the world. It has to stop or nothing will change.

Why don't you fuckers pick up where you left off.

Per your previous timeline you should already be talking impeachment (round 2) even though he hasn't been re-elected.

Adam Schitt should be gearing up to outdoor the pathetic performance he put on last time.
Trump brought the worst out of everyone, brought out the racists, the Neo Nazis, the racial divide, the far right....many including me we didn't care much about politics or presidents...but he is too toxic. We need a career politician to calm everything down 4 more years of Trump and say hello civil war.

If you want civil war, you've got it.

I am all to happy to take out those who are enemies to this country.

What Trump brought out was a bunch of impeachment talk by the fuckwits on the left.

Before they ever had a cause.
Right now the country is so divided and so angry that in my opinion the country truly needs to have some form of a foreseeable hope of an upcoming collective healing. Come election day in November either Biden will be elected or Trump will be re-elected, that's obvious, but which person would ultimately bring a speedier collective healing? In my opinion it would be Biden since he is much less polarizing. I don't expect the country to instantly come together or for Trump voters to instantly be ok with Biden, I know that won't happen that fast, but I do think that if Biden gets elected that the feeling in the country will sort of instantly start to relax and I think a sense of future calm would be on the horizon a couple of months later. I just personally think that four more years of Trump would leave most Americans exhausted, and I think voters are starting to recognize that. Just my personal opinion.
Biden is less polarizing because republicans dont riot and attack people. Democrat voters are the problem, not the president.
If you want civil war, you've got it.

I am all to happy to take out those who are enemies to this country.

What Trump brought out was a bunch of impeachment talk by the fuckwits on the left.

Before they ever had a cause.
I don't want any war...but it looks like it. tRump and his base represent everything that we were taught as kids not to be, we've seen a rise of bullying, racism, fascism, Nazism and if tRump wins again people will revolt.
It could be decades before there is any real healing, before the anger ends.

As more positive, beneficial change occurs, as America becomes more diverse and inclusive, the frightened, angry, reactionary right will continue oppose that positive, beneficial change, oppose diversity, and oppose inclusion.

Conservatives will not go quietly into the forgotten back pages of history.
The problem you have is you can’t show us that the “inclusivity” and “diversity” you speak of enhances and improves our nation overall...Conversely, we can prove that such thing causes extreme degradation within our nation.
Here's the thing. When the radical left turns to violence their violence manifests as undisciplined mobs swarming the streets; looting, pillaging, raping, murdering, intimidating and shouting down. Right, so that's kind of scary, you know—when good Americans standing alone against the coward mob find themselves outnumbered fifty or one hundred to one. But get this, and heed my words all you cool internet know-it-all kids. When the Right, radicalized by pathological leftist sociopathy, turns to violence, we do it in highly-trained, disciplined ranks backed up by generations of training in the use of extremely prejudiced lethal force. Sure, Antifa and BLM might tear down a few statues and burn a Wendy's or two, but hear this, motherfuckers . . . we will drone your asses. We will infiltrate your black sweatshirt clad ranks, become your best fucking friends, demonstrate and loot in the streets beside you to gain your trust, and then stab you in your poor little backs. And then we'll hit you from all sides. You want to start a real fucking war over a few ancient statues and Twitter posts, over the death of shit-stain convicts who died like the thug bitches they were, then by all means let's do it. Let's do it, slaughter you to the last, get it over with, put it behind us, and fucking let the healing begin (and the beer flow).

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